Updated January 2021
Published January 2019
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The following article offers an overview and references regarding the topic of organized pedocriminality in the context of geopolitics, elite management, and the Western media system.
No active reading recommendation; only intended for people who (want to) deal with this topic anyway. Not suitable for minors and sensitive persons.
Geopolitical power structures require effective management instruments. One of the most effective management instruments has always been blackmail, and the ultimate form of blackmail, especially in Western countries, is based on involvement in pedocriminality.
As the following overview shows, various court trials and victim testimonies, but also sabotaged investigations and murdered witnesses, point to a potentially influential role of pedocriminal power-political elite networks in Europe and the USA.
In the case of Italy, for example, it has been documented that the former Italian military secret service SIFAR compiled over 150,000 dossiers on “irregular behaviour” on behalf of the CIA, which enabled it to blackmail and control Italy’s social and political elite for decades.
With the exception of a few cases (see below), established Western media hardly report on this topic in a timely and investigative manner. It should be borne in mind, however, that these media are usually embedded in the very same geopolitical power structures as the suspects themselves.
For instance, a suspect identified by several Belgian witnesses was Vice-President of the European Commission and Chairman and later Honorary President of the prestigious Bilderberg Conference, to which Western elites in politics, business, the military and the media are invited.
Another suspect identified by Belgian witnesses prevented the investigation of terrorist attacks as Belgian Minister of Justice and in 1992 ordered the early release of pedocriminal Marc Dutroux; later the man became judge and Advocate General at the European Court of Justice.
A later NATO Secretary General was also identified as a participant by a Belgian witness. These and many other high-level personalities have never been prosecuted.
In many cases, children’s homes or child welfare organisations have directly or indirectly been involved in pedocriminal networks; in other cases, the children were recruited from problem families or procured by kidnapping. Some of these children were ultimately murdered.
While from a societal point of view, people of integrity are desirable as elites, from a power-political point of view, on the contrary, corruptible and blackmailable persons are in demand. This results in a fundamental contradiction with far-reaching consequences.
One of the best known Cases of Organized Pedo Crime is the Dutroux Case of the 1980s and 1990s. This Case, however, is not so much about Dutroux himself who may have acted mainly as a ‘Supplier’ as it is about the fact that both Dutroux and various Witnesses described a Pedo Criminal Network that included or still includes significant parts of the Belgian Elite and Aristocracy. Many of these Statements could at least partially be Verified. At the same time, around two dozen Witnesses involved in the Dutroux Trial died under often Questionable Circumstances. Due to their numerous Connections, the Dutroux Case and the Belgian Witness Files undoubtedly have a Pan European Significance.
Articles and Analyses
- Beyond the Dutroux Affair | the X Dossiers (ISGP, 2007) The standard text on the Dutroux Case, the so called X Dossiers (Witness Files), and the Power Political Background. (18+)
- ISGP Child Abuse Research Center (ISGP, 2007) Further ISGP Analyses of the Dutroux Case and Pedo Criminal Power Political Elite Networks in general. (18+)
- On the Trail of the Lost Children. (Welt, 2015) In 1996, Child Molester Dutroux shocked the world. He was probably part of a Network with Connections in High Places. Many of those involved in the Case died in Mysterious Circumstances.
- Why the Dutroux Case does Not Let Go of Belgium (Welt, 2016) In the Dutroux Case, former Investigators are making serious Accusations: numerous Leads have not been followed up. One Question in particular remains unsolved to this day: was the Child Murderer part of a Network or a Lone Perpetrator? The Case shook the Confidence of the Belgians because the State had not followed up Traces of a Network.
- Dutroux | In the Network of Dossiers (Spiegel, 2001) “This is the Belgian Disease: everyone has an incriminating Dossier on everyone else in order to use it as Leverage when the Opportunity arises”
- Marc Dutroux and his Connections to Germany (ON, 2019) In 2015 the Father of the killed Eefje Lambreck said in anIinterview he was aware that there was a Problem with the Entführung and ‘I’m sure‘ that the Murder of his Daughter “leaves many Traces in Germany”
- Did Marc Dutroux work for the Stasi? (Aachener Zeitung, 2003) The Ministry for State Security (MfS) is said to have Blackmailed Influential Personalities in Western Europe with Child Pornography. The US Secret Service had Secured Material about the MfS’ Espionage Department at the Turn of the Century. Because of the Explosive Information it contains, including Information about Western European Politicians, only Secret Services are allowed to view the Reports, filtered by the CIA, until today.
- Child Murderer Marc Dutroux demands Release. Witness reported “Rich and Powerful Men” who killed Children at Sex Parties. (Epoch Times, 2018) The Dutroux Case shook Belgium to its Foundations and has Not been Solved to Date.
- The Great Dutroux Report | Networks, Names, Connections (ON, 2020) This Compendium is a Comprehensive Summary of the History of the Belgian Paedophile Network, which initially became known as the Pink Ballet and later the Dutroux Network. It contains a chronological compilation of events from the late 1970’s to the present.
- Documentary Dutroux | Belgium’s X Files, BBC, 45 minutes, 2002
- Documentary Dutroux and the Dead Witnesses, ZDF, 30 minutes, 2004
- Documentary Dutroux and the Nihoul Case, ZDF, 40 minutes, 2004
- File (FR) Summary of the X Dossiers, WikiLeaks, 2009
- File English summary of the X Dossiers, SGP, 2017
- File Belgian X Dossiers | List of Elites Accused, ISGP, 2007
- Book (NL) The X Dossiers | What Belgium does Not Want to Know, Bulté, 1999
Anneke Lucas
The Belgian Anneke Lucas, who now lives in New York, went public in 2016 and reported that she had been abused as a six to twelve-year-old girl in European elite pedocriminal networks in the 1970s. As the main figure of the network she identified one of the richest and most powerful man in the world at the time, who died in 2017. Her statements are detailed and generally plausible, but in contrast to the statements of the Dutroux witnesses, they have not been recorded or verified by the police and should be treated with appropriate caution.
- Video Anneke Lucas: I Was a Sex Slave to Europe’s Elite at Age 6 (RWRS, Interview, 2016)
- Video Continuation of the interview with Anneke Lucas (RWRS, 2018): Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
- Belgian paedophile victim unpacks “I met politicians, VIPs and heads of state” (ET, 2017) 53-year-old Anneke Lucas tells how she experienced rape and torture as a child for five years: She was a victim of that notorious Belgian child molester network that became known in the 1990s through the “Dutroux case” but was never completely exposed. Nobles, politicians and VIPs were involved in the crimes, says Lucas, who survived only by luck.
- Text A Little Spy (Anneke Lucas, 2018, Archive) “I do know that I was transported quite often to Germany that year as the newly minted sex slave to the elite, and also for refinement of my training in the dirty lab. I was given to some top politicians.”
- Text The Cage (Anneke Lucas, 2019) “After being taken back to Belgium at the end of the summer of 1972, I was often driven back and forth to Germany by handlers of the Belgian network, to spend time in the company of a former German chancellor
- The website of Anneke Lucas with further texts by her.

Marc Dutroux (right) in 2000
Great Britain
In the UK, from 2012 onwards, numerous revelations exposed the existence of an extensive pedocriminal network that had been operating for decades and included and possibly still includes significant sections of the British elite, with links to the British royal family, several governments, parliament, the judiciary, police, intelligence services and the media. Among the most significant cases are the Westminster Dossier, the Kincora Scandal, and former BBC star presenter Jimmy Savile, who had contacts in the highest circles and abused several hundred children.
Jimmy Savile
BBC star presenter Jimmy Savile was knighted by the Queen of England in 1990 for his “social commitment”. In the same year he was awarded the Papal Order of St. Gregory for his services to the Roman Catholic Church. Savile had personal contacts with several British prime ministers, including Thatcher and Blair.
Secret Service Involvement
- Westminster child abuse scandal: KGB and CIA kept secret dossiers on Britain’s VIP paedophiles (Mirror, 2015) Both Russian and US intelligence knew about a group of powerful paedophiles operating in Britain and the KGB hoped to blackmail them in exchange for information.
- Secret service infiltrated paedophile group to ‘blackmail establishment’ (Express, 2014) British security services infiltrated and funded the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange in a covert operation to identify and possibly blackmail establishment figures, a Home Office whistleblower alleges.
- British spies recruited paedo IRA chief: Spooks used pictures of Joe Cahill to ‘turn him’ (Mirror, 2014) British authorities covered up the child sex abuse and used damning evidence to turn Cahill into one of the British Army’s most valuable informants, it has been claimed.
- ‘Dirty war’: MI5 accused of complicity in historical Northern Ireland child sex abuse (RT, 2015) British intelligence agency MI5 faces allegations it covered up child sex abuse at a care home in east Belfast for decades to protect its intelligence operations, Northern Ireland’s high court will hear on Tuesday.
- Paedophile scandal: Secret services MI5 and MI6 covered child molesters in government (ET, 2015) The abuse scandal in Westminster, UK, ranks among the highest in the government. The secret service covered up the facts and destroyed the evidence.
Further Information
- British Link to ‘Snuff’ videos, Guardia, 2000, Britain is a key link in the biggest ever international investigation into the production and supply of paedophile ‘snuff’ movies – in which children are murdered on film – an Observer investigation can reveal.
- Rotherham Child Sexual Exploitation Scandal, Wikipedia, The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal consisted of the organised child sexual abuse that occurred in the northern English town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire from the late 1980s until the 2010s and the failure of local authorities to act on reports of the abuse throughout most of that period.
- Kincora Boys’ Home Scandal, Wikipedia, The Kincora Boys’ Home was a boys’ home in Belfast, Northern Ireland that was the scene of serious organised child sexual abuse, causing a scandal and attempted cover-up in 1980, with allegations of state collusion.
- Elm Guest House abuse scandal Mirror, 2015
The UK VIP Paedophile Scandal, Reddit, 2014, A Collection of around 150 Media Reports.
Picture Gallery of some the VIP Contacts of Jimmy Savile
Savile and Tony Blair (1998)

Savile and Queen Elizabeth

Savile and Prince Charles

Savile and Pope John Paul II

Savile and Margeret Thatcher

Savile and Prime Minister Gordon Brown

Savile and William Hague

Knighting, 1990
United States
In the United States, several elite pedocriminal networks have already been uncovered.
- As early as the 1980s, the Franklin scandal revealed a nationwide elite pedocriminal network with connections to Washington and the CIA, which procured children from children’s homes and by kidnapping and in some cases murdered them.
- One well-known case concerns late US billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, whose private island had been visited since the 1990s by US President Clinton, British Prince Andrew and other celebrities. Epstein is said to have hanged himself in prison in 2019. According to research and witness statements, Epstein was in contact with Israeli and American secret services and used his network to blackmail high-ranking persons.
- Another case concerns Dennis Hastert – formerly Speaker of the House and thus formally the third highest ranking politician in the USA – who, according to an FBI whistleblower, was blackmailed by domestic and foreign actors because of his pedocriminal past.
- The so-called “Pizzagate”, which became known in 2016, is a mixture of facts, speculation and misinformation. It is fiction that Hillary Clinton ran a child porn ring in a pizzeria, but it is a fact that there have been several pedophiles in Clinton’s surroundings, some of whom may indeed have links to pedocriminal networks.
- Other unsolved cases concerning child pornography concern the Pentagon and the NSA.
- An older case concerns the attempted blackmailing of Martin Luther King by the FBI by means of secret recordings of extramarital affairs (no connection to pedocriminality). The FBI tried to force King to commit suicide, but failed. Later, King was murdered.
Jeffrey Epstein
General Reports
Reports on Intelligence Links
- The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big to Fail (MPN, 2019) The picture painted by the evidence is not a direct Epstein tie to a single intelligence agency but a web linking key members of the Mega Group, politicians, and officials in both the U.S. and Israel, and an organized-crime network with deep business and intelligence ties in both nations.
- Former Israeli Intel Official Claims Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell Worked for Israel (MPN, 2019) A former high-ranking official in Israeli military intelligence has claimed that Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail enterprise was an Israel intelligence operation run for the purpose of entrapping powerful individuals and politicians in the United States and abroad.
- The Blackmail Factory (Zev Shalev, 2019) Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were agents for Israeli Military Intelligence and were running a blackmail operation designed to extort U.S. politicians and public figures, Ben-Menashe claims.
- Epstein Case: Documentaries Won’t Touch Tales of Intel Ties (Consortium News, 2020) Two new documentaries on the Jeffery Epstein affair delve into lurid details & give voice to his victims, but both scratch the surface of the political & intelligence dimensions of the scandal.
The Giuffre Dossier
On the eve of Epstein’s death, some two thousand pages of court files from a trial from 2015 to 2017 were unsealed. They contain statements by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre about powerful people who abused her. Most media have not or only partially reported on this list. In 2020 a judge ordered the “destruction” of the file.
Reports on Links with Media and Science
Original Documents
- The “little black book” by Jeffrey Epstein (Gawker, 2015)
- The flight log (including passenger names) of Jeffrey Epstein (Gawker, 2015)
- The court documents of the Virginia Giuffre case (Business Insider, 2019)
- Interview with Epstein victim Maria Farmer: Part 1 and Part 2 (LAV, 180m, 2020)
Franklin Scandal
- Documentary: Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover-Up (Discovery Channel, 60 minutes, 1994)
- Book: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal (Bryant, 2012) A chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this account of a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring in the United States tells a sordid tale of corruption in high places. Implicating businessmen, senators, major media corporations, the CIA, and even the venerable Boys Town organization, this extensively researched report includes firsthand interviews with key witnesses and explores a controversy that has received scant media attention.
- Victim’s Testimony Reveals Establishment-Connected East Coast Trafficking Network (DM, 2017) The network was said to be comprised of known human traffickers, abusers and producers of child pornography with ties to organized crime who openly associated with prominent political figures, including some who have been accused of indiscretions in the past.
Dennis Hastert
“Pizzagate” (Critical Analysis)
The Wayfair Complex (2020)
Pentagon and NSA
- Report: NSA, Pentagon officials linked to child porn (CNET, 2010) Dozens of NSA, DARPA, and other Pentagon workers downloaded child porn, but not all were prosecuted.
- Pentagon workers found to have downloaded child pornography (Guardian, 2010) Dozens of staff and contractors with high-level security clearance put at risk of blackmail by their sex crimes.
- Did We Finish Looking Into Those 1,700 Pentagon Child Porn Cases? (Gawker, 2014)
- Understanding Operation Flicker (SteemIt, 2017) Of the 5200 domestic clients discovered in one child pornography investigation, investigators identified 264 DoD employees, accounting for 5.1% of the total perpetrators.
Martin Luther King and FBI
Additional References
Jeffrey Epstein and some of his Influential Contacts

Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, Larry Summers, Jess Staley (2011)

Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew

Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump (1997)

Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton

Clinton and Maxwell im Flieger von Epstein (2002)

Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, attending the 18th birthday of British princess Beatrice (2006)
In Portugal, the Casa Pia scandal, one of the largest European cases of organised pedocrime, became public in 2002. For decades, children from the Lisbon orphanage Casa Pia were taken to and abused by an elite network of politicians, business people, military and media stars. The court case was dragged out for years, and many of the suspects were ultimately not charged. Another well-known case with a possible pedocriminal background is that of the British girl Maddie McCann, who has been missing in Portugal since her disappearance in 2007.
Already from the Dutroux complex (see above) various traces led to Germany. The Belgian Anneke Lucas also claims to have been “given to” several German politicians in the 1970s. Further links to pedocriminality exist in the so-called “NSU complex”, the so-called “Saxony Swamp”, as well as in the historical environment of the Green Party. Another area with geopolitical blackmail potential is the often opaque GDR/MfS past of some of Germany’s leading politicians.
“NSU Group”
The so-called NSU group allegedly was involved in a series of murders in the Turkish-Kurdish milieu between 2000 to 2006, but there is no direct evidence for this. The alleged suicide of the two protagonists also seems unlikely based on known forensics. On the other hand, there are certain indications that the NSU group may have been connected to a pedocriminal network.
- After the NSU verdict: The mystery of investigators, child traces and dead witnesses remain (T-Online, 2018) The NSU files will be closed with the end of the mammoth trial of Beate Zschäpe. This leaves oppressive questions. The reason: remarkable connections and mysterious deaths.
- NSU: Uwe Böhnhardt and the death of a nine-year-old boy (Welt, 2017) To this day Uwe Böhnhardt’s role in the murder of nine-year-old Bernd Beckmann in Jena remains unsolved. As is often the case in the NSU complex, finds in files show that investigators simply did not follow important leads.
- The NSU and the Peggy Case: Child Pornography as Terror Financing? (NTV, 2016) Next to the body of murdered Peggy, the DNA of NSU terrorist Uwe Böhnhardt is found. Now the police must investigate how she got there. Are the terrorists operating a paedophile network? Or is there another explanation?
- Peggy, Böhnhardt and a girl who Zschäpe called “Mama” (Zeit, 2016) A child’s shoe, a blonde girl, child porn at Zschäpe: NSU investigators repeatedly found evidence of child abuse. Now some cases are being reopened.
- Operation Spade: The Dirty Background of the Edathy Affair (Stern, 2014) How a German pedophile filmmaker triggered Operation “Spade” in Romania – which put a video dealer in jail in Canada and toppled two politicians in Germany.
- SOKO Braunlicht (Telepolis, 2017) The topic of “organized crime” is consistently faded out in connection with the NSU – although this is precisely the framework that connects everything.
“Saxony Swamp”
- Sachsensumpf: Dangerous Traces (ZEIT, 2012) In Leipzig a chief investigator was put out of action – possibly because he asked the wrong questions in the Saxon red-light and corruption scandal. For there is nothing to reproach him for.
- Sachsensumpf: Martyrdom of the Forced Prostitutes Mandy Kopp (Welt, 2013) At the age of 16, Mandy Kopp was forced into prostitution. Later she testified in the alleged scandal about the “Sachsensumpf” and ended up in court.
- “Sachsensumpf” affair: witness raises serious accusations (Sächsische, 2013) The “Sachsensumpf” continues to cause speculation even after years. Even the way the Saxon authorities deal with the accusations themselves becomes twilight. Allegedly many files are said to have disappeared.
- Video Child prostitution: Did de Maiziere cover up the involvement of politicians? (ARD, 2007) When Thomas de Maizière was still a minister in Saxony, the so-called “Saxony Swamp” scandal broke out: judges and lawyers are said to have been filmed during sexual assaults on minors, in order to later have leverage against them. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is said to have been aware of this and thus Thomas de Maizière as well.
- Video Child abusers: Interview with Saxony Swamp victim Mandy Kopp (CTV, 20 minutes, 2013) What Mandy Kopp experienced as a minor is hard to imagine. She was held prisoner for years and forced into prostitution. Today Mandy Kopp herself is on trial for libel. Her offense: She identified the perpetrators. Among them were real estate agents, lawyers, and even judges and attorneys.
Green Party
- The suppressed paedophilia scandal among the Greens (Der Westen, 2013) A member of the state executive board of the Greens in NRW, who has since died, is said to have sexually abused two boys in the 1980s. The boys of yesteryear lived in a shared flat in Kamp-Linfort. Once again, the question arises as to how far the Greens are actually involved in paedophile activities.
- Paedophilia accusation against Greens: Sex offenders coordinated green pederasts (Stern, 2013) Franz Walter, the Göttingen political scientist, is to investigate the paedophilic tendencies of the early Greens. However, more and more frightening details are already becoming known.
- Pro Familia is deep in the paedophilia scandal (Welt, 2013) The association Pro Familia, which is the leading organisation in Germany dealing with sexuality and family planning, published articles in the 1980s justifying sex between adults and children.
Dutroux Network
Anneke Lucas
The statements of the Belgian Anneke Lucas have not been recorded or verified by the police and should therefore be treated with particular caution.
- A Little Spy (Anneke Lucas, 2018, Archive) “I do know that I was transported quite often to Germany that year as the newly minted sex slave to the elite, and also for refinement of my training in the dirty lab. I was given to some top politicians.”
- The Cage (Anneke Lucas, 2019) “After being taken back to Belgium at the end of the summer of 1972, I was often driven back and forth to Germany by handlers of the Belgian network, to spend time in the company of a former German chancellor.”
Additional Topics
- Child pornography: Stasi blackmailed politicians (Welt, 2003) During the reunification, the CIA was able to obtain material about the espionage department of the MfS’s headquarters, Enlightenment. Due to the explosive nature of the information contained therein, including information about Western European politicians, these documents are still withheld from the public. Only secret services were allowed to inspect the reports filtered by the CIA.
- Berlin abuse scandal: Powerful network of paedophiles reaches far into the authorities (Berliner Zeitung, 2020) For decades, foster children in Berlin were given to sex offenders. Now an expert report confirms this: There have been many supporters and confidants – in youth welfare offices, the administration, the Free University and the Max Planck Institute.
- Case of abuse in Lügde – evidence disappeared from the police (Spiegel, 2018) During investigations in the case of abuse in Lügde, evidence has apparently disappeared from the police. NRW Interior Minister Reul has appointed special investigators.
- New shocking details on abuse scandal at Odenwaldschule (Focus, 2019) Several years after abuse cases at the elite boarding school in Heppenheim, Hesse, became known, studies show the extent. Hundreds of pupils had been sexually abused – without consequences for the perpetrators and institutions.
- International Snuff Film Ring financed from Germany (Oliver Nevermind, 2020)
- Infoportal Ritual Violence We collect court rulings, scientific papers and current news on the subject of ritual violence and make them publicly available here.
Documentaries on Ritual Abuse
Two documentaries (18+) on ritual abuse and the murder of children.
TV Movies “Operation Sugar”
ARD television films from 2012 and 2016 on child trafficking and child abuse in Germany. The films are based on true events.
- Film Operation Sugar (ARD, 90 minutes, 2012)
- Film Operation Zucker, Part 2: Hunting party (ARD, 90 minutes, 2016)
- TV movie “Operation Sugar” (Star, 2016) “Nothing in our film is unrealistic. We had to be more careful that there are fictional scenes at all. It’s a mixture of all our stories and research of the last few years,” says Ina Jung, author at Bayerischer Rundfunk. () “Such acts are committed by men who occupy high-ranking positions in our society and who manipulate and blackmail each other with what has happened.”
In Austria, there are both older cases, in which children’s homes cooperated with pedocriminals for decades, and modern abduction cases, such as the case of Natascha Kampusch in particular. Although this case has been presented by the official authorities as an isolated individual case, independent investigations point to an elite pedocriminal network, which could explain the mysterious deaths in the Kampusch investigations: both the kidnapper and the chief investigator were killed.
- Documentary Scandal in Austria’s children’s homes – Abused and mistreated (ARD, Doku, 45 Minuten, 2013) Austria’s former children’s homes are suing: In state institutions, minors have apparently been abused and mistreated for decades. Beatings were the order of the day. Boys as well as girls had to be of sexual service to their carers, were “rented” to paedophiles.
Natascha Kampusch
- Kampusch: Chief investigator passed on the information (Kurier, 2012) Confidential notes prove that criminalist Kröll was still looking for background information even after the proceedings were closed.
- Natascha Kampusch case: The mysterious death of Colonel Kröll (Spiegel, 2013) Franz Kröll, chief investigator in the kidnapping case of Natascha Kampusch, died six months after the crime was solved. According to police, the 59-year-old allegedly killed himself. An expert now contradicts the suicide theory.
- Kampusch kidnapper Priklopil: public prosecutor’s office examines doubts about suicide theory (Spiegel, 2016) Was the kidnapper of Natascha Kampusch already dead when he was run over by a train? According to information from SPIEGEL ONLINE, the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating a charge of suspected murder.
- Kampusch case: “I rule out the one-perpetrator thesis” (Die Presse, 2011) Ex-OGH President Johann Rzeszut, most recently a member of the Evaluation Commission in the Natascha Kampusch case, rules out the official one-perpetrator thesis in the “Presse” interview.
- Former chief investigator: “Perhaps a prominent person is involved in the Kampusch case” (Tages-Anzeiger, 2009, Archive) “I am a representative of the multi-offender theory. I always have been, since the most important witness made corresponding statements during her first interrogation. And she has maintained these statements until now.”
- Book State Affair Natascha Kampusch: Top Secret (VWW, 2013)
Documentaries on the Kampusch Case

Natascha Kampusch and her abductor Wolfgang Priklopil (2008)
International networks
According to individual testimonies, there were connections to Switzerland from both Belgian and French child molester networks, but these were never investigated. The Belgian Anneke Lucas (see above) also claims to have been transferred via Switzerland as a child and abused there. For some years now, the association Care About Ritual Abuse (CARA) has been documenting statements made by victims of ritual sexual violence in Switzerland.
Presiding Judge of Zurich
Starting in 2017, it became known that investigations against a pedocriminal Zurich court president were sabotaged in the 1980s and 1990s. According to witnesses, the heads of Zurich’s judiciary, public prosecutor’s office, police and politicians were involved in ignoring or covering up the case. Several of those involved were later even promoted, including to the top of the Zurich Education Directorate and the Criminal Investigation Department.
- Video How paedophile offences are covered (KlaTV, 2019) At the end of the 1980s, an investigation was conducted against a presumed paedophile court president. But the case was dropped. Another case that proves how the highest circles are involved in child molester networks and how they are covered up. Zurich police officer Peter Mathys in interview.
- Public prosecutor against public prosecutor (Tagesanzeiger, 2017) From the 1990s onwards, the criminal justice system took the prosecution of paedophilia seriously. Even the chief public prosecutor was investigated.
- A policeman researches (Migros Magazine, 2017) Hardly had he gone on duty than the young Zurich policeman Peter Mathys learned that an alleged paedophile court president was under investigation. The proceedings are dropped. The case does not let Mathys go: almost 30 years later he reconstructs the case – and writes a thriller about it.
- See Also Corruption and parties with call girls – Geneva police under fire (Bluewin, 2019) French-speaking Swiss media have brought to light a corruption affair in the Geneva police force. Several police officers are accused of bribery and violation of official secrecy.
“Basel Zodiac”
Another confirmed case of elite pedocriminality in Switzerland is the so-called “Basel Zodiac”, which came to light in 1998. The “Zodiac” was a paedocriminal ring of, among others, academics, lawyers, doctors and businessmen from “the better circles of Basel”, who gave themselves animal names as a cover and abused male prostitutes and under-age boys at sadistic “sex parties” since the 1960s.
International connections to Spain and Thailand were proven, and those to the Belgian Dutroux network were suspected. The background of the Zodiac was never completely uncovered, no charges were brought (among other things because of the statute of limitations) and the case disappeared completely from the media after the summer of 1998.
In recent times, there have been various speculations on the Internet about connections to Swiss federal politics and the P-26 secret army, but no evidence has been found to date.
Fedpol Whistleblower
In 2018, Thomas Walther, the long-standing head of the Coordination Unit for Combating Internet Crime (Kobik) of the Federal Office of Police (Fedpol), went public as a whistleblower. Walther argued that the work of the Kobik, including in the area of child pornography, had been officially obstructed. The Fedpol reacted with a house search and several charges against him, which were all dismissed.
Other Cases (without Direct Connection to Elite Pedo Criminality)
In Switzerland, the practice of so-called “Verdingung” of children existed since the 19th century and until about 1980: “Verdingkinder” were taken away from their biological parents (or given away by them) by the authorities for the purpose of care and education, some of them were auctioned off at “Verdingmärkte”, and accommodated by interested parties who often used them for forced labour on farms and sometimes abused them. Further cases of long-term, systematic sexual abuse are documented in children’s homes and boarding schools.
- Verdingung (Wikipedia) In modern Swiss history, Verdingung refers to the external placement of children to provide them with a standard of living and education. Often the children (in fact already disenfranchised by the authorities) were placed with farmers, who usually exploited, maltreated and abused them as cheap labour.
- Those responsible wanted to cover up everything: Children in Freiburg orphanage sexually abused (Blick, 2016) In the Catholic boarding school Marini in the canton of Freiburg, children were sexually abused from 1929 to 1955. This is the conclusion of a study commissioned by Bishop Charles Morerod. Those responsible covered up the incidents.
- A dark chapter of Appenzell history (NZZ, 2017) In the Steig children’s home in Appenzell Innerrhoden, children between 1945 and 1984 were physically punished, sometimes excessively, by nuns. Sexual abuse is also said to have taken place in the home. Now the cantonal government has asked the victims to apologize.

Basel Zodiac: FACTS article from 1998 (ZVG)
Entertainment Industry
In addition to sexual harassment in general, several cases of pedocriminality have been documented in Hollywood and the music industry, so that some observers speak of a systematic problem or an “open secret”. Another phenomenon is the bizarre sex slave cult NXIVM, which was financed by two wealthy Bronfman heiresses.
- 10 Disturbing Stories About Hollywood’s Pedophile Problem (Listverse, 2017) Hollywood has a history with pedophiles. Corrupt managers have used the promise of stardom to sexually abuse for years (). It is, in the words of one movie executive, “a time-honored tradition in this town.”
- Hollywood’s Pedophilia Epidemic Exposed in ‘An Open Secret’ (TDB, 2015) Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Amy Berg explores the seedy underbelly of Tinseltown in her eye-opening exposé-which includes a shocking on-camera confession
- “Hollywood in the grip of child abuse scandal similar to Jimmy Savile” (Telegraph, 2016)
- INSIDE EDITION Investigates Hollywood Pedophiles (Inside Edition, 2012) Since 2000 prosecutors have charged over a dozen men working in Hollywood with child molestation and possession of child porn, leading many to wonder if Tinsel Town has a pedophile problem.
- Nobody Is Going to Believe You’ (The Atlantic, 2019) The Bohemian Rhapsody director Bryan Singer has been trailed by accusations of sexual misconduct for 20 years. Here, his alleged victims tell their stories.
- Vulnerable boys and powerful men: the Bryan Singer allegations fit a disturbing pattern (VOX, 2019) New allegations against the director recall many other accounts of abuse in the #MeToo era.
- R Kelly accused of grooming 14-year-old girl as ‘sex pet’ (Guardian, 2018) In a BBC3 documentary, former girlfriend Kitti Jones alleges the R&B star groomed an underage girl as well as her and other young women; Kelly has refused to comment.
NXIVM Sex Slave Cult
- The Hollywood Followers of Nxivm, a women-branding sex cult (TDB, 2018) Its founder, Keith Raniere, was just arrested in Mexico. But the controversial cult Nxivm has also attracted many rich and famous followers over the years.
- The dark cult with billionaires, stars, and allegations of sex slavery (New York Post, 2018)
- Clare Bronfman, Seagram’s wife, arrested in Nxivm sex-trafficking case (Global News, 2018)
UN and Aid Agencies
Pedocriminal activities have also been documented at the UN and other aid agencies, some of which could be connected to international pedocriminal networks.
- “Cover-up of endemic proportions”: Thousands of paedophiles allegedly working for the United Nations (RT, 2018) A former high-ranking member of the United Nations staff is making serious accusations According to him, more than 3,000 paedophiles are said to work as relief workers for the UN. However, he said that there was a cover-up of “endemic proportions” about sexual crimes within the own ranks.
- U.N. Child Abuse Scandal Is Latest In History Of Sex Crimes Committed By Officials, Peacekeepers (Disobedient Media, 2017) Last week’s report from the Associated Press revealing the bust of a child sex ring run by United Nations peacekeepers in Haiti was far from the first time the United Nations has been associated with child-abuse rings. The U.N. has for decades been rocked by accusations of sex crimes ranging from rape and abuse of women and minors committed in war zones to participation in human trafficking, prostitution and even production of child pornography involving senior U.N. officials and members of foreign governments.
- Former Senior United Nations Official Facing Pedophilia Charges in Nepal (Newsweek, 2018) One of the world’s leading experts on humanitarian work with street children and children affected by war has been arrested on pedophilia charges.
- Top UNICEF children’s rights campaigner – who led UK’s anti-smacking campaign – is jailed for rape of boy, 13, in latest charity sex scandal (Daily Mail, 2018) A leading children’s rights campaigner, who helped governments around the world tackle the issue of abuse, has been jailed for raping a 13-year-old boy.
- StandUp for Kids Founder Charged With Child Sex Assault (ABC, 2012) Richard Koca, Sr., was charged with sexually assaulting children.
- False friends of children (Emma, 1993) Do the perpetrators and their sympathisers network? Is there a Children’s Friends connection from the crèches to the lecture halls? The EMMA report reveals surprising cross-connections between paedophile associations and child protection organisations. And there’s a much-cited lady from the men’s section.
Additional Cases
More cases of international, organised elite paedocriminality.
- Canada Child porn bust: Anatomy of an international child pornography investigation (Toronto Star, 2013)
- Australia Australia and Catholic Church ‘Failed’ Abused Children, Inquiry Finds (NYT, 2017) A royal commission investigating the sexual abuse of children in Australia found Friday that the nation was gripped by an epidemic dating back decades, with tens of thousands of children sexually abused in schools, religious organizations and other institutions.
- Norway Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway after arrest of 51 men (Independent, 2016) Authorities seize 150 terabytes of data, including photos, videos and chat transcripts.
- Italy Paedophile scandal boosts cover-up conspiracy (Guardian, 2000) A huge child pornography ring has been smashed, the police are jubilant and the guilty snared. Or so it seems, and in Italy nothing is ever as it seems. Breezing through chat shows, offices and homes is the suspicion of a cover-up. Almost 1,500 people have been charged but not those in high places who are believed to form a pedophile lobby.
- France “Beyond Dutroux” ties to France: Child abuse networks reportedly exploited by ”notables” (ISGP, 2013)
- Netherlands Dutch Joris Demmink Affair Reveals Heroin, Cocaine and Pedophile Entrapment Affairs; Orange Royal Family Similarly Linked to Child Abuse and Mafia Networks (ISGP, 2014)
- Spain Spain’s looted children (Tagesspiegel, 2013) Under Franco’s dictatorship they were declared dead and kidnapped. Thousands of children were taken away from their mothers to be raised by families loyal to the regime. Only late did the lie come to light. Now the victims are searching for their roots.
- Morocco Paedophile scandal puts King in distress (RP, 2013) A paedophile scandal is causing a wave of outrage in Morocco. () According to the findings of human rights activists, many powerful politicians and entrepreneurs in European countries have been among the clients in recent years. “The country is known as one of the largest sex tourism destinations in the world,” writes the news portal “Maghreb Emergente”.
- Iceland Icelandic Government Collapses Amid Pedophilia Scandal (Foreign Policy, 2017) The Icelandic prime minister’s links to a convicted rapist have once again put the democracy’s accountability to the test.
- Catholic Church Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases (Wikipedia) Cases of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests, nuns and members of religious orders in the 20th and 21st centuries, increasing especially after the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, have been widespread and have led to many allegations, investigations, trials and convictions, as well as revelations about decades of attempts by the Church to cover up reported incidents.
- Orthodox Judaism The Child-Rape Assembly Line (VICE, 2013) The child sex abuse crisis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism, like that in the Catholic Church, has produced its share of shocking headlines in recent years. In New York, and in the prominent Orthodox communities of Israel and London, allegations of child molestation and rape have been rampant.
On the subject of elite pedocriminality, various forms of false information can be found on the Internet, which are spread for the purpose of clickbaiting or targeted disinformation. Some of the most well-known examples are listed below.
- UN Secretary General Guterres: In connection with the migration pact of 2018, it was claimed that UN Secretary General António Guterres was involved in the Portuguese Casa Pia scandal of 2002. This is not true. Guterres resigned as Prime Minister prematurely at the end of 2001, a few months before the scandal became public, due to an election defeat. In the Casa Pia scandal, he was neither accused, nor was he accused by a victim. However, he defended his former Labour Minister, Paulo Pedroso, who was remanded in custody on abuse charges but was not charged.
- Justin Bieber and Katy Perry had claimed that the music industry was controlled by pedophiles: A 2017 hoax.
- Stanley Kubrick told Nicole Kidman that pedophiles rule the world: another fake of 2017.
- “Pizzagate”: The so-called “Pizzagate” of 2016/2017 is a combination of facts, speculation and misinformation, see chapter 3 (above) and the ISGP analysis.
- The “Dutch banker” Ronald Bernard, as a whistleblower, revealed an elite pedocriminal network: The interviews with “Bernard” were distributed in 2017 in a multi-part series on Youtube. However, there is no evidence whatsoever for the authenticity of the person or the statements he made. A German journalist who contacted “Bernard” reported further inconsistencies.
- In general, it should be considered that the accusation of pedocriminality can also be used maliciously to deliberately harm innocent people or to destroy them in the media.
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