Eric Zuesse – All eight of America’s Worst Hit Corona Virus States Are Now in the South

Corona Virus (foto Governement Be Like Stay Calm, Nothing Has Been Confirmed Yet (

All eight of America’s Worst Hit Corona Virus States Are Now in the South

Ten of the 11 worst hit covid states are in the south, mainly in the southeast – Old Dixie. The only non southern state that’s among the worst hit 11 states is Iowa, which has the nineth worst infection rate. All of the 11 worst hit states voted for Trump in 2016.

The data source used here is the most comprehensive and up to the minute of all websites about the Covid 19 global pandemic.

The columns there that are the basis of these rankings are the two that are headed “Total Cases | 1M pop” and “Deaths | 1M pop”. To see either column’s entries in rank order, just click onto that column’s heading.

The states which will be boldfaced in this report are states that voted for Trump (shown as the red states on this map). Non boldfaced states voted for the Democratic Party’s nominee.

In order, starting with the state that has America’s highest percentage of its population who have been diagnosed with the Corona Virus 19 (or “Covid 19”) virus, the worst 11 states, in that rank order, are Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Iowa, Arkansas, and Texas.

The only far southern state that’s not among those 11 worst hit states is New Mexico, which is a remarkable exception, because it is actually far better than the US average of 21,132 Corona Virus 19 (or Covid 19) cases per million of population: New Mexico. That state has only 13,121 cases per million, which places it as the 15th best state. By contrast, Texas is the 11th worst at 24,873, and Louisiana is the #1 worst state, at 34,680. New Mexico is also the only far southern state which did not vote for Trump. All of the 11 worst hit states (in terms of infection-rates) voted for Trump in 2016.

In terms of the worst hit state regarding its percentage who have died from the infection, those are predominantly states which had terribly high infection rates back in March and April, and so the worst four, starting with the very highest death rate state, are: New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, all of which voted against Trump. The 5th worst on covid death rates is Louisiana. So: high death rates follow after high infection- ates. Consequently, perhaps the most effective way to keep the death rates down is to keep the infection rates down. Generally speaking, the states which, now – more than six months into this epidemic in America – will have the highest death rates from this disease, will probably be the states that now have the highest rates of the infection. So the current infection rates may reasonably be considered to be fairly reliable predictors of what the final covid death rate in a given state will likely be.

The states that have the lowest infection rates, starting with the best, are: Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, West Virginia, Hawaii, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Washington, as constituting the top ten.

The states that have the lowest death rates are, again starting with the best Alaska, Hawaii, Wyoming, Vermont, Maine, Oregon, Utah, Montana, West Virginia, and Kansas, as constituting the ten best. Except for Utah, all ten of the lowest death- ate states were in the best 21 states on the lowness of infection rates back on April 6th.

Politically, the Corona Virus worst states at the start of the epidemic were predominantly Democratic states (perhaps because they tended to have more concentrated, urban, populations), and the Corona Virus worst states, at the present time, are overwhelmingly Republican – and all of the 11 worst hit are Republican – (perhaps because Republican states tend to be conservative and libertarian, and therefore oppose government regulations).
Other than the worst hit 11 states, there is no clear predominance of either political Party among the other 39 states.

Politically, the most remarkable finding, thus far, is that now, over a half-year into the epidemic’s raging phase, all 11 of the most infected states had voted for Trump in 2016. What might explain that finding? Maybe those were the places that were the least adhering to the facial masking and social distancing policies that were being applied in the countries that have the lowest rates of the infection, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Myanmar, and all of the others that have below 200 cases per million (as compared to America’s 21,136 cases per million, which is over a thousand times higher, at the present stage of this global pandemic). Worldwide, the rate is 4,013; so, America has over five times the global infection rate. Only Vermont and Maine have lower infection rates than that global average Vermont’s is 2,748, and Maine’s is 3,778. Third best is New Hampshire, at 5,845. Also remarkably, those are three adjoining states, America’s farthest North East.

The chart showing “Daily New Cases in the United States” indicates that, after having, for more than a month, been declining to a bottom of 25,411 new daily cases on September 7th, the number of new daily cases has risen slightly to 33,344 on September 20th.