Hal Turner Radio Show – CHINA WARNS USA: Will Not Accept *Any* Excuse for Pelosi Landing in Taiwan + News18 – China Taiwan News LIVE | Military Build Up In South China Sea

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“Chip Chip”
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— TexasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) August 3, 2022

CHINA WARNS USA Will Not Accept * Any * Excuse for Pelosi Landing in Taiwan

Hal Turner Radio Show Logo

The People S Republic of China Today Explicitly Warned the United States against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Trying to Travel to Taiwan.

They said “We will Not Accept Any Excuses for Nancy Pelosi Trying to Land in Taiwan, including Any Kind of Emergency. If Problems with the Plane occur, we will Allow Landing in Hainan, Not Taiwan.”

So the Stage is Set for Actual Confrontation.

According to Sources in Asia, the Hal Turner Radio Show can Report that Nancy Pelosi S Aircraft is Scheduled to Land in Taipei, Taiwan, at 22:20 Hours Local Time TONIGHT.

Meanwhile, THREE United States Air Force B 52 S, with their Transponders OFF, are presently in Taiwan Air Space.  As of Monday, Japan based USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier Strike Group is in the Philippine Sea after Transiting the San Bernardino Strait on Saturday following A Port Visit to Singapore and Operating in the South China Sea. California based USS Tripoli is in Just South of Okinawa. Tripoli has been Embarked with up to 20 F 35B S.

China has just CANCELED All Civilian Flights into or out of Fujian Province () the Main Land Province Directly Opposite Taiwan.

China will Conduct Military Drills in some Areas of South China Sea August 2 – 6 and will Ban Ships from entering the Areas.

Pelosi S Flight is being Watched by 297,000 People. I ve Never Seen So Many Watchers of A Single Plane on Flightradar24



The Democrats need A Big Change to Prevent Carnage at the Mid Term Elections. The So CalledDefeat of Russia” is Simply Not Happening. It All Back Fired into Economic Disaster.

So the Thing to make Everyone Forget the Past Failures would seem to be A New War with China.

The Timing of this Situation has All been Dictated by Nancy S Trip, which means the US and Allies are Dictating the Timing. China has Responded as Expected with Brinks Manship Threats, Para Phrasing from Memory () “Play with Fire and Die by Fire,We WILL RESPOND MILITARILY, Prepare for War“, etc.

China has Put Them Selves on A Path with No Turns at this Point. Can T Back Out Now without Losing Face.

One of the last times the US chose the Timing to Start A Major War was Bush Sr S 1991 War to Liberate Kuwait from Iraq. Saddam Hussein woke up that morning to the largest armada of aircraft and ships imaginable, launched from a huge consortium of the willing allies. 31 years ago. How time flies.

One thing that tends to be the Case, from Past Observations. Whatever you think is the Situation is Wrong. The Fog of War, or whatever you want to call it typically surrounds the Opening Moves. Silly Reports of A Half Trillion Dollar F 35 Program being Grounded because they “Forgot to Put the Charge into the Ejection Seats“. Something that Supposedly Happened in April and is now being Broadcast as A Headline. Right before a major military engagement. riiiight.

Whatever the Opening of this New War looks like is will Certainly be Interesting to watch if you Overlook Stll the Death and Destruction. Biden Obviously has Nothing to Do with the Plans or Strategy being A Mental Vegetable and All.
The Deep State War Machine in Running the Show.

Hard to imagine the “Nothing will happen” scenario at this point, but I suppose anything is possible. Maybe China will try to save face by making some claim about their altruism and desi Gleaned from the interwebs. Financial problems, and a population that seems 30 seconds away from A Full Scale revolution.

May we live in Interesting Times. The Old Chinese Purse.
Both sides make public claims about the Immense power of their Militaries.

As Patton used to say, or I think he did, as I Mis Remember and Smoosh Together his Various quotes, something like, “War is the Crucible of truth. Truths are reaffirmed, and lies are burned away to ashes.”

Times have Changed in the last 31 Years.

The US has Abused It S Friendships around the World. Allies have been Coerced and Manhandled to the Point that the GreatPolitical Capital” that Existed forthe 2 Iraq Wars has been Spent and Squandered.

Any Coalition of the Willing against China will be Borne Not of Any Love for America but for Simple Self Preservation.  A China Dominated World would be A Lot Worse than one dominated by the US, even on our worst day.

I guess we don’t really know who the allies of the US will be in this Conflict, but it is Safe to say Most or all of the following list: Japan, Australia, S Korea, with some possibility of India, Vietnam, The PI, and a few NATO allies like the UK and France. Russia should have been our ally as Well, but Biden has burned that bridge rather completely, which is the reason I have been rather vocal in opposing the doomed Ukraine conflict from the beginning.


Taiwan is Preparing Eight Mirage 2000 Fighter Jets to Escort Nancy Pelosi S Aircraft into Taiwanese airspace.

Meanwhile, China is NOW moving Armor into Fujian Province near Xiamen.  This Video just-in from Fujian Province showing the Armor.

Strangely, for Some Reason, China is Also NOW Deploying What Appear to be Artillery onto the Beaches along Actual “Invasion” of China Planned, so it is Not Known What China will Accomplish with This () but It is taking Place as Seen in the Video Below.

China has Deployed NUCLEAR CAPABLE Short Range Ballistic Missiles along the Coast Line of Fujian Province Opposite Taiwan.

The DongFeng 16, or DF 16, is A Multi Stage Short Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM) and is One of China S Most Advanced SRBM S. First deemed Operational in September 2015, the New Weapon System has Achieved 11 Successes out of 11 Test Launches and is an Improved Model of the DF 11 and the DF 15.

The Multis Tage, Solid Propellant Missile possesses A Range of around 1.000 kilometer and is MIRV capable of carrying up to 3 Nuclear War Heads with a Pay Load of up to 1.000kilogram. Deployed on A five.Axle Sanjian Corporation TEL, the DF 16 is Road Mobile and is Launched from A Vertical Position. UsingBoth Inertial and GPS Guidance Systems, the missile is highly Accurate with A CEP of 5meter and capable maneuvers to avoid Missile Defense Systems during the terminal phase. China is presently suspected to have approximately 50 Operational DF 16 Missiles. The SRBM was Publically Shown for the Third Time during A Military Exercise in China on February 6, 2017.”

Video below from Fujian Province Opposite Taiwan, show Multiple Units of these Missile launchers, coming into Fujian Province by train.

For what it S Worth, as of 08:20 Here in the US East Coast, it is Now 20:20 in Taiwan.
Intel from Asia Indicated that Pelosi S Plane was Allegedly Scheduled to land There within about Two Hours.

FlightRadar24 S Tracking of that Plane has been HACKED OFF LINE.

So Right Now, we in the Civilian World does Not Know Where that Plane is Located.

Where we are Right Now is SimpleIt seems to go like This.

Russia Don T cross Our Red Lines in Ukraine or we LL take Action.

US  Politicians They re Bluffing. Cross those Red Lines.

* Russia Invades *

China Don T cross our Red Lines in Taiwan or we LL take Action.

US Politicians They re Bluffing. Cross those Red Lines.

World War III is Loading China versus Taiwan, USA (video Telegram)

(. . . . . . . ) Waiting for the Result( . . . . . . .<)/h2>

  • Joseph Biden was being played by Actors James Wood, Arthur Roberts and Jim Carey.
  • An Actor Biden was reported to have expired on Fri. 29 July, but the body was in hospital on life support and the Cabal was in confusion trying to decide on a transition of power.
  • A number of Banking Officials were arrested this last week, again.
  • Certain bonds were being monetized.
  • The bad guys have lost their money stream so have bought Zim and been submitting Humanitarian Projects. However, 98% (well over a million) of those Humanitarian Project Contracts were being thrown out. They were submitted by Deep State players who infiltrated on a massive scale trying to get their hands on the money.
  • The nation today Tues. 2 Aug. came closer to nuclear Armageddon than it has since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
  • As a State Department C-32 – a modified Boeing 757—allegedly carrying Nancy Pelosi screeched toward Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ,) four Chinese Chengdu J 20 5th generation fighters from Huian Airbase scrambled to intercept the intruder, purportedly with orders to destroy the C 32 once positive visual identification had been made. While the J 20s zipped to the Taiwan Straits, U.S. F 35 Lightning IIs from the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, which had detected the J 20s, pushed into afterburner in hopes of intercepting the Chinese fighters before they could launch on the C-32, a provocative act that could’ve sparked a thermonuclear conflict.
  • The opposing forces were minutes away from meeting each other in the night sky above Taiwan. The unthinkable seemed inevitable.
  • But in Palm Beach, Florida, President Donald J. Trump, who had been writing his keynote speech for this weekend’s CPAC conference in Dallas, entered his Mar-a-Lago “War Room” upon learning that a potential battle was unfolding on the other side of the world. As RRN has reported previously, Trump’s Florida command center mimics the technological capabilities of the White House Situation Room: satellites stream real-time data to terminals monitored by Trump’s handpicked staff, and encrypted radio transmissions are captured and deciphered by White Hats who have sworn to uphold the Constitution.
  • Uncharacteristically, Trump told staff to get Xi Jinping on the line. “I need to talk to President Xi right now, not in one second,” Trump reportedly said. A Mar-a-Lago source familiar with the crisis told RRN that a cautious Xi Jinping took Trump’s call.
  • The U.S. and Chinese fighters were less than a minute from merging when Trump implored Jinping to back off his aircraft. President Trump said he could defuse, deescalate the situation without going to war. Jinping prattled on about how he had warned the U.S. that China considered Pelosi a war criminal but gave Trump a chance to explain and ordered his planes to veer away from the combat area,” our source said.
  • Trump dropped in Xi Jinping’s ears a pair of bombshells, he added. Trump claimed to have proof, which he would later give Jinping, that the person aboard the C-32 was not really Nancy Pelosi but a body double whom the Deep State had sent in her stead. Moreover, President Trump told President Xi that even if the real Nancy Pelosi were aboard the plane, she had absolutely no authority to negotiate with Taiwan on behalf of the United States. Reluctantly, Trump admitted that his invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 had stripped Pelosi and her Deep State allies of power. The only reason the Biden regime appeared to hold sway over world affairs, Trump said, was because they were empowered by a corrupt mainstream media.
  • This is huge. We’ve had many disagreements, but let’s not turn the world to ashes over some bitch trying to pretend she’s still relevant. I will make sure you get proof that what I say is true. Biden might be trying to start a war. Let’s not let that happen today,” Trump told Jinping.
  • Xi Jinping, our source said, agreed that the world need not end over the American Deep State’s hubris. He recalled his fighters, and the C-32 ferrying a double-masked Pelosi doppelganger landed safely in Taipei. “ICBMs could be flying right now, but they’re not. Let no one say Donald Trump doesn’t care about the survival and prosperity of the United States, and the world,” our source said.

China Taiwan News LIVE | Military Build Up In South China Sea

12 Augustus 2022, 00:03 Started to Stream

China Taiwan News LIVE | Military Build Up In South China Sea.

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