Christian Patriot News – Q: Hunters Become Prey | HRC: Crimes Against Humanity! 175 Elite PEDO’s EXPOSED! A second Laptop from Hell! EPIC Delta

Hunters will become Prey (foto Brigteon)

Q: Hunters Become Prey | | Hillary Rodham Clinton: Crimes Against Humanity! 175 Elite PEDO’s EXPOSED! A second Laptop from Hell! EPIC Delta

Q Says That Soon The Hunters (Think Hunter Biden) Will Become Prey. We’ll Expose the Clintons Latest Crimes Against Humanity! Plus Elite PEDO’s Around The World Are Being EXPOSED! We Have Hunter And Weiner’s Laptops from Hell! Plus One Year Delta! How does Q bring us breaking current events, exactly one year ago to the day? Can Q predict the future? Or are we watching a Military Precision Worldwide Intelligence Sting Operation? Exactly one year ago Q outlined all of the details of Ghislaine Maxwell’s Clinton ties! Q revealed 175 other Elite Pedophiles including Obama, Oprah and Lynn de Rothschild! Patriots Have It All! This might be Q’s Most Epic 1 Year Deltas Ever! The Real Pandemic is Crimes Against HumanityPatriots can prove everything! But the longer we wait, the more The Deep State is Exposed! They are in Full Blown PANIC!

Trump held a HUGE Rally on the Eve of Independence Day! General Flynn says he has A Big Surprise This 4th of July! Q Says Every Scenario Was Planned For! The END is Near For The Deep State Cabal! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming! The Entire World is Watching!

Q is promising a Very HOT SUMMER! The Deep State, Election Fraud, Fake News, Big Pharma and The Climate Hoax are all being EXPOSED! Sometimes you can’t tell the people the Truth, you must show them!

Arrests and Military Tribunals! Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Anthony Fauci, The Obamas, Bidens & Clintons will all end up in GITMO for High Treason!

Trump vows “We’re Going To Take Back Our Country SOONER THAN YOU THINK! You will see things you’ve never seen before!” Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt US Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of The United States! In this New American Republic We The People have all the power. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! America returns to The Gold Standard! Plus NESARA will be inacted and All Debts of every American will be cancelled!

Will GA or AZ Be First to De Certify? Trump Hints He Never Left! Q: One Year Delta! Democrats BUSTED in USB Scandal!

AZ Audit Reveals 667 Different Versions of Ballots Used in Maricopa! Military Election Sting! Q: Light Kills The Virus!

Flynn’s July Surprise! Trump Reinstall PLUS Third Term? Military In Control! Deep State PANIC False Flag Coming!

Trump Military Reinstatement! Expect Fireworks! Q: Every Scenario Planned For! The END is Near! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!

US Military Takeover! Quad Q Proof! Trump Reinstatement! 20 State Audits! The World is Watching!

Mark Zuckerberg’s Going To Prison! Lindell’s Speech! Hunter Biden Indictment! GA, MI, CO Forensic Audits

CJ Truth’s Good News! Top 15 PLUS 15 Forensic Audits! FBI [FF] Lies! Q: Climate Scam TRILLIONS!

Q: Military Start! Blackout Necessary! Durham Targets Schiff & Swalwell | HOT SUMMER! 14 State Audits Coming!

Epic Q Super Proof! BQQMS: Blackout Coming! Trump’s Rally Speech! UT, OK, WA, VA, MO, CO Audits! Dark to Light!

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