State of the Nation – David versus Goliath, The Epic Role Reversal of the Third Millennium

David versus Goliath, The Epic Role Reversal of the Third Millennium

SOTN Editor’s Note

No One has Ever Seen Anything like It in the Modern Era. Nothing Even Close! And it’s Truly Hysterical that this Turn of Events is Even Taking Place in 2023 as the Global Military Industrial Complex Boasts of So Many New Fangled High Tech Weapons that can Supposedly Zap A Gnat on your Ass. 😊

Natural News | Health Ranger | Mike Adams – Houthi Rebels from Yemen Reveal Utter FAILURE of US Navy and the DECLINE of the US Empire

First published on December 24th, 2023 at 17:41 UTC

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Natural News

Natural News

00:03 Houthi Harassment of Israeli Ships in Red Sea
01:37  US Navy’s Effectiveness in A Sustained Campaign
05:00 Naval Power, Economics, and Geo Politics in the Middle East
08:14 Potential Consequences of Israel’s Actions
12:14  Global Politics, Economics, and Health


Houthi Rebels from Yemen Reveal Utter Failure of the Utter Failure of US Navy and The Decline Of The US Empire!

In Fact, the Free Fall Collapse of the US Empire is So Friggin’ Dramatic, They’re Even Singing Songs about It, EXCELLENT SONGS!


First published on December 24th, 2023 at 14:34 UTC
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Nancy Drewberry

Nancy Drewberry

Singer | Songwriter David Rovics. Streamed Live on December 20, 2023. This Song is A Public Service Announcement, to Thank the Houthi Army for their Service to the Global Public.

For Further Research See the Post Thread at Defending Gibraltar that contains this Video PROTEST SONGS

End Time Prophecy” Complementary eBook Download

This Video is Not Necessarily the Views or Opinion of Defending Gibraltar Truther Forum

Fair Use Principles under Section 107 of the Copyright Act Allow the Unlicensed Use of Copyrighted Materials for Fair Use Purposes, such as Commentary, Criticism, Teaching, and News Reporting.



Really, Who would Have Ever Imagined that the Now Indomitable Houthi Drone Force would Paralyze the Most Powerful Navies on Earth?

Priceless (…) US Navy Refusing to Deploy Brand New Littoral Combat Ships to Middle East, Houthi Anti Ship Missile Concern!

Nation Hal Turner

The US Navy says It Doesn’t Have Enough Warships to Launch Operation Prosperity Guardian against the Houthis in Yemen.

According to John Conrad, Maritime Journalist, the US built 24 Littoral Combat Ships for Coastal Warfare, but the US is Now Refusing to Deploy Them.

Houthi Anti Ship Ballistic Missiles and DronesCause US Concern.”


According to Wikipedia, these Littoral Combat Ships Cost between Four Hundred Twenty Million and Four Hundred eEghty Million Dollars, Each.

We Built at Least 24 of Them.

Do the Math 24 x $ 420.000.000 = $ 10.08 BILLION ()  and Now the Navy that bought them, for Coastal Warfare, isn’t Sending Them into Battle over Fear of Anti Ship Missiles?????  WTF?????

So did we Simply Throw that Money in the Garbage? We have Ships We can’t Use ()  So What Do we Do with them Now?

You Know, you can’t Make this Stuff Up. The Level of Stupidity is Amazing.

Maybe, Though, it’s Not Stupidity; Maybe it’s Corruption?  Whose Beak Got Wet from that $ 10.08 Billion? Whose Palms got Greased?

And Nobody Looked or Asked about iI Because the Ships were, in Fact, Built.

Except Now, We’re Afraid to Put them into Battle, and Guys like me are Starting to Ask Why We Even Built them, and Why can’t AModernWarship Defend Itself from Anti Ship Missiles?

Hall Turner Radio Show, 22 December 2023

Priceless () US Navy Refusing to Deploy Brand New Littoral Combat Ships to Middle East; Houthi Anti Ship Missile Concern!

However, This Thing is So Much Bigger than What it Appears to Be. It So HUGE that All Wars in the Future will Be Waged Differently.

Tom Luongo – LUV IT AND HYSTERICAL! No One has Really Grokked How Big the Suez


We’ve Had A lot of Fore Shadowing of the Suez Canal being A Major Hot Spot for Conflict over the Past Couple of Years. Think Back to the Ever Green Beaching It Self in the Canal in 2021.

Bloomberg Quicktake – Evergreen | Inside Story of the Ship That Broke Global Trade

Everyone is Just Now Waking Up to the Idea that Global Shipping is at Risk Here.

This Twitter Thread , by A Self Professed Moron who, International Maritime Organization (IMO), Seems to Have A Good Grasp on Things, is Representative of the Level of Analysis Being Put Forth by People Still in Love with the US Navy’s Ability to Force Project around the World. He’s Just Waking Up to the Importance of this Situation but he hasn’t Picked Up on the Nuance of It from the Other Side of the Battlefield.

In Order to Set the Stage Properly I’m Going to Have to Go Back in Time. So, Let’s Start with October 7th and the Attack on Israel by Hamas. In the October Issue of the Gold Goats ‘n Guns News Letter I Laid Out Why I Thought Everyone had an Incentive to Allow and or Instigate that Event.

The October Set Up

So, Here’s the Backdrop for Davos and the US |UK.

Now, if You are A Cornered Old Money Globalist Oligarch with Your Finger on the Pulse of these Events ()

Then, You are Seeing

  1. The Project in Ukraine Hanging by A Thread as European and American Support wanes at Every Level Just below the Unelected Leadership.
  2. The European Central Bank (ECB) Failing to Hold the Line on Rising Bond Yields to Stave Off A Banking Crisis.
  3. US Yield Curve Blowing Out on the Long End, giving Janet Yellen No Good Options for Funding the Current Budget Deficit or for Rolling over Existing Debt, Much of Which is Due in 2024.
  4. German State Elections Deeply Embarrass the Ruling Coalition in Hesse and Bavaria as Well as the CDU | CSU Who Lost Significant Votes to Alternative for Germany (AfD) in CSU Stronghold Bavaria.
  5. Polish Elections Forcing the Ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) Out of Power despite Tough Words about Ukrainian Refugees and Shaking Germany Down for WWII Reparations.
  6. The BRICS Adding Five Nations Which give Them Control over Major Trade Routes Into and Out of Europe, Including, but Not Limited to, the Suez Canal.
  7. The US Geo Political Position in the Middle East Degrading as Saudi Arabia Sides with Russia and Iran on every Issue.
  8. Iran Becoming an Integral Partner in the Burgeoning Asian Integration on Trade and Policy.

Would you Not Conclude that Time had Run Out, and Upsetting the Game Board in Some Major Way was your Best, if Not Only, Move?

Now, from the Other Side we have the Following Circumstances.

If This [Revealing the Depravity of Neo Con Hatred of Arabs] was Iran’s Intended Goal, then Mission Accomplished.

It Also Implies that They are Ready and Willing to Open Up the Entire Can of Worms across the Middle East in Order to Bring the Arab Tribes Together to Further their Regional Ambitions. And There won’t Be A TE Lawrence Coming to Bring them Back into the British Fold this Time.

Because Israel’s Response Here will Likely Preclude Any of Them Being Able to Stand Aside and Let Israel Just Wipe Out the Civilians in Gaza, Even if Secretly They Despise Hamas as Much as the Israelis Do.

So, if You’re Iran and You See

  1. Weak US Leadership in Biden and A Vacant Speaker
  2. Support for Ukraine Failing Rapidly.
  3. The Arab Oil States Standing Firm with Russia Athwart US EU Sanctions.
  4. China Investing in Syria’s Reconstruction.
  5. Turkey Openly Attacking US Backed Kurdish SDF Forces over Syrian Oil Fields.
  6. A Cynical Land Grab by Azerbaijan to Break Up the International North South Transport Corridor in Armenia
  7. Russia Returning to the European Gas Market via Turkey
  8. Increased Influence Regionally having Re Opened Diplomatic Relations with Saudi Arabia.

Wouldn’t You Do Something to Upset the Status Quo and Force A Choice on the US but Also the Rest of the Arab World?

The Initial US Response was to Quickly Move in with Massive Naval Force to Signal our Support of Israel and Also to ‘Warn Iran.’ Martin Armstrong Immediately Brought Up the Point of This being A Trap for the US. The Thread Linked Above has the Current Disposition of US Naval Forces Deployed around the Arabian Peninsula.

The Thucydides Trap is One Where A Dominant Power is Provoked into A Response against A Rising Power over an Issue that It has to Respond to Prove it Still has that Supremacy but they Can Not Win. This is Exactly what the Rising Power wants the Dominant Power to Do.

The BRICS’ adding Six Pivotal Countries in August, as I said then, was the Point of this Year’s Summit, Not the Introduction of Some Gold Backed BRICS Coin.

This is What Armstrong Brought up, the Possibility of Russia, Iran and China Springing A Thucydides Trap on the US over Israel.

Why the Yemen War is a War in Name Only

So, How does the Houthi Attacks on Global Shipping Fit into This?

The Same Way that “Iranian Militias” have Stepped up their Attacks on US Forces Stationed in Syria and Iraq. The Goal is to Push the US Out of the Middle East and Redraw the Map Potentially Undoing Both the Balfour Declaration and the 1916 Sykes Picot Agreement.A choice, the Balfour Declaration is Still Negotiable, Depending on their Actions Going Forward.

Skyes Picot, However, is Not. The Arabs and the Persians are Tired of the Conflicts The West Flare Up over Old British Drawn Borders.

Everyone makes the Mistake of Thinking that the US Backs Israel because of “The Jews.” Once that Shibboleth is Invoked All Rational Discussion is Shut Down. It’s Done So to Keep Us from Looking at the Far More Important Thing at Stake. That is Literally the Bull Shit Cover Story for British Strategic Analysis of the World Map from the Perspective of AFormerMaritime Empire.

And, Sadly, as I’ve Been Arguing for Years, Jews are the Ones who will Suffer the Backlash.

The British, and Old Continental Europe, Understand Completely that Globalism is Dependent on Global Shipping. On its Face, Shipping is Far More Efficient and Less Vulnerable to Sabotage Ultimately than Multi Thousand Mile Long Pipe Lines.

If you Blow Up or Hijack A Ship, You Lose A Ship. You Blow Up A $ 55 Billion Pipeline and That Changes the Map Entirely.

That was the Lesson of the Nordstream Bombings, to Remind Everyone of How Fragile Physical Infra Structure is.

So, To Protect Global Shipping, Which Traditionally is Controlled by the Major European Shipping Companies and the City of London Insurance industry, Attacks on Physical Infra Structure like Pipe Lines, Railways, Refineries, et Cetera makes Perfect Sense. Blow Up Ports, Beirut, Controlled by Your Enemy, and You Force the World to Go through the Ports You Control.

What I’m Suggesting Now is that Iran, China and Russia are Going after the Idea that Shipping isn’t as Vulnerable as Physical Infra Structure. In Fact, the USEmpire” is A Naval One Just like the British One was. They are Modeled on the Same Structure and World View. The US is the Inheritor of the British Maritime Empire.

This is Another Reason Why the Rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia was So Important. Not Just to End the Saudi War on Yemen, but to Turn the Houthis from A Thorn in the Side of the Saudi Oil Business into an Asset as they Pivot from Supporting the Old US British Empire to the rising Chinese, Russian and Iranian Led One.

Don’t You find it Strange that Putin Never Really Struck Back after the US | UK Blew Up Nordstream? All Talk of it Being Led by Anyone Other than the Neo Con crazies in the National Security Council and Government Communications Head Quarters (GCHQ) is Just Mis Direction.

Putin is Patient. He Understood Symbolically what Nordstream Represented. Pipeline Diplomacy is Russia’s Best Chance at Avoiding Protracted War for the Next Century.

Stitch the World Together with Gas and Oil, Stabilize Borders, Rebuild Russia, Introduce A New Kind of Peace. It’s A Kind of Peace Not Dependent on Maritime Prowess, which is the British Model, and Well It should Be since England is an Island in the North Atlantic.

It’s a Land Based One with Control over the Geo Graphic Choke Points around the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Peninsula Facilitating Opening Up New Markets and Ending Old European Colonial Control over Africa, Asia and even South America.

And now Putin’s Taking his Opportunity to Strike at the Heart of the Maritime Prowess of Globalism itself by Allowing Iran to Activate the Houthis to Attack Commercial Shipping around the Gulf of Aden.

Target: Egypt

Now, Let’s look at the Real Target of the Hamas Attack on Israel. Who has Been at the Center of All of the Major Challenges to the Globalist Plan in 2023?


It is Egypt that the Russians and Chinese were Encouraging to Default on Their International Monetary Fund (IMF) Debt, Offering to Write Down their Debt to Egypt if the IMF did the Same. Alex Krainer and I have talked about this Ad Nauseum.

It was Israel’s Offer to Forgive Egypt’s IMF Debt if They would Take All the Palestinian Refugees from Gaza that Really Gave the Game Away. It was A Real Offer for Once, Not Just Returning Stolen Property which is the Typical Davos Style Offer.

To Reiterate, the Purpose of the BRICS Summit in August was Their Taking Control’ over All the Waterway Surrounding the Arabian Peninsula, Id est the Most Globally Important Shipping Lanes to Old Europe and What’s Left of the British Empire.

The Suez Canal.

Egypt was the Prize, Folks. And since the Moment it was Announced that Egypt would Be Joining the BRICS, the Focus has Been on Trying to Stop It from Happening by Destabilizing the Country. So, Let’s Start A Brutal Ground War over an Attack that Israeli Leadership Knew was Coming in Order to Create A Refugee Crisis into Egypt. Let’s Step Up Pressure on the El Sisi Government and Try for A Color Revolution Again after the Election.

Here’s the War Street Journal Headline, after El Sisi wins Re Election with nearly 90%.

Egypt’s Sisi Faces Stiff Challenges in Third Term as President

It was A Surprise to me they Didn’t Even Publicly Challenge the Result and Try for Another Color Revolution. Maybe we Finally Get to See Just How Limited the Funds are Now that Jerome Powell’s Got Rates at 5.5%, but I’m Just Being Churlish.

The WSJ Article is A Road Map to Egypt’s Future with Respect to Its Relations with The West. We will Try to Economically Pressure El Sisi into Submission. It won’t Work because Egypt has Powerful Friends () that whole Rising Powers Thing again.

So, the Way I See This in Terms of Move | Counter Move is the Following.

  1. BRICS bring Egypt into the Fold Knowing that it Opens Up Alternate Funding Options for the Country Outside of the IMF Loan Sharks.
  2. The Hamas Attack is Allowed to Go Forward with Everyone Thinking It’s to Their Advantage to Do So.
  3. Israel, US and UK Think They can Pressure Egypt into Submission.
  4. Russia, Iran and China Think They can Up the Pressure on the US to leave the Region.
  5. Hamas was A Sacrificial Pawn in this Game, by Both Sides (…) Iran and the UK.
  6. Benjamin Netanyahu Acts Completely to Type by Launching A Brutal Land Grab with Talk Everywhere about the Oil Fields, the New Trade Corridor from India to Israel into Europe, which are Direct Threats on the Suez.
  7. The US Moves in Multiple Carrier Groups to ‘Protect Vital Shipping Operations.’
  8. Iran Clearly is Provoking the US by Then Activating the Houthis to Attack Commercial Ships. Piracy Coming Out of the Horn of Africa Increases. Everyone Still thinks They have Cards to Play.
  9. Davos wants the US in A Position where it can Not Maintain Pax Americana. The UK is Desperate to Maintain This () this is the Fundamental Tension between the Neo Cons and Old Europe.
  10. Davos is Happy to Cut A Deal with China and Russia over Keeping Trade Routes Open So They Announce Quickly that All the Major European Shipping Companies Pull Out of Using the Suez Canal.
  11. But Notice Who the Houthis are Threatening () Only the Ships of The West, Harassing the US Navy, Hitting Maersk Liners, Denying All Ships Bound for Israel.

So, is the Suez Now Unsafe in General because of the Lawlessness of the Region or is It Just Unsafe for The West? If China’s Cargo Ships are Allowed to Go Through and Russia’s Oil Tankers as Well, Then We have Our Answer.

Because to Me this Whole Thing reeks of A Set Up. Think about How Quickly the Davos Shipping Companies Announced their Leaving the Suez Behind. The Obvious Point is to Deny Egypt the Suez Transport Fees. The Other is That the Houthis are Mining the Red Sea.

But, it Also Possible despite All the Posturing, the US Refused to Fall into the Trap of Trying to Defend Them with the US Navy? I don’t Think This is A Likely Scenario. The Costs to the US are Simply Too Great Here iI They don’t Swat the Houthis.

The Hobson’s Choice for the US is if the Navy Intervenes that Keeps Pax Americana in Place for A Little While Longer but That let’s Pressure Off Egypt, because the Minute We Do then the Houthis will Stop Playing Games. Egypt Stabilizes, the Suez is Reinforced and the Squeeze is Over.

If the US doesn’t Intervene then Pax Americana on the High Seas is Dead and the Pressure on Global Shipping will increase. Egypt will Have to Be More Directly Supported Economically by Russia and China. El Sisi will have No Other Choice.

But This Also Secures, in the Long Run, the Pivot Point for Both China’s Belt and Road as well as Russia’s International North South Transport Corridor.

And Who is the Cross Roads for Both of These? Iran.

Lastly, the Cost to Europe will Be Enormous as the Extra Travel Time around Africa will Only Make Goods Coming Out of Europe that Much More Expensive.

The Real Oil Angle ()

So, Now Let’s Talk about the Effects on What This is Really All about Oil Demand.

We’ve Been Subject to Unbelievable Gas Lighting about Marginal Demand for Oil through Futures Market Manipulation, Special Project Report (SPR) Releases, and Sanctions Policy. OPEC+ Keeps Cutting Production to Maintain the Price the Saudis Need to Balance their Budget, Roughly $ 80 per Barrel. That Level Also keeps Inflation Pressures in the US High, and European Competitiveness Low, Forcing the ECB to Defend the Euro to Keep Domestic Energy Costs Down, which They’ve Done for Nearly Two Years Now.

Adding Length to the Average Trip for Container Ships won’t Just Send Day Rates for Bulk Shipping Containers Higher, it will Also Use Up more N° 6 Bunker Fuel, which is What these Ships Run On. N°6 Bunker Fuel for the Layman is Just Cleaned Up Crude Oil.

In an Email to A Private Discussion Group I’m in, the Following Back of the Envelope Calculation on Global Oil Demand was Made (…)

The Average Number of Suez Canal Transits per Day is 56, Let’s Say 1/2 Divert. The Extra Deviation around Africa is About 10 to 12 Days, Use 10.  Fuel Consumption per Day is from 150 to 350, Call It 250.  There is About 7.5 Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) per Ton of Bunker Fuel. SO, 28 Ships 10 Days | 250 Mount | 7.5 BBLS Mount = 525.000 BBLS per Day of Extra Consumption if 1/2 the Ships that Normally Use the Suez Deviate.

500.000 BBLS Day is Nothing to Sneeze At. In Fact, it’s Immense in Marginal Demand Terms. It Undermines the Entire Israeli Gambit to Pressure Egypt.

And This is Why OPEC+, or BROPEC+ , is Not Screaming about the Attacks on Shipping. Thequod erat Demonstrandum (QED) for this Entire Analysis is the Following Headline from Reuters.

Saudi Arabia Urges US Restraint as Houthis Attack Ships in Red Sea

Doesn’t Anyone Wonder Why the Saudis are So Quiet on This? This is Piracy on their Door Step. The Houthis are Supposed to Be their Enemies, since They’ve Been Fighting A War against Them for Years.

But this Gambit by the BRICS is Clearly in their Best Interest and Tells you All you Need to Know about Who Mortage Backed Security (MBS) and the Rest of the Royal Family Now Back in All Things Geo Political. Iranian Backed Terrorists are Openly Harassing Shipping around the Arabian Peninsula and the Saudis “Urge Restraint?

The US Announces A 10 Nation Coalition against Yemen and the Saudis and UAE, Both BRICS Members Now, Say No?

I don’t See How the US avoids the Thucydides Trap Here. While I don’t Think for A Moment the US Navy Can’t Deal with the Houthis I Also don’t Think Anyone is Prepared for them Sinking Any US Ships Either.

The Smart Move is Resolving This without It Getting to that Point, Id Est, Engaging in Real Negotiations. With these Idiots in The White House?

Check Mate Putin., December 21, 2023

State of the Nation,December 23, 2023

No One has Really Grokked How Big the Suez| Houthi Gambit is

At the End of the Day, One Conclusion Stands Out among All the Rest.

What’s the Role Reversal, You Ask?

In As Much as Israel’s Sugar Daddy is the United States, Those Two Stiffs are Now Playing the “Goliath” of the Third Millennium while the Houthis are Obviously “David”.  After All, the US Navy is Only in the Mediterranean to Protect the Genocidal Zionist State of Israel.

State of the Nation, December 26, 2023

Yemen’s Houthis are By Far the Bravest of the Bunch throughout the Middle East as They Act on their Unshakable Loyalty to the Genocided Palestinians.

Nota Bene

Now Enjoy the Analysis Below which shows How the Houthi “David” is Easily Slaying the USGoliath”.

The Unz Review | Mike Whitney – The Houthis have Biden by the Shorthairs

Yemen has Said It would Stop the Blockade of Israel Bound Ships as Soon as Sufficient Food, Water and Medicine are Allowed to Enter Gaza. Guess that’s Asking Too Much.
Elizabeth Murray@elizabethmurra

Yemen’s Houthi Militia has Shown How A Small Army can Take on the American Empire and Win. They have Shown How Courage, Resolve and Commitment to Principle can Act as A Force Multiplier Allowing A Much Weaker Military to ‘Punch above Its Weight’. They’ve Also Shown that A Few Well Placed Missiles in Key Locations on the World’s Most Critical Shipping Lanes, can Send Tremors across the Global Economy and Shake the “Rules Based Order” to Its Foundations. In Short, the Houthis have Shown that David can Bring Down Goliath without Breaking A Sweat, Provided that David maintains his Perch along the Bab al Mandab Strait.

Here’s What’s Going On. The Houthis Occupy an Area along the Narrowest Part of the Red Sea that is the Most Important Shipping Corridor in the World. It is “Responsible for 12% of International Trade and Almost One Third of Global Container Traffic.” When the Movement of Ships is Disrupted along this Waterway, Insurance Premiums Sky Rocket, Prices on Retail Merchandise Rise, and Oil Prices Go Through the Roof. That is Why Western Powers are Committed to Keeping these Shipping Lanes Open at All Times Whatever the Cost. Here’s Some Background from CNN.

Yemen’s Iran Backed Houthi Rebels are Stepping Up their Strikes on Ships in the Red Sea, Which They Say are Revenge against Israel for Its Military Campaign in Gaza.

The Attacks have Forced Some of the World’s Biggest Shipping and Oil Companies to Suspend Transit through One of the World’s Most Important Maritime Trade Routes, Which could Potentially cause A Shock to the Global Economy.

The Houthis are Believed to Have Been Armed and Trained by Iran, and There are Fears that their Attacks could Escalate Israel’s War against Hamas into A Wider Regional Conflict.
Who are the HouthisCNN

At Present, these Shipping Lanes are Effectively Closed due to Houthis Attacks on Israeli Bound Vessels. This, In Turn, has Slowed Overall Traffic to A Crawl. If the Current Situation Persists or Gets Worse, the Impact on the Global Economy could Be Catastrophic.

Here’s More from the Washington Post.

On Monday, Oil Giant BP became the Latest Company to Announce it would Be Pausing its Shipments through the Red Sea. Several Shipping Companies, Including Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), Maersk, Euronav and the Ever Green Group, have Said They are Also Avoiding the Suez Canal as Militants Target Cargo Vessels.

Roughly 10 Percent of All Maritime Oil Trade goes through the Red Sea, Which Connects to the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal. Without Access to the Red Sea Route, Many Ships will Have to Take the Far Longer and Costlier Journey around Africa to Reach their Destinations ()

It Urged “The Global Community to Continue to Pursue Every Possible Diplomatic Effort in Support of Security in and Safe Navigation through this Region that is Vital to International Trade.”
New US Led Red Sea Task Force won’t Stop Shipping Attacks, Houthis say, Washington Post

It’s Worth Noting that the Houthis have Repeatedly said that Ships that are NOT Bound for Israeli Ports, will Not Be Attacked. But that has Not Stopped All of the Major Shipping Companies from Rerouting their Vessels from the Red Sea to the Cape of Good Hope. This Alternate Route adds Weeks to the Sailing Time forcing Carriers to Raise their Cargo Prices and Adjust their Schedules. Bottom line, The Action of the Houthis is Going to Further Boost Inflation in Western Countries Pushing their Economies into A Sharp and Protracted Nose Dive.

Surprisingly, the Houthis do Not Stand to Gain Anything for their Efforts. In Fact, they are Putting Themselves at Great Risk, of Retaliation, by the United States, in Order to Pressure Israel into Stopping its Relentless Bombardment of the Gaza Strip and to Allow the Starving Palestinian People Access to Food, Water and Medical Supplies. The Houthis should Probably be Applauded for their Selfless Compassion and Humanity, but Washington doesn’t See It that Way. They don’t Think See the Houthis’ Action as Laudable, Virtuous or Just. They See it as A Challenge to American Primacy. They See it as A Threat to Their Regional Hegemony and Global Leadership. They See it as Interference in their Gaza Policy in Which Israel has been Granted Carte Blanche to Kill and Maim as Many Palestinians as it sees Fit in Order to Achieve its Own Strategic Objective, which is Greater Israel. So, What we have is an Unstoppable Force and an Immovable Object. We have Two Opposing Points of View, and No Way to Resolve their Differences without A Direct Military Confrontation. That means There’s going to Be Trouble in the Very Near Future.

And That is Why, last Monday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Announced that he had Assembled A Ten Member Maritime Coalition that would Patrol the Waterways in the Red Sea and Defend the “Freedom of Navigation” in that Area. Coalition Members include Britain, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles, and Spain.

Now A Reasonable Person might Wonder Why Austin would Cobble Together Another Make Shift Military Coalition, Whose Strategic Goals are Far from Clear, Instead of First Contacting the Houthi Leadership to See if A Deal could Be Worked Out and A Confrontation avoided. But Those Who have Followed US Foreign Policy for the Last 30 Years, Know that the US does Not Negotiate with People or Countries It Considers its Inferiors. So, that Option was Quickly Discarded. Instead, the US has Decided to Pursue its Traditional Approach to Emerging Crises, which involves A Fair Amount of Incendiary Rhetoric Followed by A Military Hammer Blow. And, that Appears to Be the Direction that Things are Now Headed. Check Out this Excerpt from an Article by John Helmer.

“() on Monday, in the Moscow Newspaper Vedomosti, it was Reported that Russian Experts Expect “Most Likely, the Americans will Launch Missile and Bomb Attacks on Command Centres and Military Depots of the Houthis, or Targeted Strikes by Special Forces may Follow in Order to Eliminate the Commanders of the Movement. The Operation will Be Roughly Comparable to the Actions of Western Allies in Syria or Iraq.” The Newspaper Claimed that, According to its Source, “The Military Forces of Saudi Arabia and the UAE may Participate in the Operation, their Armed Forces and their Proxies have Been waging A Sluggish War against Iran’s Allies in Yemen since 2015.

John Helmer, Dancing With Bears

And Respected Publications in the Western Media are Calling for A War with the Houthis too. This is from The World Socialist Web Site.

The US Media is, Meanwhile, Agitating for the Biden Administration to Target both Yemen and Iran. In an Editorial, the Wall Street Journal wrote “The Press is Reporting that the Biden Administration is Contemplating the Use of Military Force in Response to Continuing Attacks on Commercial Shipping by the Houthi Militia in Yemen. It’s about Time. The Houthi Missile Attacks pose the Most Significant Threat to Global Shipping in Decades, and They will Continue unless A Global Coalition unites to stop them.”

The Journal continued, “The Question is Whether the US and Other Western Navies are Merely Going to Play Defense and Catch Missiles as the Houthis Set the Terms of Battle. Sooner or Later A Houthi Missile may Get Past US Naval Defenses and Kill American Sailors. Then The White House will have Little Choice Other than to Strike Back.” The Journal Demands that the US Escalate against Iran, Declaring, “Eventually Iran’s Rulers have to Know that their Assets, Military and Nuclear, are at Risk if They Continue to Foment Disorder, Attack US Allies, and Target American Bases or Ships.”
As Gaza Genocide continues, US prepares Major Escalation of War throughout Middle East,
World Socialist Web Site

So, There’s Definitely an Element within the Foreign Policy Establishment that Supports the Idea of A War on Yemen. We Expect this ‘Rush to War’ will Gain Momentum in the Weeks Ahead as More Ships are Diverted to Africa and Hostilities continue to Mount. But there’s No Sign that the Houthis are Going to Ease Up on their Demands or Abandon the Palestinian Cause Anytime Soon. If Anything, they Appear to Be More Resolute than Ever as is Evident in this Quote by  Member Muhammad al Bukhaiti.

Even if America Succeeds in Mobilizing the Entire World, Our Operations in the Red Sea will Not Stop unless the Massacre in Gaza Stops. We will Not Give up the Responsibility of Defending the Moustazafeen [Oppressed Ones] of the Earth.”

There’s Not A Lot of Wiggle Room Here. The Houthis want A Cessation of the Violence and the Distribution of Humanitarian Aid. And They are Willing to Go to War with the United States to Make Sure their Demands are Met. And No One Knows Better than the Houthis, what That Means. During the 9 Years they were at War with Saudi Arabia, Washington Provided the Weapons and Embargo Power that Led to the Deaths of an Estimated 377,000 People.
More than Half Died Due to Starvation and Disease Caused by the Siege.”

So, the Houthis Know What Savagery Washington is Capable Of. Even So, they are Not Backing Down and Not Caving In. There’s Going to Be A Ceasefire or There’s Going to Be A War. It’s Up to Biden to Decide. But if he Opts for War, he should Realize that it’s Not Going to Be A Cakewalk. Oh, No. There are Going to be Attacks on American Bases, American Warships and Saudi Oil Fields and Infra Structure. Oil Prices will Soar, Commercial Shipping will Grind to A Stand Still, and Global Equities will Tumble. And, All the While, China and Russia will Be Watching from the Sidelines while Uncle Sam Drains his Last Ounce Credibility and Power Down A Black Hole on the Arabian Peninsula.

This is How Houthi Leader Sayyed Abdul Malik al Houthi Summed It Up

If the US Wants to Go to War with Us, They must Know that We are Waiting. We want A Direct War between Yemen and the US and Israel. We are Not Afraid of America and All the People of Yemen will Stand against Them.”

This is A War that the United States can Easily Avoid by Simply ‘Doing the Right Thing’ and Approving A Ceasefire Now. That will Bring A Swift End to Israel’s Atrocities and Stop the Attacks on Commercial Shipping at the Same Time. That’s A Solution We can All Live With.

State of the Nation, December 26, 2023

Meer informatie’n+Guns|+Health+Ranger+|+Mike+Adams


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