Janet Wasserman – PERSONAL POSTING + National Coalition of Independent Scholars (NCIS) – Janet Wasserman


Dear Friends,

I must write in English, my native language, for I know little Dutch except to read with difficulty. I am appalled by Rob Scholte’s loss of his museum, home and family by the sickening treatment he received by those “wise heads” of Den Helder. I am an American who is deeply ashamed of her US president and all who surround him. I had hopes that the country which I love from afar, The Netherlands, would continue to show the world the “better angels” of their nature.

I am not so naive as to think that everyone and everything in The Netherlands is beyond reproach. Yet, the centuries-long respect which the Dutch people have had (and I believe still have) for art and artists is so impressive and so reassuring that I thought, “No, not there. It could never happen to an artist or a museum in The Netherlands.” Art and artists are in their DNA. They would never punish and abandon a man whose goodness, whose “better angel” was on display in a small museum far from Amsterdam. Yet it has been so.

My shame about a worthless man who happens to be president of my country is far overborne by the anger I feel about those Den Helder men in power. They are men (any women there?) who have acted so dishonorably and so reprehensibly as to bring opprobrium down upon themselves and their own country. “Shame” on them in Den Helder should be called aloud from their own fellow country men and women. “Shame” on them in Den Helder from all those elsewhere in this sad and puzzled world who, like myself, are stunned by this horrifying turn of events.

I write without Rob’s permission since he would never believe that he has such a right as to censor others. I write asking that you send whatever financial help you can to Rob. I am prepared to transfer some personal funds via PayPal, if I can obtain the account for Rob.

I write out of love and respect for this man and his selfless mission. I write out of respect for his family and for his fellow Dutchmen and Dutchwomen who share with me the most profound need to have art and artists in our lives. I write to help right a wrong so basely contrived and imposed as to take my breath away. I write for Rob.

Thank you.

Most sincerely and respectfully,

Janet I. Wasserman, J.D. [Juris Doctor]

Independent Scholar; Founder of the Schubert Society of the USA

New York, New York (formerly Nieuw Amsterdam)

Janet Wasserman


JANET I. WASSERMAN is the founder and executive director of the Schubert Society of the USA (2003) and has been a member since 1999 of the Schubert Institute United Kingdom (SIUK). She is a published independent scholar in the fields of music history (with an emphasis on Franz Schubert), music iconography, art history, and biography. She is a graduate of City College of City University of New York (CUNY) with BA and MA degrees in Modern History; she reached candidacy for a Ph.D. in Modern German History (ABD) at the CUNY Graduate Center; and has a J.D. degree from CUNY Law School. She has over forty years of administrative and executive experience in the nonprofit sector, government and academia. She has been a member since 2001 of the National Coalition of Independent Scholars and was elected Vice President for 2005-2006, then served as interim President until she was elected President in 2008, serving one term. She was appointed Secretary in 2013 to fill the unexpired term of the former Secretary and was subsequently elected to the position in 2014. She served as the Co-Coordinator for the NCIS 2015 conference at Yale University. Her publications are available at the NCIS website member pages where they are cited in full in her CV.



Recent publications:

NOTE: http://www.janetwasseman.com, the Facebook page of the Schubert Society of the USA, and http://schubertworld.blogspot.com/2017/07/welcome-to-schubert-world-this-blog.html are no longer in use. Replacing them is my new site: AN INDEPENDENT SCHOLAR UNBOUND. SEE http://mae08ben02x.wixsite.com/indy-scholar-unbound. See my new site for downloadable PDFs of papers and articles which also appear in my CV at NCIS Member Pages.

“Robert, Clara and Johannes. A Review Essay With Reference to the Novels.” Boman Desai, TRIO: Book One, The Schumanns, (1st Books Library, 2004); TRIO 2: BRAHMS, (Authorhouse, 2006); Combined and published in a revised edition as TRIO: A Novel Biography of the Schumanns and Brahms, (Authorhouse,2015). Published online July 2017 at “schubertworld.blogspot.” Review is available from review author Janet Wasserman.
“The Life of Schubert Was No Bed of Roses.” Book Review of Life Unfinished by Martin White (2017). Published online July 2017 at “schubertworld.blogspot.” Review is available from review author Janet Wasserman.
“A Winterreise Discography: Women Who Performed and/or Recorded Schubert’s Song Cycle,” The Schubertian [SIUK], April 017. 10-24.
“Han van Meegeren as Patricia Highsmith’s Model for Tom Ripley,” Published online 18 March 217 at Rob Scholte Museum, Den Helder, The Netherlands, https://robscholtemuseum.nl/janet-wasserman-han-van-meegeren-as-patricia-highsmiths-model-for-tom-ripley/.
“Playing Erlkoenig,” The Schubertian [SIUK], October 2016, 34-39.
“Happenings in Netherlands,” Published 1 April 2016 online at the Rob Scholte Museum, The Netherlands, https://robscholtemuseum.nl/janet-wasserman-happenings-in-netherlands/.
“Han van Meegeren and His Book Teekeningen 1,” Published March 30, 2016 online at the Rob Scholte Museum, Netherlands, https://robscholtemuseum.nl/janet-wasserman-han-van-meegeren-and-his-book-teekeningen-i/.
“Schubert in Film, Novels, and Anywhere Else You Can Think Of,” The Schubertian [SIUK], January 2016, 26-29.
“How Tall (or Short) was Franz Schubert?,” The Schubertian [SIUK], September 2015, 12-19.
“Han van Meegeren and His Portraits of Theo van der Pas and Jopie Breemer.” Published 2013, Published 24 september 2014 online at the Rob Scholte Museum, Netherlands, https://robscholtemuseum.nl/janet-wasserman-han-van-meegeren-and-his-portraits-of-theo-van-der-pas-and-jopie-breemer-1/ and https://robscholtemuseum.nl/janet-wasserman-han-van-meegeren-and-his-portraits-of-theo-van-der-pas-and-jopie-breemer-2/.
“From Shtetl to Park Avenue: I.N. Kugelmass, M.D. (1896-1979).” Published 2012.
“Beautiful As the Moon.” Published 2012 online at www.janetwasserman.com. “Schubert in Poetry.” Published 2009-2011.
“Picturing Winterreise: Franz Schubert’s Song Cycle in Art.” Published 2009.
“Schubert First Public Performances: A Timeline,” The Schubertian [SIUK], April 2009, 9-21.
“Into Oblivion: Julius Schmid, Artist.” Published 2009 online at www.janetwasserman.com. “Julius Schmid: Artwork Sources and Literature.” Published 2009.
“The Origins of the Blue-White Checkerboard in Carl Moll’s Paintings.” Published 2009.
“Michael Joseph Guzikow (1806-1837): Bibliography.” Expanded, compiled and annotated Janet I. Wasserman, 2007-2008. Published 2009..
“Michael Joseph Guzikow (1806-1837): Iconography.” Published 2009.
“Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy as ‘Peter Meffert of Buxtehude’.” Published 2009.
“Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy & Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel: Portrait Iconographies,” Music in Art [Research Center for Music Iconography CUNY], XXXIII/1-2 (2008), 317-371.
“ ‘Picturing Winterreise’: A Work in Progress,” The Schubertian [SIUK], January 2006, 15-16.
“Karoline Eberstaller: Is She the Real Link Between Franz Schubert and Anton Bruckner?,” University of Minnesota Center for Austrian Studies, Working Paper 04-1, February 2004.
“A Schubert Iconography: Painters, Sculptors, Lithographers, Illustrators, Silhouettists, Engravers, and Others Known or Said to Have Produced a Likeness of Franz Schubert,” in Music in Art; International Journal for Music Iconography, [City University of New York, Research Center for Music Iconography], XXVIII, 1-2, 2003, 199-241.
“The Infography about Schubert, Franz (1797-1828).” Published online 2003 at http://www.infography.com/content/289184344135.html.
“Schubert’s Winterreise on the Trombone,” The Schubertian [SIUK], No. 36, July 2002. [Review of CD by Austrian trombonist Bertl Mütter.]
“The Faust Legend in Music.” Revised and updated from 2001; republished 2008.
“Schubert Filmography.” Published online 2002; updated 2003 by The Schubert Institute [United Kingdom/SIUK].
“Schubert at the Movies,” The Schubertian [SIUK], October 2001, 14-17. [Companion essay to online filmography]
“Franz Schubert as Painted by Gustav Klimt and Julius Schmid,” The Schubertian [SIUK], July 2001, 14-20.
“Alexander (von) Zemlinsky Timeline.” Republished 2008.
“Bist du bei mir, or, Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel Composed It, Johann Sebastian Bach Used It (in the Clavier Büchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach, 1722 and 1725) and Anyone Can Find It as BWV 508.” Republished 2008.
Co-Compiler, Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Immigration and Acculturation of Jews from Central Europe to the USA Since 1933, New York: K.G. Saur, 1981. [May be out of print contact publisher.]

Other activities:


Publicity: Film “Echo Park Blues,” to be released 2016.
Play Reader: The Road Theatre, North Hollywood, California, 2012, 2014 and 7th Summer Playwrights Festival, January-June, 2016.
Rattlestick Playwrights Theater, New York, New York, July 2016 -.

Genres – novella and short story, 2008 -.

Schubert Society of the USA

Primary Discipline:

Areas of Research:
Franz Schubert 19th to 21st century; European Art and Music; Music Iconography; European Romantic Music19th Century; Anti-Semitism

Secondary Discipline:


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