True Crime Rocket Science II | Nick van der Leek – Doctor Mazery “Van Gogh Pistol” Circus: Why Art Historians and Auctioneers should keep their Long, Crooked Noses Out of True Crime

The Revolver Van Gogh used to shoot Himself is Going Up for Sale through Auction Art in Paris (foto Stéphane Briolant)

Van Gogh PistolCircus: Why Art Historians and Auctioneers should keep their Long, Crooked Noses Out of True Crime

It’s a Farce, That’s What It Is. The Public Relations Spiel to Sell a Piece of Rusted Junk, Punted [always in “Inverted Commas” You’ll Notice] as the WeaponBelievedto have Killed the Great Artist is All about Making Money. It started Two Months Ago, in April. The Sheer Amount of Media that Participated and Recycled the Same Garbage was Impressive.

Forbes,The Art Newspaper,The TelegraphCNNDutch NewsEuroNews and So on and on and on.

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A Few of these Media Stories admitted in their Headlines that the Whole Thing was a Bit of a Stretch. CNN  described it as Van Gogh’s “PossibleSuicide Weapon [but then Incorrectly Assumed the Suicide as Fact]. Dutch News was a Little More Honest, saying that it was simply the Gun thatMayhave been Used, but then they make the same Mess as CNN by Referring to the Same Myth of Suicide.

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So what’s All the Fuss about if It’s Not Definitively, Definitely Connected toThe Incident” [Murder, Suicide, Accident, Whatever It Was]?

Van Gogh did Not Kill Himself, Authors Claim BBC
New Theory finds Teenager may have Shot Van Gogh ABC
Was van Gogh Killed? New Research Says He Was Shot Art Net

If the Audience at the AuctionBelieve” the Gun is Authentic, like an Authentic Work of Art, it’s Worth More. But there’s something Patently Ridiculous about an Auction that Clearly admits there’s No Forensic or Ballistic Proof linking the Gun to Van Gogh.

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This would be Fairly Easy to Do in Theory – since the Bullet is Still Lodged in the Skeleton in the Grave where Van Gogh is Buried in Auvers sur Oise. But Imagine Going to a Car Dealership and being Told that the Model for Sale is “Possiblya Mercedes, or that the Shining Silver Surfboard on WheelsMay” be a Ferrari, or that Hidden under a Cloth is Vehicle that is “Believed” to be a Porche. Is it or isn’t it? Because if it isn’t then there’s a huge difference is how much its worth.

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Now, Aside from Linking a Weapon to a Homicide or Suicide [Art Historians can’t decide whether it’s One or the Other, or whether it’s Possibly an Accidental Killing], there’s the Issue of the 75 Years that passed between the Incident and the Recovery of the Weapon. Quite a Lot hHappened in those 75 Years. Van Gogh went from Almost Complete Obscurity at the Time of his Death in July 1890, to becoming One of the Most Famous, Popular, and Expensive Artists in the World. When the So Called Weapon was “Discovered” in a Field it was when Van Gogh had come into his Fame. Why Not Before?

So there is Clearly a Motive for Coming after the Fact, Planting a Fake Weapon and Claiming it as the Real Thing. In fact there’s € 67.000 on the Line if some Sucker falls for this Spiel. Incidentally, there’s a Vast, Sinister Underworld of Fakes and Forgeries Associated with Van Gogh. Everything from his Diary, to his Sketches, to his Paintings have been Passed Off as the Real Thing. Sometimes a Painting Regarded as Authentic will Later be Dismissed as Fake, sometimes the Pendulum goes from Real, to Fake, to Real Again, depending on the “RightArt Expert appearing in the “RightPlace at theRightTime.

TimelineWorld History Documentaries – Is Van Gogh’s ‘SunflowersA Fake? The Fake Van Gogh’s!

Gepubliceerd 27 mrt. 2018

Timeline | World History Documentaries

Was the Most Expensive Painting Ever Sold at Auction a Fake?This Award Winning Documentary explores the Authenticity of the Sunflowers Painting by Vincent van Gogh, bought in the late 1980’s for a then Record Sum by a Japanese Insurance Company.

In 2002, the Painting went on Public Exhibition alongside an Undisputedly Genuine Version of Sunflowers, raising once again the Questions so Vividly Posed in this Film.

It’s like Netflix for History. Sign Up to History Hit, the World’s Best History Documentary Service, at a Huge Discount using the CodeTIMELINE – – – ᐳ

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Each Time This Happens, someone becomes a Millionaire. Each Time a Promising Forgery remains a Forgery, Someone who is Not a Millionaire remains a Not a Millionaire. So the Stakes on these “Priceless” Artefacts are Dizzingly High.

But Wait, There’s More.

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That’s Not Entirely Accurate. The Trajectory of the Bullet Entered the Artist’s Body through his Lower Abdomen. Trying Shooting Yourself from this Angle

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Dr Mazery, one of the two physicians who treated Van Gogh after he sustained the gunshot wound, described entry point as just below the ribs, and about the size of a large pea, with a dark red margin and surrounded by a blue halo. The wound path was described as “downward”. It’s not clear whether downward means down towards the groin or down subcutaneously. This is an important distinction, because a self-inflicted wound directed downward is one thing, but to execute a self-inflicted wound in the lower abdomen where the trajectory moves up is almost impossible. Yet this is how the trajectory is dramatized in Loving Vincent.

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If a second person had shot Vincent, the shooter either had to be on the floor with Vincent standing above him, or Vincent had to be lying down, on his back, with the shooter standing above him.

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Not only is the weapon possibly, maybe, thought to be connected to Van Gogh, the scene of the incident is possibly, maybe, thought to be a field somewhere.

In late May 2019, I travelled to Auvers-sur-Oise specifically to inquire from the local experts and tour guides where Vincent was supposed to have been shot, or shot himself. Where did the incident happen? There are signposts all over Auver with Van Gogh’s name on it. Signs indicating where he painted this, where he painted that, signs for to the cemetry where he’s buried, the restaurant and inn where he ate and slept, signs to museums, maps to every conceivable point of interest. But…er…where is is that Van Gogh was supposed to have shot himself? No one knew. There’s no sign. Nobody seems to know, and quite frankly, no one seems to have thought about it.

The popular myth is that Van Gogh shot himself in the wheatfield behind his home, and behind the Catholic church. Some speculate that he shot himself in a ravine-path behind the Chateau, which is adjacent to the wheatfield. I went to all these sites.


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