Cor Hendriks – Qanon (23): Impeachment Lite + Fuck Trump

Impeachment Lite

De kogel is door de kerk: de Donald is “impeached. Het zal niemand verbazen, want Trump is de “Big Disruptor (zie of of of, de sloopkogel (wrecking ball) van het establishment, soms aangeduid als de zogenaamde “Deep State” en hij ondervindt daarbij nogal begrijpelijkerwijze weerstand, aangeduid als de Resistance, waarvoor een speciale Wikipedia pagina bestaat:

De Donald, ondanks zijn fulmineren over de “Do-nothing-Dems”, is in het geheel niet onder de indruk en noemt het in zijn speech “impeachment lite”: It’s impeachment lite,” he told the crowd. “I don’t know about you, but I’m having a good time ( (6:27) ‘Watters’ Words: Impeachment lite’ van Fox News, 21 dec. 2019. ‘Jesse Watters breaks down ‘Impeachment lite’ and analyzes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s delay of the Senate impeachment trial.

Impeach Trump (foto dailykos)
Impeach Trump (foto dailykos)

Waarvoor wordt Trump impeached? Volgens de “Do-nothing-Dems” gaat het om “President Trump’s strong-arming the government of Ukraine to trash his enemies and get himself reelected in 2020” oftewel “President Trump tried to shake down Ukraine for help in Trump’s own reelection campaign in 2020; also that he’d stonewalled Congress’s investigation” (

Trump daarentegen verwijst naar de “transcript” van het telefoongesprek van hem met president Zelensky van Ukraïne (, waarin hij spreekt over: “I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike (…) I guess you have one of your wealthy people (…) The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.”

Zoals te zien is, wordt met “us” in de eerste zin “de Amerikanen” bedoeld en spreekt Trump over zaken uit 2016. Verderop spreekt hij over Joseph Biden en zegt daar: “The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it (…) It sounds horrible to me.”

Ook hier spreekt Trump over 2016 en de video van Biden, die voor het Council of Foreign Relations opschept over hoe hij een Oekraïense aanklager (prosecutor) liet ontslaan, zie–dj2-CY (1:15) ‘Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired’ van dagalagas, 20 sept. 2019. ‘In 2016 Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, in his investigation of corruption involving Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company, identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $ 3,000,000 from the company. Not wanting this corruption exposed, Joe Biden swung into action, using US loan guarantees as hostage while demanding Shokin be fired. Amazingly, Joe Biden now brags about his actions in this matter.

Het argument van de “Do-nothing-Dems” is dus nergens op gebaseerd. Maar dat weerhoudt hen niet om de zaak door te drijven. En afvalligen worden niet geduld, zoals te zien aan presidentskandidaat Tulsi Gabbard, die zich van stemming onthield door ‘present’ te stemmen (, “‘What’s the point?’: Tulsi Gabbard grilled over decision to vote ‘present’ on Trump’s impeachment”). Vier democraten in totaal stemden niet of niet geheel mee, zie

Eén Democraat liep zelfs over, zie

Voor een analyse van de impeachment vanuit een populistisch standpunt, zie (38:09) ‘The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 12/22/19 FULL SHOW | Fox News December 22, 2019’ van TRUMP BREAKING U.S, 22 dec. 2019. Steve’s analyse: If you can’t beat him, impeach him. (37:39) ‘Life Liberty & Levin 12/22/19 FULL SHOW | Breaking Fox News December 22, 2019’ van TRUMP BREAKING U.S, 22 dec. 2019.

Anti-Trumper Stephen Colbert met de Articles of Impeachment Calendar (foto thewrap)

Anti-Trumper Stephen Colbert met de Articles of Impeachment Calendar (foto thewrap)

Nancy Pelosi, de schoonmoeder van Michiel Vos (, heeft de “articles of impeachment” ( echter niet overgedragen (zie Nancy Pelosi won’t commit to sending articles of impeachment to Senate; of, zodat sommigen de vraag opwierpen, of Trump nu wel impeached was ( White House considers arguing that Trump wasn’t impeached), zie ook de video van Tim Pool: (23:24).

Volgens Pelosi is de impeachment een ernstige zaak, een droeve zaak, en geen reden om feest te vieren ( Maar uiteraard konden sommige Democraten zich niet inhouden, met name Rashida Tlaib (, die al bij haar aantreden riep: “Impeach the Motherfucker”.

Miljoenen kwamen de straat op om de impeachment te vieren om erachter te komen, dat Trump nog steeds president is, zie

Ook de journalisten van de Washington Post vierden feest over de impeachment ( Zie de video van Tim Pool: (22:18).

De Anti Trump Beroemdheden hebben de dag uitgeroepen tot feestdag (

Volgens Michael Cohen is de impeachment een feestviering en een nationale vernieuwing, zie

Voor wie alles wil weten over de impeachment en de legaliteit ervan, zie de video (1:14:40) ‘The Truth About Impeachment’ van Stefan Molyneux, 22 dec. 2019. ‘On December 18, 2019, the U.S. Congress voted on articles of impeachment against Pres. Donald J Trump. There were two votes – the first was on abuse of power, the second was on obstruction of Congress. The votes for the charge of abuse of power were 230 in favor, 197 against, and 1 present: All House Democrats voted in support, with the exceptions of Collin Peterson (MN) and Jeff Van Drew (NJ), who voted against, and Tulsi Gabbard (HI), who voted “present. All House Republicans voted against. The votes for the charge of obstruction of Congress were 229 in favor, 198 against, and 1 present: Every Democrat voted in support except Peterson, Van Drew, and Jared Golden (ME), who voted against; and Gabbard, who once more voted “present. On the day of the impeachment vote, a Gallup poll was released reporting that Trump’s approval rating increased by 6 points during the impeachment process, while support for impeachment dropped. July 31, 2016: the FBI opened up an investigation into Trump/Russia collusion – long before the election. The FBI then spied on four American citizens who were associated with President Trump’s campaign. British ex-spy Christopher Steele created an unverified “dossier,” which was used by the FBI to get spying warrants from the FISA court. The FBI repeatedly lied to the FISA court. The FBI did not inform the FISA court that the author of the “dossier” was a fanatical anti-Trumper – or that he was working for the Clinton campaign – or that he had been fired by the FBI for leaking information to the press – or that the dossier had not been independently verified – or that a news story supposedly “corroborating” the dossier actually came directly from the dossier. “TRUMP’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, where he knew President and Mrs. OBAMA (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him. The hotel was known to be under FSB control with microphones and concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record anything they wanted to.” The spying continued after the election – Jan 6, 2017, then-FBI Director Comey briefs President-elect Trump on the Steele dossier. Trump was told that he was not under investigation, although he was, and the FBI was trying to entrap him in that very meeting. Hard to grasp that a sitting US Democrat President – Barack Obama – worked with senior members of the intelligence and investigatory agencies – who worked with Hillary Clinton – to deliver damaging information on her political opponent. Because they believed the media projections of an overwhelming Hillary Clinton victory, they took risks, altered documents and cut corners (…)’ Sources: (33:32) ‘THESE 3 SPECIFIC & POWERFUL TRAPS ARE WHY NANCY WILL NEVER TURN OVER THE ARTICLES TO THE SENATE!’ Van Black Conservative Patriot, 23 dec. 2019. (19:29) ‘Tom Fitton: Deep State is Trying to Keep Themselves Out of Jail by Targeting Trump w/ Impeachment’, van Judicial Watch, 23 dec. 2019.

FUCK TRUMP Button (foto Noah Lyon)
FUCK TRUMP Button (foto Noah Lyon)

Fuck Trump

Het taalgebruik is in de ‘Age of Trump’ behoorlijk verruwd. Wanneer hoorden we ooit “Fuck Obama” roepen? Maar “Fuck Trump” geeft talrijke hits op Google. Interessant zijn de volgende sites:

FUCK TRUMP (Limited edition tee by La Nonette designed for International Womxn's Day)
FUCK TRUMP (Limited edition t shirt by La Nonette designed for International Womxn’s Day)

My real name is Manon Nanette Bijkerk but I work under the name La Nonette as an illustrator and comic maker. I’m 29 and from the Netherlands. In my work I like to celebrate femininity because I feel like their is so much power and beauty to feminine energy. My girls are always diverse and layered, just like real women. I love moody girls! I’m influenced by painters like Fride Khalo, David Hockeny, Natalie Du Pasquier and Gustav Klimt and of course by contemporary illustration. My favourite place on earth is Barcelona, my favourite food is homemade Pizza. I have two black cats.


Well, to me Trump stands for everything that is wrong with the world. He is a lying, xenophobic, mean, predatory and really ignorant man. One day I was just so done with the news I made this Illustration. I made the girls soft and kind but the message really clear. Because seriously, fuck you Trump.
I’m really happy I get to wear Fuck Trump on a t-shirt myself now. Al profits made by this shirt will be donated to a non profit benefiting women around the world.

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