Eric Donk – Letter to the Judge of Newry Court in Northern Ireland deciding over the Extradition Hearing of Mr Micha Kat, July 15 2022

Her Majesty S Prison in Magaburry (gif

Letter to the Judge of Newry Court in Northern Ireland deciding over the Extradition Hearing of Mr Micha Kat, July 15 2022


My Name is Eric Martijn Donk. I am A Former Employee of Mr Micha Kat. I have followed Mr Kat S Activities for Several Years as hisPersonal Camera Man’ and Registered his Activities. At the Moment I am In Fact Not Sure of my Actual Status because my Client and Employer, Mr Micha Kat, has Fled the Country after he Seriously Betrayed me and the Team I was working with to Promote the Activities of Mr Kat and his Web Sites.

I am One of the Many Persons that filed A Criminal Complaint against Micha Kat who Currently is in Custody of the Irish Authorities and Detained in Belmarsh Prison awaiting Extradition to The Netherlands. I am So Disgusted and Worried by the Behaviour of Mr Kat that I decided to Edit Some Video S Dedicated to give the Court Some Insight in the Activities of Mr Kat. My Complaint is Part of One of the Extradition Warrants.
I Hereby Request that this Statement and the Accompanying Video S will be taken in as Evidence and shown in Court to Confront Mr Kat with his Criminal Behaviour and his Many Acts of Perjury during Recent Extradition Hearings.


I have been following the Activities of Mr Kat after I heard him making Some Very Worrying Statements on A Radio Show in 2008. Mr Kat claimed that he was an Investigative Journalist that was being Harassed and Prosecuted by the Dutch Government because of his Activities. These Claims raised Serious Questions about his Safety and the Integrity of A Top Official of the Dutch Justice Department and Several Judges.

Due to these Allegations I decided I wanted to investigate these Stories. It felt like my Duty as A Dutch Citizen to Defend and Support Mr Kat against the Corrupt Powers that he claimed were making his Life Impossible and might Even Endanger It. For this Purpose I created A Web Page and A Petition that demanded an Official Investigation into the Allegations against Mr Joris Demmink who was the Secretary General of the Dutch Justice Department at that Time. These Accusations were Very Serious and Involved Allegations of Child Abuse and the Possibility of Black Mail by Foreign Powers, which would compromise the Integrity of the Complete Dutch Justice Department and Police Forces.

I took this Matter Very Seriously and contacted Mr Kat for an Interview to promote the Petition. Mr Kat was Not the Instigator of these Stories and appeared to be Reliable Person. At that Moment he was the Web Master of A Web Site named This Web Site was promoted as A Site that supported Whistle Blowers. Besides This Kat claimed to be A Legal Expert and A Specialist in the Field of Accounting and Corruption. His Activities as A Writer for the Magazine of the Dutch Bar Association and the Fact that he was Financially Supported by the Dutch Journalist S Association in his Case against theCorrupt Judges’ were Reason for me to see him as A Serious Investigator. and JDTV

During One of our First Meetings M Kat revealed that he worked for A Company named Chipshol that was disadvantaged by the Judges that Mr Kat was accusing of Corruption. He wanted to hire me and the Small Research and Production Group that I had set up to create and provide Content for our Web Site to do this for his Web Site This Platform was supposed to be A Channel reporting on Developments in Several Whistle Blower Cases and Other Social Injustice created by Bureaucracy and Corruption. Since my Web Site and the Petition where aimed at an Investigation into the Allegations against Mr Demmink I named my YouTube Channel JDTV.

Fake News

Mr Kat claimed he had Solid Evidence and was able to proof his Allegations in Court. This was the beginning of A Pattern that I have seen repeated over and over in the Last 14 Years. This Pattern consists of Mr Kat abusing Mentally UnstableAbuse Victimsas Witnesses in Questionable Abuse and Murder Cold Cases.

Unfortunately Mr Kat is Quite the Opposite of the Investigative Journalist and Human Rights Advocate that he pretends to be. I am Sad to conclude that in Reality Mr Kat is A Heartless Narcissist and Predator that abused Many People to realise his Goals. These Goals have Nothing to do with Justice for Whistle Blower S or Victims of Abuse. The Fact is that it is Mr Kat who abuses these Victims and Whistle Blowers for his own Benefit.

Over the Years I have witnessed Multiple Examples of how Mr Kat abuses Mentally Weak People to maintain his Disgusting Business Model. I will give Some Examples of this Behaviour and would like to draw your Special Attention to the Case in which Mr Kat claimed he could prove that A Garda Employee was A Serial Rapist and Murderer. For This he even set up A Special Web Site and A YouTube Channel called Killing Irish Women. I will elaborate on This Later.

Mr Kat has Willingly gotten me and Several Other Persons in Serious Financial Troubles and Criminal Court Cases that have had Very Negative Effects on our Lives. After Mr Kat fled The Netherlands he even sabotaged the Legal Defence in the Criminal Cases he got us involved in, so we eventually ended up without any Legal Representation or Finances. This is VeryuPainfull for us because Mr Kat gave us his Word and Quarantees that our Investments would be compensated for by his Employer Chipshol. Mr Kat claimed that the Legal Procedures the Company was involved in were Responsible for Cash Flow Problems and Structurally failed to meet Payment Agreements. Besides this he embezzled Large Amounts of Donations that had been donated to fund our Team S Research and Work. Mr Kat Willingly chose to escape the Country with Everything he could take with him.  He ordered his Lawyer Mr Thijs Stapel, who is also representing him Here Today, not to react and to ignore our Payment Requests and Demands.

I have lost Everything I had as A Result of the Behaviour of Mr Kat and Several Members of our Team ended up in Serious Troubles. It goes Too Far to get into All the Details of these Personal Stories Right Now, but I do want to make it Very Clear that Mr Kat has been Lying and Scamming for Many Years. This is the Main Reason why I would like to show the Court some Evidence of Matters that are related to the Current Extradition Hearings. I have translated Some of the Video S in my Archive to show the Judge that Nothing Mr Kat says is Reliable and that he has committed Several Occasions of Perjury in this Court Room.

Bomb Threats and Illegal Arrests of Micha Kat

Mr Kat claims he has been Harassed and Illegally Detained by the Dutch Authorities.

The First Video Clip I would like to show proves that this Story is Utter Nonsense.

 Furthermore A Sound Clip of One of the Bomb Threats by Mr Kat.

Mr  Kat has stated that he has No Recollection of making Any Bomb Treats during the Previous Extradition Hearing and also ‘Forgot’ to tell our Team that he made Several Bomb Threats. I hope this Recording will help remember the Suspect that he is Not being Prosecuted for his Charitable Works, but for his Very Vile Behaviour and his Vexatious Reporting on ‘The Truth’. There have been Several Incidents where Mr Kat staged Arrests and Legal Actions Against His Own Person

Nieuwspoort Diner

During the Extradition Hearing on 6 July Mr Kat gave an Example of how he was Arrested after A Diner. This was A Diner in the Restaurant of the Dutch Parliamentary Press Association where Most of our Team was Present. I have Personally Observed and Recorded What Happened on this Night. Basically Mr Kat set up A Show by treating us to A Diner and leaving the Restaurant without paying the Bill.

This was Part of his Strategy to create Controverse around his Person. I have Several Examples of Arrests that were staged by Mr Kat so he could boost his Image and On Line Presence by giving the Impression that he was Unjustly Persecuted. Playing the Role of Persecuted Journalist is A Very Profitable Business Model for Mr Kat, who has received Large Amounts of Donations in Recent Years Thanks to these Types of Scams.

De Telegraaf | Death Threat

The Next Video Clip I would like to show is A Death Threat against the Fellow Journalist that offered him A Job at A Large Dutch Media Company as A Journalist for A News Paper named De Telegraaf.

In this Clip Mr Kat can be heard saying the Journalist will be Shot in the Head for All That he has done. Mr Kat was Expelled from the Dutch Journalism Association as A Result of this Death Threat to his Colleague.

This is Not an Incident but Part of A Long Lasting Slandering Campaign by Mr  Kat trying to instigate Hate and Violence against his Former Colleague S and Employer. Mr Kat Literally lost this Job before he even started working for De Telegraaf due to an Incident in Nieuws Poort, the Parliamentary Press Centre, where he Insulted Other Journalists and was seen Urinating in the Hall Way while Heavily under the Influence of Alcohol. Kat still remains to Slander his Former Employer in Defiance with A Court Order. The Incident regarding Kat S Business Card during One of the Previous Extradition Hearings Also Pertains to this News Paper De Telegraaf.

 De Telegraaf Business Card van Mr Kat (foto Eric Donk) [Earlier Publication HERE]

Mr Kat Abused the Trade Mark of De Telegraaf to Pose as A Journalist for A Large Media Company. In this Way he has Scammed Many Irish Shop Owners with A YouTube Page called TubeYourShop Ireland. This is Also seems to be the Explanation for the Fact that Mr Kat attaches Such Great Value to this Business Card and demands the Court to Immediately return It Back into his Possession.

Perhaps these Unusual Business Activities of Mr Kat are Also the Reason for the Fact that he has been using the Alias Michael Morgan on his Skype Account during the Period that he has been Residing in Ireland.

Micha Kat as Michael Morgan (foto Eric Donk)

Hidden Account of Micha Kat on TubeYourShop Ireland (foto Eric Donk)

Mr Kat has published 227 Video S for TubeyourShop Ireland, but has since Hidden the Content of the Channel to keep It from getting Any Unwanted Attention. This also is More Evidence for the Fact that Mr Kat is A Scam Artist instead of A Journalist. I can recall A Video in which Mr Kat remarked that he charged Shop Owners for the Video Productions and Promotion on his YouTube Page. Clients of TubeYourShop who Often Paid in Cash and got Nothing More than A Few Minutes of Hand Held Video of Mr Kat wandering trough their Shops. Mr Kat Clearly made A Nice Side Income with his Activities for TubeYourShop Ireland. As A Victim of Micha Kat It is Not Very Hard to see this Fugitive Scamming these Shop Owners and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Nothing To See Here! (foto Eric Donk)
TubeYourShop Ireland Active since 16 februari 2015 (foto Eric Dink)

Accounting Fraud by Micha Kat (foto Eric Donk)

Accounting Fraud

Mr Kat is Proud to claim to have A Lot of Experience and Knowledge about Legal Matters and International Fraud Cases. It seems he also was an Advisor to Ferdy Roet, The Founder of Stichting Loterij Verlies who Recently got Convicted forALarge Embezzlement Scam. Mr Kat has written Multiple Articles for the Web Site Defending the Activities of Mr Roet who Coincidentally also had A Legal Conflict with De Telegraaf Journalist Bart Mos in which he demanded the Resignation of Mr Mos. The Fact is that Mr Kat has been using his Knowledge for Many Years to Scam Others. I think I can Safely state that the Irish Government is One of Mr Kat S Many Victims since he Willingly ignored to File Any Taxes over his Irish Income and the Donations he has received.

Mr Kat abusing Child Abused and Vulnerable People

Mr Kat seems to have A Morbid Obsession for Child Abuse and spends Worrying Amounts of Time Fantasizing about the Worst Case Child Abuse Scenario S. A Conversation about Raping Babies and Eating their Intestines is Standard Practice for Mr Kat. He seems Really Attracted to the Subject and has shown on Many Occasions that he has Absolutely No Empathy for the Alleged Victims and Even finds It Funny to Fantasize and Joke about Abusing and Killing Babies and Young Children. There are Countless Recordings of This.

He fled The Netherlands, In His Own Words because the Public Prosecution Service wants to ‘Link him to A Murder’ by Means of A Mandatory DNA Test. During his Stay in Iceland Mr Kat was caught Twice while Hosting Child Pornography on the Server of his Web iSite. I find this Very Worrying because Mr Kat has Never Really Investigated or Solved Any Child Abuse Cases and continues to Openly Fantasize about these Matters.

Mr Kat has spend Several Years Investigating Child Abuse in South East Asia after he fled The Netherlands. Strange Enough he Never Managed to report on Even One Case of Child Abuse and Sex Tourism while he was in the Centre of It. This leads me to believe that Mr Kat has Other Priorities than he says and has No Interest at All in Exposing Child Abusers. Mr Kat has been Lying, Scamming and Embezzling for Many Years, Abusing the Victims of Child Abuse. It makes me Sick to my Stomach that I Once Supported and Helped this Low Life Abuser. I will Not Rest Until He Gets What he Deserves

Wim Dankbaar | Het Vaatstra Complot

One of the First Investigations of Mr Kat that I Closely Followed involved A Cold Case of A Teenage Abuse and Murder Victim named Marianne Vaatstra. This was A Very Sensitive Case because of the Alleged Involvement of Foreign Refugees. We got Involved in this Story after the Desperate Father Reached Out for Help. I recorded Interviews with Several People who claimed to be Witnesses of Events that were Not in Line with theOfficial Story’ and wanted to Testify about This on Camera.

It Quickly became Clear that Mr Kat had No Interest in Actual Research and Shamelessly Abused and Exploited this Story for his Own Fame and Benefit after he Published the Personal Diaries of the Victim S Mother. The Killer turned out to be A Local Man who was Eventually Identified by his DNA Profile and Confessed to the Abuse and Murder of Marianne Vaatstra. Despite Fact Mr Kat and his Fellow Self Declared Researchers continued to Persist that the Victim was Killed by A Refugee that Received Special Protection by the Dutch Justice Department.

As in Any Case Where Micha Kat got Involved he Advised hisFriendsin this Case into Deep Legal and Financial Troubles. In this Case Mr Kat managed to Persuade Mr Wim Dankbaar to Publish the Mothers Diaries as A Book. This Book was named ‘Het Vaatstra Complot’ which can be Translated asThe Vaatstra Conspiracy’. As with Almost Any Case he has ‘InvestigatedMr Kat claimed to be in Possession of Crucial Information that Eventually would Proof the Existence of A Serious Conspiracy involving High Level Government Employees. He made It Very Clear that he shared the Information of his Investigation on A Need to Know Basis Only. This is A Part of Mr Kat S Strategy to Isolate his Victims and make them Depend on hisKnowledge and Advice’. This Obviously got Mr Dankbaar and his Publisher Hans Mauritz into Deep Legal Trouble. There are No Words for the Suffering that Mr Kat has Willingly caused the Family of this Murder Victim under the Pretence of Helping Them. Mr Kat is Directly Responsible for the Fact that the Family is Still getting Harassed until this Day with Strange Theories about the Abuse and Murder of their Daughter.

Red Pill Journal

Mr. Kat has Recently been Involved in theInvestigationof Another Murder Case after he met A NewWitness’. I will Not go into Much Detail of this Case because It has Already been Debunked in Court. In Short, this Case involved A Story of A Network of Ritual Child Abusers who killed All Witnesses of their Crimes. Micha Kat Conducted Research and Once Again claimed to have Indisputable Evidence that would be Revealed during A Court Case. As with All Other Murder Investigations where Mr Kat claimed to have Indisputable Evidence, he Eventually did Not Prove Any of these Claims in this Murder Investigation Either. The Dutch Prosecutors Office determined that the Red Pill Journal that was hosted by Mr Kat received Well over 111.000 Euro S in Donations for the ‘Fight against Injustice and Child Abuse’. The Episodes of the Red Pill Journal give A Very Good Insight in the Way Mr Kat instigates his Followers and Viewers to take Matters into Their Own Hands.

Killing Irish Women | Emotional and Physical Abuse of his Victims

Mr Kat has No Remorse over the Suffering he has Caused and Ignores the Damage he has done to Simply continue with his NextInvestigation’. One of the Most Schocking Examples is the Case in which he wasHelpingan Irish Woman to get into Contact with her Children that were Placed under Foster Care. In this Case Mr Kat filed A Complaint with the Garda Ombudsman and Pretended to be working on A Solution. In Reality Mr Kat Only Escalated the Situation which caused that the Mother could Not see her Children.

He used this Case to Gain Control over this Women and Even started Living with Her. He managed to Stretch this Case for More than A Year. I have IncludedA Compilation of Recordings Here that Clearly show how Mr Kat was Physically and Mentally Abusing this Desperate Women that provided Housing for him. The way he abused the Mental strain this women was under is Simply Inhumane and Barbaric. I hope the Court will Examine my Video of this Case and will conclude that Mr Kat should be Prosecuted for these Crimes and should Serve Even More Time in an Irish Prison.

Besides A Lack of Research and A Lack of Evidence, Mr Kat Also seems to Suffer from A Lack of Character and Empathy. The Stories of Vaatstra, Killing Irish Women and the Red Pill Journal confirm This. ‘Investigative Journalist’ Micha Kat took A Ruthless Approach by Accusing Innocent and Even Deceased Individuals of Involvement in Networks of Ritual Child Abusers. These Stories have Not Only Led to Great Indignation and Commotion, but also to Much Unrest and Division.

Mr Kat caused Huge Amounts of Sorrow. I Personally Also Experienced that Mr Kat does the Opposite of What He Says after he Intentionally Destroyed my Life in an Attempt to Stop Me from Exposing him as the Scam Artist that he Really is. Mr Kat has been Slandering me for Many Years as A Result of my Attempt to come to his Aid and Expose the Persons behind the ‘Unfair Treatment’ that Mr Kat received. Mr Kat is nothing but A Coward who enjoys bringing Chaos and Destruction to the Lives of Others and seems to get Real Gratification and Satisfaction out of this. I hope the Court and Prosecutor will look into the Matters I have Named Here and will Conclude that Mr Kat should be Prosecuted for Embezzlement, Fraud, Slander and the Physical and Mental Abuse of A Mentally Challenged Women.

Kind regards,

Eric Martijn Donk

Eric Donk – Letter for the Extradition Hearing of Mr Micha Kat, July 15 2022

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  1. Denkt iemand na dit briefje aan de Ierse rechter nog, dat het zinnig is om zowel dhr. Kat áls dhr. Donc, die van elkaar beweren “empathieloze narcist” te zijn, beiden te laten onderzoeken op die persoonlijkheidsstoornis.
    Of is het zo al wel duidelijk ?

  2. @ Onno

    Over persoonlijkheidsstoornissen gesproken: wanneer ben jij precies uit het Pieter Baan Centrum ontsnapt?

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