Cor Hendriks – De klimaatverandering Hoax (3): Manipulatie van kinderen en de Green New Deal

Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, ook bekend als Sandy O’Crazyo Cortex of Occasional Cortex, is de Amerikaanse Jesse Klaver. Ze is de grote promotor van de Green New Deal, het grote plan om de wereld volledig te veranderen tot een klimaatneutraal socialistisch paradijs binnen 12 jaar, kortom Agenda 2030. Ze heeft in een interview, te vinden op YouTube, verklaard, dat over 12 jaar het einde van de wereld komt door klimaatverandering, wanneer we niet snel en radicaal van koers veranderen. Op de vraag hoe dat alles betaald moet worden is het antwoord, dat het veel duurder is in de toekomst en dat we niet de toekomst willen opzadelen met onze problemen.

De toekomst wordt op geen wijze beter gerepresenteerd dan door kinderen. En overal zien we kinderen ingezet als props om het idee van klimaatverandering te promoten. In Europa zien we zogenaamde klimaatspijbelaars, protesterende kinderen, die prominent in het nieuws waren en in ons land zelfs een gesprek met de minister-president kregen.

Ook in de VS wordt van kinderen gebruik gemaakt en worden overvallen gepleegd om senatoren voor het blok te zetten. Maar daarvoor waren ze bij de Democratische senator Dianne Feinstein aan het verkeerde adres. Ze had zich voorbereid op deze overval en liet snel kopietjes maken van haar eigen plan en uitdelen aan de teleurgestelde kinderen, die van mening waren (daartoe opgestookt door hun ouders of leraren), dat de senator geen gehoor gaf aan hun dwingende eisen. Zie de onderstaande video (11:22) van de confrontatie.

NowThis News – Sen. Feinstein VS. Child Activists on Green New Deal (FULL VIDEO)

Gepubliceerd op 25 feb. 2019

A video of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) clashing with children over the Green New Deal has gone viral. Some say the widely-shared clip misrepresents the full discussion, cutting out Feinstein’s efforts to explain her own climate change plan. Others say it reveals a true generational divide over the urgency of climate action. Here is the raw, un-edited, 11-minute exchange. Decide for yourself.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal is picking up steam. In a recent viral video, Sen. Dianne Feinstein was confronted by a group of school children connected to an environmental activist group about global warming. Diane Feinstein listened to the kids green new deal pitch but also discussed a climate change proposal and environmental resolution of her own. These kids’ green new deal pitch might not have resulted in the Senator Dianne Feinstein green new deal response they were hoping for.

#DianneFeinstein #GreenNewDeal #ClimateChange

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(De video is ook hier te zien: (13:44) ‘Entire UNEDITED Diane Feinstein Video’ van DavezNotHereMan, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (4.336 v; 104 r). Tekst: ‘This is the entire unedited Video Of Diane Feinstein’s presenting children with the Senate Democrats version of the GND that she felt might actually be able to pass in the Senate.’)

Er zijn diverse commentaren verschenen, meestal van de rechterzijde. (4:55) ‘This Is Manipulation! | Dianne Feinstein DESTROYS Green New Deal Activists’ van Fawning Girl, gepubliceerd op 23 feb. 2019 (22.057 v; 465 r). Tekst: ‘In the midst of political discourse, one group thought it was a good idea to pressure Senator Feinstein on her opposition to the “Green New Deal.” Except this wasn’t just “pressure,” but rather an emotional manipulation of children in order to get a deal on policy.’ (5:12) ‘Feinstein and Ocasio-Cortez clash over Green New Deal’ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 25 feb. 2019 (98.319 v; 1.553 r). Tekst: ‘Sen. Diane Feinstein says there is ‘no way to pay’ for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal; reaction from GOP strategist Holly Turner and Democratic strategist Antjuan Seawright.’ (2:49) ‘Dianne Feinstein Just Wrecked Ocasio Cortez’s Pint Sized Propaganda Puppets And It Rocks’ van Patriot Breaking News, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (5.940 v; 68 r). Tekst: ‘A group of kids who have been terrified by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s propaganda got a lesson in government. The group of kids, organized by adults, approached California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and implored her to support the Green New Deal. But the exchange did not go as they expected as the senator torched them on reality.’ (3:50) ‘Ocasio-Cortez Fires Back At Feinstein And Says She Is In Charge Now’ van Youtubers Facts Tube, gepubliceerd op 24 feb. 2019 (31.689 v; 382 r). Tekst: ‘New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez believes that she is in charge of the Democrat Party now. In fact, it is plausible that she believes that she is in charge of the United States now. It was Friday when Sen. Dianne Feinstein was accosted by a group of kids, organized by adults, begging for the Green new Deal. The kids were sadly terrified of the world ending in 12 years and traumatized by the rhetoric of Ocasio-Cortez. In response to this Charlotte Clymer wrote “It’s really this simple: if you’ve got a better than what @AOC is offering to combat climate change, please show it. If you’re a Member of Congress who can effectively address climate change better than the #GreenNewDeal, show your receipts. Make an effort.” Charlotte Clymer tweeted. It’s really this simple: if you’ve got a better than what @AOC is offering to combat climate change, please show it. If you’re a Member of Congress who can effectively address climate change better than the #GreenNewDeal, show your receipts. Make an effort. In response to this Ocasio-Cortez retweeted the statement and added that she and her cronies are “now in charge.” “Yup. If you don’t like the #GreenNewDeal, then come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal to address the global climate crisis,” she said. The ego on this 29-year-old is off the charts. She truly believes that she has the power. Her tweet did not mention Sen. Feinstein by name but it is apparent it was in response to her encounter with the kids. A group of kids who have been terrified by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s propaganda got a lesson in government. The group of kids, organized by adults, approached California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and implored her to support the Green New Deal. But the exchange did not go as they expected as the senator torched them on reality. We are trying to ask you to vote yes on the Green New Deal,” one of the kids said to Feinstein. “Some scientists have said that we have 12 years to turn this around,” another terrified kid being used by adults said. “Well it’s not going to get turned around in 10 years. What we can do is put ourselves,” Feinstein said before an adult interrupted her and insisted that she had to act now. That is when Feinstein got testy with the group of kids telling sitting senator what to do. “I’ve been doing this for 30 years. I know what I’m doing Feinstein said. “You come in here and you say it has to be my way or the highway. I don’t respond to that,” she said. “I got elected. I just ran. I was elected by almost a million vote plurality and I know what I’m doing,” she said. “So you know, maybe people should listen a little bit,” she said, realizing she was talking to adults and not the kids they were hiding behind. And then came the most hilarious part of the exchange with the group of know-it-all kids. “I hear what you’re saying but we’re the people who voted for you,” one of the kids said. “You are supposed to listen to us. That’s your job,” she said. Feinstein asked the youngster her age and found out that she was 16-years-old. “Well you didn’t vote for me,” Feinstein said hilariously. “It doesn’t matter. We’re the ones who are going to be impacted,” one of the kids trained in their talking points said. Feinstein attempted to explain to one of the adults what her plans are for working on the issue but she did not want to hear it. “Any plan that does not take bold, transformative action is not going to be what we need,” the woman said. “Well you know better than I do,” Feinstein clapped back. “So, I think one day you should run for the Senate and then you do it your way.”’ (32:16) ‘Tyranny With A Smile | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 724’ van The Daily Wire, live gestreamd op 25 feb. 2019 (18.675 v; 572 r). Tekst: ‘AOC declares herself the boss, Dianne Feinstein destroys small children, and the Oscars won’t stop the politics.’ [Ook Kamala Harris; 1/2 show] (9:13) ‘Gutfeld on Feinstein arguing the ‘Green New Deal’ with kids’ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 25 feb. 2019 (138.833 v; 2.055 r). Tekst: ‘If you are going to use kids as political shields, you put them in the way of the truth.’

Would you say (AOC in actie)

Would you say (AOC in actie) (12:57) ‘COUNTDOWN TO OCASIO-CORTEZ AS THIS JUST GOT OUT FROM FEINSTEIN TO JAIL HER IMMEDIATELY(VIDEO)!!!’ Van Prophets From The Bible, gepubliceerd op 26 feb. 2019 (78.836 v; 1.382 r).

Deze video’s komen vrijwel allemaal uit het rechtse kamp en van een geheel andere aard is de video van Bernie Sanders aanhanger Jimmy Dore, zie–tSbKjzsAM (23:31) ‘Dianne Feinstein Horrendous Reaction To Child Activists’ van The Jimmy Dore Show, gepubliceerd op 24 feb. 2019 (99.756 v; 4.721 r).

De links leunende commentator Tim Pool is daarentegen een andere mening toegedaan en is vooral teleurgesteld in AOC, zie (11:36) ‘Ocasio Cortez Says “WE’RE IN CHARGE” then INSULTS People for being “Cheap”‘ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 23 feb. 2019 (188.115 v; 6.380 r). Evenals (12:13) ‘Ocasio-Cortez Is A Spoiled Narcissist And Exposed her True Colors’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 27 feb. 2019 (151.092 v; 3.258 r).

AOC comix 1

AOC comix 1

AOC is een makkelijk doelwit voor mememakers, zie (5::15) ‘These Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Memes Are The Funniest Things I’ve Seen All Year 😄’ van Merrimour The Red, gepubliceerd op 17 feb. 2019 (46.655 v; 691 r). Tekst: ‘How Did This Dough Headed Dibbly Bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez … Get Into Congress Unless Shes On The NWO’s Payroll In Some Way.’ En (2:37) ‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez memes #2’ van Soultex 3, gepubliceerd op 17 feb. 2019 (7.612 v; 47 r). Evenals (2:02) ‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez memes #3’ van Soultex 3, gepubliceerd op 24 feb. 2019 (1.412 v; 9 r). (13:27) ‘Burgergate: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez staffer eliminates one farting cow… by eating it | Ep. 23’ van Bobby Eberle, gepubliceerd op 27 feb. 2019 (2.161 v; 14 r). Tekst: ‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called herself the boss of Congress. She must be, because she’s not only about to become a comic book superhero, but apparently the “don’t eat burgers” rules don’t apply to her and her staff. We’ll take a look at Burgergate. Plus, the Democrats in the Senate are now on record supporting infanticide. We’ll go over all of that and more.’

AOC comix 2

AOC comix 2

Het gebruik maken van geïndoctrineerde kinderen is uiteraard niet nieuw, zie de video (5:12) ‘AOC Green New Deal scares kids — but doomsday scares are nothing new’ van Rebel Media, gepubliceerd op 26 feb. 2019 (8.998 v; 285 r). Tekst: ‘Martina Markota of The explains how the left’s use of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” to indoctrinate children is not a new tactic.’

We have a right (protesterende studenten)

We have a right (protesterende studenten)

Voor een kritiek van de Green New Deal hoeven we niet naar een rechtse commentator te luisteren, die er gehakt van maakt, want dat ligt voor de hand. Daarentegen is het zinvoller te zien wat Tim Pool erover te zeggen heeft, zie (11:34) ‘Ocasio-Cortez’s INSANE Green New Deal Costs $93 TRILLION’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 26 feb. 2019 (69.639 v; 1.809 r). Zie ook (11:41) ‘CNN Host SLAMS Ocasio-Cortez For Saying INSANE Things’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 25 feb. 2019 (106.915 v; 1.364 r).

She Guevara AOC

She Guevara AOC

Een voorbeeld van de rechtse kritiek is (8:07) ’02-25-19 Kat Timpf on Cavuto: Coast to Coast – AOC Claims She’s the Boss’ van Joe Kollege, gepubliceerd op 25 feb. 2019 (16.919 v; 224 r). Tekst: ‘Watch as Katherine Timpf discusses Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that she’s “the boss” until someone else steps forward to implement her “Green New Deal” legislation with fellow-guests, Danielle McLaughlin and Deroy Murdock, and host, Neil Cavuto, in this segment of ‘Cavuto: Coast-to-Coast’.’

Ook Steve Turley, die ik regelmatig citeer, liet zich uit over AOC, die afraadt om kinderen te nemen vanwege de klimaatverandering, zie (8:50) ‘Ocasio-Cortez: People Maybe Shouldn’t Reproduce Due To Climate Change!!!’ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 25 feb. 2019 (6.191 v; 425 r). Tekst: ‘Here’s the demographic consequences of leftist liberals failing to procreate; it’s not good news for them!!!’

AOC Unicorns & Rainbows

AOC Unicorns & Rainbows

Voor diegenen, die er nog steeds niet van overtuigd zijn dat de klimaatverandering een hoax is, is hier een video uit 2015, zie (21:55) ‘Lord Christopher Monckton – Global Warming is a Hoax’ van ideacity, gepubliceerd op 3 sep. 2015 (220.173 v; 2.144 r). Tekst: ‘Lord Christopher Monckton shares his thoughts on climate change and why we should be questioning it.’

In de politiek worden zelden zogenaamde klimaatontkeners aan het woord gelaten; hier is een uitzondering in de Amerikaanse politiek, zie (1:29:47) ‘Prof Don Easterbrook Crashes the Global Warming Party’ van 1000frolly, gepubliceerd op 19 nov. 2017 (81.800 v; 773 r). Tekst: ‘Professor Emeritus Don Easterbrook’s eye-opening talk to the Washington State Senate committee on Climate Change 26/3/2013. This is a classic! Don J. Easterbrook Professor Emeritus of Geology at Western Washington University crashes the party of the Global Warmists!’

Tot slot is er de bekende kwestie van de 97% consensus onder de geleerden, dat door de mens gemaakte klimaatverandering een niet te ontkennen feit is, zie daarvoor de video (1:17:41) ‘Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming: Joseph Bast’ van The Heartland Institute, live gestreamd op 9 mrt. 2016 (36.401 v; 314 r). Tekst: ‘“Probably the most widely repeated claim in the debate over global warming is that ‘97% of scientists agree’ that climate change is man-made and dangerous,” the authors write. “This claim is not only false, but its presence in the debate is an insult to science.” With these words, the authors begin a detailed analysis of one of the most controversial topics of the day. The authors make a compelling case against claims of a scientific consensus. The purported proof of such a consensus consists of sloppy research by nonscientists, college students, and a highly partisan Australian blogger. Surveys of climate scientists, even those heavily biased in favor of climate alarmism, find extensive disagreement on the underlying science and doubts about its reliability.’

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