31 augustus 2016 0 INQUEST.US – Territorial investigations conducted by PETER FEND in collaboration with WWF :) “The Lawrence of Arabia of the art world.” Richard Prince Raised in Ohio and Upstate New York, won art [...]
12 augustus 2016 6 Jane Grey – JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying Attention JFK Jr versus George Bush (foto Twitter) JFK Jr Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying [...]
5 augustus 2016 0 Michiel Cley – THE MUSIC OF JACOB TER VELDHUIS Audiences, musicians, programmers and theatre directors have in recent years shown an increasing interest in [...]
13 juli 2016 1 Robin Cook – Resignation Statement, March 2003 + The Tap – Will There Ever Be an Investigation Into the Death of Robin Cook? Resignation Statement, March 2003 Published on 22 feb. 2014 This recording is provided for viewing and [...]
5 mei 2016 1 Nafeez Ahmed – GOOGLE: Conceived, Funded and Directed By The CIA (Part 2) Why Google made the NSA Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet [...]
12 januari 2016 1 Brian Desborough – Did British Intelligence Orchestrate Princess Diana’s Death? The sudden death of a loved one invariably creates a state of shock and profound loss among close relatives [...]
21 oktober 2015 5 SGT Report – THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad UPDATE As I stated in my full interview with [...]
15 juli 2015 1 Heathcote Williams – In Conversation with a Dying Friend “Death… the most awful of evils is nothing to us, seeing that when we are, death is not yet, and when [...]
9 maart 2015 0 Ariel Alvarez – @auteursrecht Schaf het auteursrecht af. Of, vooruit, maak het soepeler. Neem de fair use over uit het Amerikaanse [...]
22 januari 2015 0 Mischa Cohen – Foto’s schilderen: plagiaat of ‘fair use’? Schilders gebruiken vaak foto’s. Waar ligt dan de grens tussen inspiratie en jatwerk? ‘Kunstenaars lappen [...]