Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
Number of airborne flights 18 April 2019 compared to 16 April 2020 (foto De Telegraaf)
Corona Virus Kaart van Nederland, vrijdag 17 april 2020 (foto Twitter)
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
Here I am going to document that #Erasmus University Medical Center in #Rotterdam is the World wide center coordinating the #CoronaVirus #plandemic #XAOH. #JohnsHopkins may invent the #CoronaVirus death toll, all the #CoVid19 profits Worldwide will flow through the Dutch #ErasmusMC.
Hoofdingang Erasmus MC (foto Twitter)
Corona Virus (foto Twitter)
Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam (foto Twitter)
Here I am going to document that #Erasmus University Medical Center in #Rotterdam is the world wide center coordinating the #corona #plandemic #xaoh. #JohnsHopkins may invent the #coronavirus death toll, all the #covid19 profits worldwide will flow through the Dutch #ErasmusMC.
— Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. 2020 · 5:34 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
First things first: the #CoronaVirus #patent. The patent on beta CoronaViruses, including #COVID19, covering ALL DIAGNOSIS, PREVENTION AND TREATMENT (over 35 claims!!) lies with #ErasmusMC in #Rotterdam. Filed in 2013, after the #MERS scaredemic, granted in 2015.
Human Betacoronavirus Lineage C and Identification of N Terminal Peptidase As Its Recepter (foto Twitter)
First things first: the #corona #patent. The patent on betacoronaviruses, incl. #COVID19, covering ALL DIAGNOSIS, PREVENTION AND TREATMENT (over 35 claims!!) lies with #ErasmusMC in #Rotterdam. Filed in 2013, after the #MERS scaredemic, granted in 2015. — Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. 2020 · 5:52 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
What this means is that ALL #CoronVirus testing, all future treatment (this is anti bodies), and all future prevention, this is the dozens of #vaccines in development by dozens of companies, will have to pass #EramusMC #patent, which means $$$$. Royalties. #CoVid19 #bigbusiness #CoronaVirus
Claim (1) (foto Twitter)
Claim (2) (foto Twitter)
What this means is that ALL #corona testing, all future treatment (i.e. antibodies), and all future prevention, i.e. the dozens of #vaccines in development by dozens of companies, will have to pass #EramusMC #patent, which means $$$$. Royalties. #covid19 #bigbusiness #coronavirus
— Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. 2020 · 5:55 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
#Rotterdam literally owns #COVID19. Many of the patent holders are on Dutch news daily, talking about the scariness of the #plandemic. Two main names are #AbOsterhaus and #RonFouchier. Fouchier was on the Time 2012 Top 100 most influential people list. A virologist? #CoronaVirus #XAOH
Patent History & Classifications (foto Twitter) The World 100 Most Inflential People 2012 in Time Magazine (foto Twitter)
#Rotterdam literally owns #COVID19. Many of the patent holders are on Dutch news daily, talking about the scariness of the #plandemic. Two main names are #AbOsterhaus and #RonFouchier. Fouchier was on the Time 2012 Top 100 most influential people list. A virologist? #corona #xaoh — Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. 2020 · 6:06 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
#CoronaVirus patent holder #RonFouchier showing his #freemason allegiance, with elite one eye #symbolism we know so well. Yes, also #science™ is run by these liars. ESPECIALLY science, since that’s the World’s new #religion and the high priests are these people. #CoVid19 #xaoh #psyop
Masonic Ron Fouchier (1) (foto Robin Utrecht)
Masonic Ron Fouchier (2) (foto Robin Utrecht)
Foucier Bercy (foto Twitter)
#Corona patent holder #RonFouchier showing his #freemason allegiance, with elite one-eye #symbolism we know so well. Yes, also #science™ is run by these liars. ESPECIALLY science, since that’s the world’s new #religion and the high priests are these people. #Covid19 #xaoh #psyop
— Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
15 apr. 2020 · 6:11 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
#Rotterdam #ErasmusMC is literally the eye of the #CoronaVirus storm. Nice eye symbolism again. Coincidences: look who’s on the bottom of the same article: #Freemason Dr #Fauci discussing things with #Fouchier (more on faker Fauci later). And here they are, years later, in #CoVid19.
Ron Fouchier: In the Eye of the Storm (foto Twitter)
#Rotterdam #ErasmusMC is literally the eye of the #corona storm. Nice eye symbolism again. Coincidences: look who’s on the bottom of the same article: #Freemason Dr #Fauci discussing things with #Fouchier (more on faker Fauci later). And here they are, years later, in #covid19. — Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. 2020 · 6:16 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
Meet #OlfertLandt, the German scientist who invented (literally) one of the main #CoronaVirus tests. Note the clear #masonic pose we know from Angela Merkel & co. Who co developed the #COVID19 test? The Dutch #ErasmusMC crew. I‘ve highlighted the #Erasmus and #RIVM (Dutch CDC) in yellow.
Olfert Landt (foto Twitter)
German scientist Olfert Landt (foto Twitter)
Meet #OlfertLandt, the German scientist who invented (literally) one of the main #corona tests. Note the clear #masonic pose we know from Merkel & co. Who co-developed the #COVID19 test? The Dutch #ErasmusMC crew. I’ve highlighted the #Erasmus and #RIVM (Dutch CDC) in yellow.
— Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. · 2020 6:22 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
The #CoronaVirus test developed by #ErasmusMC and Landt is sold through the marketing power of #bigpharma giant #Roche. And now the shocker: this diagnostic test was developed WITHOUT ANY #COVID19 MATERIAL. Seriously! They based it on all kinds of Viruses, but NOT #corona!!!???
Roche receives Emergency Approval fot new test (foto Twitter) CoVid 19 (foto Twitter)
The #coronavirus test developed by #ErasmusMC and Landt is sold through the marketing power of #bigpharma giant #Roche. And now the shocker: this diagnostic test was developed WITHOUT ANY #COVID19 MATERIAL. Seriously! They based it on all kinds of viruses, but NOT #corona!!!??? — Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. 2020 · 6:53 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
And meet the main author of this article on the #ErasmusMC | Landt #CoronaVirustest: Victor Corman. Corman just so happens to have a profile pic of him and a giant bat. Really? They have invented #CoronaVirus comes from bats. And snakes. #Satanic symbolism, of course. #CoVid19 #psyop
Detection of 2019 novel Corina Virus (foto Twitter)
Victor Corman | Satanic Symbolism (foto Twitter)
And meet the main author of this article on the #ErasmusMC / Landt #coronatest: Victor Corman. Corman just so happens to have a profile pic of him and a giant bat. Really? They have invented #coronavirus comes from bats. And snakes. #Satanic symbolism, of course. #covid19 #psyop
— Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
15 apr. 2020 · 6:58 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
Back to #ErasmusMC: they control ALL the #CoronaVirus science. They did not wait for any #COVID19 material to produce a test: they wanted to be first and rake in all the #COVID cash with a crap test. But now it’s there, and look, they’re also first with the #antibodies against Corona Virus!
Unique discovery in Erasmus MC (foto Twitter)
Back to #ErasmusMC: they control ALL the #corona science. They did not wait for any #COVID19 material to produce a test: they wanted to be first and rake in all the #COVID cash with a crap test. But now it’s there, and look, they’re also first with the #antibodies against corona! — Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. 2020 · 7:04 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
To sum up: #Rotterdam #ErasmusMC has:
– a #patent on #CoronaVirus diagnosis, prevention AND treatment
– developed the first #PCR Corona Virus test (without any Virus material!)
– the first to identify anti bodies
– the first with a serological test.
Erasmus MC (foto Shutterstock)
Thumbs up, money incoming (foto Twitter)
COVID 19 (foto Twitter)
To sum up: #Rotterdam #ErasmusMC has:
– a #patent on #corona diagnosis, prevention AND treatment
– developed the first #PCR coronatest (without any virus material!)
– the first to identify antibodies
– the first with a serological test.
HERE COMES THE MONEY… SWEET #COVID MONEY— Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. · 2020 7:22 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
That is, IF #ErasmusMC is even really owning the #CoronaVirus patent, because it is listed on persons. Could it be for personal profit? — Several Dutch holding companies have been started to hold this patent and the spin off products, potentially worth BILLIONS. #Pandemic=$$$
Saudis say Dutch patent on MERS Virus hampers research (foto Twitter)
That is, IF #ErasmusMC is even really owning the #coronavirus patent, because it is listed on persons. Could it be for personal profit? — Several Dutch holding companies have been started to hold this patent and the spin-off products, potentially worth BILLIONS. #Pandemic=$$$ — Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 15 apr. 2020 · 7:27 p.m.
Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum
Now before I go on on #CoronaVirus #CoVid, I need to tell you about #MERS: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, the scary #pandemic they invented in 2012 – 2013. You know that Virus has been patented? You know by whom? Yes. #Rotterdam #ErasmusMC. Same same. Extremely shady story. More later.
As Outbreak Continues, Confusion Reigns Over Corona Virus Patents (foto Twitter)
Now before I go on on #corona #covid, I need to tell you about #MERS: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, the scary #pandemic they invented in 2012-13. You know that virus has been patented? You know by whom? Yes. #Rotterdam #ErasmusMC. Same same. Extremely shady story. More later.
— Magnum Caseum (@MagnumCaseum) April 15, 2020
Twitter, 16 apr. 2020 · 1:50 a.m.
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