Eric Zuesse – What Should Replace the European Union?

European Union Flag (foto Giphy)

Besides the US Treasury Narcotics Kingpins funded the Founding of thew EU (foto

EU Flags (foto

Flags of the Members of the European Union and of NATO (foto Shutterstock)

The European Union with Country Nams (foto

Regions of Federal Europe (foto
UE Da União Europeia E Bandeira Da Sociedad (foto

EU Wants Your Feedback on The Future of Europe (foto YouTube)

The Future Is Europa (foto Facebook)
The Future Is Europa (foto Wirtschafts und Sozialwissenschaftliche Institut,

The Fuure Is Europe (foto

The Future Is Europe (foto Nova Dead)

Write Your Own Future (foto

THe Future Is Here! (foto

Consilium of Europe (foto

Future EU Languages after Britain Left (foto

Future EU Regions (foto Pinterest)

European Countries Not In EU (foto prepona. info)

EU and Russia (foto

Dutch Minister President Mark Rutte meeting Russuan President Vladimir Putin in Bipartisan Delagation Meeting, in the front EU Commissionair Frans Timmermans, in The Hague (foto

What Should Replace the European Union?

What should Replace the European Union is a Result from the Reasons Why it Needs to be Replaced. It Results from the EU’s History, and this will be Explained.

As will be Documented Below, the EU was Created by the US and UK Governments after World War II in Order To carry Out the Plan that Cecil Rhodes had Conceived of in 1877 for the UK, first, to Retake (By Means of US Based Agents) the US, and, then, for the Joint UK US Empire to Take Over the Entire World, Starting with Europe. Ultimately, Russia, which was and is, by far, the World’s Largest Country, was the Largest and Main Target. After WWII, the Rhodesists Plan to Take Over the World was To Produce Both the NATO Military Alliance and the EU Diplomatic Alliance, In Order To Cement Rhodesist Control over Europe, so that then the Soviet Union (Originally Russia) could Ultimately Become Conquered. But it Needed to Start with that UK US, Rhodesist,Special RelationshipBonding between UK and US (which was Never Publicly Even So Much as Just Mentioned until Winston Churchill Finally Announced theSpecial Relationship” in a Speech in the Approving Presence of US President Harry S Truman on 5 March 1946) Aimed at Conquering the Soviet Union.

All of This will be Documented by Means of the Links that are Provided Here.

However, the Soviet Union Broke Up in 1991 and Ended its Warsaw Pact Military Alliance, and also Ended its Communism, At That Time; and, so, the Anti Soviet ‘Justifications for Continuing Both NATO and the European Union were Now Gone. Despite that, both NATO and the EU Continued, since Then, but Instead as Anti Russian, No Longer as Anti Communist, and the Publics in the Rhodesist Controlled Countries didn’t even Blink an Eye about This Nor Even Notice it, but Just went on Spending, via Their Taxes, Trillions of Dollars for Weaponry (et cetera) that now had No Non Imperialistic Purpose Remaining. The Actual Goal of the Rhodesists is – and has been – Global Conquest, and Anti Communism had actually been Only the Excuse for the Cold War. So, New Excuses Now had to be Invented, for the Still Ongoing US and Allied Invasions and Mlitary Occupations. On 24 February 1990, US President GHW Bush Secretly Started Informing America’s Foreign Allies about this Fact – that, though the Soviet Union would soon End, and its Communism would soon End, and its Warsaw Pact Military Alliance that had been Organized by the USSR in Response to America’s NATO Military Alliance, would all End Very Soon, the Cold War itself would Secretly Continue on the Side of the US and its Allies, until the Entire World will be Controlled by the US Government. It was Now Clear, that the Actual Goal had been Global Conquest, All Along. The Cat was Out of the Bag on this Fact (because the Soviet Union and its Communism were Now Gone), but the ‘NewsMedia didn’t Notice that America Now had a Runaway Military, and the Public also Didn’t Notice It – perhaps Largely because theNewsMedia (which, for an Example, Reported during 2002 and 2003 Ceaselessly about such Fictions as “Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)”) Ignored the Crucial Realities (such as their Never Reporting that GHW Bush had given this Instruction to Helmut Kohl on 24 February 1990), and Acting As If They Were Owned by the Very Same People Who Own Firms such as Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems, which Need to Grow Arms Production in Order to be able to Grow, At All. Everything Fit Together, into this Systemic Reality of a Runaway, Cancerous, US Military that’s Controlled by its Weapons Makers, which Control the Government, though the Public Don’t Even Know about What Actually ControlsTheirGovernment. And this is Supposed to be aDemocracy’? Is that a Democracy?

All of the US Allied Leaders Accepted This, because They All Had Already Been Conquered and Occupied by the US (Working in Conjunction with UK). But this was the Time – Starting on 24 February 1990 – when the ‘Allied’ (actually Vassal) Leaders began to Learn the Fact, of Their Being (and Having Been) Stooges, in the US Empire (Actually the UK US Empire). This was the Time when any Remaining Ones who Still Believed that They were Free Countries inside an Actual Alliance, became Disillusioned, and they had to Recognize that They Were Actually Regimes within the US (but Actually UK US) Empire.

Then, finally, when Barack Obama was the US President, he was able To Announce, Publicly, on 28 May 2014, In Front of Graduating Cadets at America’s West Point Military Academy (No Less), The United States is and remains the One Indispensable Nation,” Meaning that All Other Nations are “Dispensable” (and could therefore become Targets invaded by Them, as Military Officers in the World’s Only Indispensable Nation). That’s the Core Belief of Any Imperial Country, In Relation to its Colonies, To Keep those Vassal Regimes under Control. For example, Adolf Hitler was an Imperialist, and he Treated his Colonies This Way, just as England Did and Does. Perhaps France’s Emmanuel Macron had Not Actually Faced the Fact of what that Statement (Often Repeated) by Obama had Meant, until Seven Years Later, on 15 September 2021, the UK US Regime Stabbed France in the Back by Grabbing and Trashing France’s Signed $ 60 Billion Contract to Build, for Australia, 12 Submarines, and Replacing that Signed Contract with the September 15th AUK US Submarine Construction Deal.

Certainly, Australia’s Prime Minister didn’t want to be Ousted by a Rhodesist Coup like the Only Prior Australian Prime Minister had been who had Tried to Break Australia’s Particpation in the Rhodesist ‘Alliance’ was Tossed Aside, and this Current Australian PM, Scott Morrison, Announced on September 15th that, instead of that Contract Going with France, Australia was Now Reaffirming (as He Had to Do) its Alliances with US and UK by Agreeing with UK US to Build 12 Nuclear Powered Submarines for $ 90 Billion, which would be Made in Adelaide, but Really in Either America or Britain. An Excellent Analysis ofThe Fallout From The AUK US Deal” also Appeared on September 20th, at the Anonymously WrittenMoA” Blog.

And, as for France, Mr Macron does, after all, Accept Being Merely a Stooge within a Foreign Controlled Empire, instead of the Leader of an Independent, Free (Meaning Not Foreign Controlled), Country. Joseph Biden Privately Promised Macron, on September 22nd, that America will Protect France – maybe like America ‘Protected Its Stooges in Vietnam, and in Afghanistan – but who knows whether Some Sort of Private Bribe was also Offered, which Type of Offer the US Regime does Fulfill On. However, Macron had Actually Been Hoping that the EU would Back France against the UK US on AUK US, and the EU Turned Him Down, which Probably Clinched, for Macron, his Decision on the 22nd, for France to Cave on AUK USNot to Try to Overturn It. Macron did Obtain from Biden an Acceptance of a “European Army” that will be “Complementary to NATO” – a Proposal which had been Introduced in 1996 by Then French President Alain Juppé, because it would be a Boon to France’s Billionaires, since France has the EU’s Main Weapons Manufacturerers. However, that would Not Eliminate America’s Control over Europe. It would be a Hollow Change. It would Not Free Europeans from UK US Control. Only Ending NATO would Do That.

The EU, like NATO, is a Crucial Tool of UK US Power. The Rhodesists had, Ever Since the End of World War II in 1945, Aimed to Control Europe Not Only Militarily (Through their Creation of NATO) but Also Diplomatically, Through, Ultimately, a European Union, which became Created by the CIA. The Details are Supplied in an Exhaustive 1,000 page Biography of Jean Monnet by Éric Roussel, which was Published Only in France in 1996, and which seems to have been Successfully Suppressed. It has Never Been Translated, and has No Reviews even at America’s Amazon, and Only Four Reviews at Amazon in France. However, Ambrose Evans Pritchard of UK’s Telegraph Newspaper has Provided Some of the Core Information from It. Furthermore, Richard J Aldrich’s 2003 The Hidden Hand also Provides Key Details, such as by Aldrich’s Saying, on page 366, about the American Committee for a United Europe.

ACUE, More than any Other American Front Organization of the Cold War, was a Direct Creature of the Leading Lights of the CIA. Indeed, it was So Replete with famous CIA Figures that its ‘Front’ was Very Thin. Its Early Years seemed to have Formed Something of a Laboratory for Figures such as [Bill] Donovan, [Allen] Dulles, [Walter] Bedell Smith and [Tom] Braden, Before they Moved on to other Projects in the mid 1950’s. Over its First Three Years of Operations, 1949 – 1951, ACUE Received $ 384,650, the Majority Being Dispersed to Europe. This was a Large Sum, but From 1952 ACUE began to Spend Such Sums Annually. The total Budget for the Period 1949 – 1960 Amounted to Approximately $ 4 Million. As the Quantity of Money Flowing Across the Atlantic Began to Increase, ACUE Opened a Local Paris Office to Monitor more closely Groups that had Received Grants. By 1956, the Flood of Increased Funding was Prompting Fears among the Directors of ACUE that its Work would be Publicly Exposed.
The Emerging European Economic Community (EEC) and the Growing Western intelligence Community Overlapped to a Considerable Degree. This is Underlined by the Creation of the Bilderberg Group, an Informal and Secretive Transatlantic Council of Key Decision Makers [Representatives of the Billionaires Who Controlled US and US Allied International Corporations]. Bilderberg was Founded by Joseph Retinger and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1952 in Response to the Rise of Anti Americanism in Europe. (…) Retinger Secured Support from Averell Harriman, David Rockefeller and Walter Bedell Smith.The Formation of the American Wing of Bilderberg was Entrusted to Eisenhower’s Psychological Warfare Chief, CD Jackson, and the Funding for the First Meeting, held at the Hotel De Bilderberg in Holland in 1954, was Provided by the CIA.

Funds for these CIA Operations Came Not Only from the US Treasury but from Private Sources, America’s Super Rich (who Control their Corporations such as General Dynamics and ExxonMobil); and, also From Organized Gangsters, as was Revealed in the 1998 Classic by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair, Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press. This Off The Books Private CIA Funding comes from Narcotics Kingpins throughout the World, as Protection Money, which is Essential to Keep Them in Business. Both the Official Billionaires and the Gangsters get their Money’s Worth from it, but America’s Public, the Taxpayers, Lose Enormously, because It Increases the Corruptness of our Government (and Not Only Increases the Problems from People who need to Steal in Order to Buy the Drugs to Which those Addicts are Addicted). The CIA was Created soon after WWII, while US President Truman Unknowingly was Installing Rhodesists in Key National Security Positions and Reorganizing the US Government so that the Soviet Union could be ConqueredWhich He Decided, on 25 July 1945, Had to Be Done.

So, the EU was Financially Fueled from All of These Sources, and, Basically, was a Bribing Operation To End Up Getting theRight’ People into the EU’s Parliament, et cetera), in Addition to be Receiving Funds from what might be Considered Idealistic Philanthropic Donors (because the Dream of a United Europe had Long Preceded the Grubby Version of it that the CIA Created for Europeans).

The EU was a Cold War Operation, From its Very Start. It Remains That to the Present Day

Pritchard issued Two Important Articles about This, the First being his 19 September 2000 Euro Federalists Financed by US Spy Chiefs


American Government Documents show that the US Intelligence Community ran a Campaign In the Fifties and Sixties To Build Momentum for a United Europe. It Funded and Directed the European Federalist Movement. (…) One Memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives Instructions for a Campaign to Promote a Fully Fledged European Parliament. It is Signed by General William J Donovan, Head of the American Wartime Office of Strategic Services, Precursor of the CIA.

The Documents were Found by Joshua Paul, a Researcher at Georgetown University in Washington. They include Files Released by the US National Archives. Washington’s Main Tool for Shaping the European Agenda was the American Committee for a United Europe, Created in 1948. The Chairman was Donovan, Ostensibly a Private Lawyer by Then.

The Vice Chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA Director in the Fifties. The Board Included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA’s First Director, and a Roster of Ex OSS Figures and Officials Who Moved In and Out of the CIA. The Documents show that ACUE Financed the European Movement, the Most Important Federalist Organisation in the Post War Years. In 1958, for example, it Provided 53.5 Percent of the Movement’s Funds.

The European Youth Campaign, an Arm of the European Movement, was Wholly Funded and Controlled by Washington. The Belgian Director, Baron Jacques Boël, Received Monthly Payments into a Special Account. When the Head of the European Movement, Polish Born Joseph Retinger, Bridled at this Degree of American Control and tried to Raise money in Europe, he was quickly Reprimanded.

The Leaders of the European Movement – Retinger, the Visionary Robert Schuman and the Former Belgian Prime Minister Paul Henri Spaak – were All Treated as Hired Hands by their American Sponsors. The US Role was Handled as a Covert Operation. ACUE’s Funding came from the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations as well as Business Groups with Close Ties to the US Government.

Then, on 27 April 2016, he bannered “The European Union always was a CIA Oroject, as Brexiteers Discover” and Reported.

It was Washington that Drove European Integration in the late 1940’s, and Funded it Covertly under the Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon Administrations. (…) The US has Relied on the EU Ever Since as the Anchor to American Regional Interests alongside NATO. (…) It is odd that this Magisterial 1000 page Study Found Only a French Language Publisher. [Roussel’s Jean Monnet]. The French Wikipedia’s Article on Roussel says “En 1995, il écrit une Biographie Consacrée à Jean Monnet (2) qui reçoit lePrix de l’Essai de l’Académie Française, le Prix Guizot, et le Prix Européen de l’Histoire.” Despite all of those Awards, The Work is Little Known, even in France.] Nor are Many Aware of Declassified Documents from the State Department Archives Showing that US Intelligence Funded the European Movement Secretly for Decades, and Worked Aggressively behind the Scenes to push Britain into the Project.

[The CIA] Treated Some of the EU’s ‘Founding FathersAs Hired Hands, and Actively Prevented Them Finding Alternative Funding that would have Broken Reliance on Washington. (…) The American ‘Deep State’ was in Up to its Neck.

Since that Newspaper (like all Major News Media in the US and in its Vassal Nations are) is Both Neo Liberal and Neo Conservative (meaning US Imperialistic), Pritchard Approved of a All This. He did it by saying “There is Nothing Particularly Wicked about This. The US acted Astutely in the Context of the Cold War. The Political Reconstruction of Europe was a Roaring Success.”

However, obviously, No Authentic Democracy can exist in a Nation that’s Governed by Means of Deceiving its Public; Nor Can any Democracy Be an Empire, Neither the Imperialistic Nation itself, Nor One of its Vassal Nations, because that is Merely a “Deep State” Rule, Behind the Scenes, by its Billionaires – it’s an Aristocracy, and Not a Democracy, Which reigns There. Though All of the Country’s Major News Media will Support the Aristocracy – since they’ll All be Owned by the Aristocracy – anyone who calls it a ‘Democracy’ is Transparently either a Fool or a Liar, because such a Nation is the Exact Opposite of a Democracy: it is instead an Aristocracy, which Rules There.

Crucial WWII History is Necessary in Order to Understand Relations between the UK US Bloc and Europe during the Post WWII Years.

Germany’s Operation Barbarossa, To Capture the Soviet Union, started on 22 June 1941, which was even Before the US entered WWII; and From That Time till War’s End on 8 May 1945, More than 58% of German Divisions (Peaking at 86% in late 1942) were Engaged in that EffortAgainst that One Nation. By War’s End, around 90% of the Remaining German Divisions were in the Soviet Union. It would be Reasonable To Say that the Soviet Union won the Allies’ War against Hitler. Certainly the USSR Received the Brunt of the Nazis’ Damages, though Truman Excluded It from the Marshall Plan – because that Plan was Intended as a Powerful Weapon against the USSR. The Marshall Plan wasn’t only Aimed at Rebuilding America’s European Allies, but it was – and this was Even More Important in the Eyes of America’s AristocracyAimed against Russia by Excluding All Assistance to Any of the Nations that had Suffered the Worst Losses from Hitler’s Onslaughts: Russia and Its Allies. The Aim was To Make Russia’s Allies Envy and Want to Become Part of  the ‘Capitalist’ Nations to their West – the Allies of America. It was to Help Build the American Empire, which Rhodes had Planned Back in 1877 and would be Largely (and Entirely Secretly) Run from the City of London.

In fact, there is Even Some Reliable Information Regarding How Consciously Britain’s Deep State were Manipulating the Truman Administration. It’s in this Passage from the Rhodesist CIA’s Own Retired Miles Copeland’s 1969 Book, The Game of Nations: The Amorality of Power Politics, opening Chapter 2.

On a Cold and Rainy February Afternoon in 1947 [21 February 1947], One Year before the Games Center was Established, First Secretary HM Sichel of the British Embassy in Washington Telephoned Loy Henderson, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and African Affairs. He had Two Messages from the Foreign Office which were “Rather Important.” They were of a sort that Normally should be Delivered by the British Ambassador direct to the Secretary of State, George Marshall, but since General Marshall had Already Left the Office for the Weekend perhaps, Sichel suggested he could Drop Off the Notes, have a “BriefChat about them, and Allow Mr Henderson a Weekend of Reflection on them Before Briefing the Secretary Prior to Meeting the British Ambassador on Monday Morning.

Sichel arrived as State Department Employees, after a Comparatively Dull Week, were Donning their Raincoats and Galoshes to Take Off for an Indoor Weekend. Loy Henderson, who Habitually Worked until eight or nine o’clock even on Fridays, had Sent Off all his Secretaries and was Alone in the Office. The Scene was the One of Utter Calm that Skillful Dramatists often Establish to Provide the Psychological Setting for a Shattering Announcement.

The Announcement, which Mr Sichel Delivered in the Course of his “Brief Chat,” was Certainly Shattering. The Two Messages were Official Notification that the Pax Britannica, which had Kept Order in Much of the World for over a Century, was At An End. Specifically, His Majesty’s Government could No Longer Afford the $50,000,000 or so that was required to support the resistance of the Greek and Turkish Governments to Communist aggression either, as in the first case, by Guerrilla Warfare or, in the Second, by Direct Military Action of the Soviet Union. Either the United States Government would Fill the Gap, or it would go Unfilled – or it would Be Left to the Russians. Mr Henderson, whose Considerable Diplomatic Experience included Assignments in Moscow and other Capitals in the Soviet Orbit, Didn’t Need a Weekend of Reflection To Realize that More than Greece and Turkey was At Stake. The Vacuum of which these Two Countries were a Part Extended Throughout All of Southern Europe that was Not Already Behind the Iron Curtain, and Through North Africa and the Middle East. With the British Announcement, Delivered so Calmly by Mr Sichel, the United States was Given the Choice of Becoming an Active World Power – an “On The GroundWorld Power, as a Lecturer at the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute was Later to Put It – or Seeing the Soviets Become a More Menacing Feature of World Politics Than Nazi Germany Could Ever Have Been

Truman Himself was an Extremely Receptive Sucker for the Idea that the Rhodesist Winston Churchill and Others were Pumping to Him that If the US wouldn’t Conquer the Soviet Union, then the Soviet Union would Conquer the United States. This is how the Cold War was Started, by Agents for the Owners of Corporations such as Lockheed and BAE — the Deep State — the Rhodesists.

When Franklyn Delano Roosevelt was America’s President, Churchill and the other Rhodesists couldn’t Get to First Base in their Efforts to Fool FDR that the Soviet Union (At that Time,Joseph Stalin) had Designs on Conquering America, but Truman Immediately Believed their Pitches about the Necessity to Conquer the Soviet Union.

Furthermore, the Soviet Union was Actually the Main Country that had Defeated Hitler. Instead of Being Europe’s Enemy, Josef Stalin had Actually been Europe’s Main Liberator. Fascism is Not Communism, Despite the Billionaires’ Lies to the Exact Contrary. As Strategic Culture Pointed Out on 6 June 2020 (Entirely Accurately), “The Battle of Moscow [2 October 1941 to 7 January 1942] was the First Strategic Defeat of the German Army on the Ground during World War II. Moscow became the First Capital City in Continental Europe Not to be Captured as a Result of German Offensive. (…) The Main Reason for the Soviet Victory [the First Decisive Victory in WWII, the Second One Being the 5 July 1943 to 23 August 1943 Battle of Kursk, which Actually Doomed Hitler] was the Valiance and Sacrifice of the Red Army, which Lost 937,000 [Soldiers] defending Moscow.

Near the Beginning of FDR’s Lengthy Fireside Chat to the Nation on 28 April 1942, he said “On the European Front the Most Important Development of the Past Year has been Without Question the Crushing Counteroffensive on the Part of the Great Armies of Russia against the Powerful German Army. These Russian Forces Have Destroyed and Are Destroying More Armed Power of Our EnemiesTroops, Planes, Tanks, and GunsThan All the Other United Nations Put Together.


FDR was already using the PhraseUnited Nations” with the Objective in Mind for All of the World’s Nations to View Themselves as having been Saved by the UN that FDR was Intending Ultimately to Replace all Empires and to be the Sole Source of International Laws.

Near the War’s End, on 19 September 1944 (while FDR was Still Alive and so Churchill was Preparing for a Post War that wouldn’t be Controlled by the Rhodesists
Churchill Telegrammed to StalinThat it is the Russian Army that tore the Guts Out of the German Military Machine and is At the Present Moment Holding by Far the Larger Portion of the Enemy on its Front.”

As the History Channels article Operation Barbarossa summed up. “On 22 June 1941, German Forces began their Invasion of the Soviet Union, (…) the Most Powerful Invasion Force in History (…) 80% of the German Army (..). [plus] 30 Divisions of Finnish and Romanian Troops. (… ) By the time Germany Officially Surrendered to the Allies on 8 May 1945, 80% of its Casualties during WWII had come on the Eastern Front [the Soviet Union].” Wikipedia’s Operation Barbarossa said “The Failure of Operation Barbarossa Reversed the Fortunes of the Third Reich.” However, on 8 May 2020, US President Donald Trump tweetedOn May 8, 1945, America and Great Britain had Victory over the Nazis! America’s Spirit will Always Wins. In the End, That’s What Happens.” So Goes the Myth, but Certainly Not  the History.

Here is How the Rhodesist Controlled EU thanks Russia for That: By Blaming Russia, Right Along with Nazi Germany, as having been Their Enemy During WWII. The US Regime Created EU’s European Parliament voted 19 September 2019, by 535 to 66, for a Resolution Condemning Both Hitler and Stalin as having Started World War II, which is a Lie – and an Especially Outrageous One, Considering that the Soviet Union did More than Any Other Country to Defeat Hitler and To Enable all of those Countries to Not Now be Controlled by a Nazi Regime. Shortly after that Article, Another Article, by Max Parry, Independently came to the Same Conclusion: the EU is Fascist. This Big Lie Resolution said That

whereas it has become Commonplace for Russia to Deny Responsibility and Blame Hostilities on the West in its Official Rhetoric, creating a Reliable Propaganda Base upon which it can Rely to Justify its Disregard of International Law and Continue its Agression against Eastern Partnership Countries; [the EU]

(1) Stresses that the Second World War, the Most Devastating War in Europe’s History, was Caused by the Notorious Nazi Soviet Treaty of Non Aggression of 23 August 1939, also Called the , and its Secret Protocols, which Allowed Two Totalitarian Regimes that shared the Goal of World Conquest to Divide Europe into Two Zones of Influence.

The Actual History is: Stalin had been Begging the UK to Ally with the Soviet Union to Defeat Hitler; and, after Being Snubbed Each Time, Joined with Hitler in Order to Prevent an Expected Invasion by Hitler against the Soviet Union. It was an Act of Desperation by Stalin, which was Forced upon Him by the UK. And, now, the US and its Allies Rewrite HistoryTo Make the Soviet Union their Enemy during WWII, Instead of their Savior – as They Actually Were.

On 25 June 2021, Politico Headlined Summit Exposes Stark Clash of EU Views on Russia and Described the Central Fissure as Being between a Russia Hating Bloc Comprised of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, and Supported by the United States, versus a Neutralist Bloc that Consisted of France and Germany. To the Latter Group – though Not Mentioned in that Article – might also be Added Italy and Austria, plus Switzerland if it were To Be Included as Being a Part of Europe, Which It Is.

The Neutralist Bloc in Europe Do Not Want to be Targets of Russian Missiles If the US Decides to Lunch, or To Support, a Blitz iIvasion against Russia, as a Means to Achieve the Victory that Hitler had Attempted but Failed to Achieve in 1941. The Likeliest Way that Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, could actually Become Invaded by Russia would be only if those Countries are Part of the US Alliance, As They Presently Are. But that is their Business, and their Choice, to be Allied with the Russia Hating United States and Having US Missiles on the Very Borders of Russia and Serving as the Launch Grounds for America’s (Fronting UK’s) Intended Blitz Invasion First Strike. But, as Member Nations of the EU, This Endangers all  EuropeansNot Only their Own Nation.


What should Replace the EU is Its Splitting up Into a Pro WWIII Bloc Headed by the US (Actually the UK) and with its European Vassal Nations being Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia; and, Opposite That, on the Neutralist Side, an Anti WWIII Bloc, which would Consist of France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and, perhaps, also of a Few Other current EU Member Nations such as Spain, Portugal, and Denmark.

Continuation of the US dominated EU is Leading to Europe’s Becoming the Main Battleground for WWIII, Just as It Had Been for WWI, and For WWII. Only, Instead of it being Against Germany, it would be Against Russia (and Perhaps Also Against China).

A Neutralist EU, which would Probably Need to Expel its Current Committedly US Vassal Nations, would be Able to Thrive and have Peaceful Relationships with Russia, China, and Almost all the Rest of EurAsia, Excepting perhaps Only Japan. By Contrast, Continuation of the Existing EU (being Actually Run from London and Washington, as It Is) will be Toxic to All  Europeans. This is especially True because, One Way or Another, the (UK) US Empire is Ending. Either the Nations that are in the EU will be a Part of the Growing EurAsian Future, or else, they will be the Main Battleground for WWIII. It’s Their Choice, Which to Be.

The Elections This Year in the Possibly Neutralist EU Nations such as Germany and France will be Crucially Important in Determining Whether Europe Will Again Be the Battleground for a World War. If They Break Away from their Current Vassalage to the (Rhodesist) Deep State of UK and US, the Chances of Avoiding a WWIII will Become Greatly Increased.

Europe’s Enemies Aren’t Russia and China, but UK and US. However, Polls show that Only Very Few Europeans Recognize this Fact – the Vast Majority of Europeans have been Fooled by the US and allied (Rhodesist) Deep State and its ‘NewsMedia. So, the Prospects for Europe Currently Look Bad. Decades of (Rhodesist) Indoctrination (including Lots of MisleadingNewsReports) have Established, in Europe, Deep Seated Prejudices against both Russia and China, and the Idea that an Alliance with America Protects Them against Russia (instead of Making them Actually Prime Targets of Russian Missiles). The Belief that Today’s America protects Europe, instead of Being Europe’s Top (If Not Only) Enemy, is Stupid, but Propaganda (Lying) Succeeds, and Few People in the Public ask the Basic Questions that Expose the Frauds of the Rhodesists. Propaganda Requires its Victims To Not Examine on their Own, and that’s Unfortunately the Way Most People Are. However, any Reader Who Clicks onto a Link in the Present Article if a Given Allegation Appears to be Questionable, will See the Evidence, and Can Judge it Oneself. Then, a Reader can Make an Informed Judgment, Not Merely a Judgment that’s On the Basis of the Overwhelming Propaganda (which is Rhodesist.

On September 23rd, Alexander Mercouris, whom I consider to be the Most Trustworthy of All Journalists at Analyzing International Diplomacy, headlined AUK US Debacle: US Apologies to France in Biden Macron Call, Greenlights EU Army, Johnson Frozen Out, and Presented a Powerful Case that the AUK US Deal had been Conceived by Boris Johnson, was Then Stupidly Accepted by Joe Biden, and Then became Obligatorily Accepted by Scott Morrison. If that Analysis is True, then the Initiative here wasn’t American but instead British, which would Fit Perfectly with Rhodes’s Plan, that whereas America would be Supplying the Muscle in this Global Imperial Scheme, the Brains (such As They Are) Behind It would be in Britain. US fronts for UK. It’s Still The British Empire. Rhodes’s Scheme has been Stunningly Successful.

Originally Posted at Strategic Culture.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the Author of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic versus Republican Economic Records, 1910 – 2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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