Forum Borealis | Peter Levenda – Rise of the Nazi Cult (1) t/m (2)

The Rise of the Nazi Cult (foto YouTube)

Rise of the Nazi Cult (1)

Gepubliceerd 30 mei 2015

Is the Nazi philosophy based upon magical and occult currents? Who were the players influencing Adolf Hitler and the ideology of the Third Reich? Did they have ties to Theosophy, OTO, Golden Dawn, and other esoteric groups? What was the Nazi Occult groups? Who had genuine lineages? Why did the Nazis send expeditions to Tibet, Antarctica, and other remote places? What was the ideological and spiritual differences between the top echelon of the Reich? Peter Levenda drops by the Forum and elaborates on all of this and more, notwithstanding the occult roots of Nazism. And we give a short obituary to Dr Nicholas Goodrick Clarke.

All programs are gratis and listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by subscribing to our two channels, liking and sharing our posts, & disabling ad-block at our videos. Subscribe to our website​ and get direct access to all shows before YouTube release and various bonus and backstage clips.

Forum Borealis is a paradigm expanding podcast exploring controversial, marginalised, innovative, obscure, anomalous, and system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, and politics, through in depth conversations with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, and freethinkers of today. Our programs are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. See ​

This video adhere to the Fair Use Rules. It is non profit and educational for purposes of criticism, comments, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. The character of this utilization is transformative, adding new expression and meaning to the original. The amount and substantiality of applied original footage is limited. Such usage has no harmful effect upon the potential market for, or value of, sources ability to profit from their original work. The video is not associated with any external artist or company. All rights of borrowed material belong to their respective owners. Compare to Copyright Act 1976, Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107.

Rise of the Nazi Cult Part (1) of (2) A conversation with Peter Levenda, S01P04A
Guest Historian Peter Levenda
Recorded 27 May 2015
Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.
Bumper music used with cordial permission from
This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION​.


Rise of the Nazi Cult (2)

Published 12 jun. 2015

Did the magician Erik Jan Hanussen give ritual rise to Hitler’s power? What did Heinrich Himmler search for in Tibet and the Poles? What’s the Spear of Destiny (Longinus’ Lance)? What happened to Rudolf Hess and why? Did Heinrich “Gestapo Mueller” have leverage on Hitler in the death of his niece? Peter continues his elaborations, touching upon such topics as Nazi connections to Islamism, Zionism, and Catholicism, the Hollow Earth, Shambhala and Agartha, the World Ice Theory, the colonial betrayal of King Faisal, Germans behind Jihadism, Nazi ties to international bankers and oligarchs, “The Business Plot” coup attempt against Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and many other obscurities.

This video adhere to the Fair Use Rules. It is non profit and educational for purposes of criticism, comments, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. The character of this utilization is transformative, adding new expression and meaning to the original. The amount and substantiality of applied original footage is limited. Such usage has no harmful effect upon the potential market for, or value of, sources ability to profit from their original work. The video is not associated with any external artist or company. All rights of borrowed material belong to their respective owners. Compare to the Copyright Act 1976, Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107.

All programs are gratis and listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by subscribing to our two channels, liking & sharing our posts, & disabling ad-block at our vids. Subscribe to our website​ and get direct access to all shows before YouTube release and various bonus and backstage clips.

Forum Borealis is a paradigm expanding podcast exploring controversial, marginalised, innovative, obscure, anomalous, and system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, and politics, through in depth conversations with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, and freethinkers of today. Our programs are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. See​.

Rise of the Nazi Cult Part (2) of (2) A conversation with Peter Levenda S01P04B
Guest Historian Peter Levenda
Recorded 27 May 2015
Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.
Bumper music used with cordial permission from
This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION.​.


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