Cor Hendriks – De Red Pill (16): Een man is geen vrouw | Ben ik nu een TERF?

Het is merkwaardig, dat een “common sense” uitspraak als “een man is geen vrouw” in de huidige tijd controversieel is. J.K. Rowling, de bekende schrijfster van de Harry Potter boeken, is ermee in de problemen gekomen, door haar steun uit te spreken voor een vrouw, die werd gediscrimineerd, omdat ze van mening was dat een man geen vrouw is en het ook niet kan worden.

Rowling wordt nu een TERF genoemd, wat staat voor trans-exclusionary radical feminist (zie, dus voor feministen, die beweren, dat transvrouwen, wat wil zeggen, mannen, die zich voor vrouw uitgeven, geen vrouwen zijn en dus bijvoorbeeld niet zouden mogen deelnemen aan vrouwensport of zich vrouwenkleedkamers omkleden. Mensen, die een dergelijke mening erop nahouden, worden gezien als transfobic (zie oftewel ‘bang voor transseksuelen’. Zie (6:22) ‘What are TERFs?’ van Rowan Ellis, 3 okt. 2017. ‘What are TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists)? Let’s look at the basics including second wave feminism, definitions, and more!’” Zie ook (6:47) ‘I’m a TERF now’ van Liberation Monologue, 2 jan. 2018. En voor de anti TERF ideologie, zie (4:52) ‘Ash Sarkar on the TERF Rebirth’ van Novara Media, 14 nov. 2019. ‘”Us as cis people need to ride or die for our trans siblings“. Ash Sarkar on #FixLive.’ Ook de bekende feminist Germaine Greer is een TERF, zie (6:43) ‘Germaine Greer: Transgender women are ‘not women’ – BBC Newsnight’ van BBC Newsnight, 23 okt. 2015. ‘Germaine Greer talks to Kirsty Wark about her views on transexuality which have had her un-platformed from a talk at Cardiff University.

Een ‘TERF’ van de jongere generatie geeft haar mening in (14:21) ‘Transwomen are not Females (mirrored video)’ van Nono Nonon, 24 jan. 2013.

Omdat ik geen vrouw ben, is het beter om een vrouw aan het woord te laten, zie daarvoor de video (32:25) ‘Cognitive dissonance, gas lighting and fuckwits’ van Posie Parker, 9 sep. 2018. ‘I went to a workshop put on by FAS (Feminist Archive Shit) and Tiger in Glastonbury Somerset. Clarify: My daughter actually said transwomen aren’t women, if that’s unclear. She was told she was unkind for saying it would be weird if a trans woman was in the girls changing room.’

Lesbische vrouwen worden het hardst getroffen door transactivisme, zie (9:11) ‘Lesbian Feminist Explains How The Equality Act Promotes Inequality’ van The Heritage Foundation, 4 apr. 2019. ‘Julia Beck is a writer and organizer from Baltimore, Maryland. She helps produce a monthly radio broadcast for Women’s Liberation Radio News. Last year, she represented lesbians at Baltimore Pride and on the Law and Policy Committee of Baltimore City’s LGBTQ Commission. Julia shared her experience being terminated from her position on the Baltimore LGBTQ Commission for reaffirming the biological reality of sex and explained why the Equality Act promotes inequality for women and girls in this event at The Heritage Foundation.’

Voor J.K. Rowling, zie (13:14) ‘JK Rowling is Officially a TERF’ van Akkad Daily, 19 dec. 2019. ‘The intersectional Twitter hate mob descends to give her the tongue-lashing of tolerance.’

Mannen zijn echter geen vrouwen en mogen daarom niet deelnemen aan vrouwensporten. Transseksuelen, dat zijn mannen, die zich als vrouwen presenteren, zijn geen vrouwen en het is dus verkeerd om ze aan vrouwensporten mee te laten doen, want dat is discriminatie van andere mannen. Als andere mannen ook mogen meedoen (zoals bij de boyscouts, waar vrouwen aan mee mogen doen), dan is er geen vrouwensport meer en dat is wat er nu gebeurt met het mee laten doen van transseksuelen, die uiteraard een biologisch voordeel hebben en records vestigen, die door geen vrouw te breken zijn. Zie (5:53) ‘Olympics 2020: are the rules for trans athletes fair? | The Economist’ van The Economist, 26 dec. 2019. ‘In 2020 transgender athletes may take part in the Olympic Games for the first time. But allowing transgender women to compete in women’s sport is provoking a heated debate about inclusion and fairness.’

De omstreden Tweet van J.K. Rowling

De omstreden Tweet van J.K. Rowling (foto Twitter)

Het Twitter bericht van J.K. Rowling veroorzaakte een storm op YouTube, allereerst natuurlijk van “transfielen”, die hoogst verontwaardigd waren over het van haar troon vallen van hun favoriete schrijfster. Ze moet “gecancelled” worden. Maar moeten wij ons daarom druk maken? Zie (7:30) ‘JK Rowling is Cancelled’ van Paul Joseph Watson, 20 dec. 2019. ‘Should we care? (10:31) ‘‘JK Rowling is being accused of transphobia for simply defending a woman who’s lost her job’’ van talkRADIO, 20 dec. 2019. ‘Women’s rights campaigner Stephanie Davies-Arai has defended Harry Potter author JK Rowling who has come under fire for supporting a researcher who lost her job for tweeting that transgender people cannot change their biological sex. Maya Forstater lost her job in March after she posted tweets opposing government proposals to reform the Gender Recognition Act to allow people to identify as the opposite sex. Ms Davies-Arai spoke with Cristo Foufas.

In de video’s worden de zaken uitgelegd. Maya Forstater is een Britse radicale feminist, die haar mening niet onder stoelen of banken steekt en zich daarmee niet bepaald geliefd maakte bij de zogeheten “transcommunity”, zie (15:50) ‘A Woman’s Place is Back in Town: Maya Forstater (20 May 2019)’ van A Woman’s Place UK, 29 mei 2019. (2:38) ‘Researcher who lost job over ’transphobic’ comments expected to say men cannot become women’ van enewsx, 13 nov. 2019. ‘Researcher who lost job over ’transphobic’ comments expected to say men cannot become women. A researcher who lost her job for making ‘transphobic’ remarks will tell an employment tribunal that it is a ‘biological fact’ that men cannot become women. Maya Forstater, 46, wrote on her personal Twitter account in 2018 that ‘men cannot change into women’ and criticised laws which allow people to ‘self-identify’ as male or female. Some of her colleagues at think-tank the Centre For Global Development (CGD) complained that her views ‘made them feel uncomfortable’ and accused her of ‘transphobia’. A preliminary hearing at an employment tribunal in central London yesterday heard that her legal team will argue that Miss Forstater’s views are a ‘philosophical belief’. Under the Equalities Act 2010, it is illegal to discriminate against employees over such beliefs. ‘I believe that being male or female is an immutable biological fact, not a feeling or an identity,’ Miss Forstater is expected to say in evidence later this week. ‘I believe that a person’s sex should not be conflated with the idea of “gender”, “gender identities” or “gender expression”. ‘I believe that it is impossible to change sex or lose your sex. No change of clothes or hairstyle, no plastic surgery, no accident or illness, no course of hormones, no force of will or social conditioning, no declaration, can turn a female person into a male, or a male person into a female.’ Miss Forstater, a tax expert and a mother, worked for the CGD in a number of consultant roles from 2015 until 2018. In 2016 she was invited to become a visiting fellow of the think-tank, which is based in London and Washington DC. Anya Palmer, for Miss Forstater, told the tribunal: ‘People are losing their jobs… up and down the country for expressing these beliefs. ‘We need a decision.’

De controverse wordt besproken door Mallen Baker in zijn show, zie (25:57) ‘JK Rowling gender tweet explodes | The Mallen Baker Show’ van Mallen Baker, 20 dec. 2019. ‘In this round-up of the week, I look at two examples of people losing their jobs for the crime of having wrong opinions. The first became the centre of a Jk Rowling twitter storm yesterday over Maya Forstater’s legal case hinging on her tweets about whether a woman is an adult female. The second over Susan Crockford’s views on the success or otherwise of the polar bear. Also Greta Thunberg makes headlines for sitting on the floor.

J.K. Rowling (foto Sekhmet She-Owl)

J.K. Rowling (foto Sekhmet She-Owl)

Steun wordt uitgesproken door radicalen, zie (7:35) ‘thank you, jk rowling!’ Van RadicalRamblings, 20 dec. 2019. ‘jk rowling stands with maya forstater! so do i. so should you.’

Zie ook (4:31) ‘J.K Rowling Accused of Transphobia For Being Too Factual’ van YogiOabs, 20 dec. 2019.

En (19:18) ‘Twitter Thoughts: JK Rowling vs Cancel Culture’ van Stefan Molineux, 23 dec. 2019. (5:02) ‘JK Rowling Maya Forstater ATTACKED by Progressive Left’ van Dirk Jensen, 19 dec. 2019. ‘radical leftist attack JK Rowling like the forces of Voldemort over a comment that she said supporting a scientist who is stating scientific facts’. (5:20) ‘JK Rowling defended by CATHOLIC CHURCH’ van Dirk Jensen, 20 dec. 2019. ‘We are indeed living in the end times as the left is now burning their Harry Potter books and the Catholic Church defends JK Rowling in this latest political battle:’. (9:09) ‘JK Rowling Canceled for Tweets’ van Yaron Brook, 23 dec. 2019. (32:02) ‘J.K Rowling vs THE WORLD (Trans Rights Activists)’ van Trigger Warning, 22 dec. 2019. (17:02) ‘J.K. Rowling says Voldemort, is depersoned by Cult of Progress’ van shmuckmuck, 22 dec. 2019. ‘J.K. Rowling is deemed an enemy of progress for expressing sentiments probably 99% of people agree with. U.K. tribunal deems free expression “not worthy of respect in a democratic society.” (7:40) ‘Woke Cult Crazies Strike Mark Hamill Over JK Rowling Tweet’ van Salty Cracker, 21 dec. 2019. (4:50) ‘We Stand with Rowling!’ Van Jenny McDermott, 22 dec. 2019. (1:16:39) ‘JK Rowling Defies the Trans Cult’ van Sekhmet She-Owl, 22 dec. 2019 [Lesbian rant].

Voor een komische benadering zie de video (2:25) ‘OH NOES! JK Rowling Canceled By HP Fans!’ van Donnie Thumbanfist, 20 dec. 2019.

Enige nieuwszenders deden bericht van de controverse. In het Nederlands, zie (1:52) ‘Kritiek op J.K. Rowling na transgender tweets’ van Purple Part, 20 dec. 2019. ‘Harry Potter schrijfster J.K. Rowling ligt onder vuur, omdat ze het heeft opgenomen voor Maya Forstater, een onderzoekster, die haar baan kwijtraakte, omdat ze stelde, dat mensen hun biologische sekse niet kunnen veranderen. Rowling plaatste op Twitter een bericht ter verdediging van de onderzoekster, wat de schrijfster op haar beurt op kritiek kwam te staan. (2:55) ‘Trans Activists Try to Cancel JK Rowling’ van One America News Network, 20 dec. 2019. (0:27) ‘J.K. Rowling Transphobic?’ van Wochit News, 20 dec. 2019. ’JK Rowling has been accused many times of being anti-trans. According to Newser there are new accusations of transphobia against her. Rowling is been labeled a trans-exclusionary radical feminist. In a recent tweet she said she supports anti-trans feminist Maya Forstater. Forstater is a researcher who lost her job after she claimed a person’s biological sex can’t be changed. The LGBTQ rights organization GLAAD says it offered Rowling a private meeting and the author’s team declined. (5:25) ‘Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling embroiled in a transphobia scandal’ van FRANCE 24 English, 20 dec. 2019. ‘IN THE PAPERS  – Thursday, November 20: We bring you coverage of deadly protests in India as opposition to a planned citizenship law continues. Two Australian volunteer firefighters lose their lives as bushfires continue. This as Prime Minister Scott Morrison faces heat over going on holiday during the emergency. Also: Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling finds herself embroiled in a transphobia debate after appearing to support a woman accused of transpobic discourse. Finally, it’s World Ugly Christmas Sweater day and we bring you a little insight into the day! (2:20) ‘JK Rowling under fire over transgender comments (ASL – 12.21.19)’ van Sign1News, 21 dec. 2019 [voor doven]. ‘Harry Potter author JK Rowling has come under fire for expressing support for a woman who lost her job over comments she made on social media about transgender people. Maya Forstater lost her job as a researcher after posting comments on Twitter criticizing UK government plans to allow people to self identify their gender. Forstater doesn’t believe it is possible for people to change sex and said in a private post to a coworker “I don’t think people should be compelled to play along with literal delusions like ’transwomen are women’.” Rowling announced her support of Forstater by using the hashtag #StandWithMaya and saying “Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adults who will have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?” Several people expressed their disappointment with Rowling’s comments on Twitter, calling her tweet “transphobic.” LGBT rights charity Stonewall declined to comment on Rowling’s statement but addressed Forstater’s case by saying “This case is about the importance of dignity and respect in the workplace. Trans people are facing huge levels of abuse and discrimination, with one in eight – 12% – having been attacked while at work in the last year.” (1:15) ‘JK Rowling draws criticism’ van High Thing, 20 dec. 2019. ‘New York (AP) — J.K. Rowling is facing widespread criticism from the transgender community and other activists after tweeting support for a researcher who lost her job for stating that people cannot change their biological sex. The researcher, Maya Forstater, had been a visiting fellow at the Centre for Global Development, which in March declined to renew her contract. A London judge this week upheld her dismissal, finding that her views of...’ (7:10) ‘✅ JK Rowling wades into Maya Forstater transgender debate’ van news TV, 22 dec. 2019. ‘✍ JK Rowling has come out in support of a researcher who was sacked after tweeting that transgender people cannot change their biological sex. Maya Forstater lost her job in March after she posted tweets opposing government proposals to reform the Gender Recognition Act to allow people to identify as the opposite sex. Ms Forstater, who worked as a tax expert at the Centre for Global Development, an international think tank that campaigns against poverty and inequality, took her case to an employment tribunal on the grounds that her dismissal constituted discrimination against her beliefs. Employment judge James Tayler dismissed her claim on Wednesday, saying her views are “absolutist in her view of sex”. Responding to the ruling, Harry Potter author Rowling wrote on Twitter: “Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you.Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that se … (2:20) ‘J.K. Rowling faces backlash after tweeting support for ’transphobic’ researcher’ van Wonder TV, 20 dec. 2019. (0:36) ‘Rowling In Trans Row’ van Wochit News, 20 dec. 2019. ‘J.K. Rowling is facing widespread criticism from the transgender community and other activists. Rowling tweeted support for a researcher who lost her job for stating that people cannot change their biological sex. Many on Twitter labeled her a TERF (Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist). Among those criticizing her was the Human Rights Campaign. Rowling has also taken heat for ignoring criticism for working with alleged wife abuser Johnny Depp. The “Harry Potter” author is otherwise known for her outspoken liberal political views. She has often said that those that disagree with her are bigots and “on the wrong side of history.” But now, it’s Rowling who is taking the heat. A spokeswoman for Rowling said that the author would not have any further comment.’ (2:58) ‘J.K. Rowling Criticized After Tweeting Support for Anti-Transgender Researcher’ van News from New York Times, 19 dec. 2019. Full article: (6:03) ‘J K Rowling Criticized After Tweeting Support for Anti Transgender Researcher’ van BuzzUSA, 19 dec. 2019. (1:02) ‘Author JK Rowling draws criticism for transgender comments’ van WETM 18 News, 19 dec. 2019. (1:06) ‘J.K. Rowling sparks outrage over anti-transgender comments’ van Rappler, 20 dec. 2019. ‘Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s beliefs about the transgender community spark fans’ outrage.’ (1:02) ‘J.K. Rowling Defends Tax Expert Fired Over Transphobic Tweets’ van BUZZNET, 19 dec. 2019. ‘On Dec. 19, Rowling took to Twitter to defend Maya Forstater, a U.K. tax expert that was fired over a series of Transphobic tweets.’

Uiteraard overheersten in aantal de berichten, die Rowling voor een TERF uitmaakten, of haar Tweet transphobic noemden. Ze komen in diverse talen en vanuit diverse delen van de wereld. (8:23) ‘JK Rowling Doesn’t Support Trans Rights?’ van Kristen Nicole, 19 dec. 2019. ‘JK Rowling came under fire today for tweeting in support of anti trans activist, Maya Forstater (I mispronounce her name a few times in the video, apologies.) Maya gained notoriety for her public, transphobic statements regarding trans people, specifically stating that trans women are men, that trans women should not have access to women’s restrooms, and more. Maya recently did not have her contract renewed with the GDC, so she took them to court and lost. JK Rowling, author of Harry Potter, tweeted in support after Maya lost her court case’ (met links). (9:58) ‘How Is JK Rowling’s Tweet Transphobic?’ Van Theo Hendrie, 21 dec. 2019. ‘JK Rowling was accused of transphobia because of a recent tweet. But what was so offensive about what she said? Let’s break it down.’ (18:55) ‘Is JK Rowling Transphobic? Yes… and I’ll Explain How’ van Council of Greeks, 22 dec. 2019. ‘There have been accusations of Harry Potter author JK Rowling being transphobic for some years now. And I’ve avoided the topic for as long as I comfortably could. But with this past week, no I can’t anymore. I need to face reality and I’m going to try and do it in a way that maybe can help other people understand why I can no longer escape this conclusion.’ (2:43) ‘How Fans are Responding to JK Rowling’s Transphobia: Dec 23 Debrief’ van Matt Baume, 23 dec. 2019. ‘Since the Trump administration started saying they want to end the criminalization of homosexuality, the number of countries where you be be arrested for being gay has actually increased. Germany took a step closer to banning ex-gay abuse, and now they’re going further than in previous efforts. China and Cuba could recognize same-sex relationships in the next few years. And there’s never been a better time to support organizations that advocate for trans youth in the UK. We’ll have the week’s top LGBTQ news and actions you can take on Weekly Debrief. (11:45) ‘J. K. Rowling Transphobie-Backlash’ van Tom Henrik, 21 dec. 2019. (9:56) ‘JK Rowling is a TERF (but You Can Still Enjoy Harry Potter)’ van Rebecca Watson, 24 dec. 2019. ‘JK Rowling doesn’t understand the science of sex and gender.’ (13:36) ‘J.K. Rowling Angers Trans Community Once Again’ van TYT Nation, 20 dec. 2019. (28:33) ‘J. K. Rowling and Gender Policing: Unpacking Transphobia’ van Jason LaVelle, 21 dec. 2019. ‘Activist and gender identity specialist Georgie Williams explains J.K. Rowling’s transphobic tweet, and explains why this kind of language and mindset is so harmful. **we experienced some connection issues early on, but stick with it, the issues resolve after about two minutes**.’


Sasha (foto YouTube) (7:47) ‘My opinion on J.K Rowling’s TRANSPHOBIC TWEET. (MTF) -Sasha.’ Van Sasha, 20 dec. 2019. In het Spaans (4:59). (10:17) ‘ JK ROWLING ha finalmente fatto coming out come TRANSFOBICA | Richard Thunder’ van Richard Thunder, 20 dec. 2019. ‘In questo video parleremo della grandissima polemica nata intorno a JK Rowling, l’autrice di Harry Potter, a causa di una sua uscita molto transfobica su Twitter. Il suo tweet è legato a Maya Fostater, una commercialista britannica a cui non è stato rinnovato il contratto di lavoro a causa dei suoi tweet transfobici, dopo che un giudice ha confermato che il suo datore di lavoro aveva diritto di “licenziarla” a causa della sua transfobia JK Rowling ha dato di matto su Twitter. Ma sapevate che stavamo soltanto aspettando questo suo coming out? Non è la prima volta che la Rowling fa intuire la sua transfobia, infatti è dal 2018 che mette like a tweet transfobici e segue delle TERF (Trans exclusionary radical feminist). Cosa ne pensate? Ne avevate sentito parlare? (13:20) ‘JK ROWLING ist TRANSPHOB?! Das ist passiert!’ van dagilp_lbh, 20 dec. 2019. ‘In diesem schlicht gehaltenen Info / Meinungsvideo beleuchte ich den aktuellen Skandal rund um JK Rowling und die Vorwürfe gegen sie Transphob zu sein. (19:59) ‘TRANS GUY REACTING TO JK ROWLING & MAYA FORSTATER’ van Lucas Karlsson, 22 dec. 2019 (met links). (7:46) ‘JK Rowling needs an enema.’ Van Readings By Genevieve, 20 dec. 2019 (vanaf 2:00). (11:04) ‘Dont think about JK Rowling’ van RamskovLife, 20 dec. 2019. (8:07) ‘on jk rowling’s transphobic tweets’ van natalie.exe, 20 dec. 2019. ‘Let me know in the comments: what are your thoughts on jkr’s latest tweet? Should we still support her work or not? (12:36) ‘JK ROWLINGS TERRIBLE TWEETS’ van CreepShow Art, 20 dec. 2019. ‘Someone really needs to tell Jo to stop…. I mean… I can, but I am pretty sure she hunts people for sport because she feels nothing.’


Fiorwestcoast (foto YouTube) (4:13) ‘J.K Rowling is a terf? Urgh’ van Fiorwestcoast, 20 dec. 2019. (3:31) ‘Is JK Rowling a TERF’ van Comrade2776, 21 dec. 2019. (7:01) ‘J.K. ROWLING ¿ES TRANSFOBICA? 😱’ van Igualdad LGBT, 20 dec. 2019. ‘En este video analizamos las nuevas declaraciones transfobicas de J.K. R la autora de la saga de Harry Potter ¿Vosotros que pensáis al respecto de estas declaraciones? (0:56) ‘Acusan a escritora de Harry Potter de transfobia por polémico tweet’ van El Universal, 19 dec. 2019. ‘La polémica se dio después de que una trabajadora fue despedida de su cargo por un articulo sobre la transexualidad y el género.’ (2:17) ‘J.K. Rowling called out for anti-transgender comments’ van Large Mr, 20 dec. 2019.

Voor het laatste nieuws over de geperverteerde als transactivist vermomde Jessica Yanev, over wie ik eerder schreef (zie afl. 11:, zie de video (23:03) ‘Jessica Yaniv: Trans Activist Fraud EXPOSED! | DRAMA AND OPINIONS’ van Drama and Opinions, 21 dec. 2019.

Kat Blaque

Kat Blaque (foto YouTube)

Voor een transkijk op wat mannen zien in transvrouwen, zie (40:27) ‘The REAL Reasons Men Like Trans Women | Kat Blaque’ van Kat Blaque, 17 dec. 2019.

De discussie over de vraag, of je van geslacht kunt veranderen, is natuurlijk niet nieuw. Zie voor een discussie van het onderwerp (21:28) ‘“I don’t think changing sex is actually possible” | Transphobia Debate’ van talkRADIO, 27 sep. 2018. ‘A billboard commissioned by a feminist group defining a woman as an “adult human female” was removed due to the perception of transphobia. Matthew Wright chairs a debate featuring all the key parties from the controversial incident. 03:14 Paula Wright, an academic, joins on the line to offer her impressions. 06:15 Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull – the feminist who commissioned the poster, enters the discussion. 15:38 Harry Doyle – a councillor who fought for the removal of the billboard joins the debate.’ (1:46:20) ‘The Queen’s University Talk: The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech’ van Jordan B. Peterson, 11 mrt. 2018. ‘I was invited to Queen’s University March 5 to give the inaugural lecture/discussion of the Liberty Lecture series, funded by Faculty of Law alumnus, Gregory Piasetzki (LLB 1980). Dr. Bruce Pardy ( and I discussed the increasingly frequent requirements for compelled speech that characterize the Canadian sociopolitical landscape. The entire event was, in a word, surreal. Initial controversy over its acceptability rose to the point where the Dean of the Law School William Flanagan and Principal of Queen’s Daniel Woolf wrote missives in defence of free speech (the former:; the latter: The Queen’s University “Human Rights Office” posted a link to the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre and Education on Queer Issues Project “active support” efforts during this event at their “Trans-Positive and People of Colour Positive Chill-In” in Dunning Hall, room 11, where there was coloring pages, music, food, and discussion. The 900 or so people who attended (who comported themselves admirably and thoughtfully throughout) were subject to a continual 90-minute barrage of noise generated by the protestors, who leaped up on the stained glass windows lining the hall and banged continually on them, breaking one. Inside, we could see shadowy figures dimly outlined through the colored glass. The outside doors were barricaded. One protestor was caught on film saying “Lock them in and burn it down.” The din was substantial and ominous, although it is much attenuated in this video, due to the nature of the microphones used, which were designed to pick up speech close at hand. The protestor who broke the window was arrested, but not before she bit a policeman, attempted to kick the back window out of a police cruiser, and was found to be in possession of a garrotte, a particularly brutal weapon with no defensive utility whatsoever ( The man who cursed so profoundly and eloquently near the beginning of the lecture accosted me and my crew after the talk, and yelled and cursed and threatened at close quarters during our 200-yard walk from the venue to the parkade. No one who was at this event will forget it. Not good. Not good at all.’ (18:15) ‘Dave Rubin On “Woke Outrage” & The Assault on Free Speech [TPUSA Special] | American Thought Leaders’, van American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times, 26 dec. 2019. ‘At Turning Point USA’s 2019 Student Action Summit, we sit down Dave Rubin, host of the Rubin Report, to discuss the radicalization of the left, identity politics, the assault on free speech in America, and the rise of what Rubin describes as the “woke outrage mob.”’ (4:27) ‘Santa Is Gender Neutral, Apparently I Pat Gray Unleashed’ van BlazeTV, 25 dec. 2019. ‘Whatever you do, don’t use the hateful term ‘Father Christmas’ this year…

Iowa man sentenced to about 15 years in prison after burning an LGBTQ flag hanging from a church, zie het artikel

Een interessante YouTuber is de Roemeense Vee, die zijn naam heeft veranderd in Romanian TVee. Voor zijn video over de Rowling controverse, zie (21:23) ‘J.K Rowling finally unveils how Voldemort would have voted in the UK’ van Romanian TVee, 24 dec. 2019.

Romanian TVee – J.K Rowling finally unveils how Voldemort would have voted in the UK

In première gegaan op 24 dec. 2019

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