Patrick Henry – Situation Update: Vatican | Crown engineered The Steal [COUP]! Ending of the 230+ year old occupation of America

Situation update: Vatican | Crown engineered The Steal [COUP]! Ending of the 230+ year old occupation of America, Britain, France et cetera | Taking back our nation’s from the Black Nobility & Crown Luciferian Cabal! This is where we finally Win the War of Independence! David Straight explains how Americans were enslaved and how to leave the Crown Plantation!

Unlearn people

Lets finaly call out what is going on.

The reclaimed The United States of America Corporation 1776 and the American people versus Black Nobility created and orchestrated by Crown | Vatican UNITED STATES Corporation via succesors, CROWN | VATICAN foreign agents | Corporations and the Global New World Order | Marxist Deep State | Shadow Government.

SITUATION SUMMARY [c/o of American patriots]

(1) No, our President did not concede in his statement.

(2) The affidavit of the Whistleblower that proves Italy and Obama were involved in the coup to overthrow our government via election official fraud was delivered on Christmas Eve to the President. How do we know? Marla Maples and Tiffany Trump who Sandy works with sent it all to us (recording) on our WhatsApp group. They are now under protection along with Maria whose voice is the one exposing it all on the recording going around. Here is the recording – 50 minutes. The most explosive section is the first 10 min or so.
Links embedded in this post below – both MP3 and MP4. Also link to (secure)]

Obama and Renzi, former PM of Italy orchestrated the theft of the US election from President Trump. Stephan Serafini coordinated with General Claudio Graziano, a board member of Leonardo.

(3) President Trump won’t get a 2nd Term.
Because this was the last recorded term of a President who served in the America Corporation.
He dismantled the Banking Act of 1871 from England. We are going back to a Republic and Trump will be the first President of the new Republic with the Constitution fully intact which includes a start date of the new President of March 4th. This was the original start date of a new President from 1776 until it was changed in 1933 under Franklin Dwight Roosevelt.

(4) Not only was it a set up yesterday via Antifa and the Traitors to disrupt the day to smear us and the President, when our military was brought in they got a hold of everyone’s laptops and devices while they went through the building as the traitors scurried to the tunnels.Brilliant! Many of their devices show they were online in real time with Chinese operatives. As far as all the people that caved in yesterday goes, we are watching traitors expose their true characters. This needed to happen.

(5) The Georgia Runoff was another military sting to catch them all in the act, hence Italy. Now that they signed and certified the Electoral votes last night, the crime has now been committed. It’s Game On! We are now in the season for Treason. Everyone who has signed off has committed treason – we have now moved from “conspiracy to commit treason”, to treason. What makes a good movie? Good actors. Today begins the meat of the movie and 7 – 10 days Sidney comes out with her special prosecutors report.

(6) They suspended the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the President of the United States yesterday. This allows him to communicate through the Emergency Broadcast System, something he has set up and tested to all our cell phones October 2018.

(7) Once you see the larger picture it makes sense. Don’t get caught up in the emotions of what you are hearing or seeing in the media. Remember they are pushing their narrative to keep people divided and in the dark.

Think logically. This is now a Military Operation and the next 14 days may be rough. Trump was in Abaline, Texas, last night at the Department Of Defence Command Center watching this all unfold.

Pray for our country. Pray for our Military and pray for President Trump ande his family.


Other notes

(1) Trump didn’t run for only four years term.
(2) Trump was approached by the military to run.
(3) Trumps entire win is a military operation.
(4) Trumps first four years was about draining the swamp.
(5) The swamp was deep and incorporated every industry in the world, banking, movie, pharmaceutical, food, you name it they controlled it. Just check his Executive Orders.
(6) Barack Obama before leaving office signed an executive order to pardon anyone prior of any crimes in the government.
(7) Deep State could not be tried for those crimes after Obummer left office.
(8) The military needed to catch them in the act committing crimes now
(9) Trump said: orderly transition of power. Yes, from company to the Republic.
(10) “Our incredible journey is only just beginning.“
(11) The military is in control.
(12) We are watching a movie, mostly optics.
(13) Trump won an overwhelming victory.
(14) Deep state got caught in treason on a fraudulent election and then a coup to remove a sitting president for a second time. Only seven objected.
(15) From now until January 20th it will be rocky.
(16) Trump has said over and over, we have it all! All their crimes.

You are about to see proof that the Vatican is now implemented in The Steal. Many reading this may wonder as to why the Vatican would involve itself in a so called American election. The Answer is because America has been operated (occupied) by agents of the CROWNVATICAN for over 150 years and when Trump took office he moved to take back our nation from the Black Nobility Child Sacrificing Crime cartel behind the Crown (Vatican) criminal Luciferian Cabal. The following will help frame the latest expose on the Vatican | Crown involvement in The CROWN [Vatican] UNITED STATES CORPORATION Election Steal [which never was an American election]! Three videos at the end of this post will help you better understand why this was a CROWN UNITED STATES Corporation election and not an American election!

So what is that Obelisk doing in DC anyway? Why are there Obelisks in London and Vatican City? Read at and previous articles for a more detailed answer. Here are some clues.

Cleopatra’s Needle, London

All you need to study is here

What does Lyn Wood know about Pence?

Whistleblower (Deceased) suggests that ”GOVENOR MIKE PENCE HAS MURDERED 51 CHILDREN

The Paul Ryan, Mike Pence assassination, coup email chain. Says it all! Why would they risk hijacking a National Presidential Election?


PLOT TO OVERTHROW THE WORLD EXPOSED IN 1967 – New World Order Agenda Audio by Whistle-blower

A conversation with ex illuminati insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone

Dutch banker Ronald Bernard blows the whistle on world’s satanic elite Human Trafficking and worse:,,,,

Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City

To feed the Talmudic Debt Slavery System erected by the Black Nobility criminal triumvirate and most do not know it.

Sacred or Satanic?

If you missed previous articles that referenced a document that spelled out why the cabal saw a desperate need to take back America and overturn the American experiment here it is. Please Bookmark for later reading

How did the CROWN infiltrate all aspects of American Governance to take back control of America? They imported the CROWN BAR legal system in to America and most nations around the World to overturn Common Law foundations and the money system over to the Crown Black Nobility Cabal through privatized BAR legal System that rely on rigged PRIVATE BAR courts masquerading as state courts.

Think about this. Is TRUMP and the American not in a fight with so called LAW MAKERS?  Lawmakers are CROWN BAR AGENTS Constitutionally – banned from American Government since 1819! They work for the CROWN and NOT the American people! Their Oath is to the CROWN BAR COURTS!  Now do we understand why the the Courts do not want the CROWN’s election fraud exposed and why not one case has looked at the merits of an election fraud case.

Letter to Trump warning him about the CROWN Infestation of America 

Lets start here.

This connects the Vatican to the steal. Why would the Vatican be tied to the steal?

Questions to ask. Who runs the Crown, Vatican and who created US Corporation?

Read on to understand.

There are THREE Critically important Videos posted to the end of this Page. Please view to understand what is really going on in America today?

America has in effect been an Occupied nation since the Treaty of Paris was agreed to in the 1780′s. Post Declaration of Independence our early framers of our organic The United States of America Government agreed to allow the CROWN to provide certain limited Governmental services in America for its its BRITISH subjects remaining in the nation after the War of Independence. They also agreed to allow the CROWN to provide certain services as a means to back back the CROWN Debts that it agreed were still owed to it! More in the three videos on this at the end of the page.


Remember, King George was the “Arch Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and of Corporation the United States of America.” See Treaty of Peace (1738). Eight US Statutes at Large. Great Britain which is the agent for the Pope, is in charge of the USA ‘plantation.’

This Treaty provided the Crown a foothold to later establish a Government Services Corporation in The United States of America which was later used to infiltrate the organic American Government and lay the foundations to  terminate the original – organic states compact Government and morph it in to the current FOREIGN Crown | Vatican created UNITED STATES Corporation post the end of the 1860′s that has occupied our nation since the so called CROWN BAR AGENT | ATTORNEY Lincoln declared Emergency Order 100 known as the Lieber Code!

America has been under Emergency War Powers ever since. More accurately the American people have been held in a condition of Mixed War in which we have been enslaved and used as chattel property by Talmudic Zionist Bankers operating under the so called Black Nobility crime families. More on this in our prior articles and the links below.

Since the Treaty of Paris was effected, the CROWN has openly breached both its original limited trust relationship and fiduciary relationship under the Treaty of Paris and as a result, it has no lawful authority to operate in America. Trump is familiar with this state of affairs and the occupation of our nation and it appears he is moving to terminate it and take back America from the occupiers which have been in recent times fronted by parasites running Congress the UNITED STATES Corporation and its and Government tools like SES, FBI, CIA, Rothschilds CIA MockingBird media and Big Business Interests which are all desperate to declare Biden a winner and continue the Status Quo Occupation of America enjoyed up until Trump!

More proof of this pudding here.

CEOs Urge Congress to Certify Biden’s Electoral College Win. Nearly 200 chief executives call on legislators to uphold ‘essential tenets of our democracy’ by enabling transition of power to president elect .

I have posted three videos below that will explain this situation and much more in detail together with the repercussions of what has been going in America since the 1860′s! Before we get to this information lets consider where we are at as of January 7 AD 2021.


This post is the follow up.

As explained, The United States of America was retaken by the Black Nobility via the CROWN | VATICAN in the 1860′s at the so called Civil War and we have been an occupied nation since that time.

Those in so called Government have been FULLY AWARE of this fact for they have been part of the Bankster War on America(ns) in all of this time. When you start digging you will see evidence that most in Government are in fact Constitutionally – banned foreign agents [ACTORS] masquerading as Government and part of the Occupation of our nation. In fact all Government across America are ACTORS for NONE have subscribed to the proper Oaths and Bonds required by our original organic laws. We spelled this out in our letters to Trump sent via the US Military (see end of this document).

Trump was NEVER intended to take office in 2016 for an outsider risked the opportunity of exposing the CROWN | VATICAN [Black Nobility] Occupation and NOT GOING ALONG with the Shadow Government Occupation plan for America. What I believe we are witnessing now  is an attempt of American patriots being led by Trump to take back our nation now aided by those sympathetic to this reality in other nations. I am especially pointing to Italians at this time as you will see below.

Through exposure of the facts below Trump and the American people should now see that a Black Nobility World Wide Criminal Cabal has been manipulating not only America but all governments for more than 200 years and its agents are working desperately hard to take back America from Trump and the awakening American people!

The parasites behind the silent War on America now have no clothes! Many that were traditionally part of the Occupation have it appears turned back to help Trump take back America from the Black Nobility Crown Cabal [Crown | Vatican Tri State New World Order principally made up of DC Shadow Government the Crown Corporation [Swiss and the Vatican].

This Meme below perfectly explains what has really been going on since the Black Nobility Cabal set up their Central Banking System which is in fact a Talmudic Debt Slavery and Human Trafficking System.

Trump and we the people are fighting the same enemy which is aiding and abetting treasonous, seditous parasites masquerading as Government whose ilk overthrew our nation in the 1860′s. I am talking of Constitutionally banned foreign agents spelled out in our prior post and previous posts linked below.

The smoking gun of this fraud is the 1810 enacted Titles of Nobility Act which was ratified in 1819.

More Americans should now see that the likes of Pence, Pelossi, Schummer, Schiff, Bush Crime family, Clinton Crime family, Barack and Michael Obama Crime family and most of so the called Government leadership are loyal to this Black Nobility Criminal Cabal and NOT to America!

Since TRUMP came in to Office the CROWN agents masquerading as an America Government [enemies Domestic] have attempted to get America back under full occupation by removing Trump and putting us back under Killary and or other parasites under control of the CROWN | Vatican Black Nobility!

It can now be seen how these Terrorist forces conspired using all their resources to Steal the election from Trump and hopefully now you can see why and what was at stake for them! The exposure of the occupation of not only America but the entire world!

As you consider this, consider who has been running the banking system behind the world and what the founder of this system said about the power this would give him over nations in which he controlled the Money System.

“I care not what puppet  is placed on the Throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the  British Empire and I control the British money supply.” It also controls the FED and the UNITED NATIONS who’s original ownership is found below.

Make up of the United Nations and Federal Reserve is posted below.

The Plandemic was of course the kill shot for not only America but the entire World. It was the New World Order Cabal prelude to their Agenda 2030 Global Depopulation plan published at that predicted 269 Million would be Genocided in America by 2025. I hope that point registers home with you if you missed it previously!

In other words to save our nation and our lives Americans had better start paying attention to what is really going on beyond the BLACK NOBILITY controlled BULL SHIT of the Rothschilds CIA Mockingbird media and unlearn fast!

We have been taken the brink so that we have the opportunity to see what is really going on and what confronts us if we do not wake up. It is time all Americans get active in taking back our nation from the parasites running so called Government across America!

Yesterdays DC antics further exposed a planned false flag operation in which agent provocateurs were planted to try and spark a civil war and perhaps the arrest of Trump who would have been blamed for causing the taking of the Capital.

Random or not? I do not have proofs either way. I have posted what I have though and its compelling. See YELLOW WOLF MAN INTERVIEW found here.


Viking guy not so crazy!



Moment in the above video where organizers | POLICE INVITE protestors forward to Capital building.

Explanation of the shooting at the Capital in DC.

So now lets look at the real news from Italy that the Rothschilds CIA Mockingbird Media does not want you to see! I am not refering to this.

But the following. Please read the following and then see the video posted below.

Who knew betraying 328,000,000 people could be so profitable for the parasites.

ITALYGATE: Maria Zack Audio | Election Theft, Votes Switched from Trump to Biden | The Black Nobility Did It


MP3 here


ITALYGATE: Maria Zack Audio – Election Theft, Votes Switched from Trump to Biden – Italy Did It

PublishedJan 6, 2021

The Eric Metaxas Radio Show

The theft of the election was orchestrated in the Rome embassy by an employee Stefano Serafini, foreign service officer of over 20 years. He retired the day before the election to ensure he would not lose his pension unlike what happened to some of the FBI agents who betrayed our country in 2016 and did lose their pension just days before their retirement. Stefan Serafini coordinated with a general Claudio Graziano, who is on the board of Leonardo SPA (an Italian aerospace defense contractor). Leonardo used their military satellite uplink to load the software and transfer it over to change the votes from Trump to Biden. The plan was orchestrated by Barack Obama with the help of Matteo Renzi, the former prime minister of Italy. The Italian intelligence service supplied intercepts, photos, phone calls, and (shockingly) pictures of the CIA agents who have been involved in orchestrating this. Italy did it. Senior IT Expert at Global Defense Contractor Testifies in Italian Federal Court that He and Others Switched Votes throughout America in the US Presidential Race Italygate Article #ItalyGate #ItalyDidIt #LeonardoSPA Follow the show: Subscribe to Metaxas Super to watch all interviews commercial free AND additional exclusive content.

What you were never meant to know!

Unlearn people, its time to take it all back. The following presentations are by a great American and patriot, David Straight. Please learn from his life long study.

Anna Von Reitz – explaining what happened to America

David Straight (1)




UNITED STATES Corporation, not what you have been led to believe it is. See for a deeper understanding.

Example One

Title 28 3002 15 (a) (b) & (c).
(15)“United States” means
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

Example Two

California Code, Commercial Code COM § 9307
(h)The United States is located in the District of Columbia.

“I care not what puppet  is placed on the Throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.” It also controls the FED and the UNITED NATIONS who’s original ownership is found below.”
Nathan Mayer Rothschild

FEDERAL RESERVE Money System (same are behind the UNITED NATIONS Corporation).

Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman & Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York

So why did Crown | Vatican created UNITED STATES Corporation give $ 233.7Billion to Israel over six decades?

The “UN” is a corporation founded in France several years before the United Nations Charter was ever created. And here, for your edification, are the Principal Parties of Interest driving the “UN Agenda”. Current version UN Corporation | World Bank | FEDERAL RESERVE – 52% owned by Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin; 8% owned by Lazard Freres Bank of Paris; 8% owned by Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, 8% owned by Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; 6% owned by Lehman Brothers of New York; 6% owned by Kuhn Loeb of New York; 6% owned by Chase Manhattan | Rockefeller Bank of New York; 6% owned by Goldman Sachs. There

About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: FascistBook
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Several important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP Demonrat Socialist party of DC and their Coup of America.  All available at this link: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008 Video channel: 

The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance system operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etcetera. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America is illegally operated by Constitutionally banned foreign agents that run America for foreign interests. This means Constitutionally banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit Government Office in the nation. It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while farming Americans to profit the International Bankers (AKA  Human Trafficking) and the CROWN | VATICAN system in a silent war with America since the War of Independence.

See for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob rule] as a path to destroy the Republic and the peoples guarantee of a Republican form of Government to advance the Luciferian Roman Cults Talmudic New World Order Agenda.

The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to this state of affairs with certified government proofs of claim.

Also posted

Please help share this important information.

What you should be asking yourself? Why are those in so called Government at War (Lawfare) with the American people? The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to the state of affairs described below and linking to certified Government issued proofs of claim described in the letter.

Please see the following hyper link for the next three pages of the above letter.

About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: FascistBook
More Articles
More links here
Important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP Black Nobility New World Order RINO Demonrat Socialist DC Crown US Corportion party of DC, the ongoing New World Order Usurpation of America by enemies Domestic and Foreign, and the GOV ID 1984 Great Reset Agenda 21 2030 Depopulation Plandemic.
Video channel: 

The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance systems operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etcetera. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America has been usurped by 185,000+ foreign CROWN | VATICAN rooted corporations and is illegally operated by Constitutionally banned foreign agents that unlawfully run America for foreign interests (example US Corporation, [CANADA], STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ______  are NOT the original organic We the people Governments but counterfeits). Constitutionally banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit Government Office in the nation. In America the leading faction of the 5th Column at war with the rest of us are BAR Attorneys (whether they know it or not)! See California Government Code 1027.5 to understand the Silent War that has been going on for 150+ years.  It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while literally farming Americans to profit the International Bankers (AKA Human Trafficking) and the CROWN | VATICAN system in a silent war with all Americans since the War of Independence.

See for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob rule] as a path to destroy the original organic We The People Governments and deprive the people of their guarantee of a Republican form of Government all so as to advance their Luciferian Roman Cult Talmudic New World Order Agenda.

You want to talk about fraudulent elections? Let’s start with the very concept of democracy to begin with: other people voting on how much of my property to plunder.” – btw TuSA and organic states were created as a Republic and guaranteed a Republic form of Government – don’t let the CROWN Plantation managers have you thinking any of the physical states or Organic Federal states co ordinating governance was created as a DEMONcracy! PJ

Please like this article/author and others if you find this document insightful or useful and do not forget to share. More by the author here.

Draining the swamp
Smoking Gun Overthrow U S of A  Corporation 1860

All foreign agents Constitutionally Banned from American Government since 1819



1810 enactment of  TONA.

March 1819 Virginia ratified TONA,  making it law of the land, never overturned.

TONA published 1819 – 1860′s, 70+ times (see certified copy 1865 – 1867 from Colorado).


USA unlawfully under foreign Corporation Military Authority of Crown | Vatican since 1860′s / Emergency War Powers


Corrupt legal system exposed (1) Harvard Law professor – 1939, (2) Attorney – 2008

Constitutionally banned foreign agents trigger Depopulation Program: WWIII New World Order endgame: COVID 1984 Plandemic.

201 Year Remedy is already in place TONA and Title 10 USC Section 253.

What you should be asking yourself? Why are those in so called Government at War (Lawfare) with the American people? The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to the state of affairs described below and linking to certified government issued proofs of claim described in the letter.

Please see the following hyper link for the next three pages of the above letter.

About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects
More Articles
More links here
Important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP Black Nobility New World Order RINO Demonrat Socialist DC Crown US Corporation party of DC, the ongoing New World Order Usurpation of America by enemies Domestic and Foreign, and the GOV IDb1984 Great Reset Agenda21 | 2030 Depop Plandemic.
Video channel: 

The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance systems operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etc.. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America has been usurped by 185,000+ foreign CROWN | VATICAN rooted corporations and is illegally operated by Constitutionally-banned foreign agents that unlawfully run America for foreign interests (example US Corp., [CANADA], STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ______  are NOT the original organic We the people Governments but counterfeits). Constitutionally-banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit government Office in the nation. In America the leading faction of the 5th Column at war with the rest of us are BAR Attorneys (whether they know it or not)! See California Government Code 1027.5 to understand the silent War that has been going on for 150+ years.  It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while literally farming Americans to profit the International Bankers (aka Human Trafficking) and the CROWN / VATICAN system in a silent war with all Americans since the War of Independence.

See for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob-rule] as a path to destroy the original organic we the people Governments and deprive the people of their guarantee of a Republican form of Government all so as to advance their Luciferian Roman Cult Talmudic New World Order Agenda.

You want to talk about fraudulent elections? Let’s start with the very concept of democracy to begin with: other people voting on how much of my property to plunder.” – btw TuSA and organic states were created as a republic and guaranteed a republic form of governance – don’t let the CROWN Plantation managers have you thinking any of the physical states or Organic Federal states co-ordinating governance was created as a DEMONcracy!” PJ

Please like this article, author and others if you find this document insightful or useful and do not forget to share.
More by the author here

Draining the swamp:

Smoking Gun: Overthrow U. S. of. A.  c. 1860

All foreign agents Constitutionally Banned from American Gov. since 1819


1810 enactment of  TONA;

March 1819 Virginia ratified TONA,  making it law of the land, never overturned.

TONA published 1819 – 1860′s, 70+ times (see certified copy 1865 – 1867 from Colorado).


USA unlawfully under foreign Corporation Mil. Auth. of Crown Vatican since 1860′s | Evil. Emer. War Powers

(1) (2) 

Corrupt legal system exposed: (1) Harvard Law professor – 1939, (2) Attorney – 2008




Constitutionally-banned foreign agents trigger depopulation program: W.W. III NWO endgame: COVID 1984 Plandemic

201 Yr. Remedy is already in place:TONA + Title 10 U.S.C. Sect. 253

For Your Information
It seems that FascistBook are manipulating the number of times this article was shared: See time stamps on the two images at the footer of this page. They were taken within minutes of each other. One is via cell phone screen shot and the other of a PC screen shot. The PC view screen shot shows 216 shares while the Cell screen shot shows 827 shares!   Are Fascist book deliberatly manipulating the number of shares of this article to limit more people sharing it.

So I shared this back via FascistBook and they blocked the share app – LOL.

Then I got this after publicizing the above post.

More on the occupation

Before It’s News, Thursday, January 7, 2021 12:42

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