Front Nieuws | John Helmer – Mark Rutte, the Dutch Warmonger, Sinks into the Hungarian Goulash + Vzglyad | Yevgeny Krutikov – How does Russia Influence the Election of the New Head of NATO?

Mark Rutte, the Dutch Warmonger, Sinks into the Hungarian Goulash

The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte was the First Leader of A NATO State to Try to Send his Soldiers onto the Ukrainian Battlefield to Fight Directly against Russian Forces. That was in July 2014, in the Aftermath of the Ukraine Shooting Down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. Rutte’s Plan Failed after It was Vetoed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. she urged More Time to Prepare NATO Forces in Ukraine for the Fight against Russia. Now that This is the Case, Rutte is the American Candidate to Become the New Secretary General of NATO, writes John Helmer .

However, for the First Time, his Appointment is Being Blocked by A NATO Member, Hungary, which has Proposed an Alternative Candidate, the Ethnic German Klaus Iohannis, who is President of Romania. Because NATO Rules require Unanimity on the Secretary General, the Hungarian Objection puts Rutte’s Appointment in the Soup, make that Goulash.

Rutte’s Plan to Deploy up to 9.000 Troops in the Donbass was Devised in the Summer of 2014 with Two Other Dutchmen, David Petraeus, Who is Also an American National, General in the US Army and Former Director of the CIA, and Sandra Roelofs, A Dutch National Who had Georgian Nationality because she was Married to Mikheil Saakashvili, the Former President of Georgia. Their Cover was that NATO’s Military Intervention Force was needed to Recover the Black Boxes of the Crashed MH17 Plane and the Bodies of the Passengers, Most of Whom were Dutch. Read More about that Story Here.


Every Attempt by Rutte to Go to War with Russia has Ended in the Exposure of his Personal Lies, the Collapse of the Netherlands Based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW); and the Loss of Almost EUR 30 Billion in Bi Lateral Trade, Oil and Oil Products from Russia, Dutch Pharmaceutical Products, Medical Technology, Financial Services, Cut Flowers, Seeds and Plants. None of these Losses have had Any Material or Political Impact on the Domestic Dutch Support Base or the Dutch Media, Who have Accepted the State’s Propaganda Line, and in the Case of the Dutch Media Owner, Derk Sauer , the Money to Keep Repeating it .


Read the Full Rutte Archive Here.

The Book that documents the Cooperation of Rutte and his Officials in Concocting the Story about Russia’s Guilt in the MH17 Crash, Concealing the Role of Kyiv President Petro Poroshenko and Manipulating the Evidence during the Show Trial in Court in The Hague, can Be Read Here.

Rutte was Defeated in the House of Representatives Elections Last November and has Been Replaced as Prime Minister by A Coalition of Parties Led by Geert Wilders, Who this Week Agreed to Hendrikus,”Dick“, Schoof as Prime Minister. Schoof is A Dutch Deep Stater and Professional Liar Who was Promoted to the Dutch Equivalent of the FBI, and Then to the Top Position of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, following the MH17 Affair.

Left ,Dick Schoof, Liar in the Making to Become Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Right, the Truth of the Matter (foto Front Nieuws)

According to an experienced Dutch Political Analyst, “Dick Schoof’s Nomination is A Terrible Fact. He is the Head of the Secret Services Responsible for NATO Agitprop over MH17, over OPCW, over the So Called COVID Protection Measures. He was Also Responsible for Protecting Geert Wilders [against Islamic Attacks]. In A Sense, Wilders was his Prisoner, Schoof was the Jailer Who held the Keys to Wilders’ Physical Survival. Schoof has Also Protected Rutte from Personal Scandals. He is the J Edgar Hoover Type of Secret Police.”

Russia’s Response to Rutte’s Nomination for the NATO Post was Muted until the Hungarian Government Announced It was Forgoing NATO Operations, Financial Support and Arms Supplies to the Ukraine War, and that It will Not Accept Rutte at NATO. “We Certainly can Not Support the Election of Someone as NATO Secretary General Who Previously wanted to Bring Hungary to Its Knees,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó said A Few Weeks Ago.

In this Week’s Report from Vzglyad, Moscow’s Semi Official Security Analysis Platform, Russian Interest in the Disarray at NATO Headquarters is Analyzed by Yevgeny Krutikov, Who has Long had Ties to Russian Military intelligence and the General Staff.

Moreover, in the Western and Russian Reporting on Rutte’s Battle for the NATO Job, Not A Word is Mentioned about the British Candidate for the NATO Job, Sir Mark Sedwill, Creator and Director of the Novichok Operation against the Skripals in March 2018, or the Ukrainian Who is Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, Chrystia Freeland. Both have Been Mentioned in their CountriesPress as Candidates for NATO Secretary General. However, Both have Failed to Make the Decision in Washington.

This Means Russian History for Sedwill, and the Same for Freeland When Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party Government Loses Power in the Next election. Follow Sedwill’s Story Here.

Krutikov’s Piece appeared in Vzglyad on May 28. The Text has Been Translated Literally without Editing, Images, URL Links and Captions are included for Illustration and Reference.


How does Russia Influence the Election of the New Head of NATO?

For the First Time in History, A Large Coalition of States has formed in NATO to Oppose the Candidate for the Position of Head of the Organization Nominated by the United States of America. Which Countries are We Talking About, Why are They against the American Candidacy and How has Russia Already Been SAble to Influence this Competition?

NATO’s Current Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, has Already Served his Term, but his Term was Arbitrarily Extended because the Alliance could Not Agree on A New Candidate in 2022 – 2023. But this Autumn the Norwegian has to Say Goodbye to the Position of Secretary General and There is Still No Clarity about the New Candidate. In Fact, There is Still an Impasse.

Notably, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has Said that Hungary will Block Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s Candidacy for the Post of NATO Secretary General. The Hungarians have an Alternative Candidate, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.

From left to right, Mark Rutte, Klaus Iohannis

Meanwhile, the Most Important Player in NATO, the United States, is Clinging to the Dutchman’s Candidacy. “The United States has Made Clear to Allies that We Believe Rutte would Make an Excellent Secretary General,” The White House National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby said. Earlier, the Media Reported that Rutte’s Candidacy would Be Supported by the Alliance’s Main Major Countries, Britain, Germany and France.

But NATO’s Secretary General must Be Approved by the Full Consensus of All Members. This Means that Hungary and the Alliance It has Put Together may Not Completely Block Rutte’s Candidacy, but They will Greatly Complicate It. And Rutte is Extremely Aggressive towards Russia and Fully Supports the Transfer of Western Weapons to Ukraine. It was the Rutte Government that Led this Process and Even Surpassed Germany and the United States in Transferring Weapons. Most Likely, this Position of the Dutch Prime Minister is the Decisive Factor on which Washington’s Support for his Candidacy is Based.

It may Even Appear that Hungary is Unknowingly Helping Russia by Blocking the Candidacy of an Extremely Russophobic Candidate for Secretary General of NATO. However, the Circumstances Go Deeper than That.

Over the Past Twenty Years, the Appointment of the Secretary General of NATO has Turned into Something Akin to the Election of the Holy Roman Emperor in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Many Candidates with their Supporters coming from Small Principalities, Bribes, Intrigues, and Ultimate Victory for A Representative of A Great Dynasty such as the Habsburgs. The Role of the Habsburgs is Now Played by the United States, Which Successfully Imposed its Candidates on the European Allies after the Departure of Javier Solana [Spain] in 2009. As A Rule, These were the Representatives of the “Northern Peoples”, the Scandinavians and the Dutch.

The Last Dutch Person to Serve as Secretary General of NATO was Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, A Dutch Bureaucrat from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who was Promoted to NATO between 2004 and 2009.

But in Recent Years, A Very Unexpected Competition has Emerged in Which Self Nominees Emerged and Began to Form Coalitions from Mainly Eastern European Countries, Positioning Themselves in Different Configurations.

In Addition to the Purely Regional Confrontation between the Three Stable Clans, the United States, the “OldNATO Countries and the “New”, New Vectors of Competition have Emerged. First of All, There is So Called Gender Tolerance, or Whatever You Want to Call It. On that Basis, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has Put Herself Forward. Besides her, Other Women have Applied for the Post, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and even Ursula von der Leyen.

For the Highly Ambitious Kallas, As for Many Similar Figures from the Baltic States and Eastern Europe, the Pan European Structures represent A New Career Step. At Some Point Estonia Proved Too Small for her, and So Kallas has Essentially Become A Self Nominee for Promotion, Using Just Two of the Biggest New Factors of Modern Western Politics, her Gender and Russophobia.

The Attitude towards Ukraine and its Relations within NATO is Of Course More Important than Gender Tolerance. But Callas has Exaggerated that Considerably. She was So Absorbed in her Hatred of Russia that she can No Longer Meet the Diplomatic Criterion of Negotiating Skills.

Roughly Speaking, the Position of Secretary General, like Other Key Positions in the European Bureaucracy, should include Someone with Whom Moscow is Still Willing to Negotiate if the Situation changes. As A Result, Kallas has Put herself on the Wanted List of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation can No Longer Negotiate with her. So Kallas has lost her Chance to Apply for Some of the Juicier Plums of European Bureaucracy.

February 13, 2024, Source

Thus, Surprisingly, Russian Investigators have Intervened in the Behind the Scenes Battle for the Post of NATO Secretary General. It’s Not A Fact that This Works for All Candidates, but It Worked for Kallas. But Now she is Offended by “Old” Europe for Not Appreciating her Russophobia.

At the Same Time, there is No Evidence that Kallas has Put Together Any Kind of Support Group, Even among her Own Neighbors in the Baltics. Normally these Three [Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania] Work Together, but Now Both Latvia and Lithuania have Their Own Candidates for Positions in the European Bureaucracy and There is No Coordination.

But the Hungarians have Managed to Put Together A Small Group, Starting with their Historic Neighbors and Even Opponents, the Romanians. [Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Szijjarto are Now Lobbying Romanian President Klaus Iohannis for the Position of NATO Secretary General. The Idea of ​​Budapest is Precisely that the Representative of Eastern Europe has Never Been Secretary General of NATO.

At the Same Time, Budapest would Not Like to See, for Example, A Pole or A Czech in this Position, because they would Easily Become Instruments of American Policy or of the “Old” Europe. Among Other Things, Iohannis seems to Be A Suitable Figure for Germany. in Terms of Nationality he is Not Romanian, but A Transylvanian Saxon, German, with German as his Mother Tongue and Studied in Germany . In Theory, in Addition to the Hungarian Romanian Alliance, Bulgaria and Slovakia should Support Iohannis’ Candidacy.

In Addition, the Hungarians have Personal Grievances against Rutte. Szijjarto Often Repeats that Rutte had Previously Threatened to Bring Hungary “To Its Knees. It is Very Difficult to Imagine that Someone Who Formulates and Defends Such A Position would be Elected Head of an Organization where One Hundred Percent Trust is Fundamental () And if Anyone Still Believes that Hungary should Be Brought to Its Knees, it is Difficult for Us to Trust Such A Person,” Szijjarto Said at A Press Conference in the Romanian City of Targu Mureş.


The Charges against Stoltenberg in Budapest are Different. The Hungarians Call the Outgoing Secretary General of NATO Ineffective because he has Not Been Able to Force the Countries of the “Old” Europe to Increase Military Spending to 4% – 6% of GDP.

This is Therefore the First Time in NATO History that A Stable Coalition has Emerged against A Proposed American Candidate for the Position of Secretary General.

There have Been Many Intrigues before, but They Remained within the Context of the Candidates‘ Personal Career Stories, in Fact, it was Not Always the Case that the Candidates were Eager to Accept the Post. The Same Stoltenberg has Been Trying to Leave his Seat for A Long Time.

Of Course, Hungary has No Intention of Promoting Russia’s Interests in this Way. But the Situation has Developed in such A Way that the Battle for the Position of NATO Secretary General has Suddenly Become Embedded in the Pan European Context. As A Result, Situational Alliances within Europe and NATO could Also Influence Moscow’s Relations with Brussels. Moscow has, Albeit Indirectly, Influence on the Competition within NATO, even if the Warring Parties Themselves did Not intend It That Way.

2024 Translation  by Front Nieuws. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a direct link are given.

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