G10 – G10 van de Economie en de Filosofie | De Laatste Pinguïn van Kyiv | Kiev | Dag (1) t/m (3) 7, 8 en 14 oktober 2022, Zuider Kerk, Amsterdam

G10 (2022) (foto Idem)

G10 (2022) (foto Idem)

G10 van de Economie en de Filosofie

Doel van de G10

Het Doel is een FilosofischeParallel te bieden voor de G8 (nu G7), waar Belangrijke Ontwikkelingen Gesignaleerd en Geduid worden.

De G10 is een Internationaal Platform, een Soort Laboratorium, om Nieuwe Ideëen over de Samenleving met name de Relatie tussen Kunst en Wetenschap, tussen Literatuur en Sociale Werkelijkheid Nieuw aan te gaan.

De G10 stelt zich tot Doel het Gespecialiseerde Denken van Zo GenaamdeExpertsNiet Te Zwaar te nemen.

De ‘Expert’ is het Tegen Over Gestelde van deHomo Universalis’, de Mens, die weet te Verbinden en Verbanden kan leggen, die Niet Direct Zichtbaar zijn. Filosofen, Economen en Literaten gaan Hand in Hand. Juist in de Grens Gebieden kan een Nieuwe Gedachte komen. We hanteren de Oude Betekenissen van EconomieOikos” betekent Huis of Huishouden. Economie is een Huishouden, dat ‘Efficiënt Gerund‘ wordt.
Wat NuEfficient‘ is, is Open voor Discussie.

De Top Economen op de G10 spreken Zelden over Belastingen en Rente Standen, maar Eerder over Andere Wegen, die begaan kunnen worden.
Soms Radicaal Anders na deze Pandemie .

Filosofie gebruiken we in de Betekenis van het Duiden van Onder Liggende Patronen op Basis van Analyse of Ontmantelen van Lege Woorden en Begrippen.

Literatuur komt dan tot Stand, wanneer Werkelijkheid en Poezië elkaar weten te vinden. We houden van Opmerkelijke Filosofen en Literaten, die Voor Uit Denken kunnen en de Poëzie van de Wereld tot hun Recht kunnen laten komen. De Komende G10 in oktobet kijkt bij Voorbeeld naar het Woord Grens en Grenzen. Grenzen hebben een Enorm Negatieve Klank gekregen door dat ze Gebiedend van Karakter zijn. De Samen Leving krijgt Nu ( na de Pandemie) Enorme Kansen Dingen Anders Aan te Pakken en Hier op zijn ook de Sprekers Geselecteerd. De Twee Dagen in de Zuiderkerk hebben Net, zo als ook Vorig Jaar Uit Dagende Sprekers, die Niet Hetzelfde in Andere Verpakking Nog Eens Zeggen. U kunt hier ook een Deel van het Programma volgen Even een Rondje maken en een Glas Wijn Drinken.

Het blijft Spannend, daar zorgen we voor!

Waarom is de G10 Zo Uniek?

In Tijden van steeds Kortere Bericht Geving, In Krimpende Uitgeverijen en Minder Betrouwbare Media, die ook nog Fake Nieuws” verspreiden, aldus Donald Trump, grijpt de G10 terug op Ouderwetse Concepten door Flinke Stevige Sessies te organiseren, waar het Echt om Iets gaat en Niet om Korte Hapjes, die Alle Man S Vriend willen zijn.

Hoe kiezen we de Thema S?

De Organisatie van de G10 heeft natuurlijk Veel Oren en legt die Te Luister. De Thema S worden Zo Gekozen, dat ze de Toekomst Anticiperen op een ‘Poëtische Wijze. Poëtisch in de Betekenis, die Novalis er Ooit aan gaf. Een Poëtiseren van de Werkelijkheid. Dit is Geen Roze Deken, maar ‘Clear Thinking‘ zonder Te Veel Vast Geroeste Opinies als Uitgang S Punt te nemen.


De Laatste Pinguïn van Kyiv | Kiev | Dag (1)

Vrijdag 7 oktober 2022


Talk English speaking
15:00 – 15:05
Welcoming by Boudewijn Richel

Kunst in Tijden van Digitale Reproductie

Talk English Speaking
15:05 – 15:45 hours

Rob Scholte

In Person Appearance

15:45 – 16:00 hours
Rob Scholte

Rob Scholte

To the Dutch Artist Rob Scholte the Ideas of Originality and Authenticity are No More than Illusions. In his Work ‘The King of the Copyright’ as Ralph Keuning, Director of the Museum De Fundatie, once called him, questions General Ideas of Uniqueness, Ownership, Reproduction and Appropriation. Scholte studied at the Academie Minerva in Groningen, the Vrije Academie in Den Haag and at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. His Works have been Part of the Venice Biennale, Documenta 8 and the Biennale of São Paolo. In 2013 Scholte founded his own Museum, The Rob Scholte Museum in Den Helder, where Parts of his Collection are being exhibited.

AI and the Future of Your Mind

Talk English Speaking
16 :00– 16:40 hours

Susan Schneider 

Livestream, Founder of the Center for the Future Mind and NASA AI Specialist

16:40 –  17:00 hours
Susan Schneider Livestream

Susan Schneider

Dr Susan Schneider is an American Academic and Public Philosopher who works with A Broad Range of Topics related to the Nature of the Self and Mind. Her Expertise is in No Way Limited to Philosophy but also includes Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive Science and Astro Biology and her most Recent Topics of Interest include the Mind Body Problem, Super Intelligent AI, the Nature of Life, the Mathematics of Physics and the Nature of the Person.

Dr Schneider recently completed a three-year project with NASA on the Future of Intelligence and she is also the Founding Director of Center for the Future Mind at Florida Atlantic University. She Now works with Congress on AI Policy.

In her Recent Book, ”Artificial You, AI and the Future of the Mind”, she discusses the Philosophical Implications of AI and the Enterprise of ‘Mind Design’. At this Monumental Turning Point in Human History where AI is taking Intelligence in New Directions, Dr Schneider points out that it is still up to us to Carve Out A Sensible Path Forward. Watch the Video Below to hear her go More into Depths on this Topic.

Susan Schneider is Currently Working on A Book on the Shape of Intelligent Systems that will be Published in 2023.


Meeting at the Wine Bar

17:00 – 17:30 hours

Het Tijdperk van de Ik Tiran, het Einde van een Gemeenschappelijke Wereld

Talk English Speaking
17:30 – 18:15 hours

Eric Sadin

In Person Appearance

Eric Sadin

Filosoof Éric Sadin ‘Met de Komst van Social Media werd de Ik Tiran geboren

Op Sociale Media kan Iedereen een Wereld Creëren. waar in zijn Eigen Woorden Centraal staan en Anderen Niet Meer Mee Tellen, zegt de Franse Filosoof Éric Sadin. Hij vindt het Hoog Tijd om de Samen Leving Hier Van te genezen, door Mensen op Alternatieve Wijzen te laten leven.
Klik Hier om het Hele Interview te bekijken

European Citizenship and the Value of Culture

Talk English Speaking
18:15 – 19:00 hours

Simon Strauß

In Person Appearance

Q&A and Great Discussion
19.00 – 20:00

Simon Strauß and Eric Sadin

Simon Strauß

The Identity of Europe

In 2017 the German Author Simon Strauß released his Debut NovelSieben Nächte‘ to Much Critical Acclaim. The German Newspaper Tagesspiegel has Even Hailed him as One of the Greatest Talents of his Generation and he has since released Another Successful Novel that, like his First One, takes the Temperature of our Time.

His Theme is Europe and the Cultural Identity of Europe, and he takes A Critical Look our Modern Day Digitalised Consumer Society and it S Lack of Meaningful Communities. The Events of this Spring of course put Europe in A Different Light. But Talking about Europe should, However, Not Just be about Adopting the Slogans of the Larger Countries and Dismiss the Smaller Countries of Europe as Insignificant.

Simon Strauß speaks in English at the G10.


20:00  –  20:30 hours

Surplus Enjoyment

Talk English Speaking
20:30  –  22:30 hours

Slavoj Žižek

In Person Appearance

21:40  –  23:00 hours
Slavoj Žižek

Slavoj Žižek

Slavoj Žižek Hardly needs an Introduction.

He is regarded as One of the Greatest Thinkers of our Time, although he would Certainly Not say so himself. There are Many Different Ways to describe him, and he is being Called Both AMarxist’ and a ‘Rock Star Philosopher’, Often in the Same Sentence.

What makes Žižek So Interesting is that he knows How to Trace the Values ​​of the Present Time such as ‘Woke‘ and ‘PopulismBack to their Roots to show the Values ​​they conceal. Reality is not Very Real for Žižek, it is Just A Construction consisting of Symbols, which can only be Regarded as Relatively Real.

When Žižek talks about the Many Political Crisis of our Time he does Not Just Repeat what Others have Already Pointed Out but instead he gives an Original Interpretation of the World that becomes Visible when you look Past the Clichés.

These Thoughts and Insights put him in the Forefront of Many of our Time S Debates, whether it is about Identity, Sex, Popular Culture, Power or War. His Most Recent Book is “Hegel in A Wired Brain” and to understand Žižek S Vision is to understand A Piece of A Possible Future, Whether or Not that Future is One we would want to be A Part of.

Meeting at the Wine Bar

23:00 – 23:30 hours


De Laatste Pinguïn van Kyiv | Kiev | Dag (2)

Helden en Waarheid

Zaterdag 8 oktober 2022

Being A Human: Is ‘CivilizationNecessary for Human Freedom?

Talk English Speaking

16:00 – 16:45 hours

Charles Foster

In Person Appearance

16:45 – 17:00 hours
Charles Foster

Charles Foster

The World according to Noam Chomsky

Talk English Speaking

17:00 – 17:25 hours
Noam Chomsky


Noam Chomsky

On Power and Ideology | The New School

Noam Chomsky is Hard to Sum Up. Not Only has he been Professor in Linguistics for Almost 70 Years, but he has also been Active within Numerous Other Fields such as Philosophy, Cognitive Science, History, Social Criticism and Political Activism for Almost as Long.

Noam Chomsky is Sometimes credited as the “The Father of Modern Linguistics” because of the Way his Early Work revolutionised the Field by Treating Language as A Uniquely Human Capacity and he is Considered One of the Founders of the Field of Cognitive Science. He is One of the Most Cited Scholars Alive and has Published More than 100 Books across Various Disciplines.

Weaving between the World of Academia and Popular Culture, Chomsky has also Gained A Reputation for his Often Radical Political Views, which he himself describes ALibertarian Socialist’. He is A Leading Critic of US Foreign PolicyNeo Liberalism, Contemporary State Capitalism and Mainstream News Media and Chomsky S Ideas are Highly Influential in the Anti Capitalist and Anti Imperialist Movements.

Feico Deutekom speelt Philip Glass, Ryuichi Sakamoto and Hania Rani

17:30 – 17:55 hours
Feico Deutekom

Feico Deutekom

Feico Deutekom is A Dutch Pianist, Singer and Arranger. He is Specialized in the Work of Contempory Composers such as Philip Glass, Ryuichi Sakamoto and David Lang. Early on in his Life Introduced to Music by his Father, A Jazz Musician, Feico studied the Works of Classical Composers before Turning More towards Minimal Music and Neo Classical Music.

Co Founder of the Attacca Ensemble, Feico has Toured Together with Harpist Lavinia Meijer All Major Stages in The Netherlands.


18:00 – 18:20 hours

Freedom, A Country at the End of History

Talk English Speaking
18:20 – 19:05 hours

Lea Ypi

Livestream, Professor in Political Theory in London School of Economics, Expertise in Marxism & Critical Theory.

16:40 – 17:00 hours
Lea Ypi

Lea Ypi

Lea Ypi is an Albanian Author and Academic and Currently A Professor of Political Theory at London School of Economics.

Ypi grew up in One of the Last Stalinist Outposts of Europe, Albania. An Isolated Country where Communist Ideals had Officially Replaced Religion and A Place that was Almost Impossible to Either Visit or Leave. But to Lea Ypi it was Still Home and her Upbringing under Communism until it S Fall in 1991 turned her into A Relentless Questioner of what it means to be Really Free. In October 2021 she Published the BookFree”, A Memoir of the End of Communism in the Balkans, where she traces the Limits of Progress, the Burden of the Past as well and the Space between Ideals and Reality.

“Free” was chosen as A Book of the Year by The Guardian, Financial Times and Numerous Other Newspapers.

On Absolute and Relative Truth

Talk English Speaking
19:25 – 20:10 hours

Richard Baker Rosh
i & Nicole Baden

In Person Appearance

20:10 – 20:25 hours
Richard Baker Roshi & Nicole Baden

In Person Appearance

Richard Baker Roshi & Nicole Baden

Richard Baker Roshi is A World Famous Zen Master with A Stylish Character.
He was Already Active in the Sixties and Seventies in San Francisco During and After the Beat Generation.
He was Befriended with Alan Watts he Beatport.
He was the founder of the Great Zen Center in San Francisco and the Restaurant Chain, Greens, which was an Instant Success.
Baker Roshi combined A Quality as an Organizer and Zen Master in One Person Which is and was Rare.
Some Conflicts arose from that Mind Set, but If there is Anybody Alive who combines All these Qualities and can turn them into A Discourse of Tremendous Depth, it is Richard Baker Roshi.

Zen Teacher Richard Baker was born in Maine in 1936. He studied Architecture and History at Harvard College and in 1960 left the East Coast for San Francisco. A Year Later he began studying Zen with Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. In 1962, Suzuki Roshi established San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC), the First Residential Zen Center in The West. In 1966, SFZC expanded to Include the Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, where Zen Practice adhered to the Traditional Modes of A Japanese Soto Monastery. Shortly before his Death in November 1971, Suzuki Roshi installed Richard Baker as the Abbot of the Extended Community. Over the Next Twelve Years, Baker Roshi S Work included the Founding of the Green Gulch Zen Practice Community in Marin County, the Tassajara Bread Bakery, and the Greens Restaurant. In 1983, under Pressure from Senior Members of the Community, and amid Accusations and Subsequent Denials of Sexual and Financial Misconduct, Baker Roshi Resigned from his Position as Abbot. The Rift between Baker Roshi and SFZC remained Bitter for Many Years and still lacks Resolution.

After leaving San Francisco, Baker Roshi started the Dharma Sangha, with Centers in Germany, Austria, and Crestone, Colorado. For the Past Six Years, Baker Roshi and his Companion, Ulrike Greenway, have divided their Time between the United States and Europe. His Forthcoming Book, Original Mind: The Practice of Zen in The West, will be Published by Riverhead Books, Putnam.

Sugata Compare these Words with the Commentary in Block 9 of Tim Parks The Spread Mind

Baker Roshi First, just because Buddhism is called A Religion and Christianity is called A religion, and So Forth, One cannot assume that they occupy the Same Territory in A Culture. For Example, Buddhism offers No Contradiction to Science, it has No Problem with Science at All, so the Deep and Fundamental Split between Science and the Humanities that we ve known in The West simply doesn T exist with Buddhism.

You mean the Fear that Science would Displace God, or Jeopardize the Construction of who we think God is?

Baker Roshi Yes, that Just doesn T exist in Buddhism. Also, going Back to India before Buddhism, the Basic Conceptual Position that Buddhism grew Out of is that the Exterior World and the Interior World are the Same, share the Same Reality or Actuality. Whatever Reality is, that S What we are. We don T Live in the World as in A House. The House is Us, and the House is in Us. Nowadays, Contemporary Physicists are asking A Similar Question: If this is the Way Physics describes the World, then How should This affect my Life? And Buddhists are saying, If this is the Way the World is, then This must be the Way we are too. So that S Why it overlaps with Science. So Many of these Processes of Studying Ourselves and Others are drawing on Buddhism because it offers the Most Developed Technique of Studying Consciousness especially our Own.


20:25 – 21:00 hours

Surplus Enjoyment: Do we still have Masters, or are there Just Servants serving Other Servants?

21:00 – 22:00 hours

Slavoj Žižek

In Person Appearance


22:00 – 23:00 hours
Slavoj Žižek

Slavoj Žižek

Slavoj Žižek Hardly needs an Introduction.

He is regarded as One of the Greatest Thinkers of our Time, although he would Certainly Not say so himself. There are Many Different Ways to describe him, and he is being Called Both AMarxist’ and a ‘Rock Star Philosopher’, Often in the Same Sentence.

What makes Žižek So Interesting is that he knows How to Trace the Values ​​of the Present Time such as ‘Woke‘ and ‘PopulismBack to their Roots to show the Values ​​they conceal. Reality is not Very Real for Žižek, it is Just A Construction consisting of Symbols, which can only be Regarded as Relatively Real.

When Žižek talks about the Many Political Crisis of our Time he does Not Just Repeat what Others have Already Pointed Out but instead he gives an Original Interpretation of the World that becomes Visible when you look Past the Clichés.

These Thoughts and Insights put him in the Forefront of Many of our Time S Debates, whether it is about Identity, Sex, Popular Culture, Power or War. His Most Recent Book is “Hegel in A Wired Brain” and to understand Žižek S Vision is to understand A Piece of A Possible Future, Whether or Not that Future is One we would want to be A Part of.

Meeting at the Wine Bar

23:00 – 23:30 hours

De Laatste Pinguïn van Kyiv | Kiev | Dag (3)

Can we Fix History?

Vrijdag 14 oktober 2022

Follow the Money

Special Program

De Ontrafeling van ons Geld Stelsel

19:00-19:45 hours

Martijn van der Linden, Thomas Bollen & Carlijn Kingma

On Person Appearance

19:45 – 20:00 hours
Martijn van der Linden, Thomas Bollen & Carlijn Kingma

In Person Appearance

Martijn van der Linden, Thomas Bollen & Carlijn Kingma

Vergelijk je Geld met Water, dan is ons Geld Stelsel het Irrigatie Systeem, dat de Economie bevloeit. Hoe Beter de Door Stroming, hoe Wel Varender de Samen Leving, want zo als Water Gewassen doet Op Bloeien, zo brengt Geld de Economie in Beweging. Al Thans, dat is het Idee. In Werkelijkheid staan Grote Delen van de Samen Leving Droog, terwijl het Geld bij een Kleine Groep Mensen tegen de Plinten klotst. Het Geld Stelsel wordt boven dien Permanent Gestut met Publiek Geld. De Houdbaarheid van het Huidige Stelsel lijkt zijn Einde te naderen.

Momenteel wordt er Vol Op Gewerkt aan het Digitale Geld Stelsel van de Toekomst. De Centrale Bank van Europa, de Europese Centrale Bank (ECB), voert tot juli 2023 bij Voorbeeld Experimenten uit met een Digitale Euro. Digitale Technologie biedt Mogelijkheden voor een Recht Vaardiger Stelsel, maar kan onze Democratische Verworvenheden ook bedreigen. Wat gebeurt er met Contant Geld? Kunnen we Straks Nog Anoniem Betalen? De Keuzes, die Binnen Kort worden gemaakt, hebben Grote Gevolgen voor de Samen Leving.

Om het Complexe Geld Stelsel Toegankelijk te maken en Inzicht te geven in de Mogelijkheden voor Verbetering werkten Thomas Bollen en Martijn Jeroen van der Linden, de Vaste Auteurs van Follow the Money over Geld Zaken, de Af Gelopen Ander Half Jaar Samen met Cartograaf Carlijn Kingma. Ze hebben het Geld Stelsel in Kaart gebracht aan de Hand van de MetafoorGeld als Water’ en verkennen Alternatieven voor een Recht Vaardiger Stelsel. Tijdens deze Lezing zullen Thomas en Martijn reflecteren op de Veranderende Aard van Geld en de Kansen en Bedreigingen van Digitale Technologie.

Follow the Money boerde Goed tijdens de Corona Ctisis (foto Twitter)



20:00-20:25 hours

Yanis Varoufakis speaks on his New Book Another Now

20:30 – 21:15 hours

Yanis Varoufakis

In Person Appearance

Great Discussion
21:15 – 22:00 hours

Marcia Luyten & Yanis Varoufakis
Moderated by Marcia Luyten

with the Public

22:00 – 23:00 hours
Moderated by Munda de la Marre

Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis is One of the World S Most Recognisable Critics of the Neo Liberal World Order. He is also A World Famous Economist and as Greece S Finance Minister in 2015, he is Known as the Public Face that led the Negotiations with the European Union during the European Debt Crisis.

Varoufakis has written Several Books including A MemoirAdults In The Room” about the Catastrophic Mishandling of Europe since the Financial Crisis, an Accessible and Original Explanation of CapitalismTalking to My Daughter About the Economy” and Most Recently A Speculative Work of FictionAnother Now” where he presents his Radical and Subversive Version of the Good Society, an Alternative to Capitalism.

In 2016 Varoufakis Co Founded an International Grassroots MovementDemocracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25), Campaigning for the Revival of Democracy in Europe.

In the Video Below he gives A Talk about Economics and Markets without Capitalism.

Meeting at the Wine Bar

23:00 – 23:30 hours


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