Cor Hendriks – De Red Pill (13): De Straight Pride Parade

Enige tijd terug kondigde ik de Straight Pride Parade aan, die in Boston zou worden gehouden (zie, en onlangs (zaterdag, 31 augustus) heeft de parade plaatsgehad. Het was geen groot vertoon; per slot is het meer een troll actie. Enige honderden mensen kwamen opdagen om aan de parade deel te nemen. Daarentegen kwamen enige duizenden protestanten opdagen, die door de politie op afstand werden gehouden met veel  moeite en een groot aantal arrestaties (zie of evenals of of met video’s).

Ook AOC voelde zich geroepen haar ‘two cents’ bij te dragen en tweette: “For men who are allegedly so “proud” of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event. Seems more like a “I-Struggle-With-Masculinity” parade to me.”

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Straight Pride protesters (foto Michael Knowles)

Straight Pride protesters (foto Michael Knowles)

De berichtgeving op YouTube is hoofdzakelijke uit het rechtse,dat wil zeggen sympathieke kamp, zoals The Amazing Lucas, die in de parade was en enige opnamen maakten, zie (7:20) ‘Straight Parade BOSTON‘ van The Amazing Lucas, Live gestreamd op 31 aug. 2019 (54.316 v; 1.110 r). (1:59) ‘Speeches At Straight Pride Parade In Boston Delayed By Security‘ van CBS Boston, Gepubliceerd op 31 aug. 2019 (38.285 v; 2.283 r).

Straight Pride (foto Camp Constitution)

Straight Pride (foto Camp Constitution) (5:32:09) ‘LIVE TEAM-STREAM – ANTIFA PLANNING TO ATTACK BOSTON STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE’, van Pete Santilli1, Live gestreamd op 31 aug. 2019 (7.839 v; 30 r). Tekst: ‘We are going to provide live Team-Stream coverage of the Boston Straight Pride Parade whose grand marshall is conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos. Antifa is reportedly planning to attack the parade as leftist Saul-Alinski-ites energize militant domestic terrorists by citing that organizers are “white supremacists; homophobic, zenophobic, etc.” MORE ON SUPER HAPPY FUN AMERICA: people are an oppressed majority. We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgement and hate. The day will come when straights will finally be included as equals among all of the other orientations.” – John Hugo, President of Super Happy Fun America.’

Straight Pride Parade In Boston (foto WATDNEWS)

Straight Pride Parade In Boston (foto WATDNEWS) (4:23) ‘Straight Pride Parade In Boston‘ van WATDNEWS, Gepubliceerd op 1 sep. 2019 (4.305 v; 86 r). Tekst: ‘The group Super Happy Fun America held the Straight Pride Parade in Boston on August 31, 2019. WATD’s Dan McCready was on the scene speaking with participants and counter-protesters.

One of the paradegoers dressed like Pepe The Frog, holding a pillow of the YouTuber Sargon Of Akkad (foto Ryan Broderick - BuzzFeed News)
One of the paradegoers dressed like Pepe The Frog, holding a pillow of the YouTuber Sargon Of Akkad (foto Ryan Broderick/BuzzFeed News) (1:42) ‘Straight Pride parade arrests‘ van WSAV3, Gepubliceerd op 1 sep. 2019 (1.128 v; 20 r). Discovery Outdoors/Matt-N-Abra, 2 dagen geleden: “So here’s the synopsis. Straight people showed up to say hey stop walking on us we like being who we are as well. Gay people showed up to attack them in the name of equality. Gay people are now saying the parade was violent.

Straight Sex is rape (foto Camp Constitution)

Straight Sex is rape (foto Camp Constitution) (16:49) ‘Milo Yiannopoulos Speaks at “Straight Pride Parade” in Boston’ van News2Share, Gepubliceerd op 1 sep. 2019 (28.941 v; 473 r). Tekst: ‘Right wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos spoke at Saturday’s “Straight Pride Parade”rally in Boston. Yiannopoulos, who is gay, described what he saw as “balanced households” of one man and one woman as something to be celebrated. He claims that straight people “are the most brutally oppressed minority in the western world.” Yiannopoulos wore a sparkly “Make America Straight Again” cap modeled after MAGA caps. Filmed by Ford Fischer‘. (10:48) ‘The Straight Pride Parade is Red Pilling Normies‘ van MR. OBVIOUS, Gepubliceerd op 1 sep. 2019 (71.437 v; 1.811 r). Met links naar video’s.

Counter protesters yell and gesture at participants of the Boston Straight Pride Parade on Aug. 31, 2019 in Boston, Mass.(foto Scott Eisen)

Counter protesters yell and gesture at participants of the Boston Straight Pride Parade on Aug. 31, 2019 in Boston, Mass.(foto Scott Eisen) (5:45) ‘Straight Pride Vol. 2 – Amazing Lucas‘ van Prytaneum Times, Gepubliceerd op 2 sep. 2019 (557 v; 11 r). Tekst: ‘The Prytaneum Times crew went to Boston this weekend to cover Super Happy Fun America’s “Straight Pride” parade.  There are multiple videos, this is the second in the series, as we interview public figure The Amazing Lucas, who attended the march.’ (12:10) ‘The Straight Pride Parade Was A Joke, But Antifa Took It Seriously And Injured Several Cops‘ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 2 sep. 2019 (262.530 v; 3.351 r)

Straight Pride float (foto Michael Knowles)

Straight Pride float (foto Michael Knowles) (45:11) ‘No Country For Straight Men | The Michael Knowles Show Ep. 408‘ van The Daily Wire, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019 (400 r; 32 r). Tekst: ‘Antifa interrupted a “straight pride parade” in Boston over the weekend, Hollywood stars call to blacklist of conservatives, and Joseph Biden gets caught in another major lie.’

Boston Herald (foto Camp Constitution)

Boston Herald (foto Camp Constitution) (29:42) ‘Straight Pride Parade: A Report with Barbara From Harlem and Nathaniel Shurtleff‘ van Camp Constitution, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019 (96 v; 4 r). Tekst: ‘Hal Shurtlef, host of Camp Constitution Radio, interviews Barbara from Harlem, and Nathaniel Shurtleff on the Straight Pride Parade and Rally which took place in Boston, MA Saturday August 31, 2019.

Straight Pride Parade (foto Camp Constitution)

Straight Pride Parade (foto Camp Constitution) (5:11) ‘The Fakery Of the Straight Pride Parade‘ van See Through The Matrix Blog, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019 (67 v; 7 r). Tekst: ‘Freemason ritual nonsense as usual’. (10:56) ‘WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT THE BOSTON STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE‘ van Lets be Frank, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019 (291 v; 14 r). Tekst: ‘I interview Michael from Hearth and Fire, to get a firsthand account. Of what really happened at the Boston Straight Pride Parade.’ (11:10) ‘STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE 2019 | PART 1 | THE STRAIGHTS ASSEMBLE!‘ van Lives Matter, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019 (2.131 v; 53 r). Tekst: ‘E18. DREW HEADS TO BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS FOR THE STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE 2019 TO EXPOSE ANTIFA AND MORE! THIS IS PART 1 OF A 4 PART EPISODE! GUEST INTERVIEW WITH THE AMAZING LUCAS!’

It's great to be straight (foto Camp Constitution)

It’s great to be straight (foto Camp Constitution) (6:45) ‘What is the Straight Pride Parade? Asking Elijah from Slightly Offensive‘ van Barely Informed with Elad, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019  (12.830 v; 223 r). Slightly Offens*ve, 14 uur geleden (bewerkt): “Straight people don’t need a parade and neither do gay people, but I do think it was a funny troll move. If you can’t critique both sides then what’s the point? This entire event was a troll move that the left fell for once again and it’s just getting sad to see how easily these people get duped into getting triggered by silly things. It is always sad to see the chaos and divisions that ensue from these types of events that could just be a small gathering of people enjoying their Saturday doing something funny. There was no clear way for me to understand who was a part of the rally in terms of if there were any extremists attending as AOC and the media claimed as I saw quite a few groups , I didn’t see any supremacists, but who knows, I’ve only met one my entire life at a rally and he was Hispanic, but I know they exist, I just don’t think they are the ones behind these right rally events. I did witness the left being violent and totalitarian though while waving communist flags. I try to stay in the center on these things and give both sides a fair shot, but every time I critique the right some people get upset as if I’m supposed to have unwavering support for a political party or take sides blindly. From someone who actually attends these events I know first hand there are bad apples everywhere on both sides, but the number of bad apples on the left seems to far outweigh those on the right. It’s funny to me also how Nick’s fans keep getting upset that I used his humor of making fun of people back at him in a light hearted way and that a right leaning centrist doesn’t agree with him on all issues. I did 2 podcasts with him, which is 2 more than pretty much anyone who claims to fight for free speech has done and it’s still not enough for some people lol. A lot of his ideas I simply listened to and let the viewers decide what they thought about them. Thin skinned folks are everywhere out here getting triggered by my humor, but hey, it’s in the name. I’m not going to apologize for having the views I do.”

Straight Pride (foto The Damage Report)

Straight Pride (foto The Damage Report) (6:02) ‘AOC Slams INSANE Straight Pride‘ van The Damage Report, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019 (14.040 v; 1.198 r). Tekst: ‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams the insane Boston Straight Pride Parade. John Iadarola and Brooke Thomas break it down on The Damage Report.’ (16:50) ‘The Straight Pride Parade 2019‘ van The Thinkery, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019 (129.369 v; 2.592 r). Tekst: ‘Angry gay communists tried to oppress super happy fun straight people,  failed, got arrested. AOC is also outed as a transphobe.

Linkse snowflakes (foto Mike Luso)

Linkse snowflakes (foto Mike Luso) (16:43) ‘Straight Pride Vol 4 – Milo Yiannopoulos’ van Prytaneum Times, Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019 (489 v; 1 r). Tekst: ‘The Prytaneum Times crew went to Boston this weekend to cover Super Happy Fun America’s “Straight Pride” parade.  There are multiple videos, this is the last in the series, where Parade Marshal Milo Yiannopoulos spoke. (5:05) ‘Why Didn’t You Go to the Straight Pride Parade?‘ Van David Pakman Show, Gepubliceerd op 4 sep. 2019 (22.026 v; 876 r).

Straight Pride Parade (foto Michael Knowles)

Straight Pride Parade (foto Michael Knowles)

Voor meer achtergrondinformatie, zie (1:13:04) ‘STRAIGHT PRIDE! Grand Marshal Milo talks to the founders of the Boston parade‘ van MILO, Live gestreamd op 17 jun. 2019 (88.653 v; 1.765 r).

Straight Pride Parade Sparks Protests in Boston (foto No Bullshit)

Straight Pride Parade Sparks Protests in Boston (foto No Bullshit)

No Bullshit – Straight Pride Parade Sparks Protests in Boston

Gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2019

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