Zodiac Sign Astrology – Birth Chart: Rob Scholte (Gemini)

Astrological Natal Chart

Rob Scholte

Born at Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sunday, June 01, 1958
08:05 (time zone = GMT +1 hours)
4e54, 52n22

Rob Scholte (Gemini), born Sunday, June 01, 1958 (time zone = GMT + 1 hours) at 4e54 and 52n22


Astrology is the study of the effects of planetary forces upon man. It is not fortune telling. It is one of the best methods for man to learn about who he is, where he came from and where he is going. Astrology reveals CHARACTER and character is destiny. If man can change his character, then man will have changed his destiny. The main uses of astrology are diagnosis of health and sickness, character analysis, vocational guidance, analysis of children’s horoscopes so as to give parents a better idea as to how best to raise their children, and analysis of the compatibilities between people.

Astrology does not show anything but tendencies. A man can rule his stars by exerting his will. If a man decides to flow with the tide of life, then the tendencies indicated in the birth chart will at some time have their effect. The one thing a birth chart does not show is the WILL of the individual and how he may exert it. The matter of exercising free will is left entirely up to the individual. The wise man rules his stars, the fool is ruled by them. Astrology forewarns and being forewarned, a man is thus forearmed to better cope with the struggles of life.

Remember that good or so-called evil configurations are not the result of chance or luck, but are the product of our own past acts — the horoscope shows what we have earned by our past living and therefore what we are entitled to in the present life. What we lack in this life can be gained in the future by applying ourselves to the task at hand. The stars IMPEL but do not COMPEL. As Goethe, the great mystic, said, “From every power that holds the world in chains, Man frees himself when self-control he gains.”

The Law of Consequence (“Whatsoever a man sows, that he shall also reap”) works in harmony with the planets. The spirit is born into the physical world at that opportune time when the Law and the planets may operate in harmony with each other. The birth of an Ego is so timed by the Lords of Destiny, that the horoscope, which is the clock of destiny, registers the kind of debts which the Ego has incurred in its previous lives, and the time when these debts come to fruition, when the harvest from the seeds which have been sown must be garnered. However, the law of destiny is not a blind law, for it may be modified to a certain degree in proportion to the amount of will power awakened and utilized by the Ego. “For be not deceived, God is not mocked. The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow, but they grind exceedingly fine.”

There are three factors which bring to us the mystic message of the stars — the houses, the signs and the planets. Each house represents a department of life, the signs are divisions of the heavens which by their placement relative to the houses indicate our basic temperament and attitude towards life, and the planets are the messengers of God which by their motion through the houses and signs bring to us the opportunities for soul growth which we need for our individual development. Think of the planets as representing the players in a play. The signs, then, would describe the role that each player has and how he expresses his character, the houses represent the various settings of the play and the angular relationships between the planets, the aspects, represent the plot of the play. Each planet has a characteristic energy. That energy can be expressed either positively or negatively. The way that energy is expressed is determined by the aspects of the other planets to that particular planet.

The horoscope shows tendencies only. It is a matter for you to determine how any planetary position will work itself out. That will be determined by the use you make of your own WILLPOWER.


The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.


People with Cancer rising tend to be less vital than average, sympathetic, compassionate, passive, nurturing, receptive, protective, retentive, changeable, psychic, sentimental, tenacious, timid, quiet, sensitive, acquisitive (pack-rat), and moody. Just like the crab Cancer represents, you may have the habit of looking ahead and behind you at the same time, not fully wanting to face the future head-on and always worrying about the past and what might be sneaking up on you from behind, causing you great worry. You go through life in a curious sideways motion, never going simply directly forward. You are sensitive and you retreat into your shell when you feel threatened. Your feelings can be easily hurt, even when no slight was meant and you can take things much too personally. You enjoy travel, but you absolutely need to know that you have a home base waiting for you to come back to. Security is everything for you in life. Physical security comes with a comfortable base of operations and emotional security comes from all your possessions and attachments that have sentimental value to you. In fact, that’s why you keep everything — because of all the emotional value and significance. Once you have latched onto something or someone, you do not tend to let go easily. You respond to life through feeling, not thinking. Your moods go up and down just like the tides. Spiritual lesson to learn: Discernment (distinguish boundaries). The Moon rules Cancer so the Moon will be important in your chart.


If the planets represent energies and cosmic forces that manifest in different ways, then the planetary aspects show how these energies and forces tend to act and react, one with another, if the will of the person is not brought into play to change them. It is the spiritual task of each person to use the positive energies in such ways so as to change the negative energies into positive energies. Negative energies are simply energies that are either misdirected, misapplied, or applied in too great a quantity. One of our purposes in life is to transform the negative energies into positive ones through the use of our Will.

Venus harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 9.74 and this aspect is harmonious = 12.18)

You put everything you have into your emotions. Because you feel and love so deeply, so passionately and wholeheartedly, others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or very threatening. You are charismatic, with sex appeal and a certain amount of animal magnetism which can’t help but be noticed by the opposite sex. You have the ability to use your attractiveness and charm to manipulate others, oftentimes without even realizing it. This aspect gives you the opportunity to transform your values or to be the catalyst to help others transform theirs. There is artistic ability along with a desire to create beauty, harmony and comfort. You have an understanding and an empathy for the problems of others and you are always looking for ways in which to help them or at least find the good that is in them.

Venus discordant to Neptune

(power = 9.67 and this aspect is discordant = -7.26)

You tend to be what some people call the hopeless romantic. You are very idealistic about love and romance and many times it isn’t so much the case that you love someone or that you are in love with someone as it is that you are in love with love. You tend to put your loved one on a pedestal and this can bring problems because when the loved one eventually does something to “fall from grace”, then huge disappointment and disillusionment set in and you are crushed. You need to stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and see things for how and what they really are. Your ideas about how people ought to relate and love each other get in the way of your actual relationships.

Another facet of this aspect is that you may have such an ideal mate built up in your own imagination that no real person could ever come close to your fantasy. You may spend your entire lifetime looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect such that you miss Mr. or Ms. Right. You become very disillusioned when you discover that no real, flesh-and-blood person ever quite lives up to your dream image of the perfect mate. Come down to earth and realize that no one is perfect and there are no white knights ready to come dashing along to save you. Stop the dreaming but don’t give up the dream. Although you frequently fantasize about love and romance, you may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. You can be evasive and dishonest with yourself and others when it comes to love.

There is danger of falling into the wrong type of relationship, a relationship of co-dependence. Either you or your partner may enjoy or feel obligated to play the role of martyr, victim or savior. Remember that no good relationship is unequal. Two equal partners who neither feel the need to save or be saved make the best couple.

You are a sensitive person who enjoys the finer, aesthetic things in life. You desire harmony and beauty and are probably attracted to the arts in some way, either painting, music, dance, theater or drama. You are perhaps attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations. There is a certain charm about you that others find unworldly. The unusual and the intuitive, the sensual and the explorative appeal to you. You are insecure in matters of love. Simply remember that you have human frailty, but do the best you can as that is all the Universe asks of you. Recognize, too, that human weakness exists even in those you love. Sometimes others cannot live up to your expectations, which may be quite unrealistic at times. You may be unrealistic in matters of love. You may believe that if someone loves you enough that they can read your mind. This will set you up for many disappointments because that is just not true. You need to tell people what you want and how you feel. They cannot read your mind no matter how much they love and care about you.

You need to transform your material values into spiritual values and to turn personal desires into universal desires. Personal property and possessions may disappear in strange, mysterious ways in order to teach you that material possessions are easily replaced and therefore are of limited value. The only thing you can take with you when you die are your spiritual and personal growth, your experiences. You need to learn to love without expecting love in return. You must learn to forgive and thus release inner resentments. You need to learn how to turn the other cheek while not becoming a doormat for all to walk on. One last thing, do not turn to drugs or alcohol when you feel sorrow or when you feel like escaping from the world. Life must be faced head-on if you are to get anywhere and resorting to drugs or alcohol will only make things much worse.

Moon discordant to Pluto

(power = 7.35 and this aspect is discordant = -7.35)

You have intense desires, emotions and feelings and your personal relationships are deeply emotional, passionate, and often stormy and painful as well. You have a magnetic personality that draws people to you. Your relationships with others tend to be obsessive and compulsive. There is much jealousy and possessiveness and each of you tries to control the other in as many different ways as possible. You are manipulative and not just in subtle ways. You resort to guilt, innuendo and outright false accusations in order to keep your hold on others. Your feelings can be so compelling at times that you do things that are not at all rational. You undergo periodic upheaval where you must break all ties to people and things and begin everything new from the start. You are likely to be very set in your ways, opinionated and inflexible. You have difficulty listening to the ideas and suggestions of others. You feel a need to be right all the time. You find it hard to forgive and forget. You need to develop an awareness so that you see others as they really are and not as you wish them to be. Your emotions are especially strong and difficult for you to control. You may become obsessed over security or money. Your challenge here is to learn how to control the emotional turmoil that is inside you. It is difficult for you to totally trust those you love, because you fear you will eventually be rejected due to your supposed unworthiness. Because of this, you are constantly tested in your relationships in order to bring about an inner growth. These lessons are designed to teach you to trust those you love and care for.

Jupiter harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 5.89 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.89)

Your goals are achieved through the application of patience, persistence, endurance, organization, good planning, forethought, good judgment and sometimes just plain old good luck. You are reliable and people know they can count on you. Your word is your bond and you don’t make promises you do not intend to keep. This endears you to people because they know that they can trust you. You have the habit of always being able to get what you need, even if it’s just in the nick of time. You possess good balance between idealism and practicality and your sense of duty and responsibility is highly polished. Although you may prefer to work alone because of your self-motivation, you are nevertheless very capable of working with others as well. You will stick to any task, no matter how long it takes to accomplish, since you feel the results of your work are well worth your efforts.

Mars discordant to Saturn

(power = 5.63 and this aspect is discordant = -9.85)

Energetic drives collide with conservatism and caution. This aspect in its worst expression tends to make you cruel, cold and unfeeling. You keep anger and resentment within you and you do not forget nor forgive a wrong. Revenge is on your mind and you want to pay back those people who have gotten in your way, either in reality or simply just in your mind. But this aspect can also give a very determined and ambitious nature. It can make a person persevere, endure, struggle and work hard, in spite of difficulties and discouragement. In its usual influence it tends to make you run hot and cold or it continually puts roadblocks and obstacles in your way to test you and see what you are made of. It is not a pleasant aspect, yet it can give you the drive and determination to succeed in spite of all the setbacks and frustrations. It can be a real character-builder if you can stand the pressure.

By concentrating on a single, clearly defined goal, you can accomplish much, but you often feel that the journey is quite difficult and that you must struggle on alone with all the responsibility and obligation on your shoulders. Now you know how Atlas must have felt carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. You are capable of great self-control, great self-denial and great self-discipline. You can be very rough on yourself by expecting far too much out of yourself. You are sometimes held back by your own fear and the uncertainty of your own abilities. Self-confidence sometimes wanes as the work goes on without noticeable progress. You meet great resistance at times when you try to take the initiative or when you try to be assertive. An inferiority complex may emerge out of accumulated difficulties. This leads to anger and frustration and if you do not have some positive way of releasing this stress, you will quite nearly explode. Of course the people whom you take all this out on are those you are closest to. This creates a great deal of friction and animosity. For this reason you many times work better in solitude. This aspect tends to cause delays, frustrations, disruptions and obstacles to all that you try to do. It certainly will test your patience.

You need to determine what your responsibilities are and when you can safely pursue your own desires while still meeting and living up to the duties you are committed to. If you follow your own desires, then you will be looked upon as irresponsible and selfish. And if you never allow yourself to pursue your own desires, then you may tear yourself apart. The trick is to find the right balance between these areas. Part of the problem lies in that you often feel frustrated, because you assume you have no choice in doing anything you enjoy. This causes the anger to build up, making you sarcastic, bitter and resentful. Make a list of your true responsibilities and fulfill them. Then, make a list of what you would like to do for fun and relaxation. By compromising, you can release your overactive sense of responsibility. You are a skilled worker because of your organizing ability and your attentiveness to detail. You take pride in your work and you simply want to do a good job.

I will add to this that the challenge with this aspect is to see the beauty and goodness in the world that surrounds you. Because of all your troubles you tend to see life as cruel and hateful, with everyone pitted against everyone else. Life seems incredibly hard with this perspective. What you must try to do is to see the good within the world’s disharmony. You need love and support yet these may be lacking. To get love you first have to give love and it is not particularly easy for you to open your emotions to others. You have been hurt in the past and you do not like emotional pain. So it takes you a while to open up to people. Because of your nature, then, you appear serious, cold and aloof to others. They have no idea of what is going on inside you.

As alluded to earlier, you tend to hold in your anger. If you do not learn to release your frustrations, this anger can and will erupt uncontrollably. You need to remember that bottling anger up inside you is one of the primary causes of gall and kidney stones. Other thoughts — learn to control your passionate desires because unruly desires can get you in a lot of trouble if left unchecked. Also, there will be times when you may not follow through on projects that you have initiated because you lack a sense of sustained purpose. There can also be a certain callousness with this aspect such that you may become selfish and unwilling to go out of your way for others unless there is some gain in it for you.

Sun discordant to Moon

(power = 5.24 and this aspect is discordant = -5.24)

Your selfishness and interest in your own affairs keeps you from being sympathetic to the needs and feelings of others. You feel at cross-purposes with yourself because your conscious intentions and desires conflict with your subconscious emotional needs and drives. You feel pulled in two different directions. This is a major reason why you find it hard to be decisive. You vacillate on whether or not you should do this or that and this causes you a great deal of inner stress. You can’t seem to make up your mind on anything. You try to do the right thing, but you aren’t sure what the right thing is. You have problems with satisfying both your need to be an individual and your need for caring relationships and a sense of belonging. Because of the mixed messages you send out, people don’t always know how to respond to you or know what you really want. This can cause confusion and conflict in relationships. You need to find the right balance between your emotions and your will. Come to an awareness that your energy flow fluctuates like the ebb and flow of the tides. When your energy is at a high, you should try to accomplish as much as possible during that time. When your energy is low, then you should pace yourself accordingly and not overtax your physical body. You often fluctuate from being extremely logical to being extremely sensitive. Many times you are unaware of other people’s emotional needs and, thus, you fail to respond to them.

Sun harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 5.20 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.20)

You are attracted to anything unusual, unorthodox, unpopular and weird. You do not allow tradition and conventional beliefs or thinking to dictate how you are going to live your life. You seek excitement and adventure in all you do. You are on the cutting edge with developments in life and you like to stay informed of all the latest technical advancements. You have interest in Uranian things such as electronics, computers, motorcycles or astrology. You seek freedom and independence and you are not afraid of change. You have a certain inventive genius about you and you come up with the most original and unique solutions to problems. You have a great deal of creativity and intuition that need expression. You are aware of the awakening of your inner self and you listen to it for direction in life. The things that happen to you happen quite unexpectedly and totally out of the blue. You tend to have superb good luck just in the nick of time. You have a progressive outlook and are very innovative.

Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.42 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.42)

As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others for the benefit of humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those around you.

Moon harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 4.04 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.04)

Your mind is quite alert, quick and original, as well as intuitive and vivid in its imagination. You have inventive ability and are attracted to the occult arts and sciences. You have interest and ability in astrology, electronics or computers. You are uninhibited and very spontaneous and will often do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their ruts. You crave emotional stimulation, excitement, surprises, and anything new. You love to feel free and unfettered. Your life is full of many types of unusual experiences which bring sudden and unexpected changes. You have lots of original ideas, concepts and goals which can be very beneficial to others and you see all sides of any question or problem. But you may lack the necessary persistence to follow through with appropriate action. You are innovative, entertaining, original and fortunate. You are attracted to anything that is new and different, as long as it will bring excitement into your life. You recognize the necessity of controlling your emotional outbursts.

Moon harmonizing with Mars

(power = 3.18 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.39)

You have a lot of energy and vitality and this aspect adds to your good health and emotional well-being. You are assertive and you face your difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. You do not brood about your problems, you simply go ahead and try to eliminate them by working through them. You do not have much sympathy for others who will cry about their troubles and not try to do something about them. You have learned to use your emotions and desires along positive and constructive lines. You do not get ill very often and when you do you have excellent recuperative powers. You have a lot of enthusiasm and spark and people like being around you because you give them energy. You are resourceful and courageous and willing to take calculated risks. The opposite sex finds you attractive and fun-loving.

Mercury harmonizing with Mars

(power = 2.93 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.20)

You have an alert, quick-witted, sharp and decisive mind. You love to debate and discuss almost any subject and you love any kind of mental game (especially ones that involve strategy) or challenge. You love to read and soak up knowledge. Your mind is always full of ideas and you can present them with a self-confidence and force that is very persuading to others. You have a sense of humor that is more satirical or sarcastic than it is outrightly funny. You are good with your hands and may be ambidextrous. You are very vocal and adamant in expressing yourself and your hands frequently help you convey your message. You are a leader, an executive, a salesperson, a promoter. Others tend to listen to you and follow your lead and you have a talent for directing people and making decisions. You have an aptitude for writing, especially criticism. You aren’t afraid to tell people when they are wrong. You may suffer at times from a lack of tact and hoof-in-mouth syndrome is familiar to you. Your desires are guided by reason and that allows you to succeed at almost anything you put your mind to. There may be mathematical or mechanical ability and aptitude. You are self-assured and decisive in whatever you do. You have a lot of restless and nervous energy and you like staying busy. You get bored fairly easily and that’s why you like working on several projects all at the same time. It is hard for you to sit still for very long because of the abundance of energy you have. It may be good for you to periodically try and quiet the chatter in your mind by practicing yoga or some form of meditation. Of course, athletics and physical exercise also help in this regard.


The planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can manifest in different ways. They are like the actors in a play. The signs describe the ways in which these planetary energies are used. They show the motivation and the roles the different actors play. As with everything in the material world, these energies can and usually do operate in two directions, the positive and negative.

Sun in Gemini

Geminians are friendly, clever, talkative, versatile, curious, perceptive, intuitive, and logical. At times they can also be quite contradictory, restless, two-faced, critical, and impatient. Gemini people enjoy and need work that includes a great deal of variety. They love to do several things all at the same time, sometimes making them late for appointments. They abhor boredom.

Geminians tend to flit from one experience to another, gathering in all types of information along the way, but seldom getting to the depth of any subject. They go broad and not deep. Persistence is not their strong suit. Gaining knowledge and disseminating it is their real talent. Hence, they make wonderful salespeople or teachers if they stick around long enough to get all the facts instead of only half the story. Even if they do not possess all the facts, since they are never at a loss for words, they will continue with their story as if they did have all the facts.

It is important for a Geminian to seek intellectual satisfaction. Mental stagnation turns them off, so they read extensively and communicate widely in order to satisfy this longing for mental stimulation. This discontent can make them either very ambitious, or it can incline them to jump from one thing to another, searching for the greener grass which never appears.

Geminians usually think quickly on their feet and have the ability to use the right words in any situation. They possess tremendous wit and a good sense of humor. Other people may have difficulty in keeping up with their rapid change of subjects.

Because Geminians think so quickly, they often finish other people’s sentences for them. This can be most frustrating for the person trying to express their own thoughts. There is a need to learn how to control the tongue and allow slower people to express their own opinions and ideas.

Since Geminians have the capacity to see both sides of any issue, they may fluctuate back and forth between opposing viewpoints. They will usually tend to side with the opinion of whomever they happen to be with at the moment. Then they change as the circumstances change. Indecisiveness is a problem for Geminians.

Geminians are usually emotionally detached. They use their minds rather than their hearts to find their way through things. Logic and reason are their guidelines. They are able to understand what makes other people behave as they do, but they have difficulty in projecting themselves into the emotional reactions of the person involved.

Some of the negative traits that Geminians possess are lack of concentration and focus, undependability, fickleness, indecisiveness, superficiality, wishful thinking, and dreaminess. They can also be pretty good at nagging.

Geminians need to work on getting their mind under control. Their nervous system is highly strung. If they don’t learn to control their nerves, they are apt to become ill. The way out of this difficulty is to take the emphasis off themselves and lose it through service to others. Above all, the Geminian needs to learn to channel (control) his energy and his mind.

Moon in Sagittarius

You are independent, outspoken, open, generous, enthusiastic, idealistic, inspired, and optimistic and these qualities attract many friends and acquaintances. You seem to thrive on travel, sociability, fellowship, and expressing your opinions to whomever will listen. In addition, you are adventurous, playful, freedom-loving, and always ready for a good time. You rarely allow difficulties to keep you down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, you always expect a better, brighter future. In fact, you are uncomfortable with your own or other people’s problems and emotional pain. You often try to “cheer up” or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but unwittingly you avoid or ignore the emotions involved. Friendship means a great deal to you, perhaps even more than love or romance. For you to be happy, your mate must be your best friend and encourage your aspirations and ideals. You also need a great deal of emotional freedom and mobility. On the negative side, you may be rather intolerant, closed-minded, dogmatic, arrogant, non-objective, risk-taking, or possess a holier-than-thou attitude.

Mercury in Taurus

Your manner of thought and speech is slow and quite deliberate. You do not change your mind quickly and see no reason to do so. You are determined, practical, methodical, and conservative in most things you do. You have patience and the ability to stick with things until the end. You may assimilate material at a slower pace than others, but once a concept is learned, it is never forgotten. You hate being forced or rushed into a decision or an action, especially if you have not been given time to think it all through and evaluate the practicalities of the situation. Once your mind is made up, that’s it. It will take a lot to undo it. Perseverance is one of your best traits. You enjoy sustaining what others have started, especially if you can see tangible, practical results. You love to build things. You succeed not so much because of your mental brilliance, but because you have the ability to concentrate and follow a project through to its completion. You may have an artistic or musical aptitude. Perhaps you sing or speak for a living. Common sense is not uncommon in you.

Venus in Taurus

In love affairs you are generally loyal and steady, especially if your partner is demonstrative and affectionate. You are oriented towards the sensual side of life in everything you do and it may show through too much weight. You are tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and the physical attractiveness of your partner is very important to you. You enjoy indulging yourself and the ones you love and it is too easy for you to be extravagant and perhaps to put too much value in material things. Comfort is important to you and you hate getting your hands dirty. At times you can be lazy, hoping or expecting someone else to do the dirty work. Self-control needs to be developed and added to the qualifications you already possess — warmth, charm, sympathy, artistic. Guard against possessiveness, jealousy, and taking the easy way out in your relationships. You aim to please in practical and earthy ways.

Mars in Pisces

Your energies and aggressions tend to come out in non-combative and noncompetitive ways. You are a bit of a pacifist and do not enjoy tackling anyone or anything head-on in a directly confrontational manner. Working around people or situations or working behind the scenes, in secret, is more your preferred style. If necessary, it is more your tendency to give up something rather than to fight for it. Because your ego is not especially interested in personal achievement, glorification, material advantage, or winning at the expense of someone else, you may come across to others as weak-willed or ineffectual. Being on top, being the best, or being first doesn’t mean much to you, hence you can be quite happy in a supporting role, working for the benefit of others or for a cause that you believe in. You may experience difficulties in planning clear and definite goals for yourself in the real world. You are not sure what you want out of life, except you instinctively seem to know that you do have and need to find a spiritual purpose. You have many dreams, high ideals, and a strong mystical or religious impulse. You also have a creative imagination and can successfully apply yourself to art or music. You are intuitive, humorous and diplomatic, quiet on the outside, but restless within. On the negative side you can be indecisive, procrastinating, too interested in the sensual side of life, and may resort to using drugs or alcohol as a way to escape the pressures and responsibilities of dealing with everyday life. Learning self-control is important for you. Take action, don’t day-dream.

Jupiter in Libra

You are philosophical, sympathetic and friendly. You expand your horizons and grow through using your ability to be outgoing with and well-liked by others. You have the ability to encourage others towards greater efforts. There is a love for beautiful things and perhaps an interest in art or law. On the negative side, there is danger of self-indulgence or extravagance, and a desire to improve social status through marriage rather than establishing a partnership based on true love. There may be more concern to demonstrate to the world that the marriage has been successful rather than happy. Much expense may be incurred through partnership, perhaps on account of the marriage partner’s extravagant tastes.

Saturn in Sagittarius

At its best this position gives a charitable and philanthropic turn to the mind with a desire to benefit and uplift mankind through discipline, system and self-help under just laws and true religious impulse. It brings trust, respect and honor in all undertakings. You are intuitive, philosophical, independent and persistent. Mental maturity comes later in life and promises success. You are generous with a wonderfully developed sense of responsibility. You have administrative and scientific abilities. Benefit can be gained from meditation and introspection. You may have poor circulation in the hips and legs. You need physical exercise and fresh air, especially in your sleeping quarters. On the negative side, you may be cynical, atheistic, selfishly ambitious, dogmatic, insincere and sarcastic. There is a need for everything to be proven before belief is possible.


The planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can be utilized in various ways. They are like the actors in a play. Houses represent the different spheres of life where these energies can be and are brought to bear, for better or for worse. If the planets are the actors in a play, then the houses represent the various settings in which the actors play out their roles (signs).

Sun in 11th house

You probably possess a desire to raise goals to a higher level and to seek ideas which would be of benefit for the group. Or you may desire to place your own goals and desires above the wishes of the group. You have the ability to make friends, many who are influential and wield power. You enjoy your work with groups. You are responsible, liberal and broad-minded. You are a humanitarian who would rather be popular than powerful. You have organizing ability and probably take the leadership role in group activities or friendly get-togethers.

Moon in 5th house

Romances and attachments to children can be decidedly emotional. There is a constant search for pleasure and emotional self-expression. Activities concerning children are pronounced. Too much emphasis may be placed upon having a good time and being the center of attention. There are mood swings and fickleness in love affairs. A heightened desire to feel loved and important may need to be controlled. You are a pleasure-seeking person with a lot of charm. Fluctuating emotions may interfere with your creativity. Concerning vocation: The theatrical, exhibitionist, creative dimensions of the work needs are increased. Teaching and taking care of children are emphasized. Speculation and the dramatizing of all experiences are possible.

Mercury in 11th house

You have an original, comprehensive, adaptable and intellectual mind. Your goals are obtained through the use of your mind. You choose friends who stimulate your mind, perhaps younger friends. You find it stimulating to converse with those friends who share opposing views. You could be the spokesman or secretary for your favorite group or organization.

Venus in 10th house

Your pleasant disposition and harmonious nature make you popular in your career and with the world at-large. People seem to want to do nice things for you, which can lead to laziness if you abuse this energy. You have a loving and friendly approach to the world with a general attitude of optimism. This placement can be favorable for public speaking and singing. Your voice may be used to please and inspire people. This position usually grants comfortable financial circumstances.

Mars in 9th house

Your mind is enthusiastic, but restless. You are independent in thought. Your religious zeal must be watched so that it doesn’t turn into fanaticism. You have strong opinions and are happy to tell anyone who will listen what they are. You have a strong desire to travel, not necessarily physically, but mentally. You have a liberal, broad, and progressive philosophy about life and do not want anyone else imposing their beliefs on you. There is a possibility of strife with in-laws. You will fight for your convictions. You may need to watch a tendency towards believing you are always right.

Jupiter in 4th house

You are generous, self-confident, hospitable and patriotic. Prosperity usually increases in later years. You desire a home that is spacious and comfortable. Parental influence is strong in shaping your character. Perhaps your parents shared a strong faith with you. Usually, considerable help and/or an inheritance is received from the parents. With Jupiter well-aspected, it is better to stay where you were born rather than move away from your birthplace. Guard against becoming ostentatious and watch out for self-indulgence.

Saturn in 5th house

You perhaps feel unloved and unappreciated. Romances can turn cold. Love affairs are serious and you may feel emotionally and creatively inhibited. Because of your emotional restriction, you can appear to be cold, unloving, and unresponsive. This prevents you from being as popular as you would like to be. You have a desire for others to look up to you. It is difficult for you to relax. Personal interests and hobbies need to serve a practical purpose for you in order for you to enjoy them. Parenthood may be a burdensome responsibility and you may be too restrictive towards your kids. It is difficult for you to show your love and appreciation. You need to learn how to express your feelings towards those you love, and not just through the giving of presents and material things. It is important for you to forget yourself and to learn to project warmth to others.

Uranus in 1st house

You are strong-willed, independent, original, perhaps a bit eccentric, freedom-loving, and intuitive. You have an exciting and stimulating personality which tends to draw people to you. You may be willful, high-strung, nervous, and anxious. You may experience feelings of unrest and loneliness, perhaps because of the uniqueness you feel. Seeking new and unusual ways of expressing traditional ideas appeals to you. Listen to your intuition because it is probably very strong, or could be developed to a high degree. You can become a leader who will pioneer new paths for others to follow. You may be ahead of your time. You may not pay as much attention as you should to your physical state and appearance because of the myriad of thoughts that occupy your mind.

Neptune in 4th house

You may experience a sense of inner uncertainty, insecurity and confusion. Unexplainable fears and anxieties may cause you to withdraw from living. You idealize the home environment and it may be, in reality, more in your imagination rather than in fact. A spiritual tie with one or both parents is likely. A desire to live by the sea is not uncommon with this position. You may have vague recollections regarding your true roots and this uncertainty may cause difficulties. Remember, with Neptune, things are not as they appear and you need to face reality in your home environment and with respect to your parents rather than what may be in your imagination and sub-conscious.

Pluto in 2nd house

You have financial ability with keen judgment, patience, energy, and will. You may possess unusual talents. This placement may give an inordinate desire for money and possessions. Watch the tendency to view loved ones as possessions. You may see money coming and going in order to de-emphasize its importance. Detachment may be necessary. You must learn to spontaneously share all possessions with others. Integrity in money matters is essential. Others may seek to control your resources and possessions or you may be quite demanding and controlling with your own resources, monetary and otherwise.


The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic images associated with the 360 degrees of the zodiacal circle. They were given birth in San Diego, California, in 1925 by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, an extraordinary clairvoyant. Today, the 360 symbols are widely used in astrology in order to gain a deeper understanding of the influence of a planet located at that degree.

Sun in Gemini 11

Sabian Symbol: A new real-estate subdivision is revealed with wide paved streets, ornamental lights and a few newly-built houses.
Kozminsky Symbol: Interior of a stock exchange, a number of men shouting, jostling each other, & holding up papers.

Moon in Sagittarius 3

Sabian Symbol: Two men, lounging in the comfort of an old drawing room, and with strong pipes, are playing a game of chess.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man of scornful face with a big sword in one hand, carrying a child.

Mercury in Taurus 22

Sabian Symbol: A white homing pigeon flies straight and fearlessly over a broad body of troubled water.
Kozminsky Symbol: Hand holding a torch amidst the darkness.

Venus in Taurus 1

Sabian Symbol: A clear mountain stream flows steadily through a rocky defile.
Kozminsky Symbol: A gray vapor surrounding a bush of red roses upon which is a brilliantly colored butterfly.

Mars in Pisces 26

Sabian Symbol: A new moon just visible at sundown to the lovers is romantic only, but to the philosopher it speaks of eternity.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dowser with a wand of hazel in his hands, finding water on barren lands.

Jupiter in Libra 23

Sabian Symbol: Chanticleer mounts the corner post of the fence; never will the day again be greeted with the enthusiasm now born.
Kozminsky Symbol: A pair of compasses lying on a map of the world.

Saturn in Sagittarius 24

Sabian Symbol: The bluebird, as a symbol of good luck and happiness, alights at the door of a little cottage on the highway.
Kozminsky Symbol: A bag of gold money falling into the ocean.

Uranus in Leo 9

Sabian Symbol: In a scene of weird display and brilliant colors glass-blowers produce one by one the marvels of their craft.
Kozminsky Symbol: A lady, elegantly dressed and bedecked with many jewels, standing before a mirror.

Neptune in Scorpio 3

Sabian Symbol: At a clearing of pioneer days in the forest all the neighbors have gathered to assist in a happy house-raising.
Kozminsky Symbol: Blacksmith striking anvil, the impact causing a dazzling display of bright light.

Pluto in Leo 30

Sabian Symbol: Into a letter is poured vital and confidential information; it is folded carefully, but the envelope is not sealed.
Kozminsky Symbol: A ship’s steward carrying a bowl of enchanting white lilies.

Ascendant in Cancer 28

Sabian Symbol: An American Indian girl, college trained but returned to her people, seeks to win their friendship for her lover.
Kozminsky Symbol: An old mill-wheel lying on the bank of a lily pond, with pretty creepers growing over it.

Midheaven in Aries 1

Sabian Symbol: A woman has risen from the water, a seal has emerged also, and is embracing her.
Kozminsky Symbol: A ball of fire bursting across a rainbow.

Planet Longitude House Speed Latitude Declination
Sun Gem 10° 17′ 19″ 11 57′ 29″ 00″ N 21° 59′ 40″ N
Moon Sag 02° 31′ 49″ 5 14° 28′ 23″ 2° 43′ 49″ N 17° 59′ 28″ S
Mercury Tau 21° 38′ 34″ 11 1° 44′ 05″ 1° 56′ 39″ S 16° 17′ 57″ N
Venus Tau 00° 08′ 30″ 10 1 °08′ 52″ 2° 07′ 11″ S 9° 32′ 15″ N
Mars Pis 25° 42′ 48″ 9 43′ 14″ 2° 01′ 21″ S 3° 33′ 36″ S
Jupiter Lib 22° 13′ 43″ R 4 – 3′ 09″ 1° 24′ 60″ N 7° 20′ 27″ S
Saturn Sag 23° 20′ 35″ R 5 – 4′ 15″ 1° 25′ 58″ N 21° 50′ 38″ S
Uranus Leo 08° 29′ 13″ 1 2′ 20″ 37′ 60″ N 18° 45′ 17″ N
Neptune Sco 02° 28′ 00″ R 4 – 1′ 12″ 1° 48′ 21″ N 10° 38′ 03″ S
Pluto Leo 29° 53′ 05″ 2 36″ 11° 34′ 06″ N 22° 18′ 18″ N
Chiron Aqu 22° 42′ 53″ R 8 – 17″ 6° 38′ 54″ N 7° 39′ 07″ S
Lilith Ari 11° 17′ 28″ 10 6′ 39″ 1° 36′ 03″ N 5° 56′ 25″ N
True Node Sco 00° 47′ 06″ R 4 – 3′ 49″ 00″ N 11° 44′ 54″ S

P. of Fortune Cap 19° 49′ 59″ 6
Vertex Sag 13° 17′ 38″ 5

House Longitude

Ascendant Can 27° 35′ 28″
2 Leo 13° 20′ 05″
3 Vir 03° 03′ 15″
IC Lib 00° 27′ 00″
5 Sco 09° 24′ 23″
6 Sag 23° 36′ 19″
Desc. Cap 27° 35′ 28″
8 Aqu 13° 20′ 05″
9 Pis 03° 03′ 15″
Midheaven Ari 00° 27′ 00″
11 Tau 09° 24′ 23″
12 Gem 23° 36′ 19″

Planet Aspect Planet Orb

Sun Opposition Moon 7.76
Sun Sextile Uranus 1.80
Sun Quincunx Neptune 7.82
Sun Sextile Lilith 1.00

Moon Opposition Sun 7.76
Moon Quincunx Venus 2.39
Moon Trine Mars 6.82
Moon Trine Uranus 5.96
Moon Square Pluto 2.65
Moon Trine Ascendant 4.94
Moon Trine Midheaven 2.08

Mercury Sextile Mars 4.07
Mercury Quincunx Jupiter 0.59
Mercury Quincunx Saturn 1.70
Mercury Square Chiron 1.07
Mercury Trine P. of Fortune 1.81
Mercury Sextile Ascendant 5.95

Venus Quincunx Moon 2.39
Venus Opposition Neptune 2.33
Venus Trine Pluto 0.26
Venus Opposition True Node 0.64
Venus Square Ascendant 2.55

Mars Trine Moon 6.82
Mars Sextile Mercury 4.07
Mars Quincunx Jupiter 3.48
Mars Square Saturn 2.37
Mars Quincunx Pluto 4.17
Mars Trine Ascendant 1.88
Mars Conjunction Midheaven 4.74

Jupiter Quincunx Mercury 0.59
Jupiter Quincunx Mars 3.48
Jupiter Sextile Saturn 1.11
Jupiter Trine Chiron 0.49
Jupiter Square Ascendant 5.36

Saturn Quincunx Mercury 1.70
Saturn Square Mars 2.37
Saturn Sextile Jupiter 1.11
Saturn Sextile Chiron 0.63
Saturn Quincunx Ascendant 4.25

Uranus Sextile Sun 1.80
Uranus Trine Moon 5.96
Uranus Trine Lilith 2.80

Neptune Quincunx Sun 7.82
Neptune Opposition Venus 2.33
Neptune Sextile Pluto 2.58
Neptune Conjunction True Node 1.68
Neptune Square Ascendant 4.88
Neptune Quincunx Midheaven 2.02

Pluto Square Moon 2.65
Pluto Trine Venus 0.26
Pluto Quincunx Mars 4.17
Pluto Sextile Neptune 2.58
Pluto Sextile True Node 0.90
Pluto Quincunx Midheaven 0.57

Chiron Square Mercury 1.07
Chiron Trine Jupiter 0.49
Chiron Sextile Saturn 0.63
Chiron Quincunx Ascendant 4.88

Lilith Sextile Sun 1.00
Lilith Trine Uranus 2.80
Lilith Trine Vertex 2.00

True Node Opposition Venus 0.64
True Node Conjunction Neptune 1.68
True Node Sextile Pluto 0.90
True Node Quincunx Midheaven 0.33

P. of Fortune Trine Mercury 1.81

Vertex Trine Lilith 2.00

Ascendant Trine Moon 4.94
Ascendant Sextile Mercury 5.95
Ascendant Square Venus 2.55
Ascendant Trine Mars 1.88
Ascendant Square Jupiter 5.36
Ascendant Quincunx Saturn 4.25
Ascendant Square Neptune 4.88
Ascendant Quincunx Chiron 4.88
Ascendant Trine Midheaven 2.86

Midheaven Trine Moon 2.08
Midheaven Conjunction Mars 4.74
Midheaven Quincunx Neptune 2.02
Midheaven Quincunx Pluto 0.57
Midheaven Quincunx True Node 0.33
Midheaven Trine Ascendant 2.86


The astrological interpretations in this report have been formulated with the assumption that your birth date, time, and place are accurately given. This includes whether the birth time was daylight savings time or standard time. Even a difference of one hour in birth time can invalidate much of the interpretation given in this report, most notably ‘HOUSE POSITIONS OF PLANETS’ and ‘THE RISING SIGN OR ASCENDANT’.

By no means is this astrological analysis complete. Obviously, you are far more complex than what a few pages of writing can depict. Hopefully, this short description of you and your inner character will lead you on your way to really discovering who you are, what you can become, and what you need to be doing in this life.

Scripts by Allen Edwall


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