Cor Hendriks – De Red Pill (5): Toxic masculinity: Gillette the best a woman can get (Get woke – Go Broke)

In de vorige aflevering zagen we de zangeres Celine Dion zich begeven in activistische commercie, deze keer wil ik het hebben over een commerciële organisatie, Gillette (the best a man can get), die zich eveneens begaf op het activistische pad en meteen de toorn van een heleboel mannen op de hals haalde en nu een boycot tegemoet kan zien: want wie is er zo dom om de eigen basis te beledigen? Een bedrijf dat activistisch is geworden. De term ervoor is ‘woke’, i.e. ‘wakker’, oftewel ‘sociaal bewust’. Volgens was de term vanaf 2014 verbonden met ‘Black Lives Matter’. ‘It’s now seeing use as an adjective to refer to places where woke people commune: woke Twitter has very recently taken off as the shorthand for describing social-media activists. The broader uses of woke are still very much in flux, and there are some who are woke to the broader implications of woke: “Woke” feels a little bit like Macklemore rapping in one of his latest tracks about how his whiteness makes his rap music more acceptable to other white people. The conundrum is built in. When white people aspire to get points for consciousness, they walk right into the cross hairs between allyship and appropriation. —Amanda Hess, New York Times, 16 Apr. 2016.’

Boys will be boys

Boys will be boys

Een van de in de Gillette reclame gebrandmerkte stereotypen is het spreekwoord ‘Boys will be boys’. Dit blijkt ook een merkwaardig alleen op jongens gericht spreekwoord, dat hen dingen lijkt te vergeven, die meisjes niet worden vergeven, want er is geen spreekwoord ‘Girls will be girls.’ Internationaal is het spreekwoord niet op jongens gericht maar op kinderen (de jeugd).

All white men saying 'boys will be boys'

All white men saying ‘boys will be boys’

In het vergelijkende spreekwoordenboek van Jerzy Gluski luidt nr. 33:1: ‘Jugend hat keine Tugend. Jeunesse n’a pas de sagesse. Gioventù non ha virtù. Juventud no conoce virtud. Boys will be boys.’ (App. 62) In 17e-eeuws Nederlands (PC 443) luidt het: ‘kinder dat sijn kinder: / Kinder dat sint kinder[.] Kinder sind Kinder.’ (W. II, 1294) Bij Harrebomée: Kinderen doen als (of: zijn) kinderen, en doen maar kinderwerken. (I, 405b) Jente: Children are children. Biblical origin: I Cor. 13:11. J. 437: Kynder dat synd kynder. Tun. 623: Kynder doen als kinder plegen. Col. 29: Thackeray 1853; uit 1681: Children will do like children.

Dus algemeen luidt het spreekwoord: ‘kinderen zijn kinderen’, dus een tautologie, waartegen niets is in te brengen. In ‘boys will be boys’ zit een determinisme, dat we ook zien in een vergelijkbaar spreekwoord bij Gluski nr. 33:2: ‘Aus Kindern werden Leute. Boys will be men. Enfants deviennent gens. I fianciulli diventano uomini. Mozos fueron ante los que ahora son hombres.’ Bij Harrebomée: Kleine kinderen worden groot (of: oud). (I, 406a; III, 256f). Ook hier zien we in het Engels een nadruk op jongens, wat we niet in andere talen zien.

Jonge feministen (Jenny Hatch 19-1-19)

Jonge feministen (Jenny Hatch 19-1-19)

De jongen op de bovenstaande foto heeft het spreekwoord ‘Boys will be boys’ veranderd in ‘Boys will be feminists’. Hij is net als het meisje naast hem van plan mee te lopen in de Women’s March (zie Zij heeft een merkwaardige tekst beginnend met een vraag van haar vader: ‘Wat is het thema van de vrouwenmars dit jaar?’ Met daaronder haar antwoord: ‘Het is nog steeds kut’ (things still suck). Ze is dus in feite ‘clueless’ en lijdt aan een lichte vorm van TDS, want ze kijkt tamelijk vrolijk voor iemand die denkt dat de dingen nog steeds kut zijn.

Uiteraard is er meer aan de hand met het spreekwoord, want het gaat in tegen de transgender agenda! Zoals al blijkt uit de titel van de KRO-NCRV reportageserie ‘Hij is een zij’, is het spreekwoord tegenwoordig ‘Boys can be girls’, een onderwerp dat bij de vorige afleveringen over de Nashville verklaring en over Celine Dion al ter sprake kwam en waaraan ik ook de volgende aflevering in deze serie zal wijden. In de Gillette reclame wordt daar niet over gesproken, maar we zien wel veel wat thans denigrerend ‘soy-boys’ worden genoemd, met de implicatie (gebaseerd op een vooroordeel, dat door de vegetariërs zelf in de wereld is gebracht) dat een overdaad aan soja (ter vervanging van vlees) je tot een ‘softie’ maakt.

Soy-boy - We believe in the best in men

Soy-boy – We believe in the best in men

De Gillette reclame genereerde een lawine aan video’s, te veel om te behandelen en zelfs voor mij om te bekijken en ook dit keer heb ik aan het eind een lijst van niet door mij bekeken video’s. Zeer uitgesproken kritisch, d.w.z. negatief, is de commentator Stefan Molyneux, zie zijn video (29:12) ‘What Pisses Me Off About “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be | Gillette (Short Film)”’ van Stefan Molyneux, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (50.513 v; 1.867 r). Tekst: ‘”Bullying. Harassment. Is this the best a man can get? It’s only by challenging ourselves to do more, that we can get closer to our best. To say the right thing, to act the right way. We are taking action…”’ Met links. (7:49) ‘Gillette: The Best an Incel Can Get’ van Paul Joseph Watson, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (296.624 v; 8.217 r). Tekst: ‘The worst an ad can get.’ (13:48) ‘Breaking Down the Gillette Masculinity Propaganda Ad Campaign Commercial’ van The Red Elephants Vincent James, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (40.762 v; 2.333 r). (14:08) ‘Gillette Faces Boycott, Backlash After Toxic Masculinity Ad’ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (232.935 v; 5.899 r). Tekst: ‘Gillette Faces Boycott, Backlash After Toxic Masculinity Ad. The commercial is slammed for stereotyping men and being condescending. Though the video only mentions Toxic Masculinity briefly it was a clear dog whistle to the far left, that and showing Ana Kasparian of the Young Turks is immediately viewed as a political act that targets only certain people. It is likely Gillette will face little to no real repercussions from the ad but suffice it to say this is a good example of political commercials done wrong. The company created an overtly political ad targeting men with feminist and social just rhetoric that they likely do not care about or will be angered by.’ Tim liet dit na twee weken volgen door een evaluatie, zie (11:41) ‘Gillette’s Ad FAILED Miserably According To Sales Report’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 27 jan. 2019 (159.221 v; 4.338 r). (7:39) ‘Calls to Boycott Gillette After Blatant Misandry: “Toxic Masculinity” Ad Enrages and Offends’ van Lionel Nation, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (17.304 v; 574 r). Tekst: ‘[End Of The American Dream] Does Gillette really think that they are going to sell more razors to men after millions of men watch their horrific new ad that is essentially an all-out assault on masculinity? The new ad is entitled “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be”, and within the first few seconds the term “toxic masculinity” is used. This is a deeply, deeply offensive term, and it has no place in our society. After all, could you imagine the uproar that would ensue if a large corporation dared to use the term “toxic femininity” in an advertisement? Women would be freaking out from coast to coast, and for good reason. There would simply be no excuse for using the term “toxic femininity”, and there is simply no excuse for using the term “toxic masculinity”. Gillette owes every man in America an apology, and they better make it a good one. (12:24) ‘New Gillette ad criticising ’toxic masculinity’ outrages consumers (Debate)’ van RT UK, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (4.556 v; 267 r). Tekst: ‘”I will never buy another product of theirs again, this is obsecene and outrageous” says Steve Malzberg who debates Joanne Morales about the new Gillette ad criticising ’toxic masculinity’ outrages consumers.’

Colored guy coming to the rescue of two white girls

Colored guy coming to the rescue of two white girls (16:04) ‘Gillette Attacks Men In New Advert | Feminism Vs Masculinity | #MeToo’ van The Iconoclast, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (84.319 v; 2.815 r). (14:02) ‘EPIC GILLETTE COMMERCIAL REACTION!!!’ Van BitHead1000, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (215.783 v; 6.016 r). Tekst: ‘The ultimate Gillette commercial reaction. Men rise up and take your masculinity back!’ (15:40) ‘The Best Men Can Be: An Autopsy’ van Sargon of Akkad, gepubliceerd op 18 jan. 2019 (319.163 v; 5.777 r). Tekst: ‘Where did Gillette’s new advertising campaign go wrong?’ Zie ook (55:27) ‘What Is Happening With Patreon, Gillette and Brexit? | Sargon Of Akkad | Modern Wisdom #048’ van Modern Wisdom, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (59.836 v; 591 r). Tekst: ‘Sargon Of Akkad, also known as Carl Benjamin, is a YouTuber and Political Commentator. Today we’re talking hot topics, including Carl’s recent removal from Patreon and Jordan Peterson & Sam Harris’s subsequent exits from the platform, Gillette’s new advert & it’s implications for the future of manhood, and the current state of Brexit & Theresa May’s government.’ [Gillette vanaf 25:17-42:10.]

Het onderwerp is onderdeel in diverse shows zoals de Ben Shapiro Show en de Michael Knowles Show, zie (52:34) ‘The Best A Person Of Unspecified Gender Can Get | Ep. 695’ van Ben Shapiro, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (115.938 v; 1.196 r). Tekst: ‘Democrats defend demographic arguments, the Russia investigation proceeds, and Gillette releases a controversial commercial.’ [Vanaf 46:00] (46:12) ‘Toxic Michael-inity | The Michael Knowles Show Ep. 280’ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (48.878 v; 336 r). Tekst: ‘Gillette is shaving away toxic masculinity in a new ad campaign. We will examine the true causes of toxic masculinity, toxic femininity, and everything in between. Then, President Trump hosts a fast food feast at the White House, Laura Loomer illegally immigrates to Nancy Pelosi’s house, and Kamala Harris pulls a Liz Warren.’ [Gillette van 2:00 tot 13:00.] (22:50) ‘Feminists Get Rekt By Piers & Peter Lloyd Over Gillette’ van Sydney MGTOW, Live gestreamd op 15 jan. 2019 (29.082 v; 1.147 r). Voor de prijs van aandelen van Gillette (via Google), zie (21:37) ‘Gillette Advocates For The Destruction of Feminism’ van Misandry Today, gepubliceerd op 18 jan. 2019 (41.424 v; 1.059 r).

Uitdagend gekleed meisje dat kennelijk gered moet worden

Uitdagend gekleed meisje dat kennelijk gered moet worden (12:19) ‘Gillette – The Best A Divorce Refugee Can Get – MGTOW’ van Sandman, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (47.097 v; 817 r). Tekst: ‘This video is brought to you by a donation from Ed. I’m going to read his comment and answer him and after that I’m going to discuss the Gillette commercial that everyone wants me to cover. So firstly here’s what Ed has to say: Hi Sandman, I am a divorce refugee (a common situation among men) and lost everything including access to my children. What sets my case apart from others are its second appeal to the state supreme court, the fact that my ex-wife is rich and I am not, and (most urgently) I am at risk for going to jail because I did not get the life insurance demanded by the divorce judge to guarantee alimony and child support if I die before the payments are finished. This demand is problematic for two reasons: 1 I am too ill to get insurance. 2 The demand is illegal regardless of that fact and I looked up the law itself. Because the state supreme court is contemplating putting me in jail for contempt of court regardless of those two facts, I am hoping to have you make a video thereby helping me recruit people to write letters to the state governor and state attorney general in Maine to protest. I’ve sent you a link to the information people can use to write to the government. I’m hoping for an avalanche of complaints to the state government so that its goons and floozies can warn the supreme court about the consequences of my case before it makes its final ruling. I know and have published in a peer-reviewed journal on the theory that spending money on publicity is a better bargain than spending it on lawyers. So Sandman can you and your viewers help me?” Well Ed thanks for the donation and topic. I’ll answer your question in a moment but first let me tell you about today’s sponsor Dollar Shave Club. Actually I’m kidding but I should seriously look into advertising for them in light to what Gillette just did.’ (11:26) ‘Gillette Pushes TOXIC MASCULINITY, but PATRIARCHY Is Making a COMEBACK!!!’ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (2.351 v; 265 r). (14:09) ‘Gillette: A Close Shave for Cucks’ van An Ear for Men, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (13.767 v; 629 r). (15:36) ‘Woman Who Directed Gillette “Masculinity” Commercial Causes a Successful Boycott’ van Vincent James of The Red Elephants, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (7.261 v; 617 r). (10:00) ‘Gillette Takes on “Toxic Masculinity” in Propaganda Ad Campaign Commercial’ van Vincent James of The Red Elephants, gepubliceerd op 14 jan. 2019 (9.088 v; 573 r). (6:29) ‘An Australian Feminist and A Conservative Clash Over The Gillette Commercial Ad Campaign (2019)’ van WalrusRider, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (1.541 v; 38 r). Tekst: ‘Australian conservative commentator Miranda Devine and self confessed feminist writer Clementine Ford clash over the devisive Gillette ad campaign’. (23:08) ‘Gillette: Shame and a Haircut (My Two Bits)’ van Benjamin A Boyce, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (7.087 v; 638 r). (4:35) “Gillette faces backlash after new ad challenges ‘toxic masculinity’” van Fox Business, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (11.928 v; 376 r).

We believe in the best in men

We believe in the best in men (4:56) ‘An honest take on the Gillette ad | Jack Buckby’ van Rebel Media, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (21.707 v; 498 r). Tekst: ‘Jack Buckby of reports: I saw the Gillette ad this morning, and I didn’t initially hate it. OK, so I understand they’ve exaggerated an issue and they’re definitely jumping on the #MeToo movement for progressive points. However, I don’t necessarily object to the message.’ (3:45) ‘Gillette makes razors, I don’t need life lesson from you: Brian Kilmeade’ van Fox Business, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (28.365 v; 781 r). Tekst: “’The Brian Kilmeade Show’ host Brian Kilmeade on Gillette’s new commercial taking on ’toxic masculinity.’” (9:30) ‘Gillette Gets Woke – The Internet Remains Undefeated’ van Geeks + Gamers, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (52.654 v; 1.872 r). [- Go broke.] (11:58) ‘Gillette’s New Social Justice Commercial Is An INSANE Strategy’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 14 jan. 2019 (144.093 v; 5.148 r).

Man abusing his maid in an old TV-show

Man abusing his maid in an old TV-show

Perspectief van een vrouw in (10:17) ‘Gillette Razor Commercial is Gross’ van TrutherTalk, gepubliceerd op 24 jan. 2019 (1.974 v; 93 r).

Een jonge Ierse vrouw maakte de video (8:43) ‘’Toxic Masculinity’ / Men Aren’t Toxic (responding to the Gillette short film/backlash)’ van Melanie Murphy, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (99.938 v; 3.567 r). Tekst: ‘I love men. Please watch the full video before commenting!’ (14:09) ‘Gillette SLAMS Toxic Masculinity: “Men, Do Better!”’ Van Lauren Chen, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (48.098 v; 1.737 r). Tekst: ‘A new Gillette commercial tackles toxic masculinity & metoo, but reactions say it’s anti-male.’ (11:04) ‘Gillette’s ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Ad is WRONG’ van Daisy Cousens, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (25.391 v; 1.359 r). Tekst: ‘Gillette’s recent feminist ’toxic masculinity’ ad insists men are in need of saving from themselves, and from the intrinsic ‘wrongness’ of their nature. Just how much damage is that message doing to everyday men, and most pointedly, boys?’ (23:00) ‘Gillette Toxic Masculinity Ad: The Worst Feminist Propaganda Can Get’ van Sasha Second, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (17.866 v; 501 r). (5:59) ‘Gillette Commercial Gone Wrong “The Best Men Can Be”. I Cannot Endorse This Betaness.’ Van The Golden One, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (31.978 v; 941 r). (5:08) ‘Gillette Gets Woke! P&G Challenges Men to Shave Their Toxic Masculinity in Gillette Ad “We Believe”’ van Coffee and Nuance, gepubliceerd op 14 jan. 2019 (24.503 v; 993 r) Tekst: ‘Gillette is getting woke, and telling men to shave their toxic masculinity. I discuss my thoughts on the ad, the influence of billionaire Nelson Peltz on Procter & Gamble, and virtue signaling by mega-corporations. The ad is called We Believe: The Best Men Can Be | Gillette (Short Film).’

The Boss 'mansplaining'

The Boss ‘mansplaining’ (6:46) ‘The Untold SECRET About the Gillette Ad.. No One is Talking About!’ Van AMTV, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (27.368 v; 592 r). Tekst: ‘In today’s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports the Gillette commercial 2019.’ (10:42) ‘Gillette – the worst an ad can get? Why Gillette will run into the same problems as Dr Who’ van Be your own door, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (32 v; 2 r). Tekst: ‘An explanation of what I think Gillette was trying to do and why it will backfire on them, the same way it is backfiring on Dr Who, Star Trek Discovery, Star Wars and Captain Marvel’ (5:09) ‘Gillette’s new toxic masculinity ad is a dumpster fire.’ Van Andrew Donovan, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (388 v; 18 r). (25:31) ‘Meet the “woke” feminist BEHIND that Gillette ad | Ezra Levant’ van Rebel Media, gepubliceerd op 17 jan. 2019 (6.255 v; 272 r). Tekst: ‘Ezra Levant of The reports: After their advertisement attacking masculinity, I’ve decided to stop buying Gillette razors.’

Rebel Media (17-1-19)

Rebel Media (17-1-19) (5:34) ‘Gillette ad equates Harvey Weinstein with boys roughhousing’ van Rebel Media, gepubliceerd op 17 jan. 2019 (1.805 v; 54 r). Tekst: ‘Ezra Levant of The and Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire discuss the sexist Gillette advertisement.’ (12:10) ‘Gillette Gets WOKE! Anti-Male Ad Fails Spectacularly!’ Van TheQuartering, gepubliceerd op 14 jan. 2019 (638.308 v; 17.516 r). Tekst: ‘We’ve got another company virtue signaling hoping people who will likely never be able to shave will all of a sudden buy products from them.’

Een linkse reactie (van een man) is hier te zien: (33:43) ‘normal gillette ad DESTROYS fragile men’ van Hasan Piker, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (16.999 v; 1.204 r). Tekst: ‘men are so fragile and get triggered by the dumbest shit and we are actually dumb as hell. all corporate ads are to generate profit, most activist marketing absolutely sucks, but the fact that people got this upset by a commercial telling men that we should lead by example is got this kind of reaction shows me that we are incredibly fragile and fascism will probably win. — Watch live at’ (37:55) ‘@Gillette Get Woke, Let’s Hope They Go Broke’ van 6oodfella, in première gegaan op 14 jan. 2019 (6.740 v; 448 r).

Men need to hold other men accountable

Men need to hold other men accountable (27:55) ‘Feminists Single Handedly Destroy Gillette In Epic Fail’ van Sydney MGTOW, live gestreamd op 14 jan. 2019 (30.098 v; 1.504 r). Met links. ‘Pankaj Bhalla is the Male Feminist defending this campaign.’ (13:53) ‘GILLETTE DESTROYS TOXIC MASCULINITY’ van SomeBlackGuy, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (183.177 v; 5.079 r). (12:54) ‘Gillette Commercial Attacks Men for ‘Toxic Masculinity’’ van No Bullshit, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (71.599 v; 2.280 r) (8:08) ‘Gillette Commercial NEW take on Masculinity’ van The Amazing Lucas, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (93.106 v; 2.890 r). (9:49) ‘Gillette 2019 Commercial Reaction: “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be” Leftist SJW Man Propaganda’ van An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop, gepubliceerd op 14 jan. 2019 (22.844 v; 445 r).

Patronizing black 'Bro, Not cool' (No Bullshit 16-1-19)

Patronizing black ‘Bro, Not cool’ (No Bullshit 16-1-19) (7:53) ‘Gillette Joins the Bandwagon of Fashionable Sexism’ van Styxhexenhammer666, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (77.258 v; 1.888 r). Tekst: ‘Yes, stereotyping males is sexist’. (10:40) ‘Sexist ‘Gillette’ Video Bashes Men!’ Van Hunter Avallone, gepubliceerd op 28 jan. 2019 (152.206 v; 3.144 r). (10:23) ‘Gillette’s Male Bashing ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Ad Makes Nike/Kaepernick look like Choirboys’ van Conservative Resurgence, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (6.373 v; 429 r). Tekst: ‘Proctor & Gamble is urging men to shave their “toxic masculinity” in a new ad for Gillette razors. The ad shows men fighting, cooking barbecue, and verbally harassing women, interspersed with news reports about the #MeToo movement.
A new ad from P&G razor brand Gillette encourages men to reexamine themselves and the way that they raise young boys. The ad, which is called “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be,” is essentially a two-minute broad generalization about the way that men act and think.
The ad depicts men getting into fights, standing in front of barbecue grills, and verbally harassing women. The ad also heavily features news clips discussing the recent #MeToo movement.
In a comment to the Wall Street Journal, Pankaj Bhalla, Gillette’s brand director, said that the advertisement is a meditation on the changes that men must make in America. “This is an important conversation happening, and as a company that encourages men to be their best, we feel compelled to both address it and take action of our own,” Bhalla said. “We are taking a realistic look at what’s happening today, and aiming to inspire change by acknowledging that the old saying ‘Boys Will Be Boys’ is not an excuse. We want to hold ourselves to a higher standard, and hope all the men we serve will come along on that journey to find our ‘best’ together.” The ad immediately turned off customers, many of which said that they are done buying Gillette products. “I am taking action,” one Twitter user said in response to Gillette’s call for action. “I’m researching every product made by Proctor & Gamble, throwing any I have in the trash, and never buying any of them again until everyone involved in this ad from top to bottom is fired and the company issues a public apology.” Link to article: (13:07) ‘Gillette Goes Woke And Attacks Men in #MeToo Ad Against “Toxic Masculinity” (REACTION)’ van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (23.880 v; 1.161 r). (1:29:53) ‘Gillette Toxic Masculinity Commercial Leads To Mass Boycotting Of Their Product By Men!’ Van Tommy Sotomayor REBORN! Gepubliceerd op 17 jan. 2019 (28.936 v; 918 r).

De hypocrisie van woke kapitalisme (Jenny Hatch 20-1-19)

De hypocrisie van woke kapitalisme (Jenny Hatch 20-1-19) (47:26) ‘Is Masculinity Toxic?’ Van Integral Life, gepubliceerd op 29 jan. 2019 (225 v; 6 r). Tekst: ‘The culture wars heated up last week with two new skirmishes. One was the release of the American Psychological Association’s new Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men. The other is a new ad released by the Gillette razor company: The Best a Man Can Get. Both explicitly criticize traditional views of masculinity; as the APA Guidelines states, “traditional masculinity — marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful.” And both encourage men to be more sensitive, cooperative and revealing. Predictably, the new ad and report created blowback from people who see them as part of a postmodern project to neuter men by damning masculinity itself as toxic. They maintain that traditional masculine qualities are innate to men and essential to a healthy culture. Could both sides have a point? Watch as Jeff talks with Dr. Keith Witt about an evolutionary approach that liberates masculinity and femininity into a new integration that features the best of both and makes them available to all. Also be sure to check out Ken Wilber’s discussion of toxic masculinity and toxic femininity on the latest episode of the Ken Show — The Baby and the Bathwater: Saving Liberalism (6:19) ‘Gillette – The Ad Campaign We Now Regret’ van Independent Man, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (346.466 v; 5.398 r). Tekst: ‘Gillette’s new ad campaign may turn out to be case study in how to lose customers.’ (32:01) ‘The Future of Boys and Men: Gillette vs. Warren Farrell, or Gillette plus Warren Farrell?’ Van drwarrenfarrell, gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2019 (13.275 v; 255 r). Tekst: ‘Of the many people Rebel Wisdom Interviewed about the future of men, they focus on Dr. Warren Farrell’s insights to give depth and perspective to the January 15, 2019 ad by Gillette that attacked toxic masculinity while pleading for a better man in the future.’ (14:12) ‘Can there be an Anti-SJW Left?’ Van Zero Books, gepubliceerd op 18 jan. 2019 (11.051 v; 567 r). Tekst: ‘This video takes a look at Slavoj Zizek’s essay entitled “Toxic Masculinity?”, the new Gillette advertisement “We Believe: The Best that Men Can Be,” as well as Eliot Rosenstock’s upcoming book “Zizek in the Clinic” in order to ask the question “Can there be an Anti-SJW left?”’ (15:36) ‘Woman Who Directed Gillette “Masculinity” Commercial Causes a Successful Boycott’ van Vincent James of The Red Elephants, gepubliceerd op 15 jan. 2019 (144.221 v; 4.683 r). (9:59) ‘Majority of Americans Disagree With the Gillette ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Commercial’ van Vincent James of The Red Elephants, gepubliceerd op 25 jan. 2019 (4.695 v; 155 r). (3:25) ‘@Gillette Re: You’re welcome’ van The Egocast, gepubliceerd op 27 jan. 2019 (17.340 v; 599 r). Tekst: ‘This took me about an hour to do. I only ask for 30% of the increase in revenue after you launch this as the “I’m sorry” campaign. You don’t even have to credit me as the creator of the video. =) Note: It is not my intention to cause the original video publisher to receive any kind of harassment or abuse. My intention is to provide a counter argument to claims they have made. While I have no control over the feedback you choose to provide, I d kindly ask that you avoid any forms of threatening or maliciousness. Thanks!’ (6:53) ‘#TheBestWomenCanBe (Gillette Response Video)’ van The Voice of Reason, gepubliceerd op 19 jan. 2019 (1.579 v; 62 r).

Stoeiende jongens worden berispt door overgevoelige vader

Stoeiende jongens worden berispt door overgevoelige vader

De Republikeinse commentator Mr Reagan maakte voor de verandering een parodische video (3:08) over de Gillette-reclame met de titel ‘Dit is wat de makers van de Gillette reclame WERKELIJK proberen te zeggen’.

Mr Reagan – Gillette Parody Video

Gepubliceerd op 17 jan. 2019

This is what the makers of the Gillette Ad were REALLY trying to say.

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Voor wie dit leuk vond, is hier nog een parodie, die Mr Reagan op dezelfde reclame maakte, ditmaal rond de jongens van Covington, zie (3:21) ‘NEW Gillette Ad (Parody)’ van Mr Reagan, gepubliceerd op 27 jan. 2019 (271.180 v; 4.789 r).

Hier zijn de video’s, die ik niet heb bekeken. (11:07) ‘CNN ANALYST EMBARRASS HERSELF, GILLEtTE OOPSIE , SJWCentral DEMONETIZED + COUNT DANKULA’ van SJWCentral (38:32) ‘Toxic Gillette’ van bane666au (10:02) ‘That Gillette Ad and Toxic Masculinity’ van America Uncovered (25:35) ‘TDS: Gillette Yawns’ van TRS Radio (11:07) ‘Full REACTION to Gillette Ad on Toxic Masculinity – Castration continues’ van DeAnna Lorraine (48:08) ‘Gillette’s new ad is terrifying’ van Brandon Tatum (11:13) ‘Ozzy Man Reviews: Gillette Ad’ van Ozzy Man Reviews (8:42) ‘Gillette…The Best A Ma’am Can Get’ van Press For Truth (7:10) ‘The WORST Part about the Gillette Ad NOBODY’S Talking about’ van Sasha Daygame (21:31) ‘GILLETTE “TOXIC MASCULINITY” AD Campain FAILS BACKFIRES; SHORT P&G TOMORROW ’ van James Munder (10:31) ‘On the Gillette ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Ad | The Best Men Can Be’ van Matt Christiansen (19:12) ‘Gillette: The Best SIMPS Can Be’ van CoachGregAdams (7:26) ‘Gillette, boys will be soys’ van Aba & Preach (1:29:45) ‘Gillette Toxic-Masculinity Commercial Leads To Mass-Boycotting Of Their Product By Men!’ Van TheGuruAndTheWhore (16:26) ‘Gillette Ad Reaction – What It Means For The Modern Gentleman’ van Gentleman’s Gazette (8:03) ‘Dear Gillette, By The Look Of These Ads It Would Appear That U Support Toxic Masculinity & More!’ Van TNNRaw2 (29:54) ‘THAT Gillette Commercial – My Thoughts’ van Liana K (13:26) ‘Gillette, the best a beta male can get. The war on men is real.’ Van Jericho Green (4:45) ‘Supporters of the Gillette Ad Engaging in Very Toxic Behavior – Irony Much? (THE SAAD TRUTH_829)’ van Gad Saad (32:02) ‘Where Gillette Went Wrong’ van Rebel Wisdom (16:44) ‘MGTOW – GILLETTES HIDDEN ANTI-MASCULINITY MESSAGE TO MEN AND BOYS (ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK)’ van Male Progressive TV (18:57) ‘The ‘Me-Too’ Inspired Gillette Commercial Is a Disgrace!’ Van Organic The illionaire (11:34) ‘Gillette HATES Men’ van Isaac Butterfield (8:35) ‘Is the Latest Gillette Advert an Attack on Men? | Good Morning Britain’ van Good Morning Britain (6:34) ‘MGTOW/Redpill: Boycott Gillette’ van EMAN67 (Movies,politics,commentary) (13:54) ‘GILLETTE DESTROYS TOXIC MASCULINITY’ van SomeBlackGuy (48:08) ‘Gillette’s new ad is terrifying’ van Brandon Tatum (1:48) ‘BOYCOTT GILLETTE RIGHT NOW’ van BurnCoalition (3:00) ‘YESTERDAY ON THE INTERNET S1 • A28 – Here’s What Men Who Hated The Gillette Ad Apparently Saw (HBO)’ van VICE News (6:02) ‘GLEE actor gets triggered by ComicArtistPro Secrets! I’m the best a man can get, tho.’ Van ComicArtistPro Secrets (15:18) ‘Gillette AD attacking men will backfire’ van AJ Elicits (11:34) ‘Gillette HATES Men’ van Isaac Butterfield (5:44) ‘Gillette Razors Go Full Libtard’ van Mark Dice (5:19) ‘Gillette: The Wokest a Blade Can Get! – Commercial Reaction Video’ van Don’t Walk, Run! Productions (5:07) ‘The EMASCULATING Gillette Commercial: Here’s What REALLY Happened’ van The Charisma Matrix, (1:22:37) ‘Flashback Friday – Ep11 – Gillette, Cohen & McJesus’ van Red Ice TV (19:31) ‘In Defense of Masculinity (Nice Try, Gillette…)’ van The Asian Capitalists (6:43) ‘#GILLEDIT – The DELETED SCENE Gillette Did NOT Want You to SEE!!’ Van HighImpactFlix (6:20) ‘Gillette – The Ad Campaign We Now Regret’ van Independent Man (5:17) ‘Dear Gillette, Men Are Not the Problem!’ Van Tipping Point With Liz Wheeler on OAN (7:36) ‘Men Boycott Gillette – New Gillette Commercial 2019’ van Legion of Weirdos (14:51) ‘The Gillette commercial Reaction’ van BadEyesight Tv (7:10) ‘The WORST Part about the Gillette Ad NOBODY’S Talking about’ van Sasha Daygame (14:19) ‘Smack Talk: Gillette The Best Men Can Be’ van Voxis Productions (1:29:54) ‘Gillette Toxic Masculinity Commercial Leads To Mass Boycotting Of Their Product By Men! Van Tommy Sotomayor REBORN! (2:44:30) ‘March For Life; Gillette Toxic Masculinity Ad; Trump Nixed Dem Public Relations Trip; MMT 1/18/19’ van Masfaith3 (11:54) ‘Gillette And The Nagging Wife’ van Thinking-Ape (1:49) ‘Anuncio de Gillette sobre la “masculinidad tóxica” [subtitulado] – Metropolitano’ van Metropolitano Vigo (13:59) ‘Así no, Gillette. | ¿Masculinidad tóxica?’ van La entropía de Valen

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