2 december 2020 0 Judy Byington – Obama, Biden, CIA Director Gina Haspel Evidently Arrested for Espionage, Voter Fraud If you can ’t do the time, don ’t do the crime | Prison for Biden, Obama & Haspel (foto [...]
2 december 2020 0 LaRouchePAC – Explosive Developments in the President’s Countercoup + Schiller Institute – International Investigative Commission on Truth in Elections President Trump applauds the crowd as he arrives in Reading, Pennsylvania, October 31, 2020 (foto Shealah [...]
2 december 2020 0 Winnie van Galen – Ingelaste raadsvergadering Hollands Kroon slecht te volgen door storingen, veroorzaakt door grote belangstelling datacenter kwestie + Donderdag verder Het datacenter van Microsoft in Middenmeer (foto NHD) Ingelaste raadsvergadering Hollands Kroon slecht te [...]
2 december 2020 0 Suzanne Rijnja – Eerste dennen gekapt en gestript | Hoop gekraak en dan een doffe klap Natura 2000 (foto Stichting de Woudreus) Eerste dennen gekapt en gestript | Hoop gekraak en dan een doffe [...]
1 december 2020 0 Tamara Desiree Magdalene the Lioness of THE YESHUA – Joseph Biden Accidentally Admits to Voter Fraud Biden Video, Distorted and Deceptively Edited (foto The New York Times) Joseph Biden Accidentally Admits to [...]
1 december 2020 0 BBC | Micheal Wood – Conquistador Hernán Cortés: Fall of the Aztecs (Full documentary) Conquistadores (foto YouTube) The Fall of the Aztecs (foto YouTube) Conquistador Hernán Cortés: Fall of the [...]
1 december 2020 0 Richard Sauder – Deep Deep Bases + iLLUMiNATi UNDERGROUND BASES & THE DEEP STATE SATANIC AGENDA (1) + (2) Underground Base Challenge (foto Amino Apps) Deep Deep Bases, The Best Documentary Ever Published on 7 dec. [...]
1 december 2020 0 Eric Zuesse – Is the US actually a ‘police state’? Recent Police State action in France (foto Gfycat) Is the US actually a ‘police state’? Is the phrase [...]
1 december 2020 0 World Science Festival – CRISPR in Context: The New World of Human Genetic Engineering CRISPR in Context The New World of Human Genetic Engineering (foto YouTube) CRISPR in Context: The New World [...]
1 december 2020 0 Daily Eagle – Joe Biden arrested with ankle bracelet? Marchers from Tokyo to Bollywood cry “MAGA!!!” Joseph Biden hides his ankle bracelet (foto GIFMaker) Joe Biden arrested with ankle bracelet? Marchers from [...]