Anonymous – Letter to the Lawyers of Micha Kat

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Letter to the Lawyers of Micha Kat

Dear Lawyers of Micha Kat,

Hereby Attached you find Some Information and Arguments which can help Micha in his Lawsuit against the Extradition.

In the Meantime There is a Now Wide Spread Word that Jaap van Dissel is Corrupt.

For Example, Van Dissel used his Private Mail Adress to Hide Certain Correspondance. For the Resources of this See the Following Article on the Site of the Dutch National Television State Media NOS.

The Advices of the Out Break Management Team

The Advices of the OMT were Very Important for the Covid Strategy like Lock Downs and So. During Covid they were Highly Managed by the Ministries of the Dutch Government instead of Functioning as an Independence Base for Information. Nog Meer Bemoeienis van-ministerie-met-omt-adviezen

For Years the MainStream Media in The Netherlands is Not Really Independent and without Prejudice for the Other Side. They are Paid by the Government and Most Newspapers are in Hands of Two Parties called DPG Media and Mediahuis who have a Market Share of Approximately 90% to 95%. This appears for Example in the Following Resource and also the House of Representatives has his Worries about that.

Tweede Kamer (1)

Vraag (4)

Bent U van Mening, dat de Media Concentratie van 95 Procent van Nederlandse Kranten onder Slechts Twee Buitenlandse Media Bedrijven kan leiden tot een Dominante Positie van deze Media Bedrijven op de Nederlandse Markt van Regionale en Landelijke Bladen?

Between the Media you Hardly can See Any Difference Due to a High Percentage of Overlapping Articles. Funding Its Origine in the Connection between State and Share Holders. In ‘Different’ Newspapers like Noordhollands Dagblad and De Telegraaf you see Also Articles of the Same Reporters, but De Telegraaf decides for Others What Word has to be Spread.

The Last Week you could Read in the Media, like Mediahuis and DPG Media, State Financed Articles, that are Directed by them to the Point that Van Dissel looks a Good Guy. They Protect him. In Fact the Media in The Netherlands are Not Independent at All. As is shown in the Following Articles.

Out of Observing the Reactional Behavior of Dutch MainStream Media it appears Clearly that They Walk like Sheep Solid behind the Interests of the State. This Metaforic Image is Important because Also in  the Counter Media there is a Wide Acceptance and therefore an Extended Role for Big Media like De Telegraaf and NOS.

In The Netherlands the Problem is the Relationship between ‘Dutch‘ Media and the Market Share of These Foreign Share Holding Companies .

When BBC or The Guardian call Prime Minister Mark Rutte ‘An Enemy of the People.’ The [Sic] Dutch Media follows him like Sheep.

Tweede Kamer (2)

Kamer Stukken Tweede Kamer Vergader Jaar 2020 – 2021 Kamer Stuk 3478

People with Another Opinion like Micha are Pointed Out by These Reporters and Media as So Called Conspiracy Theorists. The Purpose of This Strategy is to make Persons like Micha Ridiculous, so People are Going to Ignore their Opinion. The Public believes Unfortunately the MainStream Media and doesn’t see that Micha is Only Spreading Facts.

Facts for Example about Joost Knevel and his Statements about Child Abuse. These Statements are Consistent and Detailed.

The Lower Court of Haarlem or Rechtbank Haarlem van 6 juni 2016, Zaak Nummer 15 | 030113 – 04, Decided. Just Based on the Statements of the Victim because they are Authentic and Consisent and have Not Been Changed. The Statements should be Believed and Accepted as Evidence to Convict the Suspect.

Al dus de Verkorte Weergave op ging dit om het Volgende.


Oom heeft Neefje Mis Bruikt.
De Raads Man voert aan, dat Verklaringen op Onderdelen, Zo Danig Tegen Strijdig zijn, dat de Verklaringen als Onbetrouwbaar ter Zijde Gesteld moeten worden. De Recht Bank verwerpt dit Verweer. Zij is van Oordeel, dat de Aanwezige Inconsistenties de Essentie van de Verklaringen Niet Raken en Voorts Niet Zo Danig Onbegrijpelijk zijn (Mede Gezien het Tijds Verloop, dat dit tot de Conclusie zou moeten leiden, dat de Verklaringen als Onbetrouwbaar Aan Gemerkt moeten worden. De Recht Bank acht de Verklaringen van het Slacht Offer boven dien Geloof Waardig, omdat deze naar haar Oordeel Authentiek en op de Essentiële Onderdelen Er Van Consistent en Ongewijzigd zijn. Het Slacht Offer blijft Steeds Consistent in zijn Verklaring over Hoe en Waar het Seksueel Misbruik heeft Plaats Gevonden, Zonder Aanvulling of Wijziging van de Eerder Aan Gedragen Beschuldigingen, Ook na dat hij Geconfronteerd is met de Volhardende Ontkenning van Verdachte.

I want to Remark that it is Not A Absolute Necessity that Joost Knevel his Statements Really are the Truth, but that Micha Kat has Acted Carefully and Therefore It is Acceptable and Within Law that Micha as A Journalist has Spread the Statements and Testimony of Joost Knevel Online.


Attached, you will find A Video. This is A Video about the So Called Treatment Micha is Judged to have Given to Bart Mos. This Recording was Not Allowed to be Heard at the Criminal Court Meeting.

In this Video appears Clearly that Micha has Not Threatened Bart Mos at All. He is Just Saying to Bart Mos in General that when he continues to Act This Way as A Journalist he will Get A Bullet. This Obviously was Generally Meant, but as the Court Even Refuses to Hear the Original Recording you will get A Ridiculous Outcome like this Specific Conviction of Micha, by A Verdict of ‘Lazy‘ Judges, who believed the State Reporter Bart Mos on his Blue Eyes.

Bart Mos Even Profesionally visits For Example the Director of the FIOD, the Fiscal Investigative Services, or the Director of the Staats Loterij, the Dutch State Lottery and Just spreads Positive Good News about those ‘Institutions and ignores Any Critical Words.

To be Clear the ‘Suspect’ Bart Mos has Posted this Video Only After Years on his Twitter Acount and with this Publication he provides the Evidence that Micha in Fact Never Threatened Bart Mos or Contemplated to do So.

Pedo Public Prosecutor

Please check the Evidence that A Public Prosecutor has Recently been Convicted for Child Abuse.

Please Listen to Argos, Dutch Investigative National Radio Program about Child Abuse Perpetrated by Among Others A High Civil Servant.

This Article about A Lawsuit between AD Journalist Koen Voskuil and Joris Demmink, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice, that Mentions Pedo Activitiy as Micha did Write about. Often he had Been the the Initiator of Such News.

Demmink is Still Active on the Background of the Government and makes for Example Visits to Societeit De Witte where High Civil Servants, Judges and Government Members are Joining Together, including Demmink.

This is an Article on a Friend of Demmink, who was A Judge Him Self and Who has Decided, When he was Still Active as A Judge, that Demmink should Not be Prosecuted. contact-met-joris-demmink~a6e3662f/

This is an Article from the Media, Located in Belgium, who Write about How the Dutch Press is Keeping Silent about Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s Actions to Silence, Member of the Parliament, Pieter Omtzigt about This Demmink Case.

Seksschandaal Nederland: Pers zwijgt over intimidatie Kamerlid

Here after follows an Article about How Turkey has Blackmailed the Dutch Government about Demmink and his Sex Travel to Turkey. Central Figure, Hüseyun Baybasin has been Locked Away in Prison for Life on the Base of Manipulated Reccordings and Fake Evidence. Turkey wanted to Get Rid of the Kurd Baybasin for Political Reasons. demmink~ad402cab/

Anonymous – Some Information and Arguments which can Help Micha Kat in his Lawsuit about the Extradition, 3 juni 2022

Meer informatieüseyin+Baybasin

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