23 februari 2023 0 Eric Zuesse – Will Russia Take All of Ukraine? Will Russia Take All of Ukraine? A key statement in Vladimir Putin’s February 21st State-of-the-Union [...]
22 januari 2023 0 Eric Zuesse – How Evil are The West’s Leaders? How Evil are The West’s Leaders? They are NOT democrats, but are instead the worst sort of liars, who are [...]
29 oktober 2022 0 Eric Zuesse – NATO wants to place Nuclear Missiles on Finland’s Russian Border, Finland says Yes Finland (gif Gfycat) Finland (gif Gfycat) Finland (gif Gifer) Finland (gif Blingee) Finland gif Gifer) NATO [...]
10 mei 2022 0 Eric Zuesse – US and EU Set to Spend Hundreds of Billions of Dollars on Ukraine Money Printer Goes BRRRRRRRRRR gif Giphy) Defense Spending versus Spending in Global health (gif Giphy) Year [...]
31 december 2021 0 Eric Zuesse – Why a US Russia War Would Inevitably Be a Globe Annihilating Nuclear War, Over Within An Hour or Two Nuclear War (foto giffreak.tumbir) Why a US Russia War Would Inevitably Be a Globe Annihilating Nuclear War, [...]
10 maart 2021 0 Eric Zuesse – Why It’s Necessary to End NATO Russia wants War: Look how close they put their country to our Military Bases (foto gifs.com) MAD: Mutually [...]
26 januari 2021 0 Eric Zuesse – Why Russia and Belarus are Not Irrational to Fear Another ‘Operation Barbarossa’ Operation Barbarossa (foto Never Was Magazine) Why Russia and Belarus are Not Irrational to Fear Another [...]
4 december 2020 0 Eric Zuesse – The Cheering Section for World War III World War III (foto ZME Science)How to start World War III (1) (foto tenor.com)How to start World War III (2) [...]
4 oktober 2019 0 Eric Zuesse – Misrepresentations of American & Soviet Roles in WWII and the Cold War INTRODUCTION The Soviet Union contributed more than did any other nation to the defeats of Germany and Japan [...]
8 december 2023 0 #THEGAME23 MOD 42.5 – ::: Bruces Vain Surreal #fnordmaze #Infinity23 ::: #00AG9603 Dataplex ::: Bruces Vain Surreal #fnordmaze #Infinity23 ::: #00AG9603 Dataplex ::: Enter the Infinite Rabbit Hole Home [...]