Adam Goldberg – MH370: 20 Killed Worked For Electronic Warfare, Military Firm linked to Bush Family

A glaringly obvious truth has been successfully hidden from most people who have briefly looked into the missing Malaysian flight MH370.

20 of the passengers killed in the disappearance were employed by Freescale Semiconductor, a defense contractor that creates hi-tech microchips for “defense.” Freescale is headquartered in Austin, Texas.

On March 2, new products were released by the company to the American market, and 5 days later flight MH370 took off for Beijing from Kuala Lumpur when it disappeared, along with 20 people working for Freescale Semiconductor.

Not only were these 20 employees, but they were 20 “senior staff” who were presumably very important to the work being done at Freescale.

Freescale’s spokesman Mitch Haws openly admitted “These were all people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people.

It’s definitely a loss for the company.”

Now here’s where it gets strange. Freescale’s shareholders include the notorious Carlyle Group, the group of private equity investors that was advised by ex-US president George Bush Sr, former British Prime Minister John Major and other people of influence.

911MmRy – Carlyle Group: Bush connection to Bin Laden

Gepubliceerd op 11 feb. 2008

Who benefitted from 9/11?

Is the Carlyle Group the company owned by George Bush Senior, about political manoeuvering, or just about making money?


While George Bush Sr.’s current ties to the Carlyle Group and Carlyle’s ties to Freescale Semiconductor can be debated, it certainly does suggest that Freescale is in a league with powerful people.

These people go to war: this company that makes equipment for war bears a certain moral culpability for what the militaries that use their technology do. When wars of aggression take place in this decade, those who live by the sword often die by the sword. This isn’t to say that anyone deserves to lose their life in war or as a result of participating in war by making weapons, but all kinds of shady things like this plane crash happen.

The year after MH370 disappeared, Freescale completed a merger with NXP Semiconductors for about $11.8 billion in cash and stock on December 7, 2015. What does this have to do with the loss of their 20 senior staff? That is up to citizen researchers to investigate.

Who knows why these 20 passengers employed by Freescale Semiconductor lost their lives. If one thing can be learned from this, it is that power and money can come with danger, and people with a certain amount of influence can actually get away with terrifying crimes.

American Liberation Army of the Republic | Washington, Idaho, & Oregon – Anonymous: The real reason why the Malaysian Airline MH 370 disappeared

Gepubliceerd op 27 apr. 2014
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