Christian Patriot News – Sidney Powell Goes FULL KRAKEN MODE Against The Criminal Cabal! Q: Justice Is Coming!

Justice for All (foto Before It’s News))

Sidney Powell Goes FULL KRAKEN MODE Against The Criminal Cabal! Q: Justice Is Coming!

Published September 26, 2021

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Sidney Powell Just Went FULL KRAKEN MODE Against The Criminal Cabal! Justice Is Coming! Sidney Powell Just Announced A Bombshell Report  Detailing Her Findings Against Dominion Voting Systems, Corrupt Politicians, The CIA And Deep State Operatives Worldwide!

The Global Elite Are Scared. There’s Panic In DC, Britain, Australia And Around The World. What Do They Fear? The Truth. Patriots Are Rising Up Around The World To Expose Their Criminality!

The Mother Of All BQMBS Is Incoming! Carpet Bombs Will Lead To A Huge MOAB! We’re On The Q Clock! Watch Trump’s Upcoming Press Releases, Interviews And Rallies. It’s Finally Happening, Right NOW!

[They] The Deep State Cabal Overplayed Their Hand. And They Will Not Succeed! We Caught Them All! We The People Will Take Our Country Back! We Are About To Witness Trump’s Epic Return To His Rightful Place As President Of The United States.

Maricopa County Alone Has Enough Evidence To Decerify Arizona. It Will Be The First Domino To Fall! Georgia And Pennsylvania Are Next. Those Three States Alone Will Show Enough Fraud To Overturn The 2020 Presidential Election And Restore Donald J Trump To The White House!

Democrats And The Global Cabal Didn’t Get Away With Anything! Rather, They Took The Bait And Will Soon Be Held Accountable By The US Military. America Is At War With Communist China And The Deep State Cabal! We Are Winessing The Greatest Military Intelligence Election Sting Of All Time!

This Is An EPIC Battle of Good versus Evil! It’s Trump And The US Military versus The Establishment: The Clash of The Titans! Find Out Why The Deep State Cabal Has Already Lost The Information War. This Is Unprecedented Warfare! The Demonic Democrats, Deep State, Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Big Cash and Big Pharm are ALL being EXPOSED!

Buckle Up, and Have Faith! It’s Going To Be Biblical! You’re Watching A Scripted Movie! And Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Nothing! A Mass Awakening Is The Deep State Cabal’s Greatest Fear!

We Had To Walk Through The Darkness Before We Could See The Light! It Had To Be This Way To Safeguard Future Elections And Save Our Children From The Real Pandemic: Child Sex Trafficking! Patriots can Prove Everything! But The Longer We Wait, the More The Deep State is Exposed! Every Scenario Was Planned For! The Whole World is Watching!

Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of The United States! In this New American Republic We The People Have All the Oower. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! And America returns to The Gold Standard!

Arrests and Military Tribunals Are Coming SOON! Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Fauci, The Obamas, Bidens & Clintons Will All End Up in GITMO for High Treason!

Trump vows “We’re Going To Take Back Our Country SOONER THAN YOU THINK! You Will See Things you’ve Never Seen Before!Nothing Can Stop What is Coming! Nothing. Enjoy The Show!

Q+ Trump: Slings, Arrows and Assassination Attempts! The Incredible Sacrifice of Great Presidents, Patriots & Soldiers!

Q: The Mother Of All BQMBS! Carpet Bombs Will Lead To MOAB! On The Q Clock! Watch AZ 9.24! Trump GA Rally September 25! It’s Happening!

Milley’s China Treason! Trump Claims Obama Is Running US Government!


Justice is not coming unless you act. Christian Patriot Spews are assholes for posting more hopium.
You will not be saved by these hopium click whores. Get off your ass and do something about it.
I’m making a difference, you may never see it, but I’m doing something every day to fuck the system. And you should too.
Sep 26, 2021, 6:14 PM

mike d
OMG This Plan is a Joke. LOL! it’s taking a decade lol. It’s 100% bullshit and there is no white hats.
Sep 26, 2021, 7:27 PM

Distract delay and Divide is All you are Seeing. You are So Divided you couldn’t get Enough People to play a Game of Ball. Forget turning this Corrupt Country Ground
Sep 26, 2021, 7:35 PM

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