Timeline | World History Doc | Dave Adams – The Mythical Ark Of The Covenant | The Ethiopian Keepers Of The Lost Ark + CGTN Africa | Bob Nyanja – Faces of Africa: Keepers Of The Ark

Where is it? (foto Pinterest)

Ark of the Covenant (foto Israel and You)

The hill containing the rock cut church of Bet Giorgi, Lalibela, Ethiopia (foto sacredsites.com)

Looking down Bet Giorgis Church, Lalibela (foto (foto sacredsites.com)

Keepers of the Lost Ark ( foto Wikihow)

Domenico Gargiulo – David dancing before the Ark of the Convenant (foto Slideshare)

Does This Amazing Church House a Secret About the Location of the Ark of the Covenant? (foto Daily Grail)

The Mythical Ark Of The Covenant | The Ethiopian Keepers Of The Lost Ark

Published 25 mei 2019

Adams makes the pilgrimage from Lalibela to Gondar in the northern wilds of Ethiopia, and paddles by papyrus kayak across lake Tana. His quest: to find the Ark of the Covenant.

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CGTN Africa | Bob Nyanja – Faces of Africa: Keepers Of The Ark

Published 5 aug. 2013

In the North of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, one finds a church that was built in 434 AD. This church was the first of about 120 other churches built in the Tigray region. Its curved entirely from a rock and not a single stone block was used. The church is the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant which is known to be sacred.
Whatever is in the Ark is only known to the priests and no one even the president knows or has the authority to check. Hence the big question is, what is in this preserved Ark? We find out from the keepers of the Ark.


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