Eric Zuesse – All MainStream ‘News’ Media in United States  are Propaganda Agencies

Operation Mocking Bird Media Manupilation (foto imgflip)

CIA Operation Mocking Bird (gif

Operation Mockingbird (foto .America S best pics and videos)

Disinformation Program Complete when Everything the American Public believes is False (foto

CIA Operation Mocking Bird (gif
School History Operation Mockingbird (foto

Believe Nothing, Research Everyrhing (foto Imgflip)

Haifa Oil Factiory Massacre, Patria Disaster, Cave of the Patriarch S Massacre et cetera (foto

Trust the Science? (foto Quora)
Still Think Controlled Media is Just A Conspiracy Theory? (foto Twitter)

Who Really Owns The Media foto MRMR)

All MainStreamNewsMedia in United States  are Propaganda Agencies

America S CIA was created in 1947, and, then, in 1948, the CIA S Operation Mockingbird was started, to Control, within the United States, all ‘NewsReporting about International Matters. It was placed under the Leadership of Frank Wisner, A Mississippian US Intelligence Officer stationed in Turkey during WWII, whom the new American President, Harry S Truman, transferred to Romania and then to Germany, in order to work with those Nations Aristocrats to stir Opposition There against the Soviet Union, which Nation had defeated Adolf Hitler (but lost 26 Million Dead in the Effort, and was therefore considerably weakened, while America lost only 419,400). On 25 July 1945, Truman (influenced by the Advice from his Hero, General Dwight Eisenhower) suddenly reversed the Pro UN and Anti Imperialistic Foreign Policies of his Immediate Predecessor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), and set the US Government onto the Path of instead It Self Controlling the Entire World, which meant, Above All, conquering the Soviet Union, especially Russia, which had defeated Hitler (as both FDR and Winston Churchill Acknowledged at the Time, but which Historical Fact became Hidden by Operation Mockingbird after the War). This Outcome was exactly the Opposite of what had been the Central Aim of FDR, which was for WWII to be replaced by A New System of International Law that would be Produced and Enforced by the UN, terminating All Imperialisms. FDR S clear Intention was that, after the War, he and Joseph Stalin would force the intensely Imperialistic Churchill to accept this new Anti Imperialistic Reality, the UN, as being A functioning Global Federal Republic of All Nations and the Sole Source and Enforcer of International Laws, Laws between Nations; but, when FDR died on 12 April 1945 and became Replaced by Truman, who Respected Eisenhower and Despised FDR, the Previous 2 to 1Big Three” for the UN to Rule All International Relations, became Now 2 to 1 for US Hegemony the US Government S Ultimate Rule over the Entire World, the US Government as being the World S first Hegemonic, or Globally All Encompassing, Empire. Wisner, and the Entire Truman Created new CIA Organization, were committed to this US Imperialist Goal, Ultimate Conquest of the Entire World, by the US Government.

Thus was born the US Government S Dictatorship over All InternationalNewsReporting to the American People. It was (as that Link documents) A Deeply Aristocratic Operation, to Control Public Opinion so that Both of America S Political Parties would elect Candidates that are committed to this Same Objective (Now Commonly calledNeo Conservatism”), of producing A Hegemonic (Globally Encompassing) US Government.

In fact, Bob Feldman, the Great Investigative Journalist about the Corruptness of America SAlternative’ ‘News’ Media, found that ‘NewsMedia such as The Nation, and Democracy Now!, and Mother Jones, and the Progressive, and Most OtherProgressiveMedia, are Likewise Controlled by America S Billionaires, and serving the Very Same Military Industrial Complex and War Promotion Function. Apparently, America has Virtually A Stranglehold (but OnlyVirtually,” because you are reading This, Here, which certainly is NOT “MainStream”) upon it S Public.

This is How the System functions in Modern Times.

A Reality that is More and Better Documented than perhaps Any Other in Recent Decades (except, perhaps, that the US and AlliedNewsMedia Consciously Hid, instead of Reported, that the US and UK Governments were Kying about “Saddam S Weapon of Destruction (WMD)” in order to Invade and Destroy Iraq on 20 March 2003) is that there was A Successful US Coup in Ukraine in 2014 and Installation There of A Rabidly Anti Russian Government by the United States, which Unquestionably was A Coup There, and which the EU knew Nothing about until It was Already over, so that this was Clearly A US Coup, and had Actually been in the Planning Stages by the US Government Ever since at Least June of 2011. The Only Part of Obama S Coup Plan that Failed There was for the Seizure of Russia S Largest Naval Base, which Ever since 1783 has been on Crimea, in order to turn that into A New US Naval Base. Consequently, the Regions of Ukraine that had voted the Most Heavily for the Ukrainian President that Obama overthrew and Replaced by an Anti Russian Racist Fascist “Nazi” Team, Rebelled against the US Coup Imposed Rulers, and Quickly produced A Civil War in Ukraine. The Chief Objective of that Entire US Operation to grab Ukraine has been in order to Place America S Nuclear Missiles on Russia S Border with Ukraine, only A 5 Minute Flyin Ttime Away from Nuking Moscow. The Idea is that if it S done That Fast, then Russia S Command and Control will be Eliminated before Russia will Even be able to Launch Retaliatory Weapons. That S the US Regime S Dream.

Consequently, Russia S 24 February 2022 Invasion of Ukraine was done in order to Prevent Ukraine from Joining NATO, an Organization that even US Government Polls had shown to be viewed by Most Ukrainians as being “Enemy” instead of “Ally” prior to Obama’s 2014 Coup There.

In order for the United States to achieve this ‘Victory’ in World War III, it needs to Deceive it S Population Constantly, so as to Make “Saddam” and “Gaddhafi” and “Assad” (et cetera), and “Iran” and “China” and EspeciallyPutin,” into A Demon, if Not into A Danger to the Safety of Americans, if not into A NewHitler.” For the Public then to Pay for (Subscribe to) Such Media, as if those Media were Honest, after those Very Same Media having Constantly been Dishonest about the Most Important Historical Facts, which they either have Distorted or Else Hidden Entirely, is Intellectual Suicide, but it still seems to be the Norm, and Not ONLY in America, but Also in Europe. It is Amazing.

Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse S Next Book (soon to be published) will be AMERICASEMPIREOFEVIL Hitler SPosthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It S about How America took over the World after World War II in order to Enslave It to US and Allied Billionaires. Their Cartels Extract the World S Wealth by Control of Not Only theirNewsMedia but the SocialSciences’, Duping the Public.

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