11 februari 2019 0 Eric Zuesse – What the Press Hides From You About Venezuela: A Case of News-Suppression INTRODUCTION This news-report is being submitted to all U.S. and allied news-media, and is being published by [...]
8 februari 2019 0 Eric Zuesse – How Chrystia Freeland Organized Donald Trump’s Coup in Venezuela On Monday, February 5th, Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that the 14 countries of the [...]
30 januari 2019 0 Benjamin Fulford – January 28, 2019: Cabal Venezuelan oil grab fails: U.S. corporation bankruptcy looms The battle for the planet Earth is intensifying as the satanic ruling Western cabal is cornered, dangerous, [...]
18 januari 2019 0 Eric Zuesse – Trump’s Biggest Lie? INTRODUCTION (NOTE: Remarks from U.S. President Donald Trump that will be considered as representing possibly [...]
7 januari 2019 0 Javier Pes – It’s Not Just Art That Indigenous People Are Fighting to Reclaim From Museums: They Want Their Ancestors’ Remains Back, Too There are thousands of bones, skulls, and even preserved heads of the victims of colonization hidden in [...]
28 december 2018 0 Anonymous Conservative – House of Payseur The name Payseur had popped up on Q’s board a while back. Q had mentioned a “P” and an anon asked if P [...]
22 november 2018 0 Tom Heneghan – VITAL FACTS Prescott Bush aided Hitler’s Nazis – charged with Trading With the Enemy Act Prescott Bush [...]
2 november 2018 0 Cor Hendriks – De Babylonokia Hoax (17): Maart, April en Mei 2016 In het maartnummer van e-Media verscheen het artikel ‚Akte X Österreich‘ van Mathias Bertsch [...]
25 september 2018 0 Srdja Trifkovic – The Score “John McCain was a deeply flawed, unstable man of limited intelligence and low character” That he [...]
20 juli 2018 0 Cor Hendriks – De Babylonokia Hoax (10): de verdwenen documenten Veel documenten zijn in de tussentijd verdwenen. Van sommige daarvan zijn nog gegevens te achterhalen. Zo [...]