Stichting Argus – Vrijmetselarij en Broederschappen + Ridderorden + Rituelen
Freemasonry (foto Gfycat)
Entrance Door to the Masonic Lodge with the Chessboard Floor (foto
Freemasons in their Lodge (foto Giphy)
There Shall Ye Find Light (foto Pinterest)
Vrijmetselarij en Broederschappen
- Ahepa
- Alianza Hispano Americana
- American Legion
- Ancient Order of Gleaners
- Ancient Order of Hibernians
- Ancient Order of Knights of the Mystic Chain
- Artisans’ Order of Mutual Protection
- Ben Hur Life Association
- Brotherhood of American Yeomen
- Council of Malta
- E Clampus Vitus
- Elks
- Equitable Aid Union
- Foresters
- Fraternal Order of Eagles
- Fraternal Order of Police
- Fratres Lucis
- Grand and Noble Order of Button Busters
- Homesteaders
- Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International
- Improved Order of Heptasophs
- Improved Order of Lions
- Improved Order of Red Men
- Independent Order of Good Templars
- Knights and Ladies of Security
- Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order
- Knights of Columbus
- Knights of the Golden Eagle
- Knights of Pythias
- Knights of the Royal Arch
- Knights of Venus
- Loyal Order of Jonathan and David
- Loyal Mystic Legion of America
- Mechanics, Independent Order of (verschillende Orden)
- Mechanics, Junior Order of United American
- Moose
- Odd Fellows
- Oranje Orden
- Order of Heptasophs
- Orde van Martinisten
- Orde van Vrije Weefsters Vinculum Verum
- Orde van Weefsters Vita Feminea Textura
- Order of Hoo Hoo, International
- Order Italian Sons and Daughters of America
- Order of the Maccabees
- Order of Owls
- Order of Patrons of Husbandry | Grangers
- Order Sons of Norway
- Order of Tyrian Knights
- Patriotic Order Sons of America
- Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes
- Royal Arcanum
- Royal Highlanders
- Royal Neighbors of America
- Sons of Hermann, Order of
- Sons of Italy, Order of
- Sons of Saint George, Order of
- Sons of Temperance
- Spaans Amerikaanse Oorlogsveteranen
- Star of Bethlehem
- Stonecutters
- Twentieth Century Orient | Order of the Grand Orient
- United Ancient Order of Druids
- United Commercial Travelers of America
- Vrijmetselarij
- Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Grootoosten der Nederlanden
- Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Hoofdkapittel der Hoge Graden in Nederland
- Afdeling van de Meestergraad
- Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder de Opperraad van de (33°) en laatste Graad van de Aloude en Aangenomen Schotse Ritus voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
- York Ritus
- Orde van Vrijmetselaren van het Heilig Koninklijk Gewelf onder het Groot Kapittel der Nederlanden
- Royal Order of Scotland
- District Grootloge van Merkmeesters voor Nederland
- Verenigde Orde van de Tempel en van Sint Jan van Jeruzalem
- Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Order of Holy Wisdom
- Royal and Select Masters
- Order of the Red Cross of Constantine
- Societas Rosicruciana
- Internationale Orde der Gemengde Vrijmetselarij ‘Le Droit Humain’
- Nederlandse Grootloge der Gemengde Vrijmetselarij
- Nederlands Verbond van Vrijmetselaren
- Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis Misraïm
- Order of the Secret Monitor
- Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees
- Order of Eri
- Knights Beneficent of the Holy City
- Masonic Order of Athelstan
- Order of the Knight Masons
- Order of Saint Thomas of Acon
- August Order of Light
- Ancient Toltec Rite
- Adoptive Rite
- Order of the Eastern Star
- Order of Rainbow for Girls
- International Order of Jobs Daughters
- Daughters of the Nile
- Order of the Amaranth
- Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem
- Heroines of Jericho
- Order of the True Kindred
- Ladies of Knights Templar
- Order of DeMolay
- Order of the Builders
- Swedenborgian Rite
- Royal Order of Jesters
- Ancient Arabic Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners)
- Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America
- Daughters of Isis
- Ancient Arabic Order of Daughters of Sphinx
- Tall Cedars of Lebanon
- Social Order of the Beauceant
- Order of Quetzalcoatl
- National Sojourners | Heroes of 76
- Woodmen
Dit is absoluut geen volledige opsomming van geheime genootschappen en broederschappen; daar zijn er honderden van. De opsomming is een subjectieve keuze van de samenstellers en voornamelijk ingegeven door de beschikbaarheid van aanvullende brondocumenten, zoals Inwijdingsrituelen.
Ridders en Ridderorden hebben sinds hun ontstaan in de Middeleeuwen altijd tot de verbeelding gesproken. Tegenwoordig bestaan nog tientallen van deze Orden, de meeste met fantastische namen, die stuk voor stuk claimen de rechtstreekse nazaten te zijn van de Orden, die zijn ontstaan tijdens de kruistochten.
Van twee Orden is die claim onomstreden: de Johanniter Orde en de Souvereine Militaire Orde van Malta. Beide Orden zijn tegenwoordig over de hele wereld actief, onder meer op het gebied van verzorging van zieken en ouderen. Deze beide Orden bestaan ook in Nederland. Hun lidmaatschap staat alleen open voor leden van de Nederlandse adel, respectievelijk protestanten en katholieken.
Voor mensen die deze achtergrond niet hebben zijn door veelal handige zakenlieden en charlatans eigen Ridderorden bedacht. Qua naam lijken dezen veelal op de Johanniter of de Maltezer Orden en ze claimen stuk voor stuk eenzelfde rijke historie te hebben.
Feitelijk zijn de meeste van deze Fantasie Ordes niet meer dan een bron voor inkomsten voor de oprichters. Voornamelijk egotrippers en naïevelingen worden aangetrokken door prachtige kledij, blinkende onderscheidingen en imponerende titels. Daarnaast verkoopt een aantal orden ‘Diplomatieke Paspoorten,’ die overigens geheel waardeloos zijn, maar voor sommigen toch reuze interessant.
Enkele spraakmakende buitenlandse Ordes zijn
- Ancient and Illustrious Order Knights of Malta
- American Grand Priory of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta
- Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller
- Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem | Knights of Malta
- Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta
- een Engelstalig overzicht van enkele valse Johanniter Orden
In Nederland zijn enkele tientallen van deze Orden actief of zijn actief geweest. Een aantal van hen had slechts enkele leden en heeft zich altijd buiten de publiciteit weten te houden. Een aantal van hen is iets groter geworden (enkele tientallen leden) en een enkeling is (onder meer als gevolg van moord en grootschalige oplichting) bijzonder omstreden geraakt.
Een (bij lange na niet volledige) opsomming (in willekeurige volgorde)
- Souvereine Orde van de Heilige Johannes van Jeruzalem | Ridders van Malta
- Orde van de Heilige Johannes van Jeruzalem | Ridders van Malta
- Hospitaalridders van de Orde van Sint Jan van Jeruzalem
- Sovereign Military Order of Saint John of Jeruzalem (Knights of Malta)
- Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem
- Grand Prieuré du très Saint Sauveur de L Ordre Royal de Saint Jean de Jerusalem
- Souvereine Orde van Sint Jan van Jeruzalem
- Soevereine Orde van Sint Jan van Jeruzalem | Groot Prioraat voor de Benelux
- Ridderlijke Orde van Zwaardbroeders van Lijfland in de Lage Landen
- Souvereine Orde van Sint Jacob in Holland
- Souvereine Ridderlijke Orde van Sint Jacob in Holland
- Ridderorde van het Heilige Graf
- Ridderorde van het Heilig Graf van Jeruzalem
- Internationale Soevereine en Ridderlijke Orde van de Roos en het Kruis van Jeruzalem zie Internationaal en de Soevereine Ridderorde van de Tempel
- Internationale en Soevereine Ridderorde van de Tempel
- Internationale en Ridderlijke Orde van Sint Birgitta van Zweden
- Supreme Militaire Orde van de Tempel van Jeruzalem
- Institut Imperial de la Chevalerie, Grand Priory of the Knights of Malta in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and the Spanish Imperial Order of Charles V, Sociedad Heraldica Espagnola Heraldo de Ultramar
- Nederlandse Ridderbond der Cordon Bleu du Saint Esprit 1579
- Templar Fraternity Gladius Dei
Vanuit een aantal Ridderordes is daarnaast opgericht het Nederlands Laureaat van de Arbeid, die tot op zekere hoogte eenzelfde functie had.
Binnen de Vrijmetselarij is ook een aantal ‘Ridderorden‘ ontstaan. Deze Orden zijn uitsluitend toegankelijk voor Vrijmetselaren, die al een reeks andere graden hebben doorlopen. Zo heeft de Vrijmetselarij bijvoorbeeld een Ridderorde van Sint Jan en een Maltezer Ridderorde. Voorts is een aantal Vrijmetselaren ook actief in niet Maçonnieke Ridderorden.
Freemasonry uses extensively Rituals, formalized texts, full of Symbolism in order to give some acts more depth.
These Rituals are one of the secrets of Freemasonry. Masonic Orders fight severely to the publication of these texts. in the past the Danish Grand Lodge succesfully withheld the broadcasting of a television program in which parts of the Initiation Ritual were reconstructed. The largest Dutch Order, the Grootoosten (Grand Orient) threatened with legal procedures in order to try to have Ritual texts removed from an internet site.
Since the beginning of Freemasonry there have been publications with (parts of) the used Rituals. The Argus Foundation has published on this site and on a series of CD Roms one of the largest collections of (complete) texts of these Rituals and has made these available for a broad public.
The most important form of Rituals, used in Freemasonry are the Initiation Rituals, with which candidates are initiated into Freemasonry or are progressed into a higher Degree or Order. In these texts we find the Symbolical background of that Degree or Order, but also the Secret Passwords, Tokens and Grips.
Besides the Initiation Rituals there are some others in use, so called Additional Rituals, for instance Marriage or Burial Ceremonies.
The texts of all these Rituals is strictly regulated by the Grand Lodges or Supreme Orders; the individual Lodges are not allowed to make their own adjustments.
In the Netherlands the Grand Orient has allowed two Lodges to use their own Rituals, one Dutch Lodge works in the English Emulation Ritual, all the others have to use the Dutch Standard Ritual.
SURVEY OF RITUALS PUBLISHED ON THIS SITE A large number of Rituals is not published on this site, but on our growing collection of downloads
Masonic Orders
Blue Degrees
Emulation Ritual (English)
Inner Working
- Installation of a Worshipful Master (Emulation | English)
MM Taylors Ritual of Craft Masonry (Engelstalig)
Inner Working
- Installation of a Worhsipful Master (Taylors | English)
West End Ritual of Craft Masonry
Rite Français (French)
Inner Working
- Rituel d’Installation du Vénérable Maître (Tous les Rites | Français)
Rite Opératif de Salomon (French)
Rite Français Moderne Rétabli (French)
Schrödersches Ritual (German)
Grande Oriente d’Italia (Italian)
Gran Loggia Regolare d’Italia (Italian)
Rito Escoces Antiguo Y Aceptado de la Gran Logia de España (Spanish)
Dutch Rituals
- Leerling (Dutch | Grand Orient)
- Gezel (Dutch | Grand Orient)
- Gezel (Dutch | Co Masonry)
- Meester (Dutch| Grand Orient)
Rituale der Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer in Deutschland
- Johannis-Lehrlingsritual (Iº)
- Johannis-Gesellenritual (IIº)
- Johannis-Meisterritual (IIIº)
- Ritual der Schottischen Andreas Lehrling Gesellenloge (IV° | Vº)
- Ritual der Schottischen Andreas Meisterloge (VIº)
- Ritual der Ritter vom Aufgang der Sonne in Osten und Jerusalem (VIIº)
- Ritual der Ritter Von Westen (VIIIº)
- Ritual von Vertrauten Bruder der Johannis Loge (IXº)
- Ritual von Auserwählter Bruder, Vertraute der Andreas Loge, Ritter von Purpurband (Xº)
Department of the Masters’ Degree
Higher Degrees
Inner Working
Rituals of the Historic Degrees
- Rituaal voor de graad van Uitverkoren Meester Elu
- Rituaal voor de graad van Schots Ridder of Ridder van Sint Andries
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van de Degen en van het Oosten
Worshipful Society of Freemasons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers (The Operatives)
- (I°) Indentured Apprentice
- (II°) Fellow of the Craft
- (III°) Fitter and Marker
- (IV°) Setter Erector
- (V°) Super Intendent
- (VI°) Passed Master
- (VII°) Grand Master
Ancient Order of Scottish Builders
- Ritual of the (I°) or Entered Builder’s Degree
- Ritual of the (II°) or Scarlet Men Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) or Fellow Scottish Builders’ Degree
- Ritual of the (IV°) or Blue Degree
- Ritual of the (V°) Degree
- Ritual of the (VI°) or Master Builder’s Degree
Royal Order of Scotland
- Heredom of Kilwinning (Dutch)
- Heredom of Kilwinning (English)
- Rosy Cross (Dutch)
- Rosy Cross (English)
- Ritual for the Installation of Officem Bearers (English)
Holy Royal Arch
- Ritual for Exaltation into Royal Arch Chapter (Perfect Ceremonies | English)
Inner Working
Scottish Rite
- Rituaal voor de graad van Geheim Meester (Dutch, 21st Century)(4º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Geheim Meester (dutch, 19th Century) (4º)
- Rituale per la Loggia Perfezione dei Mastri Segreti (Italian) (4º)
- Maestro Secreto (Mexican, 1944) (4º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Volmaakt Meester (Dutch, 19th Century) (5º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Geheimschrijver (Dutch, 19th Century) (6º)
- Secretario Intimo | Maestro par Curiosidad o Maestro Inglés (Mexican, 1965) (6º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Provoost en Rechter (Dutch, 19th Century) (7º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Intendant der Gebouwen (Dutch, 19th Century) (8º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Uitverkorene der Negen (Dutch, 19th Century) (9º)
- Rituale e Istruzione per il Fratello Cavaliere dei IX (Italian) (9º)
- Elegido de le Nueve o Perfecto Mason Electo (Mexican, 1965) (9º)
- Degrees of Communication (Dutch Co Masonry, 2005) ((9º), (10º), (11º) en (12)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Uitverkorene der Vijftien (Dutch, 19th Century) (10º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Verheven Uitverkorene (Dutch, 19th Century) (11º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Grootmeester Architect (Dutch, 19th Century) (12º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van het Koninklijk Gewelf (Dutch, 19th Century) (13º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van het Koninklijk Gewelf (Dutch Co Masonry, 2005) (13º)
- Gran Elegide, Perfecto y Sublimo Mason (Mexican, 1972) (14º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Volmaakt Uitverkoren Groot Schot (Dutch, 19th Century) (14º)
- Rituaal voor de Graad van Groot Schot van het Heilig Graf, Groot Uitverkoren Verheven Metselaar (Dutch Co Masonry, 2005) (14º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van de Degen en van het Oosten (Dutch, 19th Century) (15º)
- Ritual for the Knight of the East, of the Sword, or of the Eagle (American, SMJ, 1990’s) (15º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Prins van Jeruzalem (Dutch, 19th Century) (16º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van het Oosten en van het Westen (Dutch, 19th Century) (17º)
- Ritual for the Knight of the East and West (Canadian, 20th Century) (17º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van het Rozekruis (Dutch, 19th Century) (18º)
- Rituaal voor de Rozekruis (Dutch, Co Masonry) (18º)
- Ceremonies of a Chapter of Prince Rose Croix of Heredom (English) (18º)
- Chapter of Rose Croix Ritual Supreme Council of Holland (South Africa, 1962) (18º)
- Soberna Principe Rosa Cruz (Mexican, 1972) (18º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Groot Hogepriester (Dutch, 19th Century) (19º)
- Ritual for Grand Pontiff (Canadian, 20th Century) (17º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Grootmeester van de Symbolieke Loges (Dutch, 19th Century) (20º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Noachiet of Pruisisch Ridder (Dutch, 19th Century) (21º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van de Koninklijke Bijl, Prins van Libanon (Dutch, 19th Century) (22º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Overste van de Tabernakel (Dutch, 19th Century) (23º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Prins van de Tabernakel (Dutch, 19th Century) (24º)
- Ritual for Prince of the Tabernacle (American) (24º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van de Koperen Slang (Dutch, 19th Century) (25º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Heer van Mededogen (Dutch, 19th Century) (26º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Commandeur van de Tempel (Dutch, 19th Century) (27º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van de Zon, Prins Adept (Dutch, 19th Century) (28º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder van Sint Andreas van Schotland (Dutch, 19th Century) (29º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Ridder Kadosh, Ridder van de Zwart Witte Adelaar (Dutch, 19th Century) (30º)
- Ceremony for Grand Elect Knight Kadosh (American) (30º)
- Caballero Kadosch o del Aguila Blanca y Negra (Mexican) (30º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Grootinspecteur Inquisiteur Commandeur (Dutch, 19th Century) (31º)
- Ritual for Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander (American) (31º)
- Ritual for Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander (Scotland) (31º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Sublieme Prins van het Koninklijk Geheim (Dutch, 19th Century) (32º)
- Ritual for the Degree: Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret (American) (32°)
- Ritual for the Degree: Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret (canadian, 1975) (32°)
- Ritual for Sublime and Valiant Prince of the Royal Secret (Scotland) (32º)
- Sublime Principe del Real Secreto (Mexican, 1959) (32º)
- Rituaal voor de graad van Soeverein Groot Inspecteur Generaal (Dutch, 19th Century) (33º)
- Ritual for Grand Inspector General (American, 1935) (33º)
- Ritual for Sovereign Grand Inspector General (American, 1860) (33º)
Court of Honor
- Knight Commander (American)
York Rite
- Mark Master (Iowa, 2001)
- Mark Master (Indiana 1952)
- Past Master (Iowa, 2001)
- Past Master (Indiana 1952)
- Most Excellent Master(Iowa, 2001)
- Most Excellent Master (Indiana 1952)
- Royal Arch Mason (Iowa, 2001)
- Royal Arch Mason (Indiana 1952)
- Royal Master (Iowa, 2001)
- Select Master (Iowa, 2001)
- Super Excellent Master ( Iowa, 2001)
- The Feast of Belshazzar: An Optical Amplification to the Super Excellent Master Degree (2002)
- Order of the Red Cross (Iowa, 2001)
- Order of the Knights of Malta (Iowa, 2001)
- Knight Templars (Iowa, 2001)
Royal and Select Masters
- Select Master (English)
- Royal Master (English)
- Most Excellent Master (English)
- Super Excellent Master (English)
- Degree of Thrice Illustrious Masters (American)
Inner Working
- Installation of a Master (English)
Mark Master Masons
- Rituaal voor de bevordering tot Merkmeester (Dutch)
- Rituaal voor de Merkgraad (Dutch Co Masonry)
- Mark Master Mason (English)
- Royal Ark Mariner Degree (English)
- Royal Ark Mariner Degree (Dutch)
Inner Working:
- Installation of a Master (English)
- Installatie van een Zeer Achtbaar Merkmeester (Dutch Co Masonry)
- Installation of a Commander of a RAM Lodge (English)
Masonic Orders of the Temple and of Saint John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta
- Rituaal voor de graad Ridder van de Tempel en van het Heilig Graf (Dutch)
- Knight Templar (English)
- Knight of Malta (English)
Inner Working
- Installation of a Eminent Preceptor (English)
- Installation of a Eminent Prior (English)
Red Cross of Constantine
- Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine (English)
- Knight of the Holy Sepulchre (English)
- Knight of Saint John the Evangelist (English)
Inner Working
- Priest Mason Degree of Viceroy (English)
- Princes Mason Degree of Sovereign (English)
Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
- (I°) Funeral Master
- ((II°) Master of the Blue or Knight of Solomon
- (III°) Most Excellent Master
- (IV°) Excellent Mason and Master of the Veils
- (V°) Sublime Master of Jacob’s Wrestle
- (VI°) Fugitive Mark
- (VII°) Architect
- (VIII°) Order of the Scarlet Cord of Knight of Rahab
- (IX°) Knight of the Three Kings or The Balance
- (X°) Knight of the North
- (XI°) Knight of the South
- (XII°) Knight of Patmos or Philippi
- (XIII°) Knight of Redemption
- (XIV°) Knight of Death or Elysium
- (XV°) Knight of the Holy Grave
- (XVI°) Knight of the Christian Mark
- (XVII°) Knight of Bethany
- (XVIII°) Knight of the Royal Prussian Blue
- (XIX°) Knight of Eleusis
- (XX°) Knight of Palestine
- (XXI°) Knight of Saint John the Baptist
- (XXII°) Knight of the Cross
- (XXIII°) Knight of the Black Cross
- (XXIV°) Knight of the White Cross
- (XXV°) Knight of the White Cross Torpichen
- (XXVI°) Knight of the Suspended Cross of Babylon
- (XXVII°) Knight of the Red Cross of Jerusalem
- (XXVIII°) Knight of the Red Cross or Roseae Crucis
- (XXIX°) Knight of the Triple Cross
- (XXX°) Grand Cross of Saint John
- (XXXI°) Made Free from Harodim
- (XXXII°) Holy Royla Arch Knight Templar Priest (English)
- Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest (American)
- Installation of a High Priest (English)
Order of Holy Wisdom
Order of the Secret Monitor
- Secret Monitor (English)
- Prince (English)
- Supreme Ruler (English)
Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree (English)
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree (English)
- Ritual of the (III°) Degree (English)
- Ritual of the (IV°) Degree (English)
- Preparation Ceremony for the Installation of a President (English)
- Installation Ceremony of a President of a Consistory (English)
Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees
- Saint Lawrence the Martyr (English)
- Knight of Constantinople (English)
- Grand Tilers of Solomon (English)
- Grand Tilers of Solomon or Masons Elect of Twenty-Seven (English)
- Red Cross of Babylon (English)
- Grand High Priest (English)
- Ritual for the Installation of a Master in the Degree of Saint Lawrence the Martyr (English)
Order of Knight Masons
- Ritual and Ceremonial (English)
- Knight of the Sword (American)
- Knight of the East (American)
- Knight of the East and West (American)
- Ritual for the Installation of Officers (American)
York Rite Sovereign College of North America
- Ritual of Knight of York (American)
Knights of York Cross of Honour
- Initiation Ritual (American)
- Ceremony of Installation of Officers in a Priory (American)
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
- Zelator (1995)
- Zelator (2005)
- Theoricus (1994)
- Theoricus (2005)
- Practicus (1995)
- Practicus (2005)
- Philosophus (2005)
- Adeptus Minor (2005)
- Adeptus Major (2005)
- Adeptus Exemptus (2005)
- Magister
- Magus
Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia
- Zelator (English)
- Theoricus (English)
- Practicus (English)
- Philosophus (English)
- Adeptus Minor (English)
- Adeptus Major (English)
- Adeptus Exemptus (English)
- Magister (English)
- Magus
Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
- opening | closing (American)
- Zelator (American)
- Theoricus (American)
- Theoricus (American)
- Philosophus(American)
- Adeptus Minor
- Adeptus Major
- Adeptus Exemptus
- Magister
- Magus
Rectified Scottish Rite
- Ritual of the (IV°) Degree | Scottish Master (England)
- Ritual of the (IV°) Degree | Scottish Master of Saint Andrew (England)
- Ritual of the (V°) Degree | Squire Novice (England)
- Ritual of the (VI°) Degree | Knight Beneficient of the Holy City (England)
Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte
- Ritual (American)
Masonic Order of Athelstan
- Instruction of a Candidate (2008)
- Instruction of a Candidate (2010)
- Consecration of an Eminent Prior (2010)
- Installation of a Worshipful Master (2010)
August Order of Light
Order Saint Thomas of Acon
Noble but Slightly Dishonourable Degree of Cork Masonry
Ye Corporation O Squaremen
Rite of Memphis Misraïm
- (1º) Apprentice
- (2º) Companion
- (3º) Master
- (4º) Secret Master
- (5º) Perfect Master
- (6º) Intimate Secretary
- (7º) Provost and Judge
- (8º) Intendant of the Buildings
- (9º) Master Elect of Nine
- (10º) Illustrious Elect of Fifteen
- (11º) Sublime Prince Elect
- (12º) Grand Master Architect
- (13º) Royal Arch
- (14º) Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Master
- (15º) Knight of the East or the Sword
- (16º) Prince of Jerusalem
- (17º) Knight of the East and the West
- (18º) Knight of the Rose Cross
- (19º) Grand Pontiff
- (20º) Knight of the Temple
- (21º) Patriarch Noachite
- (22º) Knight of the Royal Axe
- (23º) Chief of the Tabernacle
- (24º) Prince of the Tabernacle
- (25º) Knight of the Brazen Serpent
- (26º) Prince of Mercy
- (27º) Commander of the Temple
- (28º) Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept
- (29º) Knight of Saint Andrew
- (30º) Grand Elected Knight of Kadosh
- (31º) Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
- (32º) Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
- (33º) Sovereign Grand Inspector General
- (34º) Knight of Scandinavia
- (35º) Knight of the Temple
- (36º) Sublime Negociant
- (37º) Knight of Shota (Sage of Truth)
- (38º) Sublime Elect of Truth (The Red Eagle)
- (39º) Grand Elect of the Aeons
- (40º) Sage Savaiste (Perfect Sage)
- (41º) Knight of the Arch of Seven Colours
- (42º) Prince of Light
- (43º) Sublime Hermetic Sage (Hermetic Philosopher)
- (44º) Prince of the Zodiac
- (45º) Sublime Sage of the Mysteries
- (46º) Sublime Pastor of the Huts
- (47º) Knight of the Seven Stars
- (48º) Sublime Guardian of the Sacred Mount
- (49º) Sublime Sage of the Pyramids
- (50º) Sublime Philosopher of Samothrace
- (51º) Sublime Titan of the Caucasus
- (52º) Sage of the Labyrinth
- (53º) Knight or Sage of the Phoenix
- (54º) Sublime Scalde
- (55º) Sublime Orphic Doctor
- (56º) Pontiff, of Sage of Cadmia
- (57º) Sublime Magus
- (58º) Sage, or Prince Brahmine
- (59º) Sublime Sage, or Grand Pontiff of Ogygia
- (60º) Sublime Guardian of the Three Fires
- (61º) Sublime Unknown Philosopher
- (62º) Sublime Sage of Eulisis
- (63º) Sublime Kawi
- (64º) Sage of Mythras
- (65º) Guardian of Sanctuary | Grand Installator
- (66º) Grand Architect of the Mysterious City | Grand Consecrator
- (67º) Guardian of the Incommunicable Name | Grand Eulogist
- (68º) Patriarch of Truth
- (69º) Knight or Sage of the Golden Branch of Eleusis
- (70º) Prince of Light, or Patriarch of the Planispheres
- (71º) Patriarch of the Sacred Vedas
- (72º) Sublime Master of Wisdom
- (73º) Patriarch, or Doctor of the Sacred Fire
- (74º) Sublime Master of the Stoka
- (75º) Knight Commandel of the Lybic Chain
- (76º) Interpreter of Hieroglyphics, of Patriarch of Isis
- (77º) Sublime Knight or Sage Theosopher
- (78º) Grand Pontiff of the Thebiad
- (79º) Knight, or Sage of the Redoubtable Sada
- (80º) Sublime Elect of the Sanctuary of Mazias
- (81º) Intendent Regulator, or Patriarch of Memphis
- (82º) Grand Elect of the Temple of Midgard
- (83º) Sublime Elect of the Valley of Oddy
- (84º) Patriarch or Doctor of the Izeds
- (85º) Sublime Sage, or Knight of Kneph
- (86º) Sublime Philosopher of the Valley of Kab
- (87º) Sublime Prince of Masonry
- (88º) Grand Elect of the Sacred Curtain
- (89º) Patriarch of the Mystic City
- (90º) Sublime Master of the Great Work
- (91º) Grand Defender
- (92º) Grand Catechist
- (93º) Regulator General
- (94º) Prince of Memphis, or Grand Administrator
- (95º) Grand Conservator
- (96º) Grand and Puissant Sovereign of the Order
- (97º) Deputy International Grand Master
- (98º) International Grand Master
- (99º) Grand Hierophant
Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm | Grotto
- Ritual for Conferring the Order of Veiled Prophet (American)
- Installation Ceremonies (American)
Order of Quetzalcoatl
- Ritual for Artisan Degree (American)
- Ritual for Master Artisan Degree (American)
Ancient Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
- Ritual (American)
Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots
Royal Order of Jesters
- Initiation Ritual (American)
Tall Cedars of Lebanon
- Initiation (American)
- Sidonian Degree (American)
Ancient Toltec Rite
- Cloister Degree (American)
- Chapter Degree (American)
- Council Degree (American)
- Ritual for the Installation of Officers (American)
National Sojourners
- Order of Ceremonies (American)
Heroes of 76
- Initiation Ritual (American)
Knights of the Palm Tree
- Initiation Ritual (American)
Social Order of the Beauceant
- Initiation (American)
- Ritual for the Installation of Officers (American)
Acicia Fraternity
- Initiation Ritual (I°), (II°) and (III°) degrees, American)
Order of DeMolay
- Initiatory Degree (American)
- DeMolay Degree (American)
- Degree of Chevalier (American)
- Order of Knighthood (American)
- Order of Ebon (American)
Order of the Builders
- Apprentice Degree (American)
- Builders Degree (American)
Fraternal Order of Eyes
- Ritual of the (I°) or Left Eye Degree
- Ritual of the (II°) or Right Eye Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) or Masters Degree
National Order of Trailmasters
- Initiation (American)
Grand Juvenile Department L U P
- Initiation Ritual (American)
Adoptive Rite
- (1°) Adoptive Apprentice
- (2°) Companion
- (3°) Mistress
- (4°) Perfect Mistress
- (5°) Sublime Elect
- (6°) Dame Ecossais
- (7°) Grand Elect, or French Dame
- (8°) Lady of the Dove
- (9°) Lady of the Rose Cross
- (10°) Adonaite Mistress
- (11°) Perfect Venerable Adonaite Mistress
- (12°) Crowned Princess, or Sovereign Mistress.
Order of the Eastern Star
- Initiation, 1973 (American)
- Initiation (American)
- Queen of the South (American)
Order of the Golden Chain
- Initiation Ritual (American)
Order of the Golden Circle
- Initiation (American)
Order of the Amaranth
- Initiation (American)
Heroines of Jericho
- Master Masons Daughter (American)
- True Kinsman (American)
- Heroine of Jericho (American)
Royal Arch Widow
- Initiation Ritual (American)
Order of the True Kindred
- True Kindred Degree (American)
- Ritual for the Installation Ceremonies (American)
International Order of Job’s Daughters
- Initiation (American)
Order of the Rainbow for Girls
- Initiation (american)
- Grand Cross of Color (american)
Order of Bees for Boys and Girls
- Initiation Ritual (american)
Organization of Triangles
- Ritual of the Hexagon Degree (American)
- Ritual of the Rose Degree (American)
- Ritual of the Six Point Candle Degree (American)
Sunbeam Fraternity
- Initiation Ritual (American)
Daughters of Isis
- Initiation (American)
- Initiation Ritual of the Independent Order of Daughters of Osiris and Isis (American)
Ancient Arabic Order of Daughters of the Sphinx
- Fraternal Degree (American)
- Queen Esther Degree (American)
- Sphinx Degree (American)
Daughters of the Nile
- Initiation (American)
Daughters of Mokanna
- Initiation (American)
Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America
- Initiation (American)
White Shrine of Jerusalem
- Initiation (American)
Rose of Seven Seals
- Initiation (American)
Vereniging van Vrouwen van Vrijmetselaren (Association of Freemason’s Wives)
- Initiation Ritual (dutch)
Asociacion de Jovenes Esperanza de la Fraternidad (AJEF)
- Liturgia del Grado Unico (Mexican)
- Pink Degree (American)
- Scarlet Degree (American)
- Green Degree (American)
- Blue Degree (American)
- Red Knight Degree (American)
- White Degree (American)
Junior Order of American Mechanics
- Ritual of the (I°), or Degree of Virtue
- Ritual of the Degree of Virtue, 1926
- Ritual of the (II°), or Degree of Liberty
- Ritual of the (III°), or Degree of Patriotism
- Ritual of the Degree of Patriotism, 1926
United American Mechanics
- Ritual of the (I°), or Degree of Virtue (1958)
- Ritual of the (II°), or Degree of Liberty (1958)
- Ritual of the (III°), or Degree of Patriotism (1958)
Daughters of America
- Initiation Ritual (American)
Non Masonic orders
Achei Brith and the Shield of Abraham
Alaska Yukon Pioneers
Alianza Hispano Americana
Amalgamated Association of the Iron, Steel & Tin Workers of North America
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Emplyes of America
American Labor Union
American Legion
American Nobles
American Patriotic League
American War Mothers
Ancient Egyptian Order Mystic Oriental Sons
Ancient and Honorable Order of the Turtle
Ancient and Illustrious Order Knights of Malta
- Knight of Malta
- Black
- Scarlet
- Mark
- Blue
- Blueman Master Builder
- White
- Apron Green
- Knight of the Green
- Gold
- Priestly Pass
Ancient Order of Druids
Ancient Order of Gleaners
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Ancient Order of Knights of the Mystic Chain
Ancient Order of Pilgrims
- Ritual of the Silver Cloud Degree | White
- Ritual of the Star Degree | Blue
- Ritual of the Crown Degree | Purple
- Ritual of the Royal Sceptre
- Installation Ritual
Ancient Order of the Pyramids
Ancient Order of United Workmen
Anti Horse Thief Association
Anti Thief Association
Archers of the Egyptian Prince
Arctic Brotherhood
Artisans’ Order of Mutual Protection
Artus, Order of
Ben Hur Life Association
Benevolent Order of Deer
Benevolent Protective Herd of Buffaloes of America
- Ritual of the (I°) or Secret Degree
- Ritual of the (II°) or Prairie Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) or Union Degree
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
- Initiation
- Initiation Ritual in the Supreme Emblem Club of North America
- Initiation Ritual Order of the Royal Purple
Brotherhood of American Yeomen
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees
Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes
Brotherhood of Railway Clerks
Brotherhood of Saint Paul
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree or Order of Jerusalem
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree or Order of Damascus
- Ritual of the (III°) Degree or Order of Rome
Carolina Negro Farmers and Educational Co Operative Union of America
Colored Farmers National Alliance and Co Operative Union
Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo
Council of Malta
Court of Honor
Covenanters Mystic Union
- Ritual of the (I°) or Historic Degree
- Ritual of the (II°) of Progressive Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) or Sublime Degree
Cowboy Rangers, National Order of
Czecho Slovak Protective Society
Czechoslovak Society of America
Danish Brotherhood
Daughters of Isabella
Daughters of Norway, Order of
- Ritual (Norwegian)
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity, Supreme Chapter of
Deutsche Orden der Harugari
- Ritual of the Initiatory Degree
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) Degree
Disabled American Veterans
Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan
Dramatic Order Knights of Omar
Druggist Ware Glass Blowers League of the US
E Clampus Vitus
Equitable Aid Union
Equitable Fraternal Union
- Ritual of the Adoption Ceremony for the Initiation of Men and Women
- Ritual of the EFU Ceremony for Initiation of Men Only
Farmers Alliance of Texas
Federated Association of Wiredrawers
Fenian Brotherhood
Fleet Reserve Association
- Ceremony of Initiation Ancient Order of Foresters
- Initiation Ritual of the Companions of the Forest of America
- Ritual of Initiation Independent Order of Foresters
- Ritual of Exaltation into the Royal Foresters (IOF)
- Ritual of the Juvenile Foresters (IOF)
- Ceremonial of the Catholic Order of Foresters
- Initiation Ritual Foresters of America
Fraternal Aid Union
Fraternal Order of American Lions
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Fraternal Order of the Free
Fraternal Order of Lions
Fraternal Order of Pilgrims
Fraternal Order of Police
Fraternal Tribunes
Grand Army of the Republic
Grand and Noble Order of Button Busters
Grand Order of the Orient
Grand United Order of Brothers and Sisters of Love and Charity of the United States and the Grand Republic of Liberia
Grand United Order of Moses
- Ritual of the Initiatory or (I°) Degree
- Ritual of the Deliverance or (II°) Degree
- Ritual of the Beauty or (III°) Degree
- Ritual of the Passover or (IV°) Degree
- Ritual of the Law or (V°) Degree
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows
Grand United Order of True Reformers
- Ritual of the (I°) or Faith Degree
- Ritual of the (II°), or Hope Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) Degree of Degree of Charity
- Ritual of the (IV°) of Friendship Degree
- Ritual of the (V°) or Loyal Degree
- Ritual of the (VI°) or Reformers’ Degree
Great Order of the Crusaders of Purgatory
Great Southern Fraternal Union
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree of Adoption
- Ritual of the (II°) or Advanced Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) or Junior Degree
- Ritual of the (IV°) Degree
Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International
ICS Fraternity of the World
Imperial Order of the Illustrious Deep
Improved, Benevolent, Protective Order of Elks of the World
Improved Order of Heptasophs
Improved Order of Lions
Improved Order of Red Men
- Adoption Degree
- Warriors Degree
- Chiefs Degree
- Degree of Pocahontas
- Haymakers Degree
- Degree of Anona
- Brown’s New Ritual: A Rib Cracking Burlesque
Improved Order of Shepherds & Daughters of Bethlehem
Independent Afro American Relief Union
Independent Order of B nai B rith
Independent Order of the Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria
Independent Order of Herdsmen
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
- Initiation | Degree of Purity (1909)
- Initiation Degree (1989)
- (I°) Lodge Degree Friendship (1909)
- (I°) Lodge Degree Friendship (1989)
- (II°) Lodge Degree Love (1909)
- (II°) Lodge Degree Brotherly Love (1989)
- (III°) Lodge Degree Truth (1909)
- (III°) Lodge Degree Truth (1989)
- (I°) Encampment Degree: Patriarch (1909)
- (I°) Encampment Degree Patriarch (1996)
- (II°) Encampment Degree Golden Rule (1909)
- (II°) Encampment Degree Golden Rule (1996)
- (III°) Encampment Degree Royal Purple (1909)
- (III°) Encampment Degree Royal Purple (1996)
- Rebekah Degree
- Patriarchs Militant (1954)
- Patriarchs Militant (1997)
- Uniformed Patriarch
- Ladies Militant
- Ritual of the Pink Degree (Manchester Unity, US, 1923)
- Ritual of the Pink Degree for Odd Ladies Lodges (Manchester Unity, US, 1923)
- Ceremonies for Conferring the Grand Decoration of Chivalry on a Chevalier
- Ceremonies for Conferring the Grand Decoration of Chivalry on a Lady
- Ritual of Conferring the Degree of Past Provincial Grand Master
- Ritual for a Juvenile Lodge (Australia, 1946)
- Ritual for Junior Lodges (Manchester Unity)
- Installation of an Encampment
- Installation of Encampment Officers
- Funeral Ceremony
- Rituaal voor de Installatie van een Loge | Zitting met alleen Broederen (Dutch)
- Ritual for the Theta Rho Girls Club
- Ladies of the Orient | Royal Zuanna
- See also Oriental Order of Humility or Merry Hay Makers
- See also Sons of Osiris
Independent Order of Rechabites | Salford Unity
Independent Order of Saint Luke
Independent Order of Vikings
Independent Order of Workingmen
- Ritual of the Initiatory Degree
- Ritual of the (I°), or Workmans Degree
- Ritual of the (II°), or Master Workmans Degree
- Ritual of the (III°), or Friendship Degree
Industrial Workers of the World
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
International Association of Railway Employees
International Association of Steam, Hot Water and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers
International Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, and Iron Ship Builders
International Hod Carriers Building and Common Laborers Union of America
International Longshoremen and Transportworkers Association
Internationale Orde van Goede Tempelieren
Iron Molders Union of North America
Kappa Sigma Pi
Knights and Daughters of Tabor see Twelve, International Order of
Knights and Ladies of Honor
Knights and Ladies of Security
Knights and Ladies of the Golden Rule
Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order
Knights of Cerberus
Knights of Columbus
Knights of the Golden Eagle
Knights of Honor
- Ritual of the Degree of Infancy
- Ritual of the Degree of Youth
- Ritual of the Degree of Manhood
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree of the Uniform Rank
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree of the Uniform Rank Knighting
Knights of Jerusalem
Knights of the Maccabees of the World
- Rituaal of the (I°) or Degree of Protection
- Rituaal of the (II°) or Degree of Friendship
- Rituaal of the (III°) or Degree of Loyalty
Knights of Pythias
- Page
- Esquire
- Knight
- Uniform Rank | Rank of Loyalty
- See also Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan
- See also Dramatic Order Knights of Omar
- See also Nomads of Avrudaka
- See also Order of Calanthe
- See also Pythian Sunshine Girls
- See also Princes of Syracuse
Knights of the Royal Arch
Knights of Saint Crispin
Knights of Venus
Knights of Zion
Knights of the Zoroasters, Sublime Order of the
Know Nothing Lodges
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree Council
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree Council
- Ritual of the (III°) Degree Council
Ladies of the American Buffaloes
Legion of Spanish War Veterans
Lions of the World
Lone Star Sovereigns
Loyal Americans of the Republic
Loyal Guard
Loyal Mystic Legion of America
Loyal Orange Association
Loyal Order of the Golden Heart of the World
Loyal Order of Jonathan and David
Loyal Order of the Moose
- Initiation
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree or Mooseheart Legion of the World
- Ritual of the Degree of Purity
- Ritual for the Advancement of Members to the Degree of Aid
- Ritual of the Degree of Progress
Machinists and Blacksmiths Union
Methodist Order of Knights
- Ritual of the (I°) or Page’s Degree
- Ritual of the (II°) or Esquire’s Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) or Knight’s Degree
- Ritual of the (IV°) or Officer’s Degree
Military Order of the Cootie
- Incubation Ritual or (I°) Degree
- Transformation Ritual or (II°) Degree
- Aggravation Ritual or (III°) Degree
Military Order of the Serpent
Modern Woodmen of the World
Munchers of the Hard Tack
Mystic Legion
Mystic Order of Ravens
Mystic Workers of the World
National Benevolent Society
National Protective Legion of Waverly NY
National Window Glass Workers
Native Daughters of the Golden West
Native Sons of Oregon
New England Order of Protection
Nomads of Avrudaka
Ohio State Protective Association
Order of American Farmers and Mechanics
Order of Bees
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree | Benevolence
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree | Thrift
- Ritual of the (III°) Degree | Co Operation
Order of the Black Cross | Order of Messiah
Order of Calanthe
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree or Degree of Fidelity
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree or Degree of Harmony
- Ritual of the (III°) Degree or Degree of Love
- Initiation Ritual of the Juvenile Department
Order of Columbus
Order of the Cootiette
- Initiation Ritual, 1957
- Installation of Officers Ritual, 1957
- Institution of a New Club Ritual, 1957
Order of the Great Tin Spoon
Order of the Iroquois
Order of the Iron Chain
Order of the Iron Hall
Order Italian Sons and Daughters of America
Order of Lincoln
Order of the Maccabees
Ordre Martiniste
- Associé (French)
- Mystique (French)
- Supérieur Inconnu (French)
Order of Mermaids and Neptunes
Order of Owls
Order of Red Eagles
- Adoption Degree Red Eagles | Supreme Council
Order of the Royal Purple
Order of Scottish Clans
Order of Seven Wise Men
Order of Sleeping Car Conductors
Order of Tonti
Order of Tyrian Knights
Order of White Knights
Oriental Order of Humility and Merry Haymakers
Patriotic Order of Americans
Patriotic Order Sons of America
- Ritual for the Red Degree (1891)
- Ritual for the White Degree (1891)
- Ritual for the Blue Degree (1891)
- Initiation Ritual (1948)
Patriotic and Protective Order of Stags of the World
Patriots of America
Patrons of Husbandry | Grangers
- (I°) Degree | Preparation
- (II°) Degree | Culture
- (III°) Degree | Harvest
- (IV°) Degree | Home
- (V°) Degree | Pomona
- Initiation Ritual of the Juvenile Granges
Patrons of Industry of North America
Pinalesic Order of Sacred Cedars
Pioneers of Alaska
Pioneers Life Association
The Praetorians
Princes of Bagdad
Princes of Iran of the World
Princes of Syracuse
Progressive Endowment Guild of America
Progressive & Protective Order Buffaloes of America
Protected Homes of America
Provident Fraternity
Pythian Sunshine Girls
Railway Conductors of America, Order of
Resolute Sisters of Nemesis
Robert Burns Society of America
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes
- (I°) Degree (Initiation)
- (II°) Degree (Primo)
- (III°) Degree (Knight of the Order of Merit)
- (IV°) Degree (Roll of Honour)
Royal Arcanum
Royal Canadian Legion
Royal Circle of Friends of the World
Royal Family of Heroes and Heroines of Friendship
Royal Highlanders
Royal Knights of King David
Royal Neighbors of America
Royal Templars of Temperance
Royal Tribe of Joseph
Scandinavian Brotherhood
Scandinavian Fraternity of America
Scandinavian Sisterhood
Security Benefit Association
Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association
Sisters of the Mysterious Ten
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree of the Sisters of the Mysterious Ten
- Ritual of the (II°) or Mercy Degree of the Sisters of the Mysterious Ten
- Ritual of the (III°) or Royal House or Queen Esther Degree of the Sisters of the Mysterious Ten
Sleeping Car Employes, Order of
Sons and Daughters of King Solomon of South Carolina
Sons and Daughters of Liberty
Sons of Benjamin, Independent Order
Sons of Hermann, Order of
Sons of Italy, Order of
Sons of Jacob, Independent Order
Sons of Jonadab, Order of
Sons of Norway, Order
- Ritual for Første Grad (norwegian)
- Initiation Ritual (american)
Sons of Osiris
Sons of Saint George, Order of
Sons of Temperance
- Initiation Ritual
- Ritual of the Love Degree
- Ritual of the Degree of Purity
- Ritual of the Degree of Fidelity
- Enlistment Ceremonies of the Loyal Crusaders
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Southern Woodmen
Sovereigns of Industry
Star of Bethlehem
Sublime Order of Arabian Knights
Twelve, International Order of, Knights and Daughters of Tabor
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree | Knights of Tabor
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree | The Dalmon Lock, Knights of Tabor
- Ritual of the (III°) or Key Knight’s Degree | Knights of Tabor
- Ritual of the (IV°) Degree or Uniform Rank | Knights of Tabor
- Degree of Adoption, Daughters of the Tabernacle
- Degree of Advance, Daughters of the Tabernacle
- Sealed Daughter’s Degree, Daughters of the Tabernacle
- Ritual of Saba Meroe, Daughters of Tabor
Twentieth Century Orient | Order of the Grand Orient
Uncle Sam’s Eagles
Union League of America
Union Saint Jean Baptiste d’Amérique
United Ancient Order of Druids
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry
United Brotherhood
- See Fenian Brotherhood
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
United Glass and Ceramic Workers of North America
United Commercial Travelers of America, Order of
United Order of Ethiopia
United Order of Tents of JR Giddings & Jollifee Union
United Order of True Reformers
United Sons of Vulcan
United Spanish War Veterans
- Initiation Ritual
- Initiation Ritual of the National Auxiliary
- Initiation Ritual of the Daughters of 98
Vasa Order of America
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Wise Men of America
- Ritual of the Initiatory Degree
- Ritual of the (I°) Degree
- Ritual of the (II°) Degree
- Ritual of the (III°) Degree
Woodmen of the World
A large number of Rituals is not published on this site, but on our growing collection of Downloads
Te downloaden uitgaven van Stichting Argus | Downloadables of the Argus Foundation
- Vrijmetselarij en Broederschappen: Overzicht van Orden en Ritualen, Freemasonry and Fraternal Organizations: A Survey of Orders and Rituals, 2004 (ISBN 978 90 805801 4 5)
- Masonic Rosicrucian Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2005 (ISBN 978 90 78156 01 7)
- Deutsche Freimaurer Bibliothek: Rituale und Dokumentation, 2006 (ISBN 978 90 78156 02 4)
- Orange Orders Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2006 (ISBN 978 90 78156 05 5)
- Ancient and Illustrious Order Knights of Malta Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2007 (ISBN 978 90 78156 06 2)
- Druid Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2007 (ISBN 978 90 78156 07 9)
- Ku Klux Klan Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2008 (ISBN 978 90 78156 10 9)
- Rectified Scottish Rite and Martinist Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2008 (ISBN 978 90 78156 11 6)
- Maccabees Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2008 (ISBN 978 90 78156 12 3)
- American Masonic Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2008 (ISBN 978 90 78156 13 0)
- Odd Fellow Library: Rituals and Documentation (Second extended edition), 2010 (ISBN 978 90 78156 16 1)
- Temperance Societies Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2010 (ISBN 978 90 7815617 8)
- Ethnic Orders Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2011 (ISBN 978 90 78156 18 5)
- Labor Union Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2011 (ISBN 978 90 78156 19 2)
- York Rite Library: Rituals and Documentation (Second extended edition), 2011 (ISBN 978 90 78156 20 8)
- British Masonic Library: Rituals and Documentation (Second extended edition), 2012 (ISBN 978 90 78156 00 0)
- Scottish Rite Library: Rituals and Documentation (Second extended edition), 2013 (ISBN 978 9078156 23 9)
- Israeli Masonic Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2013 (ISBN 978 90 78156 24 6)
- American Patriotic Organizations Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2013 (ISBN 978 90 78156 25 3)
- Greek Letter Societies Library (Second extended edition), 2018 (ISBN 978 90 78156 26 0)
- Moose | Elks | Eagles | Buffaloes Library: Rituals and Documentation, (Second extended edition), 2019 (ISBN 978 90 78156 27 7)
- Woodmen | Foresters Library: Rituals and Documentation, (Second extended edition), 2019 (ISBN 978 90 78156 28 4)
- Burlesque Orders and Mock Initiations Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2019 (ISBN 978 90 78156 29 1)
- York Rite Invitational Orders Library: Rituals and Documentation, (Second extended edition), 2020 (ISBN 978 90 78156 30 7)
- Knights of Pythias Library: Rituals and Documentation, (Second extended edition), 2020 (ISBN 978 90 78156-31 4)
- Collectanea | Grand College of Rites Library: Rituals and Documentation, 2020 (ISBN 978 90 78156 32 1)
- Bibliothèque Maçonnique Française: Rituals and Documentation (Second extended edition), 2020 (ISBN 978 90 78156 33 8)
- Mayan Order Library: Rituals and Documentation (Second extended edition), 2020 (ISBN 978 90 78156 34 5)
- Adoptive Rite Library incluis Juvenile and Side Degrees: Rituals and Documentation, (Second extended edition), 2021 (ISBN 978 90 78156 35 2)
- Ancient Primitive Rite | Memphis Misraim Library: Rituals and Documentation, (Second extended edition), 2021 (ISBN 978 90 78156 36 9)
- Biblioteca Masónica Española : Rituals and Documentation, 2021 (ISBN 978 90 78156 37 6)
- Biblioteca Maçônica Portuguesa: Rituals and Documentation, 2021 (ISBN 978 90 78156 38 3)
- Mechanics Orders Library: Rituals and Documentation (ISBN 978 90 78156 39 0), expected spring 2021
Nieuwe titels in voorbereiding | New titles are being prepared.
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