bluewater | Cirsten Weldon – Last Video + Don’t You Want My Love + Tribute: Real Deal in Description + Focus – Leugnerin stirbt an Covid “Impfstoff Tötet, Nehmt Ihn Nicht!“ + Michael Jaco – Murder?

Cirsten Weldon (foto Focus)

Duty to Warn Statement (foto

QAnon Anti Vaxxer (foto Imgflip)

2006 Country Red Wine Collection Singapore (foto Pinterest)

Scott MacKay | Patriot Streetfighter Statement (foto Twitter)

Cirsten Weldon’s Early Life (

Cirsten Weldon & Clayton Norcross who used to play Thorne on the Bold and Beautiful (foto

Cirsten Weldon & Bill Cosby (foto

Cristen Weldon (foto

Hard to Kill  (1) (

Hard to Kill (foto

Hard to Kill (foto

Hard ard to Die (foto

Fuck Around and Find Out )(foto
Cirsten Weldon Centerfold Wine Cojection (foto

Products by Eurasian Designs (foto Facebook)

QAnon Star Who Only Idiots Get Vax Dies of Covid (foto

Last Video Message

First published at 14:36 UTC on January 8th, 2022

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As you can see she is Happy and looks Good, Smiling, a Decent Woman who Meant Well, had a Good Heart.
So She was Taken Out but is Finally FREE and Now Will Know All The TRUTH.
Loved by Many
She will Now Do Better Things and Many of those that USED Her will Not Be Sleeping Too Good.

Don’t You Want My Love

First published at 02:09 UTC on January 8th, 2022

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Tribute to Cirsten Weldon: Real Deal in Description

First published at 00:12 UTC on January 8th, 2022

Here are the Facts. You decide when you Connect the Dots.
I am Not Your Ordinary Person and I do have Good Connections Above Humans. Those Who know me for Years and told Them about Their Life. Know.
God Never gave me Charm or Diplomacy but I tell it Like It Is. I do Not Beat around the Bush. I am Blunt. I am Not a Good Liar. What you See is what you Get. Like It or Not. TELL ME THE BITTER TRUTH rather than Sweet Lies like onBITCHute TRENDING.
In september of 2020 I joined Cirstin Weldon LinkedIn Social. She Never Talked to me and i Never Said a Bad Word about Her but made it Known about the Jesus Loves Club. Everyone on that Platform became Famous and made Plenty of Money. Cirsten Weldon was Very Intelligent and Very Blunt. She had a Good Heart and Meant Well. Her Nazi Boyfriend ran and set up the site, my Guess is Charlie Ward Helped with the Money. Everyday you had All The Mousketeers a Group that Never Shuts Up. Mel K, Charlie Ward, Charlie Freak, Gene Decode, Rosanne Barr and Thousands worshiping Them.
All these People USED Her and she died All Alone. Charlie Ward was Very Friendly and Good Buddies with Her and Stole Many of her Followers to Start his Little Platform for MONEY..$14.00 to get the Inside Secrets .The Rest you know a Multi Millionaire with over 30 Million BeLIEving he is God and Promoted the FAKE KING to the Fake Messiah Negative48 a Complete Wacko.
Gene Decode also became Very Popular. He knows about DUMBS but there are Problems with his Health Protocols but No Worries Millions are Making him Money and he will have Video for Cirsten Weldon were he will Talk for Hours who talks for 3, 4, 5 Hours and the MONEY will be coming in. Were was he with His Connections for Cirsten W in Her Last Days
Mel k Another that made it thanks to Cirsten W and Now is the Side Kick of Charlie Ward and I am sure this Abbott and Costello talked about her Behind her Back.
Scott Mckay then also became Famous after Charlie Ward and Mel k left her.
BTW without Saying It. All these Talkers have one Thing in Common, Charlie Ward,Phil G, Gene Decode, xxxxx xxxx and One More which tells Much about Them. OH, THE PLOT THICKENS,
This Video was Pulled when It when over 10,000 Views by THE BITCH BOYS cause Jesus Loves on BITCHute Trending to make Room for the BITCHute Preachers with their Grandiose Delusions the Sheeple drink just like Building 7on 9/11

Cirsten W died Alone and Helpless while All the People that Used Her to Became Famous, will now make Money on Her. The Only Morons that downvote this Video are the those who BeLIEve Charlie Ward is God, Making Millions and I am sure he does Not Know his Burger King and Mcdonald’s Restaurants Sell Human Meat cause Jesus loves You.


Corona Leugnerin stirbt an CovidDer Impfstoff Tötet , Nehmt Ihn Nicht!

Cirsten Weldon ist tot. Die Bekannte Vertreterin der QAnon Bewegung in den USA starb laut Berichten im Alter zwischen 50 und 60 Jahren. Die Impfgegnerin hatte Jüngst noch Behauptet, dass die Vakzine Töten. Nun ist sie am Corona Virus Gestorben.

In einem Video warnte sie, dass die Vakzine Töten Würden und Man sich deshalb Nicht Impfen lassen sollte. In einem anderen Video forderte sie, der Renommierte Amerikanische Immunologe Anthony Fauci solle “Gehängt” werden.

Cirsten Weldon, eine Prominente Impfgegnerin und Mitglied der Verschwörungst Theorie Bewegung QAnon in den USA, ist offenbar in Folge einer Covid 19-Infektion Gestorben. Das berichten Englisch Sprachige Medien. Weldon soll Zwischen 50 und 60 Jahren Alt Gewesen und in einem Krankenhaus in Kalifornien gestorben sein. Sie soll im Dezember Infiziert worden sein. Zuletzt postete sie ein Foto von Sich Selbst mit einer Atem Maske.

Auf Instagramund YouTube hatte die Frau in Video’s immer wieder Corona Geleugnet und an der Wirksamkeit der Impfstoffe Gezweifelt. Sie hatte Zehntausende Followers, vor allem in der Rechten Pro Trump Bewegung. Denen Gegenüber Bekannte Weldon Immer Wieder, dass Sie Sich Nicht an die Corona Maßnahmen halte und schrie Menschen in Warteschlangen an, die sich Impfen lassen wollten.

Surf Tipp: Alle Neuigkeiten zur Corona Pandemie finden Sie im News Ticker von FOCUS Online

Focus,. Samstag, 08.01.2022, 15:26<

Cirsten W Murdered? Strange Text from Her at 04:38 AM after Hospital said She was Terminal



My Friends this is an Official Message. Many of you know that Cirsten W has been Hospitalized in Camarillo California Hospital since December 30th.

I just got News Tonight that she Passed Away Today. Our Intervention came a Little Bit Too Late in One Sense but it might’ve been Inevitable in Another.

I have Arranged for an Attorney and another Medical Professional to Visit Her Today to get Eyes on her Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to see what I was Dealing with To Decide what I Needed to Do to get Power of Attorney and Intervene in her Case.

I can not name Either for their Own Protection but I can tell you this, Cirsten responded to my Text at 04:38 AM. Shortly There After One of the Nurses had Informed Suzie Wong that Cirsten was Terminal. I believe that is a Lie because if she was Terminal she would not have been able to Text me at 04:38 AM this morning. The Text was Incomplete so apparently she was Struggling to Finish the Text.

What do you think about this Video‘s? Let us know in the Comments Section. Thanks for Stopping By.
Jeffery Pritchett, Before It’s News

Friday, January 7, 2022 16:45

Meer informatie

1 Comment

  1. Die Impfgegnerin hatte Jüngst noch Behauptet, dass die Vakzine Töten. Nun ist sie am Corona Virus Gestorben.

    Ja und…

    Fauci heeft dat ‘Gain of Function’ onderzoek gefinancierd.
    Het Bio Wapen bestaat echt en komt uit het laboratorium.
    Je kunt er aan overlijden, maar niet veel vaker dan aan hevige griep.
    Er zijn lange termijn gevolgen zoals vaker bij griep.
    De mRNA prik is hoogst bedenkelijk volgens sterk gecensureerde en gemarginaliseerde top deskundigen.

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