Stichting Argus – Vrijmetselarij en Broederschappen + Ridderorden + Rituelen

Freemasonry (foto Gfycat)

Entrance Door to the Masonic Lodge with the Chessboard Floor (foto

Freemasons in their Lodge (foto Giphy)There Shall Ye Find Light (foto Pinterest)

Vrijmetselarij en Broederschappen

Dit is absoluut geen volledige opsomming van geheime genootschappen en broederschappen; daar zijn er honderden van. De opsomming is een subjectieve keuze van de samenstellers en voornamelijk ingegeven door de beschikbaarheid van aanvullende brondocumenten, zoals Inwijdingsrituelen.


Ridders en Ridderorden hebben sinds hun ontstaan in de Middeleeuwen altijd tot de verbeelding gesproken. Tegenwoordig bestaan nog tientallen van deze Orden, de meeste met fantastische namen, die stuk voor stuk claimen de rechtstreekse nazaten te zijn van de Orden, die zijn ontstaan tijdens de kruistochten.
Van twee Orden is die claim onomstreden: de Johanniter Orde en de Souvereine Militaire Orde van Malta. Beide Orden zijn tegenwoordig over de hele wereld actief, onder meer op het gebied van verzorging van zieken en ouderen. Deze beide Orden bestaan ook in Nederland. Hun lidmaatschap staat alleen open voor leden van de Nederlandse adel, respectievelijk protestanten en katholieken.
Voor mensen die deze achtergrond niet hebben zijn door veelal handige zakenlieden en charlatans eigen Ridderorden bedacht. Qua naam lijken dezen veelal op de Johanniter of de Maltezer Orden en ze claimen stuk voor stuk eenzelfde rijke historie te hebben.

Feitelijk zijn de meeste van deze Fantasie Ordes niet meer dan een bron voor inkomsten voor de oprichters. Voornamelijk egotrippers en naïevelingen worden aangetrokken door prachtige kledij, blinkende onderscheidingen en imponerende titels. Daarnaast verkoopt een aantal orden ‘Diplomatieke Paspoorten,’ die overigens geheel waardeloos zijn, maar voor sommigen toch reuze interessant.

Enkele spraakmakende buitenlandse Ordes zijn

In Nederland zijn enkele tientallen van deze Orden actief of zijn actief geweest. Een aantal van hen had slechts enkele leden en heeft zich altijd buiten de publiciteit weten te houden. Een aantal van hen is iets groter geworden (enkele tientallen leden) en een enkeling is (onder meer als gevolg van moord en grootschalige oplichting) bijzonder omstreden geraakt.
Een (bij lange na niet volledige) opsomming (in willekeurige volgorde)

Vanuit een aantal Ridderordes is daarnaast opgericht het Nederlands Laureaat van de Arbeid, die tot op zekere hoogte eenzelfde functie had.

Binnen de Vrijmetselarij is ook een aantal ‘Ridderorden‘ ontstaan. Deze Orden zijn uitsluitend toegankelijk voor Vrijmetselaren, die al een reeks andere graden hebben doorlopen. Zo heeft de Vrijmetselarij bijvoorbeeld een Ridderorde van Sint Jan en een Maltezer Ridderorde. Voorts is een aantal Vrijmetselaren ook actief in niet Maçonnieke Ridderorden.


Freemasonry uses extensively Rituals, formalized texts, full of Symbolism in order to give some acts more depth.
These Rituals are one of the secrets of Freemasonry. Masonic Orders fight severely to the publication of these texts. in the past the Danish Grand Lodge succesfully withheld the broadcasting of a television program in which parts of the Initiation Ritual were reconstructed. The largest Dutch Order, the Grootoosten (Grand Orient) threatened with legal procedures in order to try to have Ritual texts removed from an internet site.
Since the beginning of Freemasonry there have been publications with (parts of) the used Rituals. The Argus Foundation has published on this site and on a series of CD Roms one of the largest collections of (complete) texts of these Rituals and has made these available for a broad public.

The most important form of Rituals, used in Freemasonry are the Initiation Rituals, with which candidates are initiated into Freemasonry or are progressed into a higher Degree or Order. In these texts we find the Symbolical background of that Degree or Order, but also the Secret Passwords, Tokens and Grips.
Besides the Initiation Rituals there are some others in use, so called Additional Rituals, for instance Marriage or Burial Ceremonies.
The texts of all these Rituals is strictly regulated by the Grand Lodges or Supreme Orders; the individual Lodges are not allowed to make their own adjustments.
In the Netherlands the Grand Orient has allowed two Lodges to use their own Rituals, one Dutch Lodge works in the English Emulation Ritual, all the others have to use the Dutch Standard Ritual.

SURVEY OF RITUALS PUBLISHED ON THIS SITE A large number of Rituals is not published on this site, but on our growing collection of downloads

Masonic Orders

Blue Degrees

Emulation Ritual (English)

Inner Working

MM Taylors Ritual of Craft Masonry (Engelstalig)

Inner Working

West End Ritual of Craft Masonry

Rite Français (French)

Inner Working

Rite Opératif de Salomon (French)

Rite Français Moderne Rétabli (French)

Schrödersches Ritual (German)

Grande Oriente d’Italia (Italian)

Gran Loggia Regolare d’Italia (Italian)

Rito Escoces Antiguo Y Aceptado de la Gran Logia de España (Spanish)

Dutch Rituals

Rituale der Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer in Deutschland

Department of the Masters’ Degree

Higher Degrees

Inner Working

Rituals of the Historic Degrees

Worshipful Society of Freemasons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers (The Operatives)

Ancient Order of Scottish Builders

Royal Order of Scotland

Holy Royal Arch

Inner Working

Scottish Rite

Court of Honor

York Rite

Royal and Select Masters

Inner Working

Mark Master Masons

Inner Working:

Masonic Orders of the Temple and of Saint John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta

Inner Working

Red Cross of Constantine

Inner Working

Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests

Order of Holy Wisdom

Order of the Secret Monitor

Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord

Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees

Order of Knight Masons

York Rite Sovereign College of North America

Knights of York Cross of Honour

Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia

Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis

Rectified Scottish Rite

Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte

Masonic Order of Athelstan

August Order of Light

Order Saint Thomas of Acon

Noble but Slightly Dishonourable Degree of Cork Masonry

Ye Corporation O Squaremen

Rite of Memphis Misraïm

Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm | Grotto   

Order of Quetzalcoatl

Ancient Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine

Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots

Royal Order of Jesters

Tall Cedars of Lebanon

Ancient Toltec Rite

National Sojourners

Heroes of 76

Knights of the Palm Tree

Social Order of the Beauceant

Acicia Fraternity

Order of DeMolay

Order of the Builders

Fraternal Order of Eyes

National Order of Trailmasters

Grand Juvenile Department L U P

Adoptive Rite

Order of the Eastern Star

Order of the Golden Chain

Order of the Golden Circle

Order of the Amaranth

Heroines of Jericho

Royal Arch Widow

Order of the True Kindred

International Order of Job’s Daughters

Order of the Rainbow for Girls

Order of Bees for Boys and Girls

Organization of Triangles

Sunbeam Fraternity

Daughters of Isis

Ancient Arabic Order of Daughters of the Sphinx

Daughters of the Nile

Daughters of Mokanna

Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America

White Shrine of Jerusalem

Rose of Seven Seals

Vereniging van Vrouwen van Vrijmetselaren (Association of Freemason’s Wives)

Asociacion de Jovenes Esperanza de la Fraternidad (AJEF)


Junior Order of American Mechanics

United American Mechanics

Daughters of America

Non Masonic orders

Achei Brith and the Shield of Abraham


Alaska Yukon Pioneers

Alianza Hispano Americana

Amalgamated Association of the Iron, Steel & Tin Workers of North America

Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Emplyes of America

American Labor Union

American Legion

American Nobles

American Patriotic League

American War Mothers

Ancient Egyptian Order Mystic Oriental Sons

Ancient and Honorable Order of the Turtle

Ancient and Illustrious Order Knights of Malta

Ancient Order of Druids

Ancient Order of Gleaners

Ancient Order of Hibernians

Ancient Order of Knights of the Mystic Chain

Ancient Order of Pilgrims

Ancient Order of the Pyramids

Ancient Order of United Workmen

Anti Horse Thief Association

Anti Thief Association

Archers of the Egyptian Prince

Arctic Brotherhood


Artisans’ Order of Mutual Protection

Artus, Order of

Ben Hur Life Association

Benevolent Order of Deer

Benevolent Protective Herd of Buffaloes of America

Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

Brotherhood of American Yeomen

Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers

Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees

Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America

Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen

Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes

Brotherhood of Railway Clerks

Brotherhood of Saint Paul

Carolina Negro Farmers and Educational Co Operative Union of America

Colored Farmers National Alliance and Co Operative Union

Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo

Council of Malta

Court of Honor

Covenanters Mystic Union

Cowboy Rangers, National Order of

Czecho Slovak Protective Society

Czechoslovak Society of America

Danish Brotherhood

Daughters of Isabella

Daughters of Norway, Order of

Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity, Supreme Chapter of

Deutsche Orden der Harugari

Disabled American Veterans

Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan

Dramatic Order Knights of Omar

Druggist Ware Glass Blowers League of the US

E Clampus Vitus

Equitable Aid Union

Equitable Fraternal Union

Farmers Alliance of Texas

Federated Association of Wiredrawers

Fenian Brotherhood

Fleet Reserve Association


Fraternal Aid Union

Fraternal Order of American Lions

Fraternal Order of Eagles

Fraternal Order of the Free

Fraternal Order of Lions

Fraternal Order of Pilgrims

Fraternal Order of Police

Fraternal Tribunes

Grand Army of the Republic

Grand and Noble Order of Button Busters

Grand Order of the Orient

Grand United Order of Brothers and Sisters of Love and Charity of the United States and the Grand Republic of Liberia

Grand United Order of Moses

Grand United Order of Odd Fellows

Grand United Order of True Reformers

Great Order of the Crusaders of Purgatory

Great Southern Fraternal Union


Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International

ICS Fraternity of the World

Imperial Order of the Illustrious Deep

Improved, Benevolent, Protective Order of Elks of the World

Improved Order of Heptasophs

Improved Order of Lions

Improved Order of Red Men

Improved Order of Shepherds & Daughters of Bethlehem

Independent Afro American Relief Union

Independent Order of B nai B rith

Independent Order of the Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria

Independent Order of Herdsmen

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Independent Order of Rechabites | Salford Unity

Independent Order of Saint Luke

Independent Order of Vikings

Independent Order of Workingmen

Industrial Workers of the World

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

International Association of Railway Employees

International Association of Steam, Hot Water and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers

International Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, and Iron Ship Builders

International Hod Carriers Building and Common Laborers Union of America

International Longshoremen and Transportworkers Association

Internationale Orde van Goede Tempelieren

Iron Molders Union of North America

Kappa Sigma Pi

Knights and Daughters of Tabor see Twelve, International Order of

Knights and Ladies of Honor

Knights and Ladies of Security

Knights and Ladies of the Golden Rule

Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order

Knights of Cerberus

Knights of Columbus

Knights of the Golden Eagle

Knights of Honor

Knights of Jerusalem

Knights of the Maccabees of the World

Knights of Pythias

  • Page
  • Esquire
  • Knight
  • Uniform Rank | Rank of Loyalty
  • See also Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan
  • See also Dramatic Order Knights of Omar
  • See also Nomads of Avrudaka
  • See also Order of Calanthe
  • See also Pythian Sunshine Girls
  • See also Princes of Syracuse

Knights of the Royal Arch

Knights of Saint Crispin

Knights of Venus

Knights of Zion

Knights of the Zoroasters, Sublime Order of the 

Know Nothing Lodges

Ladies of the American Buffaloes

Legion of Spanish War Veterans

Lions of the World

Lone Star Sovereigns

Loyal Americans of the Republic

Loyal Guard

Loyal Mystic Legion of America

Loyal Orange Association

Loyal Order of the Golden Heart of the World

Loyal Order of Jonathan and David

Loyal Order of the Moose

Machinists and Blacksmiths Union

Methodist Order of Knights

Military Order of the Cootie

Military Order of the Serpent

Modern Woodmen of the World

Munchers of the Hard Tack

Mystic Legion

Mystic Order of Ravens

Mystic Workers of the World

National Benevolent Society

National Protective Legion of Waverly NY

National Window Glass Workers

Native Daughters of the Golden West

Native Sons of Oregon

New England Order of Protection

Nomads of Avrudaka

Ohio State Protective Association

Order of American Farmers and Mechanics

Order of Bees

Order of the Black Cross | Order of Messiah

Order of Calanthe

Order of Columbus

Order of the Cootiette

Order of the Great Tin Spoon

Order of the Iroquois

Order of the Iron Chain

Order of the Iron Hall

Order Italian Sons and Daughters of America

Order of Lincoln

Order of the Maccabees

Ordre Martiniste

Order of Mermaids and Neptunes

Order of Owls

Order of Red Eagles

Order of the Royal Purple

Order of Scottish Clans

Order of Seven Wise Men

Order of Sleeping Car Conductors

Order of Tonti

Order of Tyrian Knights

Order of White Knights

Oriental Order of Humility and Merry Haymakers

Patriotic Order of Americans

Patriotic Order Sons of America

Patriotic and Protective Order of Stags of the World

Patriots of America

Patrons of Husbandry | Grangers

Patrons of Industry of North America

Pinalesic Order of Sacred Cedars

Pioneers of Alaska

Pioneers Life Association

The Praetorians

Princes of Bagdad

Princes of Iran of the World

Princes of Syracuse

Progressive Endowment Guild of America

Progressive & Protective Order Buffaloes of America

Protected Homes of America

Provident Fraternity

Pythian Sunshine Girls

Railway Conductors of America, Order of

Resolute Sisters of Nemesis

Robert Burns Society of America

Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes

Royal Arcanum

Royal Canadian Legion

Royal Circle of Friends of the World

Royal Family of Heroes and Heroines of Friendship

Royal Highlanders

Royal Knights of King David

Royal Neighbors of America

Royal Templars of Temperance

Royal Tribe of Joseph

Scandinavian Brotherhood

Scandinavian Fraternity of America

Scandinavian Sisterhood

Security Benefit Association

Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association

Sisters of the Mysterious Ten

Sleeping Car Employes, Order of

Sons and Daughters of King Solomon of South Carolina

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

Sons of Benjamin, Independent Order

Sons of Hermann, Order of

Sons of Italy, Order of

Sons of Jacob, Independent Order

Sons of Jonadab, Order of 

Sons of Norway, Order

Sons of Osiris

Sons of Saint George, Order of

Sons of Temperance

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Southern Woodmen

Sovereigns of Industry

Star of Bethlehem

Sublime Order of Arabian Knights

Twelve, International Order of, Knights and Daughters of Tabor

Twentieth Century Orient | Order of the Grand Orient

Uncle Sam’s Eagles

Union League of America

Union Saint Jean Baptiste d’Amérique

United Ancient Order of Druids

United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry

United Brotherhood

  • See Fenian Brotherhood

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America

United Glass and Ceramic Workers of North America

United Commercial Travelers of America, Order of 

United Order of Ethiopia

United Order of Tents of JR Giddings & Jollifee Union

United Order of True Reformers

United Sons of Vulcan

United Spanish War Veterans

Vasa Order of America

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Wise Men of America

Woodmen of the World

A large number of Rituals is not published on this site, but on our growing collection of  Downloads


Te downloaden uitgaven van Stichting Argus | Downloadables of the Argus Foundation

Nieuwe titels in voorbereiding | New titles are being prepared.

Freemasonry (video Telegram)

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