TEDx Salt Lake City | Nicole Emma – What a Sex Worker can teach us about Human Connection

Nicole Emma at TEDx Salt Lake City (foto YouTube)

Men don’t (foto Twitter)

What a Sex Worker can teach us about Human Connection

Gepubliceerd op 18 dec. 2018

In a Society that Values strong, stoic Alpha Males, where can a man find Space to be Vulnerable?” Nicole Emma, a Sex Worker with 18 years of Experience, gives a unique Perspective on Men’s Need for Connection.

About the Speaker
Nicole Emma is a Relationship and Intimacy Coach, and Sex Worker. “What can the People at the Edges of Society teach us about ourselves? About Love?” Cultivated through a Life of connecting with People at the Edges of our Community, Nicole shares a Message of Unconditional Love and Acceptance. She has an insatiable Curiosity about People, how we think and how we work, especially those outside the Boundaries of Cultural Norms and Programming. It’s this Desire to truly SEE People that led Nicole to a vibrant career in the Sex iIdustry.

Drawing from 18 years in Sex Work, Nicole observes noteworthy Patterns of Human Behavior, especially those of the most vulnerable Demographics, while providing a space for them to experience Authentic Connection without Judgment. Bringing to the Public Dialog a Call to shift societal Expectations and address our own Biases, Nicole speaks out about how we unintentionally create a Fearful and Angry Society, and how we can shift back into Curiosity, Balance, and Love. This Talk was given at a TEDx Event using the TED Conference Format but independently organized by a Local Community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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