16 april 2015 2 Keiko Sei – Anger and Appropriation “Anger interests me. Probably because it reveals not-masked part of people. And probably because I grew [...]
11 maart 2015 0 Lorena Muñoz-Alonso – Was van Gogh Killed? New Research Says He Was Shot The troubled life and demise of Vincent van Gogh follows a well-known trajectory: the precocious genius, the [...]
8 november 2014 0 Tobias Fischer – Interview with Zeno van den Broek About the importance of being a cultural and theoretical glutton. These days, originality appears to be the [...]
24 september 2014 0 Janet Wasserman – Han van Meegeren and his portraits of Theo van der Pas and Jopie Breemer (1) “De wereld zou beter zijn als alle mensen hun eigen ritme verstonden en het in harmonie konden brengen met [...]