29 maart 2019 1 Chris Reinewald – The Dutch Adventures of Keith Haring “You Feel the Deal is Real You’re A New York City Boy So Young, So Run into New York City New York [...]
13 maart 2019 0 Foreigner – Interview Koos Dalstar (1950): “But it is only my life” When and where were you born? I was born in October 1950 on the military airbase of Leeuwarden, in the [...]
22 februari 2019 0 NPO Radio 1 | VPRO | Nooit meer slapen – Eddy de Clercq’s Fascinatie voor Extravagant Nacht Leven + Bill Brewster – Belgian DJ Eddy de Clercq on “Popcorn” and Bringing House to Holland Eddy de Clercq’s Fascinatie voor het Extravagante Nachtleven, 13 oktober 2015 Eddy De Clercq is de man. [...]
27 december 2018 0 Cor Hendriks – Qanon (10): Santa is about to drop the hammer | De vele gezichten van Zwarte Piet (2) Santa with a hammer signed by QA. This Christmas we want JUSTICE! Ik doorkruis op goed geluk het Q-board op [...]
28 september 2018 1 Diana Stigter – Maurizio Cattelan: Another Fucking Readymade, 1996 In 1996, as part of the exhibition Crap Shoot at the De Appel in Amsterdam, the Italian artist Maurizio [...]
26 september 2018 0 Luca Beatrice – Una tela sulla Abramovic, aggredita per invidia + Zachary Small – Marina Abramović Assaulted by Man Who Says He Did It for Art’s Sake + De Telegraaf – Kunstenares aangevallen Una tela sulla Abramovic, aggredita per invidia Choc per l’artista serba colpita da un «collega» [...]
24 september 2018 0 Cor Hendriks – Qanon (2): Het Q-Anon Phenomenon (vervolg) De vorige keer hebben we het artikel van Paris Martineau in de New York magazine van 19 december 2017 bekeken [...]
21 juni 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – June 18, 2018: Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent Once again the world faces a long hot summer of discontent, with the major action likely to be in Europe and [...]
29 oktober 2017 0 Craig Murray – Misdirection and Catalonia The Spanish Government’s refusal yesterday of the offer of a 20 December election in Catalonia vividly [...]