Cor Hendriks – De Klimaatverandering Hoax (5): Saint Greta
Greta Thunberg, de 16 jarige Zweedse klimaatactivist, is boven alle kritiek verheven. Ze is een heilige. Saint Greta hoort eigenlijk in school te zitten, maar in plaats daarvan staakt ze voor klimaatverandering, zeilt in een miljoenenjacht over de oceaan, spreekt met wereldleiders en op een vergadering van de Verenigde Naties, kortom wat kan een 16 jarige nog meer wensen? Ze moet, zoals president Trump tweette, een gelukkig kind zijn, zo bevoorrecht.
Greta en Obama (foto
Maar nee, ze is vreselijk ongelukkig. Ze voelt iedere dag angst en paniek, omdat het einde van de wereld nabij zou zijn. En ze is niet het enige kind, dat zich zo voelt, zoals we zien in de klimaatstakingen van kinderen over de hele wereld. Er is sprake van ‘climate anxiety’ als gevolg van de klimaathysterie. Haar slogan is “Our house is on fire.” Zie Who is Greta Thunberg? The 16-year-old activist every leader on the planet wants to meet.

Saint Greta Thunberg (foto The Telegraph)
Er zijn diverse video’s verschenen, die de heilige Greta onder de loep nemen. (6:25) ‘A look behind the scenes of climate saint Greta Thunberg / VladTepesBlog’ van JesusSaves – No Other Gospel – Galations 1:8, 26 sep. 2019. (3:16) ‘Quand Jacques Chirac faisait du Greta Thunberg avant Greta Thunberg’ van LeHuffPost, 26 sep. 2019. Dans les années 2000, m’ancien président français était l’une des grandes voix pour la lutte conter le réchauffement climatique.
Carnival float celebrating Thunberg in Dusseldorf earlier this month (Photo Wolfgang Rattay) (56:06) ‘Greta Thunberg a-t-elle tué l’écologie ? – Le Samedi Politique’ van Chaîne officielle- TVLibertés, 28 sep. 2019. ‘L’écologie se résume désormais en deux mots : Greta Thunberg. La jeune suédoise obsédée par le réchauffement climatique est exhibée par ses proches autour du monde. Depuis un an, elle est de toutes les rencontres internationales pour sermonner les élites qui se repaissent de ses paroles. Entre diversion et vernis écolo, à quoi sert véritablement Greta Thunberg ? Et si Greta Thunberg avait évincé les grands défis écologiques ? En faisant du réchauffement climatique l’alpha et l’oméga de son prétendu combat, Greta Thunberg passe sous silence les préoccupations essentielles de l’écologie. La mondialisation et les échanges commerciaux internationaux ont encore de beaux jours devant eux. Pour cette émission, Philippe Murer, économiste et spécialiste de l’écologie (auteur de “Transition Ecologique : une énergie moins chère, un million d’emplois créés”, chez Fayard) et Régis de Castelnau, avocat et animateur du blog “Vu du Droit” reviennent sur le phénomène Thunberg et ses conséquences.’
Canadian Prime Minister and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau speaks Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg (foto Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press) (6 :09) ‘Greta Thunberg, arnaque ou espoir ?’ van Figaro Live, 23 sep. 2019. ‘Devenue en moins d’un an l’icône mondiale de la lutte contre le changement climatique, l’adolescente de 16 ans Greta Thunberg a poussé des milliers de jeunes dans la rue avec sa grève scolaire pour le climat. Davos, les Nations unies…elle est invitée presque partout pour prononcer ses discours. Au point de devenir la caution écologique de ceux qu’elle prétend combattre ?’ (21:25) ‘Fox News Apologizes Over Offensive Comment About Greta Thunberg, Dont Fall For THIS TRAP’ van Timcast, 24 sep. 2019.
Saint Greta Thunberg featured on Illuminidol’s Texas-made 8” prayer candle. The most divine way to bless any Thunberg disciple! (foto illuminidol) (13:44) ‘Greta Thunberg CRUMBLES Without Her Script!!!’ van Dr. Steve Turley, 28 sep. 2019: ‘And GUESS who’s REALLY behind Greta Thunberg’s rise to fame!!!’ (45:40) ‘Top 10 Reasons Why Greta Thunberg Is a Fraud’ van Red Ice TV, 27 sep. 2019. ‘Here are some of the top reasons why Greta Thunberg is a pawn and a fraud, manufactured by PR firms and used by an army of globalist climate change alarmists that seek to gain more financial and political control. They are creating an apocalyptic cult obsesses with the end of the world.’ (10:24) ‘Outsiders Weather and Ice Age Watch’ van Sky News Australia, 29 sep. 2019. ‘Outsiders guest host and Liberal politician Craig Kelly says ill-informed commentators are causing “alarm and hysteria” among young people on the topic of climate change.’
Sancta Greta, Weltwoche Nr. 8, 21 februari 2019 (foto (9:35) ‘Climate Change Alarmism And The Greta Effect’ van Computing Forever, 26 sep. 2019. Met links. (24:25) ’Is it too late to stop climate change? | Inside Story’ van Al Jazeera English, 23 sep. 2019. ‘We’re running out of time to stop climate change – the warning from the weather agency of the United Nations. The World Meteorological Organization says carbon emissions increased 20 percent in the past four years, which are on track to be the hottest on record. The warning coincides with world leaders meeting in New York for a major UN climate conference. And as ice sheets are melting faster than before, causing sea levels to rise by five milimetres a year. Scientists warn that even if every country meets the carbon emission cuts agreed in the Paris climate agreement in 2015, the world will still be three degrees warmer. The warnings of catastrophe have provoked millions of young people to protest world-wide. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who inspired the largest ever mass marches on climate change, says young voices must be heard – and adults must take action to protect everyone’s future. Are the world’s leaders listening? Presenter: Imran Khan Guests: Sharon George – Senior Lecturer in Green Technology and Environmental Sustainability, Keele University Clare Farrell – Co-Founder, Extinction Rebellion activist group Simon Alcock – Head of Public Affairs and Campaigning at Client Earth, a non-profit environmental law organisation’.
Saint Greta (foto (1:50:05) ‘The Right to a Future, with Naomi Klein and Greta Thunberg’ van The Intercept, Live gestreamd op 10 sep. 2019 [sorry isn’t good enough]. (43:46) ’Naomi Klein on the Case for a Green New Deal, Greta Thunberg, & The Rise of Ecofascism’ van Democracy Now!, 17-9-2019. ‘Amid mounting climate disasters across the planet, from the fires ravaging the Amazon to Hurricane Dorian’s destructive path through the Bahamas, we speak with renowned journalist, author and activist Naomi Klein. In her new book, “On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal,” Klein looks unsparingly at the rise of ecofascism, as Western countries fortify their borders and white supremacy surges around the world in response to the climate crisis. Klein tips her hat to 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg, praising her for her “moral clarity” as one of many youth voices that “burst through the bureaucratic language with which we shield ourselves from the reality of the stakes, the extraordinary stakes, of our moment in history.” Klein also lays out a path forward for mankind in which we meet the challenge of global warming with radical and systemic transformation. “We do know that if we are going to lower our emissions in time, it is going to take transformations of how we live in cities, how we move ourselves around, how we grow our food, where we get our energy from,” Klein says. “Essentially, what the Green New Deal is saying: If we’re going to do all that, why wouldn’t we tackle all of these systemic economic and social crises at the same time? Because we live in a time of multiple, overlapping crises”’ [Environental marxism].
Greta Thunberg is treated like a child prophet (photo Charles Platiau) (15:00) ’Is Greta Thunberg the Catalyst that Tips Humanity to Understand Huge Climate Risks and Finally Act?’ van Paul Beckwith, 28-9-2019. ‘As I marched in today’s Climate Strike for in Ottawa along with thousands of people I had time to reflect on what is really going on. Many years ago I figured out that inevitably humanity would reach a tipping point in its understanding of the huge risks that all life on Earth faces from accelerating climate system destabilization. I also said we would likely only recognize reaching a tipping point in the rear view mirror, after it occurred. Is it possible that Greta Thunberg is the catalyst for thrusting us beyond this tipping point of understanding? It certainly feels like it.’
Thunberg could hardly contain her anger as she walked into the summit behind Trump (foto Daily Mail) (19:25) ‘Marc Morano and Tim Ball – on the racist anti-poor motivations of climate alarmists’, van Swarna Bharat Party, 20 aug. 2019. ‘This video, compiled from two different videos, summarises the basic truth about “climate change” as a tool for socialist and racist goals. The people driving the “alarm” are not scientists since the science is completely against their alarm. They are not economists since IPCC’s own reports show there is no economic harm. These are pure socialist with a goal of global control and domination. And primarily they are racists with the goal of demolishing the poor, whether in developed or developing countries.’
Climate activist Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg shakes hands with Pope Francis April 17, 2019 (foto Vatican Media-Handout ) (1:51:53) ‘Brendan O’Neill on Greta Thunberg, Climate deniers, and Brexit’ van Aron Flam, 17 mei 2019. ‘Brendan O’Neill had the gall to criticize Sweden’s God sent prophet Greta Thunberg. I think the word “gall” is warranted even though it is slightly racist to french people. His was such an obvious example of climate heresy that I had to travel to London to confront him about his heinous act of heterodoxy.’ See for links, intro text, and more
Climate saint Greta Thunberg (foto VladTepesBlog) (10:05) ‘Climate Change Hysteria is Morally Irresponsible’ van Akkad Daily, 30 sep. 2019. ‘Convincing children they are about to go through an apocalypse when said apocalypse is not going to happen is a moral wrong.’
Robert Hilmersson – Greta (13:13) ‘Greta Thunberg’s unscientific sermon | Don Watkins and Steffen Henne’ van ImproveThePlanet, 25 sep. 2019.–kFmyJQ (1:47:43) ‘Greta Thunberg – Messiah or Puppet? Bart Kay and I discuss…’ van Phil Escott, 27 sep. 2019
Greta Thunberg, saint or puppet (photo Northy Witch) (13:29) ‘Greta Thunberg, Saint or Puppet? Tarot Reading’ van Northy Witch, 25 sep 2019. (13:05) ‘Loathsome Conservatives Viciously Attack Teen Climate Activist Greta Thunberg’ van The Humanist Report, 24 sep. 2019.
Ian Oliver Martin – Greta Thunberg (photo Pinterest) (11:18) ‘The “Greta Thunberg” Effect (and why children in politics is not okay)’ van Sidney Watson, 29 sep. 2019. (23:37) ‘Greta Thunberg Needs HELP! | Ep 449’ van Jon Miller, 24 sep. 2019. ‘If you are going to give a speech in front of the United Nations, then you have officially opened your ideas up for debate even if you are just a kid. It’s pathetic that grown adults are using Greta as a human shield for their outrageous ideas, especially given the emotional distress she is clearly experiencing. Then bear with us on this segment because, although a little wonky, it will affect you in major ways. Democrats are trying to circumvent the Constitution to push D.C. statehood. If they succeed, it’s a guaranteed two extra Democrats in the Senate.’ [Tot 10:00.] (4:06) ‘Sec. Hillary Clinton: Greta Thunberg Spoke Truth To Power At The U.N.’ van The LateShow with Stephen Colbert, 1 okt. 2019. ‘The young climate activist has made quite an impression on the authors of ‘The Book of Gutsy Women,’ Chelsea Clinton and her mother, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.’ (12:17) ‘The Greta Thunberg CHARADE Has NOTHING To Do with the Environment!!!’ van Dr. Steve Turley, 30 sep. 2019.
Tot slot is hier de video (19:52) ‘Greta Thunberg Under Fire From Far left For Being WHITE, It Was Only A Matter Of Time’ van Timcast. 29 sep. 2019.
Timcast – Greta Thunberg Under Fire From Far left For Being WHITE, It Was Only A Matter Of Time
Published on 29 sep. 2019
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Foto van het gezin Thunberg: “4 personen en 2 SUV’s”