Stew Webb & Tom Heneghan – January 25th 2019 + Roger Stone Arrested to Keep Mueller Out of Jail! To Coverup 9/11, Uranium One Treason!

January 25th 2019

Roger Stone Arrest To Coverup 9/11, Uranium One Treason!! Tom Heneghan (1-25-19) from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Vimeo, Friday, January 25, 2019 at 12:07 PM EST

Roger Stone Arrested to Keep Mueller Out of Jail! To Coverup 9/11, Uranium One Treason!

Tom Heneghan gave his intelligence briefing today concerning the real reason Roger Stone was raided this morning. It had nothing to do with Russian collision. Robert Mueller is a sweeper and a cleaner for the deep state. He’s making up bogus charges on anybody he believes has evidence on 9/11 and Uranium One. Tom reports Roger Stone had that evidence but so does the military tribunals who have already indicted him for treason. Remember Q always said Robert Mueller was secretly working for Trump! Total lies being proven more each and every day as Robert Mueller continues to do the work of Satan in front of your eyes! Lots more covered in this broadcast including information on Kellyanne Conway, who is the leaker and enemy of Trump! Why wouldn’t she be! She worked for Ted Cruz and did everything possible to defeat him! She wormed her way into the Whitehouse and Trump must get rid of her asap!

Oh and just for fun here’s deep state demon Beto O’Rourke dressed up as a sheep headed demon playing some garbage music in a onesie!

Beto O’Rourke dressed up as a sheep headed demon playing some garbage music (foto Before It's News)

He’s the one just to the right of the drummer!

Sheeps – Hearts of Darkness (+ special surprises) at Moontime Pizza in El Paso, TX, December 2003

Gepubliceerd op 30 dec. 2013

Sheeps play “Hearts of Darkness” plus special surprises. Elusive band. Legendary status.


Before It’s News, Friday, January 25, 2019 11:27

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