Eric Zuesse – Biden’s Plans to Start WWIII Either in Ukraine or in Taiwan

Biden’s Plans to Start WWIII Either in Ukraine or in Taiwan

US President Joe Biden’s Interview with TIME Magazine, Published on June 4th, is Informative about US President Joe Biden’s Plans to Provoke both Russia and China into WWIII, Using the war in Ukraine as the Excuse for an American Invasion of Russia, and Using as an Excuse to Invade China A Declaration of Independence from China’s Government by Taiwan’s Government, for Which the US has Long been Propagandizing within Taiwan, and has Even Been Donating to Taiwan’s Government US Weapons, in Order to Encourage It to Declare Its Independence from China and So to Become Invaded by China so that the US and it Allies can Cry Out against ‘China’s Aggression’ and Then Invade China to Punish It for that ‘Aggression’, but What would That ‘Aggression’ by China Be ‘Aggression’ Against? Would it be ‘Aggression’ against A Separatist Province of China, Which America has Been Arming in Order that Taiwan Declare its Independence? As We shall See Here, the US Government Itself has an Official Policy that “The United States Acknowledges that All Chinese on Either Side of the Taiwan Strait Maintain There is But One China and that Taiwan is A Part of China.” That Policy Even has A Name The One China Policy. So, America’s Official Policy is that Taiwan is A Province of China.

The TIME Article pretends to Include ‘Fact Checks’ of Biden’s Allegations, but the Most Important of those Checks are Based upon Dubious Sources, Such as the Following Important Statement from Biden, Which Expresses Biden’s View that Defeating Russia in Ukraine is A Realistic Primary Objective of his Presidency,

The Russian Military has Been Decimated. You don’t Write about That. It’s been Freaking Decimated. [TIME’S FACT CHECKThe Fact, This is A Fair Assessment, according to A Reuters Report ,12 December 2023, on A Declassified US Intelligence Assessment Provided to Congress [but Never Made public, So, What does ‘Declassified’ Even mean Here, Regarding A Report Which Might Not Even Exist, or Else Be from Untrustworthy Sources?]. The Intelligence [What Intelligence?] Determined that Russia had 360.000 Active Military Personnel when It Invaded Ukraine in February of 2022. By December of Last Year, 315.000 Russian Troops had Been Either Killed or Injured in the War, A Reduction in Troop Strength by 87%.

Then, TIME observes that Biden “[Pulls out Copy of Speech Putin delivered on February 21, 2022]() You Probably Haven’t Read It. Most People Haven’t Read It. He [Putin] Says This is Part of Re Establishing the Soviet Union. [NOFACT CHECK’ There, but Putin Never said That.] That’s What This is All About.

That Speech by Putin wasn’t Aiming to Explain the Invasion of Ukraine that Began Three Days Later, he wasn’t So Stupid as to Be Referring to an Invasion before It Happened, but Biden’s Statement Published on 4 June 2024 Pretends Otherwise. Putin’s Actual Speech to his Nation Explaining Why he had Decided to Invade Ukraine Occurred on 24 February 2022. It, Too, was Very Long and Winding, and Wasted Much Time Detailing History that wasn’t Directly Relevant to the Urgent National Security Concerns Which Made this Invasion Necessary, and Putin Said,

It is A Fact that over the Past 30 Years We have Been Patiently Trying to Come to an Agreement with the Leading NATO Countries Regarding the Principles of Equal and Indivisible Security in Europe. In Response to our Proposals, We Invariably Faced Either Cynical Deception and Lies or Attempts at Pressure and Blackmail, while the North Atlantic Alliance Continued to Expand Despite Our Protests and Concerns. Its Military Machine is Moving and, as I Said, is Approaching Our Very Border. ()

In December 2021,We made Yet Another Attempt to Reach Agreement with the United States and its Allies on the Principles of European Security and NATO’s Non Expansion. Our Efforts were In Vain. The United States has Not Changed Its Position. It does Not Believe It Necessary to Agree with Russia on A Matter that is Critical for Us. The United States is Pursuing Its Own Objectives, While Neglecting Our Interests. ()

We can See that the Forces that Staged the Coup in Ukraine in 2014 have Seized Power, are Keeping It with the Help of Ornamental Election Procedures and have Abandoned the Path of A Peaceful Conflict Settlement. For Eight Years, for Eight Endless Years We have Been doing Everything Possible to Settle the Situation by Peaceful Political Means. Everything was In Vain. ()

I have Already Said that Russia Accepted the New Geo Political Reality after the Dissolution of the USSR. We have Been Treating All New Post Soviet States with Respect and will Continue to Act this Way. We Respect and will Respect their Sovereignty, as Proven by the Assistance We Provided to Kazakhstan when It Faced Tragic Events and A Challenge in Terms of Its Statehood and Integrity. However, Russia can Not Feel Safe, Develop, and Exist While Facing A Permanent Threat from the Territory of Today’s Ukraine. ()

They did Not Leave Us Any Other Option for Defending Russia and Our People, Other than the One We are Forced to Use Today. In These Circumstances, We have to Take Bold and Immediate Action. ()

Nowhere in the Speech did Putin Amplify upon the Little in the Speech Which was Directly Relevant and Which Therefore Ought to Have Been Expanded Upon, Such as Putin’s Statement that “Russia can Not Feel Safe, Develop, and Exist While Facing A Permanent Threat from the Territory of Today’s Ukraine.” What’s So Special about Ukraine, for Russia? The Answer is Simple, It is the Only Country Whose Border Reaches Only about 300 Miles Away from The Kremlin, Which the US Government Aims to Obliterate by Positioning A Missile There, to Blitz Decapitate Russia’s Central Command. Putin Never So Much as Explains that Concern. And Here’s More,

Its Military Machine is Moving and, as I said, is Approaching Our Very Border. ()

In December 2021,We made Yet Another Attempt to Reach Agreement with the United States and its Allies on the Principles of European Security and NATO’s Non Expansion. Our Efforts were In Vain. The United States has Not Changed Its Position. It does Not Believe It Necessary to Agree with Russia on A Matter that is Critical for Us. The United States is Pursuing Its Own Objectives, While Neglecting Our Interests. ()

We can See that the Forces that Staged the Coup in Ukraine in 2014 have Seized Power, are Keeping It with the Help of Ornamental Election Procedures and have Abandoned the Path of APeaceful Conflict Settlement. For Eight Years, for Eight Endless Years We have Been doing Everything Possible to Settle the Situation by Peaceful Political Means. Everything was In Vain. ()

On 17 December 2021, Russia Formally Presented, both to the US Government and to NATO, Russia’s National Security Demands and Proposed Peace Treaty Provisions that Have Since 1991 Been Violated by the US and NATO, and Included, in Both Documents, the Core, Which was That, despite Promises the US Government and NATO had made to Gorbachev Prior to his 1991 Termination of Both the Soviet Union and its Communism, As Well as his Termination of the Soviet Union’s 1955 Warsaw Pact Military Alliance Mirror Organization against America’s 1949 NATO Military Alliance against the Soviet Union, All of Which Terminations Gorbachev Did Carry Out in 1991, Saying that If the Soviet Union and Its Communism would End, then NATO would Not ExpandEven One Inch to the East” toward Russia’s Border, Those Promises by the US and NATO having Been Rampantly Violated by Both America and NATO, and Russia’s Provisions in these Two Draft Documents on 17 December 2021 Prohibited Further Such Expansion of NATO, and Explicitly Prohibited Ukraine, Whose Border is Far Closer to The Kremlin than Any Other Nation is, to Become A Member Nation of NATO. These Demands from Russia were Like America’s JFK having Demanded from the Soviet Union, in 1962, that Cuba Not Receive Soviet Missiles, but Even More So than Back Then, because Whereas Washington DC is Only 1.131 Miles from Cuba, Ukraine is Only 317 Miles from The Kremlin, A Mere 5 Minute Missile Flight Away from Decapitating Russia’s Central Command.

Both of Putin’s Documents were Totally Rejected on 7 January 2022, and this Rejection by NATO and the US, and Refusal to Propose their Own Provisions, Absolute Refusal to Negotiate with Russia over Russia’s Needs in Order for Russia to Be Able to Consider America and NATO to Be Anything Other than Deadly Enemies of Russia, Unquestionably Sparked Putin’s Decision to Invade Ukraine, he was Compelled by America and NATO to Address Russia’s National Security Necessities Now by Force since America and NATO Refused to Participate in Diplomatic Resolution of These Matters.

The Key Demand on 17 December 2021 in the NATO Draft Document, was Article 6, All Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Commit Themselves to Refrain from Any Further Enlargement of NATO, Including the Accession of Ukraine as Well as Other States.” So, for Biden Now to Be Saying That, Instead, Putin’s 21 February 2022 Speech Indicated that “He [Putin] says This is Part of Reestablishing the Soviet Union,” is As Vicious and Dangerous A Lie as can Possibly Be Imagined. And, So, Also, TIME’S FACT CHECKThe Facts, This is A Fair Assessment, According to A Reuters Report [12 December 2023] on A Declassified US Intelligence Assessment Provided to Congress” [but Never Made Public],” is Deceit of the Public on A Very High Order.

TIME asked Biden, “So What is the Endgame though in Ukraine and What does Peace Look like There?” He Responded “Biden, Peace Looks like Making Sure Russia Never, Never, Never, Never Occupies Ukraine. That’s What Peace Looks Like. And It doesn’t Mean NATO, They are Part of NATO.” TIME Offered No ‘Fact Check’ on Biden’s Blatantly False Allegation that Ukraine is Part of NATO. Is there Anyone Nowadays Who Subscribes to TIME Who isn’t A Blithering Idiot

That’s Biden’s Plan to Conquer Russia.

Here’s his Plan to Conquer China:

I’ve Spent More Time with Xi Jinping than Any Leader in the World, over 90 Hours Alone with him Since I’ve Been Vice President. And We Have A Very Candid Relationship. 

You Know, I don’t Have Any [unintelligible] He Wanted to Know Why I was Doing All These Things. I Said the Simple Reason I’m Doing Those Things, to Make Sure that You don’t, that You aren’t Able to Change the Status Quo Any.

Here is the “Status Quo” Ever since 1972,

The US Government said, and signed with China’s Government, in 1972, the Shanghai Communiqué, including The US Side Declared, The United States Acknowledges that All Chinese on Either ide of the Taiwan Strait Maintain There is But One China and that Taiwan is A Part of China.” George W Bush’s Administration Tried Unsuccessfully in 2007 to Outlaw Internationally the Phrase “Taiwan is A Part of China”, and, So, the Shanghai Communiqué has Remained the Official US Government Policy to this Day. It Hopes to Get China to Invade Taiwan in Order for the US to Have A Supposed Pretext to then ‘Defend that Independent Nation’ ‘Against China’s Aggression’, by Invading China.

On 19 July 2023, I Headlined and Documented BIDEN WANTS TO INVADE | CONQUER CHINA. It Opened,

His Plan is to Arm Taiwan and Entice it to Announce its Complete Independence from China, that Taiwan is No Mere Province of China but Instead an Independent Country, Which Announcement would Then Immediately Force China Either to Invade China or Else to Accept Taiwan’s Becoming A Separate and Independent Country.

Taiwan’s New Leader has Complied with That, Even in his Inaugural Address. Will Biden Go to War against China in the Months Leading Up to the November 5th US Elections if China Invades Taiwan in Order to Make Clear to Taiwan’s Voters that They had Been Suckered by US Imperial Propaganda to Choose as their ‘President’ Someone Who would Declare that Taiwan is Not Only Independent of China but Ruling Over China? How Much International Backing would the US Regime have if It did That?

Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse’s Latest Book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL, Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about How America Took Over the World after World War II in Order to Enslave It to US and Allied Billionaires. Their Cartels Extract the World’s Wealth by Control of Not Only their ‘NewsMedia but the Social ‘Sciences’, Duping the Public.
Eric Zuesse blogs at

Eric Zuesse – The Newly Elected Leader of Taiwan says he’s the Only Legitimate Ruler over All of China

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