Stephanie van den Berg & Toby Sterling – Dutch Court sentences Three to Life in Prison for MH17 + Café Weltschmerz – Show Proces of Gerechtigheid? Stan van Houcke & Eric van de Beek

Dutch Court sentences Three to Life in Prison for 2014 Downing of MH17 over Ukraine

Crash killed 298 Passengers and Crew

Court finds Russian Missile Downed the Plane

Convicted Men are Fugitives, believed in Russia

AMSTERDAM, Nov 17 (Reuters) – Dutch Judges convicted Two Russian Men and a Ukrainian Man in Absentia of Murder for their Role in the Shooting Down of Flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014 with the Loss of 298 Passengers and Crew, and handed them Life Sentences.

Ukraine welcomed the Ruling, which will have Implications for Other Court Cases Kiev has filed against Russia, while Moscow called the RulingScandalous” and said it would Not Extradite its Citizens.

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 Departed from Amsterdam and was Bound for Kuala Lumpur when it was Shot Down over Eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, as Fighting raged between Pro Russian Separatists and Ukrainian Forces, the Precursor of this Year’s Conflict.

The Ruling came as a Relief to Victims’ Family Members, More than 200 of Whom attended the Court in Person, wiping away Tears as the Judgement was read.

Only the Most Severe Punishment is Fitting to Retaliate for what the Suspects have done, which has Caused so much Suffering to so Many victims and so Many Surviving Relatives,” Presiding Judge Hendrik Steenhuis said.

The Three Men convicted were Former Russian Intelligence Agents Igor Girkin and Sergey Dubinskiy, and Leonid Kharchenko, a Ukrainian Separatist Leader

The Three were All found to have helped to Arrange the Transport into Ukraine of the Russian Military BUK Missile System that was Used to Shoot down the Plane, though they were Not the Ones that Physically pulled the Trigger.

They are Fugitives and believed to be in Russia. A Fourth Former Suspect, Russian Oleg Pulatov, was Acquitted on All Charges.

The Incident in 2014 left the Plane’s Wreckage and Victims’ Remains Scattered across Fields of Corn and Sunflowers.

Russia invaded Ukraine in February and claims to have Annexed the Donetsk Province where the Plane was Shot Down.

The Families of Victims wanted the Truth and they wanted Justice to be Done and Those Responsible to be Punished and That is What Happened. I am Pretty Satisfied,” Piet Ploeg, who heads a Foundation representing Victims, told Reuters. Ploeg’s Brother, his Brother’s wife and his Nephew died on MH17.

Meryn O Brien of Australia, who lost her 25 Year Old Son Jack, said she felt Relieved. “Everyone was Relieved the Process has come to an End, and it is Very Fair, and it has been Meticulous.”

There’s No Celebration,” said Jordan Withers of Britain, whose Uncle Glenn Thomas died. “Nothing is going to Bring Any of the Victims Back.” They came from 10 Different Countries.

The Judgment included a 16 Million Euro Damages Award.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy hailed the First Sentences Handed Down over MH17 as an “Important Decision” by the Court in The Hague.

Lawyers attend the Judges’ Inspection of the Reconstruction of the MH17 Wreckage, as Part of the Murder Trial Ahead of the Beginning of a Critical Stage, in Reijen, Netherlands, May 26, 2021 (Reuters | Piroschka van de Wouw | Pool)

But it is Necessary that Those Who Ordered it also End Up in the Dock because the Feeling of Impunity leads to New Crimes,” he wrote on Twitter. “We have to Dispel this Illusion. Punishment for All Russian Atrocities – Both Then and Now – will be Inevitable.”

The Ruling found that Russia had “Overall Control” over the Forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic in Eastern Ukraine from mid May 2014.

“This is Groundbreaking,” said Marieke de Hoon, Assistant Professor of International Law at Amsterdam University. The Ruling was “Authoritative” and would Likely Boost Ukraine’s Other International Cases against Russia relating to the 2014 Conflict.

Dutch Court to announce Ruling in MH17 Murder Trial


Judge Steenhuis said there was Ample Evidence from Eyewitness Testimony and Photographs which Tracked the Missile System’s Movements Into and Back Out of Ukraine to Russia.

“There is No Reasonable Doubt” that MH17 was Shot Down by a Russian Missile System, Steenhuis said.

Moscow denies Any Involvement or Responsibility for MH17’s Downing and in 2014 it Also Denied Any Presence in Ukraine.

In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said “Throughout the Trial the Court was under Unprecedented Pressure from Dutch Politicians, Prosecutors and the Media to impose a Politically Motivated Outcome“.

We Deeply Regret that the District Court in The Hague Disregarded the Principles of Impartial Justice in Favour of the Current Political Situation, thus Causing a Serious Reputational Blow to the Entire Judicial System in the Netherlands,” it added.

Prosecutors had Charged the Four Men with Shooting Down an Airplane and with Murder in a Trial held under Dutch Law, as More than Half of the Victims were Dutch. Phone Call intercepts that formed a Key Part of the Evidence Suggested the Men Believed they were Targeting a Ukrainian Fighter Jet.

Steenhuis said that, while that Counted for Something in Terms of Lessening the Severity of their Criminal Responsibility, they still had a Murderous Intent and the Consequences of their Actions were Huge.

Of the Suspects, Only Pulatov had Pleaded Not Guilty via Lawyers he Hired to Represent him. The Others were tried In Absentia and None attended the Trial.

The Police Investigation was Led by the Netherlands, with Participation from Ukraine, Malaysia, Australia and Belgium.

Thursday’s Ruling is Not the Final Word on Holding People Accountable for MH17, Dutch and Australian Authorities said.

Andy Kraag, the Head of the Police Investigation, said Research was continuing into Possible Suspects Higher in the Chain of Command. Investigators are also Looking at the Crew of the Missile System which launched the Fatal Rocket.

The Dutch and Australian Governments, which hold Russia Responsible, have started a Proceeding against the Russian Federation at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

November 17, 2022, 5:59 PM UTC

Thanks to Eric Zuesse

MH17 Straf Zaak: Show Proces of Gerechtigheid? Stan van Houcke en Eric van de Beek

Gepubliceerd 11 nov. 2022

Café Weltschmerz

Donderdag 17 november 2022 doet de Recht Bank Den Haag Uitspraak in de MH17 Zaak. Er zijn door het Openbaar Ministerie Vier Verdachten aan gewezen, tegen wie het OM Levens Lang heeft geëist. Het betreft drie Russen en een Oekraïner. Onderzoeks Journalist Eric van de Beek heeft dit Proces en de Hele MH17 zaak gevolgd. Hij schreef het Boek MH17 De Onderste Steen over het Neer Storten van de MH17. Stan van Houcke sprak met hem.

Deze Video is Geproduceerd door Café Weltschmerz. Café Weltschmerz gelooft in de Kracht van het Gesprek en zendt Interviews uit over Actuele Maatschappelijke Thema’s. Wij bieden een Hoog Waardig Alternatief voor de MainStream Media. Café Weltschmerz is Onafhankelijk en Niet Verbonden aan Politieke, Religieuze of Commerciële Partijen.
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1 Comment

  1. Ik heb jaren geleden al gepubliceerd, wat de werkelijke achtergronden zijn van dit MH17:
    Men kan een andere mening hebben, maar zolang ik in Nederland de enige ben die de moord op dissidenten Willem Witteveen en Joep Lange als een van de motieven naar voren haalt, zal ik blijven posten, dat we dit zelf moeten onderzoeken.

    De jezuïeten hebben doorgaans de rechtspraak in hun zak. Men merkt dit aan de wijze waarop de rechtspraak hun pedofiele netwerken beschermt. Die netwerken werden oorspronkelijk opgezet met hun internaten en weeshuizen, dat begon al sinds eeuwen terug. De absurde arrestatie van Micha Kat en Joost Knevel, zijn daar ook een voorbeeld van. Micha Kat heeft niemand bedreigd, tenzij men verondersteld dat bepaalde rechters jarenlang de gevangenis in zullen gaan, als Micha door zou gaan met publiceren. Het verwijderen van dr. mr. Henriette Nakad, die ouders van ontvoerde kinderen gerechtelijk bijstond, is een ander voorbeeld.

    Voor zover er een motief is voor de bomaanslag op Rob Scholte door de jezuïeten, zo zag ik dat in zijn opdracht voor zijn schilderwerk in Japan. Ik weet nog niet zeker of dit juist is, maar het leek me een belangrijk motief. Een bron om dit motief verder toe te lichten hier:

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