Best & Taylor – La Palma “They’re Hiding This” Think They KNOW It + ZeroHedge | Tyler Durden – “Take Cover” Acid Rain From Canary Islands To Reach Europe

La Palma Volcans Eruptioning (foto Before It’s News)

La Palma “They’re Hiding This” I Think They KNOW It, September 22nd 2021

Published on 23 Sep 2021

Natural Blaze

La Palma Watch, Kill Shots, Sepyember 23rd, Earth Changes, China, Lockdowns, Mutants and More.

La Palma Watch Still at Very High Level, 2.520 days and September, October. Where Have All the People Gone? Millions of Jobs Unfilled, Georgia Guidestones amd the GREAT CULLING, Earth Changes abound, Land Rise in Michigan, Rift in Minnesota, Drought Deepening, Floods, Stealth Famine Not so Stealth Anymore, Food Chain Breakdowns, Jab Deaths increasing Rapidly, United Nations  4th Beast Rising as China Makes Power Grabs, Babylon is Fallen and is now a Demonic Nation, WARP SPEED LOGO Demonic to its Core, Police State Now Here, More Restrictions coming for the Unvaxed, the New Jews to be Rounded Up and Killed, Few Standing their Ground.
Stewart Best

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Take Cover Acid Rain From Canary Islands Volcano To Reach Europe

Natural Blaze

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The Canary Island of La Palma (foto Before It’s News)

Acid Rain Caused by Sulfur Dioxide Gas Spewing from the Volcano in Spain’s Canary Islands of La Palma will Reach Europe This Weekend.

Lava Flow from the Cumbre Vieja Volcano is Releasing Thousands of Tons of Sulfur Dioxide Gas into the Atmosphere, and Mixing with Clouds will Fall Downwind towards France and the Mediterranean Basin.

The Volcanic Eruption emits between 7,997 and 10,665 tons of Sulfur Dioxide per day and may last between one and three months. Areas Downwind are at Risk of Acid Rain, Posing Health Issues for Humans and Animals by Aggravating Pre Existing Respiratory Illnesses. There’s also the Risk it may Damage Crops and Contaminate Drinking Water.

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