Serdar Duzgoren – Call to Action: Lawsuit against the Romanian Government ‘NOT to Use Any Chimeric Spike Producing MULTIVALENT mRNA VACCINES’! + Things Changed
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Call to Action: Lawsuit against the Romanian Government ‘NOT to Use Any Chimeric Spike Producing MULTIVALENT mRNA VACCINES!’
Call to Action: Lawsuit against the Romanian Government ‘NOT to use any Chimeric spike producing MULTIVALENT mRNA VACCINS‘! Why?
I am Serdar Duzgoren, opening a Lawsuit against the Romanian Government ‘NOT to use any Chimeric spike producing MULTIVALENT mRNA VACCINES’. My Reason for this Legal Action is that a Chimeric Spike Protein can become a Tool for an Unthought, Scientifically Possible Biological Attack METHOD, that When Used, it would Result in ONLY the Survival of Desired Numbers of, Mostly under 60 Years old, Relatively Young and Healthy People in Each Country, and Elimination of Everybody Else!
The Following Selective Depopulation Method can be achieved at Any Time with a MULTIVALENT, Combined mRNA and Using the Scientific Techniques from the Patents Below!
STEPS of this Inverted Method
First, Giving Immunity against an (Created but Not Yet Spread) Extremely Lethal Pathogen, Only to Planned Numbers of People,
And then, in the Future, releasing that Pathogen, only those who received that Immunity would Survive! Everybody Else, including Not Vaccinated People, who don’t have that Immunity would be Eliminated! In each Country, the Planned Number of People to Survive could be Determined by Controlling the Number of Doses to be Sold to that Country!
There is Way to give that Intended Immunization against a ‘Created but Not Released’ Lethal Pathogen, in Front of the Scientific Scrutiny without Being Suspicious.
By Producing a ‘Multivalent’ Combined mRNA, Encoding a Chimeric Spike Protein which is giving Immunity against that Lethal Pathogen!
HOW to create the Necessary Logical Reasons to produce an Multivalent mRNA Sequence with the Genetic Sequence Portions of a (Created but Not Released Yet) Lethal Virus’s Spike Protein.
As Ralph Baric explained In Detail in his 2014 Patent, N° US9884895B2, Multivalent Vaccine produced Chimeric Spike Protein will have Each Variant’s Unique Mutated Parts, to teach the Immune System to Fight against All Variants. Giving this as a Reason, Multivalent mRNA will be Structured from Mutated Parts of Existing Variants!
Prof. Baric has also developed a Technique called ‘Reverse Genetics’ in Corona Viruses, which enables to engineer Viruses with DESIRED MUTATIONS and ‘Mix and Match Parts of Multiple Viruses’!
So, Scientifically it is Construction of the Next Multivalent mRNA Sequence! Each Variant’s Unique Parts could actually be the Common Parts with the Lethal Version! With this BUILDING BACK Way, the Intended Spike Protein could be Encoded and that Intended Immunization could Be Given!
For the Whole Scientific Scrutiny, the Sequence used in Multivalent mRNA would be Legitimate and just Constructed from Mutated Parts of … Pi, Omicron, Delta, and Beta Variants.
But even if the mRNA’s Sequence Parts will be Referenced Separately to Existing Variants, the Full Sequence would Encode a New Shaped Spike Protein because of the Folding Conformation Changes Induced by Mutations as Described.
Nobody would Think or Know the Final Structure of the Encoded Protein was Built to give Immunity also (Especially) against Another Pathogen!
Variants should be Released Every Few Months Not Only to Create the Reasons for the Necessity of a NEW Vaccine to ‘Cover All Variants’ but Especially to Create the Logical References to BUILD (BACK) the Desired Multivalent mRNA Sequence!
This is the 2003 Published Study of Boyd Yount, Lisa Hensley (US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick known for Studies on Bio Weapons!) and Prof Baric. EXACT DESIRED Nucleotide Positioned (Gene Sequence), Molecularly CLONED Sars Viruses and these Clones are Efficiently Infectious and Multiplying!
So, any Skilled Scientist such as Prof Ralph Baric, According to his Linked Curriculum Vitae,(check his Study on Using Corona Viruses as Vaccine Vector for HIV, from 2008 to 2013) could engineer a Deadly Pathogen (with a Modified Spike Protein) (also Modified Not to Mutate, Become Resistant and Erase the Whole Humanity) which can Avoid Every Human Defense Mechanism Regardless of Ethnic Genetic Differences.
He could also engineer a Few Corona Virus Variants (Sars Cov 2, Beta, Delta, Omicron, Pi …). Each with a Bit Different Spike Protein (those Different Parts at Each Variant to be the COMMON Part with the Lethal One’s Spike Protein)!
The Method to Create Chimeric Spike Protein to be used in Vaccines was Patented since 2014 by the Same Prof Ralph Baric and Boyd Yount, US9884895B2,
Evidence that Omicron was Made in a Lab, Scientific Publication on Lab Mouse Origin of the SARS CoV 2 Omicron Variant.
Additional Tools to Keep Alive MOSTLY Younger and Healthier People, at PLANNED NUMBERS in Each Country. It would be Enough to Keep this Multi Variant Efficient Vaccine away from the Countries while they are still Vaccinating their Priority Old, Sick, Handicap People by Using the World Health Otganisation (WHO) Vaccination Priority Groups (which Actually Divide and Placed the World Population into Age and Health Categories and gave Different Vaccination Times). Majority of Old, Sick, Handicap People, also Governments’ Authorities and Personnel will Already be Vaccinated until the New “Universal Annual Booster” will be Produced and Sent to those over 160 African, South American and other Asian Countries from the Second Half of 2022 as the Company Announced. With this Delay, the Newly Produced Vaccines will reach the Younger and Healthier Part of the World’s Seven Billion People! Countries which will Not Receive that Vaccine, such as China, Russia, Vatikan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, North Korea would be Erased Completely!
Only with mRNA Technology, it is Possible to Immunize People Secretly against Another Pathogen by Using Parts of Spike Protein of THAT Pathogen’s Genetic Sequence in the Multivalent Vaccine mRNA Sequence. Parts of the Produced Protein to have the Distinct Feature and Shape of the Lethal Virus’ Spike Protein would be Enough for our Immune System to learn How to Fight against the Lethal One! Therefore, any Deadly Pathogen with a Modified Corona Virus Spike Protein can be used in this Plan. As a Sample, an Engineered HIV with a Modified Corona Virus Spike Protein could Infect People Instantly but Kill in the Long Term which would Further Cover such a Plan.
PRECAUTION for such a Selective Targeting, Biological Attack Possibility Not to Become Reality. Requesting Authorities to NOT let Use of Any Chimeric, Combined, Mixed mRNA Sequence, which would Encode a Never Existing New Protein Shape with No Reference to an Existing Virus Protein to Compare With, in Vaccines by Explaining how it could be Used in the Described Way! Also, Requesting Authorities to Decide Which Vaccine is the Most Efficient and use Only that Vaccine on Everybody! Proclaiming that ‘Every Citizen Deserves the Same, best Possible Treatment’. Mentioning Also that, ‘VACCINE EQUITY‘ would assure Avoiding the Usage of Different Vaccines on Different Age and Health Grouped People, to achieve the Described Method of a Global, FUTURE Biological Attack, Resulting in a TARGET SELECTIVE Depopulation!
I kindly ask you to Verify the Scientific Possibility of this Information with Competent Experts of your Choice from Various Practice Fields!
I hope I managed to Explain that the Whole Reason for this Pandemic might be to Produce and Inject a Chimeric Spike Protein Encoding mRNA to Give Protection against a Future to be Released, Deadly Pathogen to Achieve Not Random but a Selective Depopulation by Keeping Alive only the Target Number of (Mostly) Age and Health Conditions Qualified People! All the Variants will be Released Just to Create the Reason to Produce that Multivalent mRNA Vaccine!
As the Top Scientists explained; a Spike Protein can be Created with the Exact Desired Sequence and HIV can be Engineered with a Modified Spike Protein of Corona Virus! THEN,
Every Condition Necessary to Achieve such a Plan are Already Existant, Global Vaccination, Variants with Unique spike protein parts, mRNA technology (which is the only way to produce that Desired Protein by a Multivalent mRNA), WHO Priority Groups’ Different Vaccination Times (for the Right Vaccine to reach to Desired qQualified People)
The Only Missing Step is ‘Other‘ Variants to be Released so to Announce that “These are More Dangerous and therefore Current Vaccines need to be Updated”!) and Producing a Multivalent, combined mRNA in the Name of “Universal Annual Booster” (saying that we can Not Vaccinate the Whole World Population Every Few Months)!
The Usage of Multivalent mRNA in Vaccines leaves an Open Door for the Described Biological Attack to be Achieved!
This Method can Easily be Used Anytime by Any Terrorist Groups or Organizations! All it needs is Modifying a HIV, Marburg … with a Chimeric Corona Virus Spike Protein, Built of Mutated Parts of Omicron, Delta, Beta, Sars Cov 2.
For this Risk Not to Exist, this Information should be Used Legally to ADDRESS MULTIVALENT mRNA as a Tool for a Selective Biological Attack Proving the Claim by Explaining the Scientific Achievability of this Method!
We are Now Preparing a Lawsuit, requesting the Government NOT to Use MULTIVALENT mRNA, Explaining the Scientific Doability of the Described Method! It is Necessary and Urgent for Similar Legal Actions to be Taken in Every Country!
Kindly Contact Me for More Details!
Telephone +40732134134
Mail to R, 11 januari 2022 , 2021, 15:21
Things Changed
Hello Rob,
Things have Changed. I want to Inform you about a New Method we are Starting after My Lawyers’ Suggestion; Lawsuit against Professor Baric! How? Please check My Reasons!
Serdar Duzgoren
I am Serdar Duzgoren, taking legal action against Prof. Ralph S. Baric from UNC-Chapel Hill, for ‘creating scientific methods and not thinking, as a RESPONSIBLE scientist, that his inventions can easily become as a tool for an unthought, scientifically possible SELECTIVE biological attack METHOD, that when used, it would result in ONLY the survival of desired numbers of, mostly under 60 years old, relatively young and healthy people in each country, and elimination of everybody else!
Prof.Baric published every step of how to ‘create a coronavirus with desired mutations and he also patented and explain in details of how to create a chimeric spike protein to be used in mRNA vaccines’ in 2014, US9884895B2.
But he should have thought that, any skilled scientist, by following the information he put out and also using a MULTIVALENT mRNA vaccine, can easily achieve the following, unthought, Selective depopulation method;
First, giving immunity against an (created but not yet spread) extremely lethal pathogen, only to planned numbers of people,
And then, in the future, releasing that pathogen: only those who received that immunity would survive! Everybody else, including not vaccinated people, who don’t have that immunity would be eliminated! In each country, the planned number of people to survive could be determined by controlling the number of doses to be sold to that country!
The only way to give that real intended immunization against a ‘created but not released’ lethal pathogen, in front of the scientific scrutiny without being suspicious is producing a ‘multivalent’ combined mRNA, encoding a chimeric spike protein which is giving immunity against that lethal pathogen!
But HOW to create the necessary logical reasons, to produce an multivalent mRNA sequence with the genetic sequence portions of a (created but not released yet) lethal virus’s spike protein;
As Ralph Baric explained in detail in his 2014 patent, nr. US9884895B2, multivalent vaccine produced chimeric spike protein will have each variant’s unique mutated parts, to teach the immune system to fight against all variants. Giving this as a reason, multivalent mRNA will be structured from mutated parts of existing variants!
Prof. Baric has also developed a technique called ‘reverse genetics’ in coronaviruses, which enables to engineer viruses with DESIRED MUTATIONS and ‘mix and match parts of multiple viruses’!
So, Scientifically, it is possible that all the variants could have been engineered, long ago, with the exact desired unique mutated portions, so those parts to be used as reference in the construction of the next multivalent mRNA sequence! Each variant’s unique parts could actually be the common parts with the lethal version! With this BUILDING BACK way, the intended spike protein could be encoded and that intended immunization could be given!
For the whole scientific scrutiny, the sequence used in multivalent mRNA would be legitimate and just constructed from mutated parts of ..Pi, Omicron, Delta, and Beta variants.
But even if the mRNA’s sequence parts would be referenced separately to existing variants, the full sequence would encode a new shaped spike protein because of the folding conformation changes induced by mutations.
Nobody would think or know the final structure of the encoded protein was built to give immunity also (especially) against another pathogen!
Variants would be released every few months not only to create the reasons for the necessity of a NEW vaccine to ‘cover all variants’ but especially to create the logical references to BUILD (BACK) the desired multivalent mRNA sequence!
This is the 2003 published study of Boyd Yount, Lisa Hensley (U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick known for studies on bio weapons!) and Prof.Baric; EXACT DESIRED nucleotide positioned (gene sequence), molecularly CLONED Sars viruses and these clones are efficiently infectious and multiplying!
So, any skilled scientist such as Prof. Ralph Baric, according to his linked CV,(check his study on using Coronaviruses as vaccine vector for HIV, from 2008 to 2013) could engineer a deadly pathogen with a modified spike protein (also could be modified not to mutate and become resistant and erase the whole humanity).
He could also engineer a few Coronavirus variants (Sars Cov-2, Beta, Delta, Omicron, Pi…) each with a bit different spike protein (those different parts at each variant to be the COMMON part with the lethal one’s spike protein)!
Scientific publication on Lab mouse origin of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant.
NIH-Moderna sent to Prof.Baric mRNA Coronavirus vaccine to be tested in YEAR 2018! I also kindly request related authorities to find out; what genetic sequence was used in that mRNA and on which (created) coronaviruses it was tested?
WHO vaccination priority risk groups (which actually divide and placed the world population into age and health categories and gave different vaccination times)could be used to keep alive MOSTLY younger and healthier people, at PLANNED NUMBERS in each country by keeping this multi variant efficient vaccine away from the countries while they are still vaccinating their priority old, sick, handicap people. Majority of old, sick, handicap people, also governments’ authorities and personnel will already be vaccinated until the new “FLU +CORONA UNIVERSAL annual BOOSTER” will be produced and sent to those over 160 African, S.American and other Asian countries from the second half of 2022 as the company announced. With this delay, the newly produced vaccines will reach the younger and healthier part of the world’s 7 billion people! Countries which will not receive that vaccine, such as China, Russia, Vatikan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, North Korea would be erased completely!
Only with mRNA technology, it is possible to immunize people secretly against another pathogen by using parts of spike protein of THAT pathogen’s genetic sequence in the multivalent vaccine mRNA sequence using the methods that Prof. BARIC has developed. Parts of the produced protein to have the distinct feature and shape of the lethal virus’ spike protein would be enough for our immune system to learn how to fight against the lethal one! Therefore, Prof. Baric should have thought that any deadly pathogen with a modified coronavirus spike protein can be used in such a plan. As a sample, an engineered HIV with a modified Coronavirus spike protein could infect people instantly but kill in the long term which would further cover such a plan.
I kindly request him, as a “top” scientist, to realise the dangerous power of his creations and fulfill his responsibility and take necessary precautions for such a “misuse” possibility not to exist such as advising authorities ‘NOT to use any multivalent mRNA, encoding never existed before, a chimeric spike protein’ in vaccines!I also kindly request authorities to decide which vaccine is the most efficient and use only that vaccine on everybody! ‘Every citizen deserves the same, best possible treatment’! ‘VACCINE EQUITY’ would assure avoiding the usage of different vaccines on different age and health grouped people, to achieve the described method of a global, FUTURE biological attack, resulting in a TARGET SELECTIVE depopulation!
I hope the whole reason for this pandemic is not to produce and inject a chimeric spike protein encoding mixed mRNA to give protection against a future to be released, deadly pathogen to achieve not random but a selective depopulation by keeping alive only the target number of (mostly) age and health conditions qualified people! I hope all the variants are natural and not being released just to create the reason to produce that multivalent mRNA vaccine and direct it to the younger part of populations through calculated delivery times to each country!
But unfortunately, as Prof.Baric explained; a spike protein can be created with the exact desired sequence and HIV can be engineered with a modified spike protein of coronavirus! THEN;
Every condition necessary to achieve such a plan are already exist: Global vaccination, Variants with unique spike protein parts, mRNA technology (which is the only way to produce that desired Protein by a multivalent mRNA), WHO priority groups’ different vaccination times (for the right vaccine to reach to desired qualified people)
The only missing step is an announcement that “current vaccines need to be updated” and to produce a multivalent, combined mRNA! (maybe in the name of a “FLU + CORONA MRNA BOOSTER”)! (And to make it annual, saying that the whole world population can not be boosted every few months)!
The usage of multivalent mRNA in vaccines leaves an open door for the described biological attack to be achieved!
This method can easily be used anytime by any terrorist groups or organizations! All it needs is modifying a HIV, Marburg… with a Chimeric Coronavirus spike protein, built of mutated parts of Omicron, Delta, Beta, Sars Cov-2.
For this risk not to exist, I will use this information and find the way to legally ADDRESS MULTIVALENT mRNA as a tool for a selective biological attack proving the claim by explaining the scientific achievability of this method!
To create awareness to this matter, It is necessary and urgent for similar actions to be taken in every country!
Unfortunately, Such a method exists to achieve a malefic, inverted plan and that’s my reason for trying to make people aware of this major risk!
I kindly ask you to verify the scientific possibility of this information with competent experts of your choice from various practice fields!
Kindly contact me for More Details!
Thank you, Best regards,
Serdar Duzgoren
Other Related Links
Prof. Baric’s CV, Check section: using Coronaviruses as vaccine vector for HIV, 2008- 2013
Prof. Baric; study the phenotypic consequences of gene deletion, duplication and rearrangement, and determine the minimal genome requirements for Coronavirus:
Israel, which has been using only Pfizer-BionTech, will start using the new variant effective Moderna vaccine in 2022.
Cloning the SARS-CoV by reverse transcription since 2003 by Prof.Baric’s team:
Mail to R, 15 January 2022, 00:42
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