Sovereign sharna – Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 (foto Freeman Dillusion)
Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
Sovereign sharna made this Official Information Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Currently waiting for a response from Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).
Dear Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,
Please explain in full and in plain English the meaning and the agenda of the following act
Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
Please explain what the agenda for the act would have been at the time it was passed and also please explain why the act was passed in secret without the knowledge of all men and women.
Is the act still in force? Is any of it in force? Why was it ever put into force in the first place?
Please tell me the last time the act was used, whether officially or unofficially, preferably with proof.
Please also tell me the aim of the act in PLAIN english – this is what was the intention of it? I believe I’ve asked the questions in an extremely simple fashion and therefore will not expect anything other than a simple answer – I have noticed that others have asked the same questions previously and it would appear that everything except a truthful answer has been given.
Please name the rank and position of the person who brought this act to parliament, and also their status in life. Did it have to be signed by any Royal body? If so, who?
Please also supply me (and the public) with any information regarding this act that the public may not be aware of, yet could affect our lives, even in a small way.
Please also tell me how you, as a civil servant reading this, can remain happy in the knowledge that at some point, our govt declared all uk citizens dead and does not appear to have reversed it’s LUNATIC acts? Which, incidentally are not laws and not the same and have no lawful status in this country.
If I have made this freedom of information request to the wrong corporation, please advise which corporation the information can be gleaned from. Please remember this act also affects your children and classes them as dead as far as anyone nowadays can work out. Please let me know if the thousands of people reading and decyphering this ‘act‘ are wrong in their analysis of it and why.?
All rights reserved
All authority of sovereign
Living flesh and blood woman
Sovereign sharnakim
Mr Rodgers left an annotation,
I would like to remind you that you have not replied to my request and you must do so in a timely manner
From Information [DPMC] Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Kia ora Soverign Sharna
Thank you for your Official Information Act requests, requesting as follows
“(1) Who holds title of your NAME on the Birth Certificate?
(2 How does the mother and father get ownership of the NAME on the Birth Certificate?
(3) How does the mother and father withdraw the title from the NAME on the Birth Certificate?
(4) What does the PERSON do with the NAME on the Birth Certificate?
(5) Are any natural laws being broken with the Birth Certificate?”
“On the Birth Certificate it states the word CHILD.
As you are aware that there is a distinction between the words CHILD and ADULT.
Can you tell me if there is a Birth Certificate that states the word ADULT.
If there is no Birth Certificate that states the word ADULT, can you explain why.
Also can you confirm that you conduct business and in business what the meaning of a CHILD COMPANY or PARENT COMPANY is in relation to the corporate function of your business and the administration of Birth Certificates.”
“I have checked the numbers on over 50 Birth Certificates now.
Each one comes back as a recorded security which is trading. I refuse to except the wide variance of numbers on these Birth Certifate’s is just coincidence, turns up as a registered security as has been suggested by the Government.
I have had paid the Birth Certificate’s closer inspection in regard the the language styles manuals. In particular Chicago Styles and referenced against legal dictionaries and indeed to text implies something is in the custody of the general registrar. Your birth documentation should be straightforward and transparent, however it soon becomes the most complex and secretive paper
trail imaginable. This alone suggests a long history of corruption. The process involves a maze of secret Trusts and various parts of legislation, focused on claiming your Estate. The modern “Birth Certificate” began as a “Settlement Certificate” issued in England in 1837 to officially record the poor (paupers), granting basic rights to benefits in exchange for recognition of their status as owned “property,” lawful slaves, also known as indentured servants and bondsmen. A child’s birthplace was its place of “settlement,” where its bond began. Thus, a “settlement” is equivalent to a voluntary slave plantation. Since 1933, all New Zealanders have been required by statute to have a Birth Certificate and a Tax Identification Number. Since 1990, under the United Nations and the World Health Organisation (WHO), by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Birth Certificate process has become an international system of “settlement.” When you are born, a “Record of Live Birth” is created as prima facie evidence of your Life. The New Zealand equivalent is a “Notification of Birth for Registration.” It is your Affidavit of Life, with details that absolutely identify you. It shows your given name as a unique “title,” this is John. The autograph of your Mother establishes your Estate (an Estate must come before a Trust). Your Mother and the State are now Trustees in an “expressed” Public Trust, of which you are the Beneficiary. You are the holder in “expectancy” of your Estate, which will descend to you as of right when you attain the “age of majority” (20).
This original Trust should serve you well, but (…) Soon, your parents are told that you “must” be registered. You are under no lawful obligation to do so, but the State is very insistent, for reasons undisclosed. It seems that under Eclessiastical Law your Estate can only be held in trust by a male. But your Mother has given her maiden name on the first record, and your Father has not autographed to become the holder of your Estate until you come of age. On the birth register, an “Informant” (unknowingly) makes an accusation as to your illegitimate status [Informer. ‘A person who informs or prefers an accusation against another.’ Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition]. The Status of Children Act 1969, (2) says that ‘For the purposes of this Act marriage includes avoid marriage.’ You seem to be a bastard without birthrights [Bastard. ‘(4) Considered as nullius filius, a bastard has no inheritable blood in him, and therefore no estate can descend to him” (Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition]. The State can now legally claim your Estate, making you a “ward of the State” in an “estates for life” Foreign Situs Trust [Estate (9.2) The estates for life created by operation of law are (…) 4th Jointure. (…) The estate for life is somewhat similar to the usufruct of the civil law‘ (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition]. This new Estate can involve “Jointure” (joinder), and is similar to “usufruct” (right to derive income from the property of another). Your original Estate Title (Record of Live Birth), is used to create a Birth Certificate bond. This shows your unique given name (title) as part of a trade name. Only corporations have a last name. A “legal person” has been created by the State, which is literally a franchise child of the parent corporation. The Birth Certificate bond (original) is a property Title that is used as a Security. It is basically a Warehouse Receipt for the baby, the delivered goods [Warehouse Receipt. ‘A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument used for financing with inventory as security.’ Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Edition]. This Bond is sold to the World Bank (Bank of International Settlements, created by the Vatican in 1931) as Settlor of the Trust. Your weight in ounces, on the Record of Live Birth, is needed to calculate your market value relative to gold. Your Bond becomes a registered Security, which the Treasury uses as Surety for new Treasury securities such as Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills. So you have been MONETISED. The people truly are the “Credit of the Nation.” Although the State can seize the “legal person,” the baby, as a “ward of the State” if their “investment” is threatened, its greatest value is realized from the “matured” working adult. The perpetrators of this crime know that their fraud depends on your ignorance, and that you could one day discover the truth and invoke your Power of Attorney, which is your undeniable right from the age of 18. Property Law Act 2007, Section (22.1) ‘Person between 18 and 20 years may do certain things, (…) accept appointment, or act, as an attorney, (22.2) (…) has the same effect as if the person were 20 years old.’ In other words, you can attain the age of majority by declaring your own Power of Attorney. You have a chance to inherit your “living Estate,” but if they can somehow “kill” you off, legally speaking, they can claim your “deceased Estate,” being your real property (lands), and personal property (life).
This is why the “legal person” is also defined as a “vessel,” in which the State has a security interest, via the Bond. When you attain full legal age, you become the Master (Mr, Mrs, Ms) of that “vessel.” The living you has “gone to sea,” and under the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, the “Law” of the Sea, if you are missing for seven years, you can be declared legally dead by the court. The same process is applied to ships and mariners when they are lost at sea and “declared dead” after seven years. But you will probably commit legal suicide by “voluntarily” forfeiting your Estate. You may start work and register as a taxpayer on an IRD330, or you may enroll on a voting register. Either way, you are transferring your Estate to the State owned “legal person.” If you do not register as the “legal person,” you are “lost at sea.” Unfortunately, after seven years, you “died” without a will “Intestate,” so someone must be appointed to manage your Estate and Trust. The Public Trust applies to the Family Court to manage your Estate under the ‘Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988, Section 11. Form PPPR 6 Application for order to administer property’. Under the first Sovereign Public Trust (national public) agreement set up by your Mother, you are the Beneficiary, while your Mother and the State are your Trustees. The State employees are your Public Servants obligated to work for your benefit and defend your rights, having a Fiduciary responsibility to do so. But under the new Foreign Situs Trust (international private), the government becomes the Beneficiary, and you become the Trustee obligated to work for the Trust.
The State has turned the tables on you. The People are employed by the State as debtors for a private banking system, which is upheld by a private Bar Association Guild. While acting as the Trustee of the Foreign Situs Trust in your corporatized NAME, you will receive endless presentments (bills), which that employee of the State, the “legal person”, AKA Strawman [FRANCHISE], is obliged to pay. But the theft of your Estate is based on false presumptions that cannot be proven in fact. The fundamental flaw is that in order for a Birth Certificate to be issued, a man or a woman must first have been born on the land. Plainly, you are not really dead, so you still have birthrights on the land. Under the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, IV ‘If the supposed dead MAN proves to be alive, then the title is revested.’ You are the only rightful General Executor and Beneficiary of the Foreign Situs Trust that represents your Estate in commerce. Your Estate is your Office. You are the owner of your Estate and therefore the “legal person” is your rightful property, with all rights and entitlements owned by YOU. Legal Maxim “He who fails to assert his rights has none.”
“Please explain in full and in plain English the meaning and the agenda of the following act: Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
Please explain what the agenda for the act would have been at the time it was passed and also please explain why the act was passed in secret without the knowledge of all men and women.
Is the act still in force? Is any of it in force? Why was it ever put into force in the first place?
Please tell me the last time the act was used, whether officially or unofficially, preferably with proof.
Please also tell me the aim of the act in PLAIN english – ie: what was the intention of it? (I believe I’ve asked the questions in an extremely simple fashion and therefore will not expect anything other than a simple answer – I have noticed that others have asked the same questions previously and it would appear that everything except a truthful answer has been given.
Please name the rank and position of the person who brought this act to parliament, and also their status in life. Did it have to be signed by any Royal body? If so, who?
Please also supply me (and the public) with any information regarding this act that the public may not be aware of , yet could affect our lives, even in a small way.
Please also tell me how you, as a civil servant reading this, can remain happy in the knowledge that at some point, our govt declared all UK citizens dead and does not appear to have reversed it’s LUNATIC acts? Which, incidentally are not laws and not the same and have no lawful status in this country.
If I have made this freedom of information request to the wrong corporation, please advise which corporation the information can be gleaned from. Please remember this act also affects your children and classes them as dead as far as anyone nowadays can work out. Please let me know if the thousands of people reading and decyphering this ‘act’ are wrong in their analysis of it and why?”
As we did not receive the above requests from FYI until today 15 January 2021, we will consider today the first working day under the Act. We will provide a response in accordance with the Act in due course and will endeavour to process as quickly as possible. Please note that under the Act, the working days to respond to requests do not include 25 December through to 15 January, to account for the summer break. Please see the Office of the Ombudsman website for more details.
DPMC may publish the response to your Official Information Act request.
When you are provided with a response to this request, you will be informed about whether the response to your OIA request will be published.
If DPMC does publish the response to your OIA request, personal information, including your name and contact details, will be removed.
This publication process does not apply to extension letters or transfers.
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
The information contained in this email message is for the attention of the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute this message or the information in it. If you have received this message in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
Things to do with this request
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Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet only
To Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Sovereign sharna
On the birth certificate it states the word CHILD.
To Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Sovereign sharna
To Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Sovereign sharna
To Department of Internal Affairs by Sovereign sharna,
Birth certificate contract information request
To The Treasury by Karissa Best
To Crown Law Office by Karissa Best
Seeking clarification on birth documentation
To Department of Internal Affairs by D J Blair
Close down all accounts in the name of the registered infant.
To Department of Internal Affairs by tnga (Account suspended)
IRD Interpretation of a Person
To Inland Revenue Department by Paul Roberts
National Library of New Zealand
To Department of Internal Affairs by Mary E Davenport
For Your Information, December 18, 2020
Meer informatie
Refusal under s18(e) information does not exist.
The Cestui Que Vie Act is not, nor ever has been, a New Zealand statute. You could search for it here
It does cover some “imperial” laws such as the Magna Carta.
You could learn more about the Act here
Sovereign sharna left an annotation ()