Cor Hendriks – De Red Pill (14): Ms. Monopoly | Woke Monopoly of Joke Monopoly?

Ha, eindelijk een spel, waarin vrouwen meer betaald worden als mannen. O, maar wacht, je kan je gewoon als vrouw identificeren en dan krijg je als man toch evenveel als een vrouw. Het is maar een spelletje, zelfs een heel flauw spel, meer een wapen voor al die mannen, die willen zeggen, dat het feminisme geheel doorgeslagen is en gek geworden.

Het ironische van de zaak is, dat Monopoly, het wereldwijd bekende spel, is uitgevonden door een vrouw, Lizzy Magie (zie of, evenals, die echter niet genoemd wordt onder de vrouwelijke uitvinders, genoemd in de reclame. Zie ook

The Real Inventor of Monopoly Elizabeth J. Magie (Remix by Ali Kirker for IE)

The Real Inventor of Monopoly Elizabeth J. Magie (Remix by Ali Kirker for IE) Hasbro introduces Ms. Monopoly to celebrate female entrepreneurs. Can We Talk About The Massive Irony Of The New ‘Woke Monopoly’?

Ms. Monopoly (foto 2oceansvibe)

Ms. Monopoly (foto 2oceansvibe) Monopoly “eert” vrouw, maar negeert eigen bedenkster.

Er zijn ondertussen een heel stel video’s verschenen, o.a. van Tim Pool, Vee, The Amazing Lucas, the Thinkery (i.e. Carl Benjamin = Sargon of Akkad), etc. Hier is de bijdrage van Tim Pool (10:58).

Timcast – New Feminist Monopoly Game Gives Women Unfair Advantage, Because… Equality?

Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019

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Reacties: (13:26) ‘Ms monopoly a gender communist game‘ van Vee, 20 uur geleden in première gegaan (7.534 w; 323 r). (6:40) ‘Ms Monopoly is a GENIUS idea‘ van The Amazing Lucas, Gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (76.306 w; 2.526 r). Tekst: ‘Ms Monopoly is a genius game that should purchased on day one by all that breathe oxygen and ARE NOT misogynists and want to be an ally to women causes.’ ‘This is an absolute DAY ONE BUY unless you’re a misogynist and want to uphold the patriarchy. Who would have thought that regular Monopoly was not celebrating women enough and was holding them back by being oppressive.’ (12:17) ‘Woke Monopoly Will Save Feminism‘ van The Thinkery, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (119.091 w; 3.481 r). Tekst: ‘Good thing the male-dominated corporate boardroom of Hasbro is here to save the failing feminist movement from itself.’ (8:55) ‘Ms. Monopoly gets WOKE by degrading young men and boys‘ van Matt Jarbo, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (2.130 v; 86 r). Tekst: ‘Today Hasbro announced a very unusual version of Monopoly for young women. MS. MONOPOLY has an entirely different rule set depending on your gender, and women get paid more than men do. This is apparently a “woke” way to showcase the wage gap, and the pay gap that women face every day. As usual, no one is buying it, and many are calling it out for being hypocritical and sexist. Plus Lizzie Magie, the game’s original creator wouldn’t want anyone playing a bastardized version of her game anyway. (13:19) ‘The Problem with Ms. Monopoly & The 10 Worst Monopoly Games‘, van Popcorned Planet, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (3.882 w; 227 r). Tekst: ‘Did you guys hear about the new Monopoly game: Ms. Monopoly… “With all of the things surrounding female empowerment, it felt right to bring this to Monopoly in a fresh new way,” Boswinkel said. “It’s giving the topic some relevancy to everyone playing it that everybody gets a turn, and this time women get an advantage at the start.” The debate over equal pay starts before shuffling the cards, choosing a token and rolling the dice. The banker doles out $1,900 in Monopoly Money to each female player and $1,500 to each male. The gap continues every time a player passes go with women collecting $240 and men $200. Instead of investing in real estate properties like the classic game, players invest in inventions and innovations made by women, including chocolate chip cookies, bulletproof vests, solar heating and ladies’ modern shapewear. “We made sure that this felt authentic and was a fun game families could play and learn about these things that they love and are a part of their life that they didn’t know were invented by women,” Boswinkel said. Other updates to the game include new tokens including a white hat, a watch, a barbell, a glass and a jet plane. Ugh… Why waste a good idea of supporting Women inventors, with a rule that allows female players to cheat? How is this good for equality and the pay gap debate? This will only anger men further. Andy Signor breaks down his thoughts… and goes through some of the other worst editions of Monopoly previously out there. And calls out Hasboro, for if they really wanted to support female inventors, they’d finally give credit to the original inventor of Monopoly Lizzie Magie. Look her up! Her story is depressing.’ (5:23) ‘Monopoly Gets Woke With New Ms. Monopoly Board Game‘ van Vinchenzo C, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (197 v; 16 r). Tekst: ‘Fighting the patriarchy has never been this fun! (6:37) ‘This Game Just Solved Equality | Ms. Monopoly‘ van Damvilion, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (305 v; 9 r). (12:19) ‘Are You Ready To Smash The Patriarchy With MS. MONOPOLY!? (Hillary Clinton Action Doll Not Included)’ van Channel Jorp, Gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (402 v; 25 r). Tekst: ‘Those dirty, misogynistic GamerGaters will never recover from such a crushing blow as this. Imagine your embarrassment as Janet whips another 20 out of her Gucci coinpurse, smirking at your chocolate chip cookie tax because she’s about to pass go for another gender-dependent handout. We’re taking Monopoly to the next level. For additional reading: Ms. Monopoly Game Shows the Problem With the Pay Gap, and Men Are Predictably Mad –; New ‘Monopoly’ game will pay female players more than males –; In the new game of Monopoly, women make more than men; America’s First Ever ‘Gay Bank’ Approved By Michigan –’ (12:02) ‘Ms. Monopoly Will Pay Women More Than Men & The World Celebrates‘ van TheQuartering, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (121.850 w; 5.068 r). Tekst: ‘Ms. Monopoly launched today and their big selling point is that it’s for women and that it pays women 20% more than men for reasons. I guess board game night is ruined too. Download RAID today! (13:07) ‘Ms. Monopoly Gives Women More Money‘ van No Bullshit, Gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (53.200 w; 1.657 r). (17:10) ‘Ms. Monopoly – Only Men Are Upset?‘ Van MechaRandom42, Gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (7.041 w; 429 r). Tekst: ‘Mecha was prompted to talk about Ms. Monopoly on Tuesday’s Livestream‘. Met links. (2:44) ‘My Message To Ms. Monopoly‘ van Tipping Point With Liz Wheeler on OAN, Gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (40.335 w; 1.052 r). (5:09) ‘Ms Monopoly‘ van The Loftus Party, gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (1.170 w; 46 r) Tekst: ‘Hasbro just announced Ms. Monopoly… cause we needed another version of the board game… Sarcasm. Finally! Says America. A version of Monopoly that’s Pro Woman! They even changed the rules! Comedian Michael Loftus thinks it’s really quite funny.’ (13:33) ‘Ms. Monopoly‘ van spacepan, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (130 v; 18 r). Tekst: ‘Ms. Monopoly: Hasbro brings gender pay gap debate to game night:‘. (4:23) ‘MS MONOPOLY TO BE RELEASED By Hasbro and Walmart Preorder in September 2019 Ms. Monopoly Equality‘ van D-Railed Gatekeeper, Gepubliceerd op 9 sep. 2019 (330 v; 33 r). Tekst: ‘MY UPDATE/RANT VIDEO AT THE FOLLOWING LINK Monopoly is set to be released later this month by Hasbro and Is this game something you would buy? Does it bother you that this game exists? (6:06) ‘How Ms. Monopoly and Monopoly Socialism Manipulate You‘ van Christo Aivalis, Gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (1.684 w; 37 r). Tekst: ‘In recent weeks, Hasbro games has released two versions of Monopoly which are expressly designed to generate outrage from distinct sections of the internet. These are Monopoly Socialism and Ms. Monopoly. And while the latter is clearly more ridiculous than the form, the fact remains that both exist less as actual games than a vehicles to anger the right and left. Much of this ties into Hbomerguy’s recent video on Woke Brands, which examined how companies like Nike, Keurig, and Gillette used progressive causes–and the backlash to those causes–to amass millions of dollars of sales and free advertising. The example of Hasbro releasing Monopoly Socialism and Ms. Monopoly in quick succession shows that companies will even brazenly play both sides of the brand manipulation game‘. (5:39) ‘Monopoly Gets WOKE – Respect Wamen’ van Geeks + Gamers, gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (19.219 w; 884 r). (0:48) ‘Hasbro releasing “Ms. Monopolywhere women make more than men‘ van WATE 6 On Your Side, gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (115 v; 12 r). Tekst: ‘A new makeover of a classic board game celebrates women’s empowerment. (0:48) ‘Hasbro celebrates women with Ms. Monopoly game‘ van Eyewitness News WEHT WTVW, gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (58 r). Tekst: ‘Hasbro celebrates women with Ms. Monopoly game’. (0:22) ‘Hasbro Debuts Ms. Monopoly Game‘ van CBS Pittsburgh, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (389 v; 14 r). Tekst: ‘One of America’s most recognizable board games is getting an upgrade. Hasbro is debuting a new game celebrating women’s empowerment — Ms. Monopoly, marking the first time in Monopoly history when a new mascot will be featured on the cover of the game. (2:57) ‘New Ms. Monopoly game pays women more than men‘ van 11Alive, gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (1.359 w; 43 r). Tekst: ‘Ms. Monopoly is the first game in the franchise that features a woman on the cover. Unlike real estate mogul Mr. Monopoly, Ms. Monopoly is an advocate investing in female entrepreneurs, according to a Hasbro press release.’ (1:00) ‘Hasbro’s New ‘Ms. Monopoly’ Pays Women More Than Men‘ van BUZZNET, gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (226 v; 7 r). [Promo] (2:33) ‘Ms. Monopoly Causes Controversy‘ van Jimmy Kimmel Live (51.980 w; 361 r). Tekst: ‘The game maker Hasbro announced this week that they have a new, female-oriented version of Monopoly in the works. Monopoly isn’t the only board game that’s planning to lady it up either, there’s another classic board game with a feminist twist too.’ (9:38) ‘„Miss-Monopoly“ – Im neuen Spieleklassiker verdienen Frauen mehr!‘ van Charles Krüger, gepubliceerd op 12 sep. 2019 (9.692 w; 337 r). (0:52) ‘Ms. Monopoly is the Newest Version of Hasbro’s Classic Where Girls Make More Than Boys‘ van b/60, gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (258 v; 0 r). Tekst: ‘They’re calling it “the first game where women make more than men.Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.’ (0:22) ‘Women make more than men in the new Ms Monopoly game | 7NEWS‘ van 7 NEWS Australia, gepubliceerd op 11 sep. 2019 (601 v; 7 r). Tekst: ‘There’s a Monopoly board for almost everything – from city editions to Pokemon to electronic banking – now there’s one celebrating female empowerment. Hasbro’s releasing Ms Monopoly, where women make more money than men in a stand against the gender pay gap.’ (0:21) ‘Ms. Monopoly‘ van KTVQ News, Gepubliceerd op 10 sep. 2019 (175 v; 7 r).

Ms. Monopoly (foto onbekend)

Ms. Monopoly (foto YouTube)

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