Capt Dave Bertrand, Retired – 82nd Airborne Deployed, Backlash for Trump Immense!! + Sorcha Faal, and as reported to Western Subscribers – Combat Warplanes Fill Night Skies Of America

Soldiers in front of Lincoln Memorial (foto Twitter)

Antifa Communists Facing A New Paradigm, 82nd Airborne to Be Deployed, Shoot & Kill Domestic Terrorist Arsonists Plans on the Discussion Table, Backlash for Trump Immense!!

Antifa (foto Before It’s News)

The BERTRAND REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues

Friends and Associates,
Are you appalled at what we are witnessing nationwide in America, or are you one that knew this was coming and know the end game?

For me I did not expect Civil War so soon, but leave it to one dangerous cop to set the country on fire, followed by ANTIFA Democrat Communists (George Soros & Barack Obama supported) to raise their ugly heads amidst A tragic killing, and off to the races we go.

President Trump and AG Barr are preparing to declare ANTIFA ADomestic Terrorist Organization,” while the Army S 82nd Airborne Division is about to join National Guard Military Police in Minneapolis. National Guard Units are deployed in most cities, as of tonight [May 31st, 2020], to assist with curfew lockdown Orders.

Do I need to paint A picture as to where this is all going?

We just came out of A nationwide Corona Virus ID 19 Lockdown, but face masks and distancing are required, followed by defiance across the nation, blaming Trump for everything Corona Virus ID 19, A rogue cop kills A Black man, ANTIFA and BLACK LIVES MATTER are activated, riots and violence escalates across the nation, therefore burn down their own neighborhoods?

The riots are organized and supported by the Democrat Communist Left, China is praising ANTIFA with the slogan, I can T breathe,” and when the first handful of ANTIFA thugs are shot on sight for arson and looting, the anger will increase and Trump could suffer A loss in November.

The balancing act is extremely dangerous to America and to this president, but if Trump doesn T act, he will appear weak and controlled by what the Communist Left are doing to this country. Interesting the Corona Virus 19 face masks were at first Not needed according to Communist operative Dr Fauci, but then they are?

Wasn T it A crime for ANTIFA to wear masks at A protest event before Corona Virus ID 19 bioweapon attack? BUT now wearing A mask is fine?
Did the Democrat Communist Deep State have racial rioting projected as A strategy to blame Trump? Or you never let A good crisis go to waste.
If what is happening is not considered A Racial Civil War, which can and will escalate, then what is it?
Interfering in the November 2020 re election of President Trump is the Communist S number one goal, for the most important reason. MANY in the DEEP STATE do not want to be tried under A Military Tribunal for TREASON.
It S coming and America will continue to be in A Civil War, followed by A NEW outbreak of Corona Virus 19, to put the icing on the cake. New lockdown quarantine orders will NOT be accepted by either side, Martial Law will be imposed.  

One thing for sure ANTIFA will think twice about venturing cross country into Conservative held territories of America.

USA burning (foto Before It S News)

San Francisco curfew to be extended indefinitely
Urban Warfare Spreads
Oklahoma City
Salt Lake City
Des Moines Dallas
Kansas City
Pittsburgh Columbia, Wilmington, Portland, Phoenix, Tampa, MORE…
82nd Airborne on standby to deploy to Minnesota…
Violence Erupts Near White House…
National Guard Deployed…
Secret Service clashes with crowds…
Officer’s neck slashed amid Jacksonville riot…
Philadelphia Police Officer Run Over…
Man dragged by FEDEX truck dies…
Utah man with cross bow tackled, has car torched…
St. Patrick’s Cathedral desecrated…
Confederate monuments targeted…
White cop on ‘suicide watch’ after charged with murdering Floyd…
Two Crises Convulse Nation: Pandemic and Police Violence…
Protests could fuel COVID-19 resurgence…


NASA Issues Incoming Asteroid Alert As Combat Warplanes Fill Night Skies Of America

A striking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today, whose discussions note Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova describing the situation with ongoing mass protests and riots in the United States as an “American tragedy”, quickly turned its attention to A Ministry of Defense (MoD) document revealing they ve just been alerted by the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) that NASA scientists have detected Apotentially dangerous asteroid” approaching Earth on 6 June having A diameter between 250 570 meters—that was then followed by a discussion related to President Donald Trump having called his nation’s socialist Democrat Party governors “fools” and “jerks” for them having failed to use enough forces to stop the rioting in their States—which itself was followed by President Trump vowing to use military force to restore order himself—a vow quickly put into action over these past few hours in the night skies over America, where into them have flooded multiple C-130J and C-17A combat troop loaded warplanes from Fort Riley, Fort Drum, and Fort Bragg that are now arriving into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington D.C.—as well as five C-17 combat warplanes that have left Fort Bragg flying towards Washington D.C., too—the latter of which are known to be carrying the US Army’s elite 82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

A potentially dangerous asteroid due to near Earth on 6 June (foto What does It mean)

Planetary Defense Coordination Office warning alert for potentially dangerous asteroid due to near Earth on 6 June (foto What Does It Mean)
US military helicopters fly low over Washington DC rioters (foto What Does It Mean)
comes at same time US Military helicopters fly low over Washington DC rioters (foto What Does It mean)
Elite FBI force’s helicopters over fly Washington DC (foto What Does It Mean)
and elite FBI force S helicopters over fly Washington DC, too (foto What Does It Mean)
US military warplanes flooding into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington DC during early morning hours of 2 June 2020 (1) (foto What Does It Mean)
US Military Warplanes flooding into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington DC during early morning hours of 2 June 2020 (1) (foto What Does It Mean)

US military warplanes flooding into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington DC during early morning hours of 2 June 2020 (2) (foto What Does It Mean)

US Military Warplanes flooding into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington DC during early morning hours of 2 June 2020 (2) (foto What Does It Mean)
US military warplanes flooding into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington DC during early morning hours of 2 June 2020 (3) (foto What Does It Mean)US Military Warplanes flooding into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington DC during early morning hours of 2 June 2020 (3) (foto What Does It Mean)

while radar tracks (three photos above) show US Military Warplanes flooding into Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington DC during early morning hours of 2 June 2020.

According to this report, most important to note about the “American tragedy” assessment made by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova, was her observation that: “It looks like a curtain has been drawn back to reveal the entire picture the United States has been seeking to hide from people”—an “entire picture” now being revealed that exposes to the American people the vile hatred their socialist Democrat Party leaders and leftist mainstream media elites have for their own nation and its wellbeing—best exampled in a beyond shocking video from 2011 that’s resurfaced showing nominal socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden urging the Chinese Communist Party to increase its influence in the United States—which explains why the mainstream leftist media supporting him have dropped all of their pandemic fearmongering so they can defend the riots, looting and chaos tearing America apart.

In truth and actuality what these now being exposed socialist godless monsters are defending, however, this report notes, are “Leftist Rules” to destroy all small businesses so they can’t reopen from the pandemic lockdowns they’ve been slammed with, while the anarchist rioters who are destroying these businesses are being bailed out of jail as soon as they’ve been arrested—and after leaving jail, these anarchist rioters then walk onto streets where piles of bricks have been mysteriously sprouting up near riot hotspots all over the United States—great multitudes of whom, also, are flying Mexican flags as they torch every American Flag they can get their hands on throughout all of the US—as well as their defacing every Jewish synagogue they can by spray painting on them the words “Fuck Israel” and “Free Palestine.

Action item (foto What Does It Mean)
Action item (foto What Does It mean)

Who put the bricks there? (foto What Does It Mean)

Who put the bricks there? (foto What Does It Mean)

Odd pallet of bricks (foto What Does It Mean)

Odd pallet of bricks (foto What Does It Mean)

Across the Nation on sidewalks (foto What Does It Mean)

Across the Nation on sidewalks (foto What Does It Mean)

Burning the US Flag (foto What Does It mean)

Burning the US Flag (foto What Does It mean)

Fuck Israel! Free Palestine! (foto What Does It Mean)

F*** Israel! Free Palestine! (foto What Does It Mean)

Overwhelming evidence proves socialist Democrat Party and leftist mainstream media supported riots have nothing to do with death of black man—and everything to do with starting war.

In this war Russian military and intelligence officials have designated as being a “Low-Intensity Conflict”, this report continues, since the “domestic terror” killing of a US federal officer during rioting in Oakland-California this past Friday, deadly violence is now sweeping all across the United States—where during the past 24-hours alone:

Four St. Louis-Missouri police were shot and wounded during a raging gun battle with socialist rioters.

A shootout with socialist rioters in Las Vegas-Nevada has left a US Marshall wounded after being shot, as well as a Las Vegas police officer clinging to life after being shot in the head.

A New York City police officer clinging to life after socialist rioters horrifically ran him over with a car.

A socialist rioter in Louisville-Kentucky being killed after he made the mistake of opening fire on police and National Guard troops.

Another socialist rioter killed in Omaha-Nebraska after he tried to kill a small business owner—whom police quickly freed after video showed he had to fire his gun to protect his own life.

Self protection not afforded to small business owners in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold of California—where police are now arresting business owners trying to protect their own property.

That enraged Sheriff Grady Judd from the Free State of Florida to the extent that he went on television and warned all socialist rioters: “If you value your life, they probably shouldn’t do that in Polk County. Because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded, and if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns. So, leave the community alone”.

Sheriff Grady Judd from the Free State of Florida (foto What Does It Mean)
Sheriff Grady Judd from the Free State of Florida warns socialist rioters to leave his community and its citizens alone, or else be prepared to be blown away (foto WhatDoes It Mean)

Having at his disposal should he need to use it, this report concludes, President Trump has available to him what is known as “The Insurrection Act Of 1807”—a seldom used act that would allow President Trump to use federal troops to restore law and order in America—but wouldn’t be needed if socialist Democrat Party governors would only use the over 343,000 troops they have in their own Army National GuardArmy National Guard troops used to restore law and order during the worst rioting in US history that occurred in 1968, when 1,000 buildings were burned in Washington D.C. alone—but unlike then, today sees these vile socialist Democrats and their leftist mainstream media lapdogs supporting this violence and chaos terrorizing their nation—best exampled yesterday when after President Trump left the media speechless when he walked from the Rose Garden at the White House to visit the historic St. John’s Church rioters had tried to burn down the night before, he was viciously attacked by godless socialist Democrat Party leaders US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for going to this historic church and holding aloft a Bible—both of whom blasted President Trump for what they said was his “Faith-Dishonoring Photo-op”—but in a swift reply to socialist monsters Pelosi and Schumer, saw thousands of American people mockingly exclaiming in near unison the truth that: “If you’re more upset that Trump waved a Bible in front of a church than you are about leftist arsonists setting that church on fire, you might be a Democrat!”.

Donald Trump with upside down in his hand the Bible (foto What Does It Mean)

Donald Trump with upside down in his hand the Bible (foto What Does It Mean)

Trump Stands In Front of Church Holding Bible After Threatening Military Action Against Protesters

Published on 1 jun. 2020

President Trump walked from the White House, crossed Lafayette Square, and stood in front of St John S Church holding A Bible moments after telling reporters he would deploy the Military if state officials could not contain protests across the nation.
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Trump Stands In Front Church Holding Bible After Threatening Military Action Against Protesters


Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


Many governments and their Intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, A stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission S conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been A longstanding misinformation and misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.

The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by A small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922 2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The word Kremlin (fortress inside A city) as used in this report refers to RUssian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.

Global Battlefields Littered With Coronavirus Dead But Who S Winning War?

All That S Left Now Is War What Kind And How Long Are The Questions To Ask

What Does It Mean, June 2, 2020

Meer informatie,+Retired

1 Comment

  1. Trump houdt de Bijbel NIET ondersteboven, zoals te zien is aan de linten, die aan de onderkant eruit steken!!!

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