Macro Artist – The crypto lineage of Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro
Nicolás Maduro (foto
The crypto lineage of Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro
This thread will explore the crypto lineage of Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro.
The dictator is descended from the Maduros of Curaçao (connected to the Dutch West India Company) who previously settled in Holland and earlier Portugal. Lets dig in.
While tracing A line of Rabbinic scholars I came across the name Maduro several times in Curaçao and Aruba. Curaçao & Aruba are very close to Venezuela; so I wondered was there A connection to Nicholas Maduro? …Sure enough Ethnic Celebs lists David Maduro as his Grandfather.

Etnicelebs about Nicolás Maduro (foto
So who are these Maduros and what were they doing in Curaçao & Aruba?
Many early inhabitants of Curaçao were Jevvish. Some early settlers were religious refugees who fled the Iberian Peninsula during the 1492 Inquisition. Many of these refugees moved from Spain and Portugal to religiously tolerant Amsterdam before arriving in the New World.
The Jews in the Dutch West Indies (2) (foto The Saba Islander)
The year 1492 also happens to be the year that Columbus set sail. Many researchers have looked into Columbus’ (and his crews) motivation and background so I will not do so here. However, if that seems shocking to you please look into Columbus & the gang sign more deeply.

Columbus doing the Masonic handsign (foto
The slave trade in Curaçao (foto
In 1621 the WIC (Dutch West India Company) was granted A charter for the African slave trade. At the time the Dutch were feuding for global domination with other EUropean powers. After the English defeated the Dutch at St Martin the Dutch were forced to retreat to Curaçao.
The Dutch West India Company (foto
In 1732 Mikev Israel Imanuel Synagogue was established. This is the longest continuously operating synagogue in the Americas, although older synagogues existed (see next infographic). This congregation helped finance the earliest synagogues in New York & Newport Rhode Island.
The oldest synagogue still in use today in the Americas (foto
One of the earliest Maduros to arrive in Curaçao was Hazzan & Ribi Mosseh de Salomon Levy Maduro (Levie Maduro y de Crasto). This lucky merchant was so wealthy he owned several farms and even owned his own ships. His siblings expanded to neighboring islands like Jamaica.
Haza & Ribi Mosseh de Salomon Levy Maduro (foto
In fact the Maduro line is quite distinguished; we can trace the Maduro name as far back as Mosseh Levy o Maduro (Levie Maduro) born in Portugal – 1591 – who adopted the “Maduro” surname as A sign of respect. Mosseh was already descended from A well established Jevvish family.
In the 19th century, we can see that SEL (Salomon Elias Levy) Maduro set up A shipping empire that expanded into the 20th century working with PanAM Airlines and KLM. Maduro & Sons still exists to this day as A logistics and shipping hub of the region.Salomon Elias (Mochi) Levy Maduro (foto
However the Maduro line is also interesting through its marriages (aside from the sickening incest).
One of the elitist Maduro marriages that caught my eye was Moses Levy Maduro married Esther Levy Musaphia. This chart is A good reference for the entire thread.
Nicolás Maduro Lineage (foto
Simon Mendes’ nephew was the Dr, scholar, & Kabalist Dr Binjamin ben Immanuel Musaphia “Dionysius.”
Dr Musaphia wrote about creationism, alchemy, & even rewrote the Talmud before being caught up in the Sabbatean movement,proclaiming Sabbatai Zevi to be the new Messiah.
Dr Binjamin ben Immanuel Musaphia “Dionysius” (foto
(19), Jun 22nd 2020
Meer informatieás+Maduroçao–Triad–claw–Humanity–is–victim–of–ancient–satanic–plot–Pseudo–Reality–Evidence-of-conspiracy/
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