Volksrepubliek China | Regering van Hong Kong – 🇭🇰 Advertentie NRC + NowThis @nowthisnews + HK KaiPlus – 香港之夏 We Have Come This Far + SCMP News @SCMPNews

Regering van Hong Kong plaatst een paginagrote advertentie in NRC Handelsblad (foto Twitter)
Regering van Hong Kong plaatst op 27 september 2019 een paginagrote advertentie in NRC Handelsblad (foto Twitter)

NowThis @nowthisnews27 september 2019

Hong Kong protestors are now being sprayed with blue-dye water cannons so police can make arrests

Twitter, 2 sep. 2019, 1:27 a.m.


Hong Kong KaiPlus – 香港之夏 We Have Come This Far


Since June 2019, Hong Kong people have been protesting non-stop. At first, we were fighting against a widely criticized law allowing anyone in Hong Kong to be extradited to China. Now, we are also fighting against police brutality.

Our five appeals are:

1. Withdraw the China extradition bill;
2. Investigate police violence;
3. Withdraw criminal charges against protestors;
4. Retract the characterization of protests as “riots;”
5. Implement universal suffrage.

#HongKong #ProtestinHongKong

香港之夏We Have Come This Far from Hong Kong Kai on Vimeo.

Vimeo, Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 11:27 PM



On Sunday, central Hong Kong once again became a battleground

Twitter, Sep 15, 2019 – 6:20 PM


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