Zembla – The Monsanto Method (2015)
The Monsanto Method (foto BNNVARA)
Innovation Inspired by Nature (foto Agropages)
Monsanto Bio Technology (foto Food and Power)
Performance to trust (foto Monsanto)
Fast Action Weedkiller Roundup (foto The Hustle)
Monsanto Chemical Company, Anniston, Alabama (foto Down To Earth Magazine)
Nice for the public (foto 23Kuna)
Monsanto (foto Giphy)
Meanwhile at Monsanto (foto Quickmeme)
Worldwide Acreage of GM Foods (fotoHupPages)
FEA3 Mutation in Corn (foto Inhabitat)
GMO (foto MakeAGif)
GIF (foto Reason Why)
Promises of Monsanto (foto Quizlet)
Monsanto Multinational Factory of Death (foto Truth Zone)
Call to Action (foto Genetic Literacy Project)
Monsanto Land (foto La Feuille Charbonaise)
GMO Genocide (foto Gifer)
Combat Monsanto (foto Twitter)
Disease caused by GMO food (foto A Science Enthusiast)
GMO Genocide (foto Giphy)
Bill Gates owns 500.000 Monsanto shares (foto Imgflip)
Bill Gates is Monsanto (foto Pinterest)
GMO OMG WTF (foto Pure Alchemy Juice BarCafé)
Dinner with Monsanto (foto Dennis Cooper)
Monsanto (foto Facebook)
Terminator Seeds (foto Bad Sciene Writing Will Destroy The World)
Monsanto Chemical Company Presents (foto Primo Gif)
Thanks Monsanto (1) (foto 2013patriot)
Thanks Monsanto (2) (foto 2013patriot)
Thanks Monsanto (3) (foto Imgur)
Thanks Monsanto (4) (foto Imgflip)
Say no to Suicide Seeds (foto Progressio)
Vision for ecological farming (foto Giphy)
Health Advisory (foto tenor.com)
The Monsanto Method (2015)
Published 21 sep. 2020
Huge Seed Companies all over the world are vying to gain control over our vegetable crops. So says Monsanto, an American multinational that has discovered a form of Broccoli that is easier to harvest.
Monsanto, producer of Pesticides, Genetically Modified crops and the world’s biggest Seed Company, wants to lay exclusive claim to this Broccoli. In other words, Monsanto wants to Patent it. It’s a controversial method. Scientists and politicians are concerned. What are the implications for our food safety if multinationals control our vegetables?
Zembla investigates the Monsanto method.
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