Front Nieuws | The People’s Voice – EU approves Bill Gates’ ‘Digital ID’ that Excludes Non Compliant Citizens from Participating in Society

EU approves Bill Gates’ ‘Digital ID‘ that Excludes Non Compliant Citizens from Participating in Society

In Preparation for the New System, Greece Last Week Became the first EU Member State to Start Rolling out Digital Identity Cards for Citizens. EU approves Bill Gates’ ‘Digital ID‘ that Excludes Non Compliant People from Participating in Society, reports The People’s Voice.

Globalist Billionaire Bill Gates is Demanding World Governments Follow the Example of the European Union and India and Adopt his “Global Digital ID.” This System has Built In Features Designed to Exclude People from Participating in Society if They Do Not Conform to the Globalist Agenda.

The European Union’s Parliament Officially Approved the “European Digital Identity Wallet” on Friday, laying the Foundation for A Chinese Social Credit like System that Punishes People Who don’t Want to Comply with the “Global Digital IDSystem by Locking them Out of the Society.

In Preparation for the New System, Greece Last Week Became the First EU Member State to Roll Out Digital Identity Cards to its Citizens.

The Global Elite have Always Denied that They have Any Plans for Digital ID, Describing Anyone Who Dared to Expose their Plans as “Conspiracy Theorists” Who should Be Muzzled on Social Media and in Some Cases Thrown in Jail.

But Now their Mask is Off and the Globalists are Making their Move.

Everything indicates that A Ruthless, Violent and Administrative Suppression of Popular Unrest is Being Considered.

Digital Identity Technology, to Be Called eID‘s, will give Europe’s Political Elite the Power to Freeze People’s Bank Accounts, Preventing them from Buying Plane Tickets, Groceries and Basic Necessities, and Participating in Society in A Meaningful Way.

The Digital Identity is not just A Passport that you have on your iPhone in the Form of A Digital Passport. It Covers Just about Everything the Government wants to Know about You,” said Eva Vlaadingerbroek.

The Disadvantage is, and I hope People will Realize This, that the Government can Shut You Down. If You Want to Buy A Hamburger, Red Screen, Not for You. That Flight, Not for You.”

They are Very Open and Honest about What their Goal is Here,” Vlaadingerbroek continues. “We should Take their Word Very Seriously and Say No, We should Eliminate these Communists Immediately, we should Say Get the Hell Out of my Private Life, I don’t Want You Keeping Track of What I Eat and Where I Go.

The Global Elite is Determined to Take Authoritarianism to A Whole New Level, Far Surpassing Anything Attempted in Mao Zedung’s China or Joseph Stalin’s Russia.

Ominously, in September the WEF Issued A Series of Articles Urging Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Enforcement.

The WEF Promises that the New “Cashless Societies” and Digital ID’s will Be Welcomed by the Public for their “Zero Knowledge Technology.”

They Really Think We’re Stupid and that They can Get Away with their Crimes against Humanity.

WEF Orders Governments to Arrest Citizens Who Read ‘Fake News‘ Online.

2024 translation  by Front Nieuws. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and A direct link are given.

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Front Nieuws, maart 3, 2024



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March 3, 2024 At 08:55
Without A wireless operating system, I will soon no longer be able to shop.
I‘m definitely not going to carry such A burden, I do have an axe.

Conan the barbarian
Conan the Barbarian
March 3, 2024 at 6:41 PM
It ONLY works with people possessing A smart phone ()
Throw it in the garbage bin!!!

Theme March
March 3, 2024 at 08:59
I called ABNAmro last week because they are going to abolish the eDentifier. The eDentifier is the Code Box to log in and make payments. Everything will have to be done via the QR. To which I say that I don’t have a Smart Phone () to which ABNAmro says, ‘You will have to buy one and they are not that expensive anymore, sir‘.
One step closer () the time to refuse is coming. It will involve making sacrifices, surviving and suffering, but everyone, including the ‘Woke‘ ones, will move along like A jackknife because they are completely checkmated with mortgages and debts, addictions and consumption patterns.
It’s coming this year, the beginning () they are going to try to finally subjugate us. All prime ministers are now ‘Rogue‘ and are introducing one law after another without the correct procedures to reach the finish line of their NWO. It’s crazy what’s happening right now and how politicians and media can openly behave.
On to the Thermidorian Reaction!!!

March 3, 2024 at 12:40
When electricity and internet are sabotaged and everything goes black, I see all those sweethearts with their QR Codes swooning in panic

March 3, 2024 At 09:00
Please Russia throw A bomb on Brussels and Davos, please

March 3, 2024 at 09:31
Signed. The Black Brotherhood.

The stranger
The stranger
March 3, 2024 at 09:37
Dear Putin,
Angry Please Russia throw A bomb on Brussels and Davos, please
Also my wish for humanity!

Raphael Vangestel
Raphael Vangestel
March 3, 2024 at 10:05
Refuse () refuse everything from the government () and block the supermarkets () don’t pay electricity together () but all together () we are in A War that we can win in 2 weeks () and everyone and everywhere just discuss our Uprising with each other on the street () or it’s over and out () no tram or bus, not one newspaper or magazine ()or walking into A supermarket with hundreds at A time () just a quiet walk and of course take something with you, orderly and everywhere on one and the same day () who oh who is going to take us can do anything(…) IT’S WAR ()

Jean Marie
March 3, 2024 at 10:52
Would be nice. Occupy was something like that, but many people did not participate. For the most part, people are too STUPID to realize that they are in a safety net. Frogs in boiling water that like it ()and won’t jump out.

March 3, 2024 at 12:21
Hahaha, in Greece?
That’s never going to work there.

March 3, 2024 at 3:41 PM
That’s why they start there. If it works there, it works everywhere.

March 3, 2024 at 3:29 PM
Yesterday in the AD 2 – 3 pages about Maxima’s tour in Colombia. So proud that the percentage of people in those countries now also have A bank account has increased! The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also contributed. Well, now you know what’s going on.
So the number of people to be monitored financially has also increased considerably there. Poor people who have been fooled by the sweet talk. Are microcredits good? Ammehoela or something like that.
To separate matters from the UN and from The Netherlands, an ambassador also traveled with us to “Take Care of Dutch Affairs, because that was not Maxima’s job.”

March 3, 2024 at 3:43 PM
She was a bit stupid.

March 3, 2024 at 4:21 PM
🙂 🙂 Bit? Everything, including the wedding, was heavily planned to seriously destroy us, but also the world over (…), stuttered A Bit, I mean.

Ron Black
Ron Black
March 3, 2024 at 5:42 PM
On 27.02, A memorial service for the Greek King Constantine II (1940), who died in January 2023, took place in the St George’s Chapel in Windsor castle. Constantine, who was raised Greek Orthodox, was King for three years (1964 – 1967) and made an extremely poor impression as an Authoritarian Monarch. His political antennae were anything but developed and important proof of this is the appointment of Boef Bernhard van Lippe as A political advisor after the Coup in 1967 by Colonel Papadopoulos during A NATO exercise in the Mediterranean.
After the service, which Prince William ‘Wills‘ canceled at the last minute, the hundreds of guests had the opportunity to attend A reception at the Palace organized by Camilla Parker Bowles.

Flying Dutchman
Flying Dutchman
March 3, 2024 at 4:38 PM
The man is genius 🥱

Icksy Nixx
Icksy Nixx
March 3, 2024 at 4:41 PM
Bill Gates is now A demented old man.Pretty much of the same caliber as “Sleepy Joe”.
That the forced introduction of A Digital Identity would have been initiated by Bill Gates?
I don’t believe A word of that.
Bill Gates merely acts as the label that “Others,” you know, have stuck on it.
As A result, those who disagree with Digital ID can blame Bill Gates.
Nice diversionary maneuver.
State Secretary Van Huffelen of D66, you know, the one with the gnome face, can tell you more about it.

March 3, 2024 at 6:42 PM
I just signed or voted for the EU, so in favor. Me an organization. Who work outside their rules.

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