Judy Byington – Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes

Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes

A recount of voting ballots nationwide was being done by elite units of the National Guard by early Sunday morning 8 November. To prevent fraud official ballots had been printed with an invisible, unbreakable code watermark and registered on a Quantum Blockchain System.

As of this writing, in five states 14 million ballots had been put through a laser scanner – 78% of which failed because there was no watermark to verify the ballot. Of those that failed 100% had checked for Joseph Biden.

An initial test showed that according to water marks on validated ballots fed into the Quantum Computer, Trump won re election by over 80% of the legal ballot cast. The final validated vote tallied in that test: Trump 73.5 million votes to Biden’s 25.9 million – and that didn’t even account for Trump votes that people observed being tossed and never accounted for.

Interesting enough, those figures corresponded with the two men’s Twitter accounts: Trump had 88.8 million followers to Biden’s 16.6 million.

Using ‘infrared’ equipment that read which ballots were real or fake the elite National Guardsmen had been deployed to the twelve targeted states of Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky. In all nationwide, over 500 National Guardsmen were on guard over all ballot counting units.

There was much more to the tests for fraudulent voting. In addition to the watermark these official ballots also contained ink made of corn, which created an electronic radiation circuit ID that could trace the location of that ballot through GPS transmission. In other words, they could trace if the ballot was filled out by the person named on the ballot.

The Trump team would be filing a number of lawsuits on Monday 9 November They had been preparing for this for a long time under an election fraud investigation called Project Veritas.

Judicial Watch: “Our new study shows 1.8 Million excess, or ‘ghost’ voters in 353 counties across 29 states. The data highlights the recklessness of mailing blindly ballots or ballot applications to voter registration lists,” @TomFitton
Watch more http://jwatch.us/mSJCjt
Read at http://judicialwatch.org

In Pennsylvania alone Trump’s legal counsel Rudy Guliani had testimony of 50 – 60 poll watchers who claimed being deprived of an ability to inspect mail in ballots.

Nationally, noted attorney Sydney Powell (rumored to be appointed the next FBI director) said, “Hammer and Scorecard – the NSA Security Software turned illegal Election Software – ran an algorithm that gave Biden a 3% vote advantage in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona.”

Rest assured, all legal issues would be accounted for by the time the Electoral College met on 14 December. 2020. By then real election results – post court battles – would determine all legally cast ballots. The joint session of Congress would make the election official on 3 Januari 2021.

Before It’s News, Sunday, November 8, 2020 15:01


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  1. This is the best news I have since Donald Trump and the First Lady retired for the night November 4th at 02.30 AM!

  2. Yippiiiiiieeeeehhhhh!!!!!
    Congratulations from all of my heart!!!!!!
    Now there is a is a big light coming over us.
    I’ve been suffering day and night since March and become ill. Sleeping only max.5 hours. Full of fear about the future of the world.
    Now I don’t have to think about committing s.

  3. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐This comports with Sid Roth Quote all the prophets I know & trust have said Trump will win reelection. Therefore fear not , God is on the throne, god is never caught by
    surprise. God never says woopsie. Keep on fighting, Keep the faith.
    Trump Supporters Are Not Uneducated

  4. I read your sources, but Fitton says nothing about the watermark or other claims you are making. Can you provide other sources?

  5. Hahaha – bogus article — does not even make sense on a logistics or scientific basis

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