Cor Hendriks – Het Boek Qanon (PDF) + Bill Maher als Q + Rechts Extremisme en Q in Europa

Qanon – The Storm (foto otterwalks)

Het Boek Qanon (PDF) + Bill Maher als Q + Rechts Extremisme en Q in Europa

Van de afleveringen over Qanon heb ik een PDF gemaakt van ongeveer 240 pagina’s met veel foto’s, die te vinden is onder aan deze pagina. Alle teksten zijn in het Nederlands. De inhoud is als volgt.

Het Boek Qanon

p. 3 Introductie (vervolg van de aanval op Qanon door MSNBC)

p. 29 Voorspel
De schandelijke Trump show (18 juli 2018)
Is Trump een landverrader? (22 juli 2018)
Waarom de Democraten verloren volgens de Jimmy Dore Show (en zullen blijven verliezen) (6 september 2018)

p. 35 Het Qanon Phenomenon (14 en 24 september 2018)

p. 46 The Sky is Falling! (28 september 2018)

p. 48 De volgers van Q (4 en 11 oktober 2018)

p. 50 De Red Pill: #Walkaway (26 oktober 2018)

p. 53 De #Walkaway March (30 oktober 2018)

p. 55 11 November: Globale reset of Globale collapse? Q is terug!! Trump Putin 2.0 (6 november 2018)

p. 61 Trump in het hol van de leeuw (Parijs, 11-11-2018) (16 november 2018)

p. 63 De invasie van de Verenigde Staten: Thanksgiving Day (26 november 2018)

p. 65 UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, Q in Den Haag en Protesten in Europa (6 december 2018)

p. 68 Nederland van Gidsland naar Laatste in de Rij: De Gele Hesjes Beweging (Yellow VestsGilets Jaunes) (10 december 2018)

p. 76 De Heremiet en de Gele Hesjes (20 december 2018)

p. 81 Santa is about to Drop the Hammer (27 december 2018)

p. 92 Happy Q Year! Wat heeft 2019 in Petto? (6 januari 2019)

p. 94 Pepe the Frog | Mythologie en Politiek (9 januari 2019)

p. 107 De Oorlog over de ‘Borderwall (15 januari 2019)

p. 115 De Fake News Media zijn de Vijand van het Volk (De Covington Affaire) (25 januari 2019)

p. 121 De Oorlog van de Pussy hats en de MAGA hats (30 januari 2019)

p. 126 God Emperor Trump (19 februari 2019)

p. 131 De Jussie Smollett Hoax (25 februari 2019)

p. 137 De Jussie Smollett Hoax (2) (1 april 2019)

p. 142 Trumps Meesterzet (19 april 2019)

p. 144 Hillary Clinton Sacrificing a Chicken in the Backyard to Moloch (28 april 2019)

p. 150 Het Einde van het Qanon Project? (8 juni 2019)

p. 155 Trump speelt 4D schaak met de Squad (21 juli 2019)

p. 159 Trump is (G)een Racist! (6 augustus 2019)

p. 165 Conan, an American Hero + Q is terug! (5 november 2019)

p. 167 Glenn Beck’s Democrats’ Hydra (22 november 2019)

p. 170 Impeachment Lite + Fuck Trump (22 december 2019)

p. 175 Donald Trump op weg naar Herverkiezing 2020 (6 januari 2020)

p. 179 De Geheime Oorlog van Obama tegen Rusland (11 februari 2020)

p. 180 De Komende Coup in de VS (18 september 2020)

p. 190 De Komende Coup in de VS (2): Rode Luchtspiegeling of Rode Golf? (5 oktober 2020)

p. 201 De Media Aanval op Qanon (9 oktober 2020)

p. 228 Leven in de Biden Illusie (24 januari 2021)

Bill Maher Again Claims He Runs Qanon (foto The Wrap)

Een klein stuk uit de introductie

Eveneens aan de linkerzijde, maar minder extreem als MSNBC, is de komiek Bill Maher, die een persiflage van Q deed onder de titel ‘Nieuwe regel: denk als een echte Qanon’ in zijn bekende programma ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’ van 22 augustus, waarin Bill zijn ware identiteit als “Q” onthult en zich verheugt in de omarming van zijn samenzweringstheorieën door President Trump en andere politici.

Tenslotte de nieuwe regel is nu, dat Republikeinen begonnen zijn Qanon te verwelkomen in de politieke MainStream. Het is tijd, dat Amerikanen leren wat het is. Qanon is een groeiende beweging binnen de Republikeinse partij, die gelooft, dat de wereld achter de schermen wordt geregeerd door een kleine groep elitaire liberalen en Hollywood beroemdheden, die zowel Satan vereerders en pedofielen zijn, die baby’s eten en rode schoenen dragen om hun lidmaatschap van deze groep aan te geven. Een groep, die Hillary Clinton, Tom Hanks, Ellen Degeneres, de Paus en iedere president sinds Reagan omvat, en dat er twee helden zijn, die hier een einde aan zullen maken: President Donald Trump en Q zelf, de anonieme leider, die Qanon stichtte met één overheersend thema, dat je bent voorgelogen en dat alles wat je denkt, dat je weet in werkelijkheid het tegenovergestelde is. Wat je ziet en wat je leest is niet wat er gebeurt. Dat is waarom het zin maakt binnen Qanon, dat Trump, die de meeste Amerikanen zien als een seks gluiperd, die binnenloopt bij half geklede schoonheidskoninginnen, verkiezingsconcurenten en tegen minderjarige meisjes zegt, dat hij hen zal daten over tien jaar, in werkelijkheid de christelijke redder, is die deze seksduivels zal vernietigen. Het is ook waarom het volkomen zin maakt, dat ik, libertijn atheïst wiet rokende Trump hatende Bill Maher Q ben, wat ik in deze show onthulde twee jaar geleden, dat is waarom het waar is. Ik ben Q. Je gelooft me niet? Vraag je zelf, is er enig tegenbewijs? Wel, het is twee jaar later en ik ga het je nogmaals zeggen: ik ben Q, Ik ben het en ware Q volgers weten, dat het de waarheid is, omdat het de minste zin maakt. Denk, mensen, dat is alles wat ik zeg. Neem wat je dacht, keer het om en neem dan het tegengestelde van het tegengestelde aan van wat je weet, dat niet waar is. Dan en alleen dan denk je als een ware Qanon. Als je nog meer bewijs nodig hebt, dat ik Q ben, herinner je dan, dat nadat ik was onthuld als Q in 2018 deze oude foto opdook, waarop ik rode schoenen draag, die ik natuurlijk toen droeg om dezelfde reden als  waarom Trump zich gedroeg als een walgelijke perverse figuur de laatste dertig jaar, omdat ik wist, dat deze dag zou komen waarop ik zou moeten bewijzen, dat ik ben wat ik niet ben en wees niet geïntimideerd door de zogenaamde zelfde mensen, die zeggen, dat we dom en lichtgelovig zijn en eenzame doelloze verliezers. O, je kunt de draak steken met ons wat je maar wilt, maar de grap is aan jou, want Qanon is nu zo MainStream, dat 71 Republieken, die voor een ambt gaan, dit jaar in Qanon geloven en hem hebben omhelsd. Dat zijn meer Republikeinen dan geloven in evolutie of groenten. We zijn er zeer trots op, dat een van onze kandidaten, Marjorie Taylor Greene, dapper genoeg is geweest om publiek te zeggen, dat Hillary van Voodoo poppen houdt en dat Planned Parenthood mensenoffers brengt. Zij won zo juist de House voorverkiezing in Georgia. Ze zal in het Congres plaatsnemen. Ga er mee om. Trump noemt haar een toekomstige Republikeinse ster en zij heeft zijn presidentschap genoemd: “een eens in een mensenleven voorkomende gelegenheid om deze globale Cabal van Satan vererende pedofielen uit te schakelen.”  Exact. Dus lach nu, als je wilt, maar denk er aan, dat in de Republikeinse partij de gek van vandaag de MainStream vertegenwoordiger van morgen is, ja voorwaar, noem haar gekker dan een schijthuis rat vandaag, binnen vier jaar zal je haar de winnaar van het Iowa Caucus noemen, hetzelfde met Jo Ray Perkins. Ze zou de volgende Republikeinse Senator van Oregon kunnen zijn en ze zegt: “Ik sta voor President Trump, ik sta voor Q en het team.” Dank je, Joe, ja, we hebben grote vooruitgang gemaakt in de twee jaar sinds ik mezelf onthuld heb. Ik neem daarvoor niet alle credit, maar aandacht moet daaraan worden besteedt. Q handelswaar is nu gewoon te koop bij Trump rallies en President Trump zelf heeft juist deze week nu Qanon publiek omarmd. We exploderen, bitch, kom aan boord van de Q trein. Michael Flynn was de nationale veiligheidsadviseur van dit land en hier is hij op video de eed “Where We Go One We Go All” aan het afleggen. Wij zijn echt, moeder neukers, en wat zo geweldig is nu, is dat ik kan spreken tot mijn mensen, mijn Q mensen, met complete vrijheid, omdat de liberalen gewoon denken, dat ik hier een komediestuk aan het opvoeren ben, zulke idioten. Deze libtards geloven echt, dat Donald Trump me niet mag, dat is wat ze zeiden over Robert Mueller, dat hij Trumps grote vijand was, terwijl Q mensen weten, dat Trump collusie met Rusland simuleerde met het doel om Mueller te werven om met hem mee te doen in het bloot leggen van de ring en het verhinderen van een Coup door Obama. Mueller was zijn werkvrouw, niet zijn vijand. Vorige week dachten deze imbecielen echt, dat Trump me beledigde toen hij tweette “Hij is geheel KAPOT, ziet er verschrikkelijk uit, uitgeput, somber en zwak. Als er ooit een goede reden was voor geen shutdown, kijk dan naar deze lul.” Kijk naar deze lul, ja, kijk naar deze lul, wat hij zegt is: kijk naar onze beweging. Laat je niet in de luren leggen alleen, omdat in diverse tweets en op rallies Trump aan me gerefereerd heeft als suf, niet slim, een sukkel, een schooier, een marionet, een imbeciel, een dwaze maniak, stom, mislukt, pathetisch, opgeblazen, derderangs, krankzinnig, kierewiet, ziek, steenkoud gek, en de domste man op televisie, dat is zijn manier om te zeggen: ik ben met jou, broer. Dus kijk, als je er over denkt om over te stappen naar Q, of zelfs als je denkt een beetje Q achtig te zijn, dan zijn hier wat tips voor stemmen in deze vitale aanstaande verkiezingen. Als eerste ga door met blind ieder afzonderlijk ding, dat ik zeg, te volgen. Dat is het allerbelangrijkste. Ten tweede geloof niet, dat verkiezingsdag werkelijk op dinsdag is, dat is het niet. Ze proberen die truc ieder keer. In feite, deze november, als je werkelijk wilt, dat je stem gehoord wordt, boycot dan de verkiezing door in het geheel niet te stemmen. In feite, laat me je herinneren aan de sleutel instructies voor verkiezingsdag, die ik je twee jaar geleden gaf: verlaat je huis niet op 6 november om welke reden ook zelfs niet om vape juice te kopen. Als je een kelder hebt, ga daar heen of beter, kruip in de kofferbak van je auto, sluit hem en kom er niet uit om welke reden ook, blijf gewoon in de kofferbak van je auto, totdat je hoort van mij. [Hypnotiserende stem:] Blijf in de kofferbak, blijf in de kofferbak, blijf in de kofferbak, maar als je op de een of andere manier in het stembureau komt, mijn mede Q, en hulde uiteraard, ga met trots en druk de knop in voor de man, die Amerika weer groot kan maken (…) Kanye West.

Recent heeft Bill Maher zich opnieuw uitgelaten in een video, die wordt besproken in het artikel van Samson Amore (5 februari 2021) met de titel “Bill Maher: It Makes Perfect Sense That Christians Are Into Qanon”, die te vinden is op

Bill Maher dove headfirst into ripping Trump supporters who are evangelical Christians on the latest episode of HBO’s “Real Time.” During his weekly “New Rules” segment, Maher eviscerated Christians and the Book of Revelations, which he argued was just as unhinged as the conspiracy theories spread by Qanon. Maher also said Trump supporting conservatives who are still convinced the 2020 Election was rigged in favor of President Biden are part of a “mass delusion.” “There’s a lot of talk now about how Republicans should tell their base who still believe the election was rigged that they need to grow up and move on and stop asking the rest of us to respect their mass delusion,” Maher said Friday. “Of course it is a mass delusion. But the inconvenient truth here is that if you accord religious faith the kind of exalted respect we do here in America, you’ve already lost the argument that mass delusion is bad.” Maher argued that it shouldn’t be surprising, then, that most of the senators who objected to certifying the Electoral College votes for Biden were also fundamentalist christians. And many of Trump’s supporters, the host contended, follow the former president with a god like reverence that is often very tied up in their religious beliefs. “When you are a Qanon fanatic, you’re also a fundamentalist christian. They just go together like macaroni and cheese or chardonnay and Valium,” Maher said. During his monologue, Maher pointed out the irony that the separation of church and state, which the United States was supposedly founded upon, has eroded. He also noted that the January 6 attack on the US Capitol incited by Trump was full of religious imagery, including signs that read, “Jesus is my god and Trump is my president” and “Trump | Jesus 2020.” “That insurrection looked like a revival meeting,” Maher quipped. “It’s fun to laugh at Qanon with the baby eating lizard people and the pedophile pizza parlors, but have you ever read the Book of Revelations? That’s the Bible, that’s your holy book, Christians, and they’ve got (…) stuff you only see after the guy in the park sells you bad mushrooms,” he joked.

The host then turned to railing against evangelical christian lawmakers like Ted Cruz and Paul Gosar, who tried to overturn election results by baselessly claiming the 2020 Election was “stolen” from Trump. Cruz and Gosar were among a group of senators who objected to certifying Electoral College results in Arizona, along with Senators Josh Hawley, Cindy Hyde Smith, John Kennedy, Roger Marshall and Tommy Tuberville.

Maher pointed out that each of those senators also identified and campaigned as fundamentalist christians – in particular Alabama Senator Tuberville, who even filmed a campaign ad equating Trump to Jesus. Maher cut to that ad and played a clip where Tuberville says Trump “was sent to us because God knew we were in trouble.”

A longtime outspoken critic of nearly all religions, Maher has referred to himself as agnostic in the past and has said that he thinks all religions are “stupid” and dangerous.Magical religious thinking is a virus and Qanon is just its current mutation. That’s why mega churches play Qanon videos,” he said on Friday. “We need to stop pretending there’s no way we’ll ever understand why the Trump mob believes in him. It’s because they’re religious (…) They’ve already made space in their heads for sh[it] that doesn’t make sense.”

Real Time with Bill Maher – New Rule: America’s Mass Delusion

Published 6 feb. 2021

Real Time with Bill Maher

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It’s fun to laugh at Qanon, but if you accord religious faith the kind of exalted respect we do here in America, you’ve already lost the argument that mass delusion is bad.

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Dezelfde video is ook te vinden op de site van Haaretz ( met de titel “Bill Maher Slams Qanon and Trumpism as America’s Latest ‘Mass Delusion’” met de subtitel “’Please, magical religious thinking is a virus and Qanon is just its current mutation,’ said Maher, HBO’s late night political satirist.

HBO’s late night political satirist, Bill Maher, ripped into the Qanon conspiracy theory over the weekend comparing it to fundamentalist christianity. They “go together like macaroni and cheese.”

As long as we’re going to go to the trouble of another impeachment trial, we might as well be honest about what it’s really about,” Maher started. “The events of January 6th were a faith based initiative.

And Trumpism is a christian nationalist movement that believes Trump was literally sent from heaven to save them,” Maher claimed  during the “New Rules” segment of his weekly show “Real Time.

There’s a lot of talk now in liberal corners about how Republicans should tell their base who still believe the election was rigged that they need to grow up and move on, and stop asking the rest of us to respect their mass delusion,’ Maher said, adding ‘And of course it is a mass delusion, but the inconvenient truth here is that if you accord religious faith the kind of exalted respect we do here in America, you’ve already lost the argument that mass delusion is bad.’

Maher continued by arguing that freshman Congress woman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Jewish Space Laser” conspiracy, while fun to laugh at, is not so far fetched when you look at how the Bible claims the “end of the world” will happen.

All the armies of the world will gather and Jesus will come down on a flying horse, shooting swords out of his mouth and have a thousand year cosmic boss battle with Satan, the Beast, and the Anti Christ,” argued Maher, noting this will happen in Megiddo, Israel – which he has visited.

It’s like 10 ‘Avenger’ movies plus 10 ‘Hobbit’ movies plus a night out with Johnny Depp,” Maher joked.

Please, magical religious thinking is a virus and Qanon is just its current mutation. That’s why mega churches play Qanon videos,” he continued.

It’s the same basic plot. ‘Q’ is the prophet and Trump is the messiah. There’s an apocalyptic event looming, ‘The Storm.’ There’s a titanic struggle of good versus evil, and if you want good to win, just keep those checks coming in,” Maher concluded.

Supporters of QAnon shout slogans against the government’s measures to prevent the spread of Corons Virus 19 infections during a rally on August 10th (fhoto Vadim Ghirda)

Op de site rawstory verscheen op 5 februari het artikel “‘Trumpism is a christian nationalist movement: Bill Maher blasts religion for Capitol riots” van Bob Brigham (

HBOReal Time” host Bill Maher blasted Qanon and Christianity on his Friday evening show.

“New rule, as long as we’re going to go through the trouble of another impeachment trial, we might as well be honest about what it’s really about. The events of January 6th were a faith-based initiative,” Maher said. “And Trumpism is a christian nationalist movement that believes Trump was literally sent from heaven to save them.”

“It’s fun to laugh at Qanon with the baby eating lizard people and the pedophile pizza parlors, but have you ever read the Book of Revelations?” he asked. He then went on to describe how the world ends in the Book of Revelations, “but space lasers from Jews?”

“Please, magical religious thinking is a virus and QAnon is just it’s current mutation,” he argued. “That’s why mega churches play QAnon videos, it’s the same basic plot: Q is a prophet, Trump is the messiah, there’s an apocalyptic event looming – The Storm – there’s a titanic struggle of good versus evil and if you want good to win, just keep those checks coming in.”

We need to stop pretending there’s no way we’ll ever understand why the Trump mob believes in him, it’s because they’re religious. They’ve already made space in their heads for sh*t that doesn’t makes sense,” he continued.

It’s not a coincidence that every senator who objected to certifying the Electoral Vote in Arizona is an Evangelical Christian,” he said.

Het begin van het artikel was overgenomen op de site Daily Kos door praesepe onder de titel “Can we understand the danger Q presents without understanding its religious underpinnings?” ( en is aangevuld met links naar andere artikelen (zie hier onder). Ook wordt op de pagina een poll gehouden over de nogal bevooroordeelde vraag, of het mogelijk is het gevaar, dat Q presenteert te begrijpen zonder het radicaal christelijke nationalistische fundament ervan te begrijpen. Tot nu toe stemden 138 mensen en 79% stemde nee, zie de onderstaande afbeelding.

Poll (foto dailykos) By Kyle Mantyla | August 30th, 2018 ‘How God Confirmed The Legitimacy Of Qanon Via A Prophetic Dream’. The powerful are scheming. The biggest truths have been hidden. Did the apostle Paul love conspiracy theories? By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor,  October 15th, 2020 ‘How Qanon uses religion to lure unsuspecting christians By Jim Denison, Op ed Contributor, October 26th, 2020 ‘What is Qanon? Why it’s dangerous and how christians can respond Zack Stanton. January 4th 2021 ‘It’s Time to Talk About Violent Christian Extremism’. There’s a “strong authoritarian streak” that runs through parts of American evangelicalism, warns Elizabeth Neumann. What should be done about it? Anti Semitism of Christian Nationalists Thanks to Qanon JANUARY 27, 2021  AUTHOR: WASHINGTON POST (CURATED)Christian Nationalists & Qanon Followers Tend to be Anti Semitic. That was Seen in the Capitol Attack.’ Our research finds that identification with Qanon, Christian nationalism, Donald Trump, and anti Semitism are tightly linked. Elana Schor, January 28th 2021 ‘Christian Nationalism Displayed At Capitol Riot Sparks Soul SearchingSome christian leaders have spoken out to denounce what they saw as the misuse of their faith to justify a violent attack. Sun, January 31st, 2021, ‘Christian nationalism is a threat, and not just from Capitol attackers invoking Jesus  Rod Dreher Februari 5th, 2021‘How To Deal With The Qanon Qrazies? Is-is-possible-to-understand-the-danger-Q-present-without-understanding-its-religious-underpinnings August 3rd, 2020 ‘Why Are So Many Christians Falling For Qanon? Bonnie Kristian | August 26th, 2020 ‘Qanon Is a Wolf in Wolf’s ClothingThere’s nothing sheepish about this insidious internet demon. by Abby Ohlheiser August 26th, 2020 ‘Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding Qanon instead.’ How the growing pro Trump movement is preying on churchgoers to spread its conspiracy theories. on display at Capitol riot sparks new debate Say Qanon Conspiracy ‘Poses a Threat to the Global Church‘’ nationalism is a threat, and not just from Capitol attackers invoking Jesus Nationalism’s Role In The Insurrection Was Four Decades In The Making’ New York Times looks at Qanon leader who is, wait, a Manhattan mystic from Harvard?

BBC NewsnightQanon: The conspiracy theory spreading Fake News

Gepubliceerd 24 jul. 2020

Twitter has become the first social media outlet to announce a crackdown on the Qanon conspiracy theory, banning thousands of accounts and blocking web addresses linking to videos and websites spreading it. But what is Qanon and what do its followers believe? Subscribe to our channel here​

At its heart, Qanon is a wide ranging, unfounded conspiracy theory that says that Donald Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping pedophiles in government, business and the media.

Qanon believers have speculated that this fight will lead to a day of reckoning where prominent people such as Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed.

It may sound outlandish, but it hasn’t stopped President Trump himself retweeting tweets from accounts supporting the theories – and those in his circle have posted imagery linked to the group. Since the Corona Virus Pandemic took hold in the US in March there’s been a surge in online Qanon groups.

As the US gears up for its presidential election in November, BBC Population Correspondent Stephanie Hegarty and producer Emma Ailes have been taking a deeper look into Qanon.

#BBC​ #Newsnight​ #BBCNews

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.


Reacties Church of Qanon: How right wing conspiracy theories take the form of religious movements’  The Qanon movement is now being used by some charismatic Christians as a way to interpret the Bible. By Marc André Argentino  May 20th, 2020 08:59 AM UTC.

A man waves a Qanon conspiracy flag at a protest of Corona Virus skeptics (foto Sean Gallup)

Right Wing Extremism: An International Threat

Van 26 februari 2021 is het artikel van William Danvers met de titel “Right Wing Extremism: An International Threat”.

Days after the inauguration of President Joseph Biden, the Department of Homeland Security issued a National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin that stated, “Information suggests that some ideologically motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.”

This came as little surprise as warnings about the rise of right

 wing extremism were growing in the lead up to the January 6th attack on the US Capitol. According to the Anti Defamation League , which closely tracks right wing, terrorist related attacks, 75 percent of the approximately 435 violent terrorist attacks in the United States between 2010 and 2019 were committed by right wing domestic extremists, and 2019 was the deadliest year for right wing extremist violence since the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995.

Q for Querdenker (foto Sean Gallup)

The European Connection

While right wing extremism is rightly viewed as a domestic problem, it is also an international challenge. For example, last August, extremists made an effort to take over the German parliament, although they were not nearly as successful as the insurrectionists that attacked the US Congress on January 6th. The primary connection between US extremist groups and their European counterparts, however, is through the internet. Qanon, a bizarre, conspiracy driven, cult like group that seeks violence against political leaders in the United States, also has an active following in Germany. For example, after the US presidential election, a German Qanon group spread false rumors about a CIA Germany connection and interference in the US election. These rumors were later spread by the right wing German Party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), and picked up by US politicians, Rudy Giuliani, and others. In addition, the US based Proud Boys, which has just been designated a terrorist group by the Canadian government, discussed on the social media platform Telegram how their videos are being more widely shared in Germany.

What makes the popularity of Qanon in Germany so peculiar is the unique nature of Qanon, with its largely US focus on conspiracies driven by US politics, persons, and events. One reason for this connection is the sense of community the internet facilitates between US based extremists and their European counterparts. As a New York Times article on the “Global Far Right” points out.

The transnational links are inspirational rather than organizational, said Miro Dittrich, an expert on far right extremist networks. “It’s not so much forging a concrete plan as creating a violent potential.”

Both China and Russia “have seemingly become safe (internet) harbors for extremist Western content,” Fergus Ryan points out in Foreign Policy. Still, the decision by Twitter, Facebook and Google to de platform extremists, and also to cut off other platforms like Parler, has complicated the transnational social media connection for right wing extremists. But, as Ryan writes, “The founder of neo Nazi rag the Daily Stormer had some advice for the people who ran Parler, after the app was purged from the internet last week: Ask China or Russia for help.” This China Russia internet connection has, therefore, allowed right wing extremists to continue to operate and avoid some restrictions put on them by more MainStream US platforms.

A CSIS report on right wing extremist groups discussed the breadth of platforms these groups are using, “Right wing terrorists have used various combinations of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Gab, Reddit, 4Chan, 8kun (formerly 8Chan), Endchan, Telegram, Vkontakte, MeWe,  Discord, Wire, Twitch, and other online communication platforms.”

ISIS and AQ have also used the internet as a tool to further their agendas.  ISIS established a real caliphate, but as intelligence expert Rebecca Ulam Weiner wrote in Foreign Affairs, “for white supremacists the internet is the caliphate (…)”

The connection between US and European right wing extremist groups is not limited to the virtual world. In particular, Ukraine and Russia are centers of activity for these groups. Ukraine is a place where these groups can congregate to train and plan for operations at home. In its comprehensive report on white supremacy extremism, the Soufan Center notes that, “In Spring 2018, for example, members of the Rise Above Movement (RAM) travelled to Ukraine to celebrate Hitler’s birthday and train with the Azov Battalion, a paramilitary unit of the Ukrainian National Guard, which the FBI says is associated with neo Nazi ideology.”

The Azov Battalion’s Western Outreach Office sees its role as promoting the right wing extremist cause, globally, and, in that regard, has established relationships with groups like RAM and the Atomwaffen Division (AWD), a US based neo Nazi group with affiliates in the United Kingdom, the Baltics, and Germany.

There is also Russian support for US and other right wing extremist groups. The Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) and its para Military affiliate, the Imperial Legion, established training camps for right wing extremists , and, in 2016, trained two Swedish members of the Nordic Resistance Movement who carried out terrorist attacks in Sweden. While there are reports of RIM contact with US based groups, there is no public indication that RIM has trained US right wing extremists.  Nonetheless, RIM and some of its leaders were made part of the US State Department’s Specially Designated Terrorist List, the first white supremacist group to be added to the list. As long as RIM does not challenge the Russian Government, its activities are tolerated within Russia.

The other dimension to the relationship between US and European extremist groups is a common ideological thread exemplified by their martyrs. For example, Brenton Tarrant, the rightv wing extremist who attacked mosques in New Zealand, killing 51 people, was inspired by extremist Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011. They both served as models for Dylann Roof, who brutally killed nine people in a Charleston, South Carolina church. These murderers are revered by other white supremacists. Their shared ideological perspective and writings serve as a common foundation for right wing extremist thinking.

Right Wing Extremists and AQ and ISIS

It is not only notorious white supremacists who offer inspiration for right wing extremist groups in the United States and Europe; Al Qaeda (AQ) and ISIS also occupy that role. While right wing terrorists do not share the same ultimate goals of AQ and ISIS, they do have common interests, as CSIS notes, “In a June 2019 online post, a member of the Atomwaffen Division (AWD) stated, ‘the culture of martyrdom and insurgency within groups like the Taliban and ISIS is something to admire and reproduce in the neo Nazi terror movement.’” In addition, the Base (the English translation for AQ), which has neob Nazi connections, uses a vigorous vetting approach for recruiting new members that is similar to that of AQ. Neo Nazis and other right wing extremists also use online magazines and other writings by Islamist terrorists as how to guides for tactics such as building bombs.

The Soufan Center points out fundamental connections between Islamist terrorists and their right wing counterparts, “While there are crucial differences between jihadis and white supremacy extremists, there are also important similarities and particular ways these groups feed off of each other, including: the utility and cycle of violence; use of the internet; propaganda; recruitment; financing; and the transnational nature of the networks.”

What Is To Be Done

Responses to US right wing extremist groups need to take into account the international relationships these groups have: virtual, operational, and inspirational. A report from the Center for American Progress recommends a number of substantive steps that can be taken to help law enforcement and others fight against right wing extremists in the United States. Among other things, the report mentions working with allies, improving data collection, and passing comprehensive legislation that was introduced in the last Congress. It also recommends passing the Countering Global White Supremacist Terrorism Act, which would require the State Department to develop a strategy to deal with the global threat of right wing extremism.

A more fundamental question is whether Law Enforcement needs new legal tools to confront the growing right wing extremist threat. Finding ways to lessen, if not largely eliminate, social media as an important tool for right wing extremists – both in the United States and internationally – is essential. This could also include such measures as designating these groups as terrorist organizations and allowing law enforcement authorities to take the same intrusive measures it does against foreign terrorists. Such action raises the question of whether this would be a slippery slope toward undermining civil liberties. US policymakers could look into the impact on civil liberties that Canada’s recent designation of Proud Boys, as well as its designations of AWD, the Base and other terrorist organizations, will have in that country.

The G7 is a venue for better coordination of responses among the United States and its allies, particularly the groups’ use of social media. It played a useful role in responding to the post 9/11 terrorist threat, such as its 2016 Action Plan on Combatting the Financing of Terrorism and its 2003 (then G8) “Building International Political Will and Capacity to Combat Terrorism” action plan.  Similarly, the G7 could develop an action plan aimed at the growing challenge of right wing extremist groups. In addition, the United States and its partners should work with the Ukrainian Government regarding the use of Ukraine as a safe haven and training ground for these groups. Finally, US officials should raise with Russia and China the roles they play in support of right wing extremism.

The Intelligence Community (IC), particularly the Department of Homeland Security, must be given the resources it needs, financial and otherwise, to protect the United States from terrorist threats, domestically and internationally. Under Biden, it has new, dynamic leadership that will hopefully restore the IC to its rightful place as the tip of the spear of US National Security policy. One direct way to ensure the IC can play that role in the battle against domestic terrorism is for the president to continue to emphasize that this is a priority for him and that a focused and sustained fight is what he wants and expects.

The Biden Administration has already begun to assess how best to respond to right wing extremists. An examination of the international connection to the domestic problem is a necessary piece of ensuring the challenge of combating these groups is successfully met. (5:05) ‘New video of Capitol rioter: ‘Trump is still our president‘’ van CNN, February 7th, 2021. ‘New video shows Jacob Chansley, the so called “Qanon Shaman,” moments after the January 6th Capitol insurrection saying former President Trump is “still our president” and boasting how he “won the day.” CNN’s Pamela Brown and Donie O’Sullivan discuss.’ (15:21) ‘Qanon: How Did It Hit Home? And What Next?!’ van Russell Brand, February 17th, 2021. ‘Followers of Qanon have been divided since the inauguration confounded their predictions that Donald Trump would remain in power. What does the future hold for Qanon and what does its popularity signify? (4:07) ‘These Trump supporters are convinced he will be president again on March 4’ van CNN, February 27th 2021.

CNN – Former Qanon believer shares bonkers conspiracy theory about Biden

Published 1 mrt. 2021

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota is joined by six people who were former Qanon followers or have loved ones who still follow the conspiracy theories. They discuss racism and white supremacy, March 4th, media gateways and Joe Biden’s presidency as it pertains to the group.

#CNN#News​ #NewDay



Cor Hendriks – Het boek Qanon

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